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Jokes and humour / Re: Funnys
Last post by cromwell - October 05, 2024, 07:52:55 PM
Health / Re: Time for change?
Last post by papasmurf - October 05, 2024, 07:41:02 PM
Quote from: Unlucky4Sum on October 05, 2024, 07:12:17 PMSo you don't realise that those death rates EG in table 8 are produced by formulae?  And that the obvious place to have those formulae would have been in that spreadsheet? 

All spreadsheet data uses a formula, there is nothing sinister about that.
General chat / Snail Mail
Last post by Barry - October 05, 2024, 07:22:56 PM
On Monday 7th October the price of a first class stamp goes up to £1.65.

The Royal Mail must have lost an immense amount of letter trade since the widespread use of email with attachments.
We rarely use 1st class letter post. My wife likes to send quite a few birthday cards each year, but they all get sent a week in advance, 2nd class post.
We have noticed recently that a week is barely enough, so would recommend 10 days to be sure of delivery.

Nice to see they are producing some "Who" stamps. Couldn't see Dr. Who on any of them. ;)

Health / Re: Time for change?
Last post by Unlucky4Sum - October 05, 2024, 07:12:17 PM
Quote from: papasmurf on October 05, 2024, 06:17:06 PMWhat formula? It is merely collated death data. Public domain, published regularly.
So you don't realise that those death rates EG in table 8 are produced by formulae?  And that the obvious place to have those formulae would have been in that spreadsheet? 
Jokes and humour / Re: Funnys
Last post by cromwell - October 05, 2024, 07:05:17 PM
Health / Re: Time for change?
Last post by Barry - October 05, 2024, 06:44:23 PM
One of the factors that I remember most about the death statistics was the average age of those who died with Covid, compared to the average age of people dying, in general.
They were the same, which I believed showed it was not Covid killing people, but underlying co-morbidities.
How many healthy people were killed solely by the virus? Not enough to lower the average age of death for the with Covid group.
Health / Re: Time for change?
Last post by papasmurf - October 05, 2024, 06:17:06 PM
Quote from: Unlucky4Sum on October 05, 2024, 05:17:45 PMThere's data sets for longer durations here:

I picked the one that seemed to match Papasmurf's chart.

An annoying feature of these ONS spreadsheets is they reduce all the cells to just data or text so you can't easily review the formulae they use.  You just have to trust them.

What formula? It is merely collated death data. Public domain, published regularly.
United Kingdom Politics / Re: Bojo Calls For Referendum ...
Last post by Borg Refinery - October 05, 2024, 05:42:24 PM
Quote from: Nick on October 05, 2024, 05:33:55 PMI was responding to Barry's post where he said foreign courts do not act in the UK's interest, nothing to do with ECHR. You're always looking for a fight.

Yes, I assume you were referring to the ECJ perhaps? You didn't specify the ECHR and were talking about the City of London taking France and Germany to court.

What's funny to me is that the EU itself took Germany to court over ignoring the primacy of EU law.

QuoteBrussels has launched a legal case against Germany over an alleged breach of "the principle of the primacy of EU law" by the country's constitutional court.

The "infringement proceeding" is the result of a ruling last year by the German federal constitutional court in Karlsruhe which it is claimed undermined the pre-eminence of the European court of justice (ECJ).

The German court had contradicted the ECJ by instructing Berlin to delay approval of a European Central Bank multi-trillion-euro bond-buying programme due to concerns that it was straying into financing member states, something it claimed was not permitted under EU founding treaties.

The constitutional court later ruled that the bond-buying could proceed, but in a statement on Wednesday the European Commission said the initial decision set "a dangerous precedent for [European] Union law, both for the practice of the German constitutional court itself, and for the supreme and constitutional courts and tribunals of other member states".


Germany is actually the largest breaker of EU rules too - link

I'm pretty sure when folks tell us there will be disaster and a run on the pound, most of the time, it can't be true because the countries that mostly hold the EU together [the likes of France and Germany] regularly ignore international law, EU law and other agreements and such without too huge a consequence. Not that that makes it right, of course.
United Kingdom Politics / Re: Bojo Calls For Referendum ...
Last post by Borg Refinery - October 05, 2024, 05:35:15 PM
Quote from: Unlucky4Sum on October 05, 2024, 05:11:43 PMThat's because Boris was shown the facts and realised if he was going to deliver his election promise of leaving pronto he had to do a deal and quicker.  Which he did, hence the TCA.  But the TCA requires us to adhere to the ECnHR.

Other countries break international agreements and laws all the time, it doesn't necessarily equate to a run on the pound or other disaster scenarios, just saying. It's not my ideal outcome either, but it doesn't spell disaster necessarily, that's my only real point.

The ECHR could probably do with quite a lot of reform, at minimum.
United Kingdom Politics / Re: Bojo Calls For Referendum ...
Last post by Nick - October 05, 2024, 05:33:55 PM
Quote from: Unlucky4Sum on October 05, 2024, 05:14:02 PMNo you mentioned 'EU Court' which is irrelevant to the ECnHR that Boris is calling a referendum about.  And the judgement body for the ECnHR is the ECtHR.

So you're wrong, I did read it
I was responding to Barry's post where he said foreign courts do not act in the UK's interest, nothing to do with ECHR. You're always looking for a fight.