Corbyn kicks off the campaign

Started by T00ts, October 31, 2019, 12:09:03 PM

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Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=4525 time=1573124026 user_id=84
Not surprisingly I agree with virtually everything that you and Churchill have posted.

Nevertheless even I, an arch opponent of extreme politics including marxist Momentum and its figureheads, was shocked by ex-Labour MP and Labour Minister, Ian Austin's brave stance today in stating. 'Jeremy Corbyn is not fit to be Prime Minister, he is not fit to lead the Labour Party'. He went on to say that although he disagreed with much of Conservative policy and many of BoJo's ideas he had no doubt that Boris as PM out of the two most prominent options was the choice which was in the country's interests. Obviously like many of the electorate he doesn't consider 'Mumsnet' Jo Swinson as a realistic risk or option.

The man was visibly battling with himself and his decision as he condemned Corbyn; it was apparent that going public was going against the grain but he felt that there was no other option. At least it goes to show that there are still Labour representatives who display moderacy, balance and decency. I was beginning to wonder!

I for one lament the loss of the outstanding Kate Hoey from the Labour back benches, a woman of principle and integrity and an outstanding constituency MP admired by people of virtually every political perspective except local Momentum activists.

The lunatics have certainly taken over the Labour asylum!

fully agree with  most of your post major.

Ian austin is a decent and brave man  , and although i dont agree with him on many issues  i am fully behind him in his denouncement of hard left labour , momentum , the anti semite abuse and the figure of corbyn at hard left  labours helm.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


I agree with you on Kate Hoey she has worked very hard for her constituents, and yes the lunatics have taken over the Labour Party I have never supported them but now I would not even contemplate voting for them, they would bankrupt the UK within months
<r><COLOR color=\"#4000FF\">>After years of waiting at long last on our way out of the EU <E>]</e></COLOR></r>

Major Sinic

Quote from: Thomas post_id=4519 time=1573122672 user_id=58
The idea labour will sort out brexit in 6 months has to be one one of the most laughable statements of utter delusion ever uttered from the liars in the labour party in my lifetime.

Do you know what labours brexit stance is? Its all feckin over the place.

We have a largely remain party headed by a largely eurosceptic leader who have sat on the fence over brexit for the last 4 years , trying and failing to appeal to both sides.

If you are an english remianer , you cant rust them and if a leaver , you trust them even less.

Brexit under labour would be even more chaotic and shambolic than anyhting we have so far seen from the tories.

If i couldnt vote snp in this election , i can 100 % assure you my vote would not be going to hard left marxist lying labour.

Not surprisingly I agree with virtually everything that you and Churchill have posted.

Nevertheless even I, an arch opponent of extreme politics including marxist Momentum and its figureheads, was shocked by ex-Labour MP and Labour Minister, Ian Austin's brave stance today in stating. 'Jeremy Corbyn is not fit to be Prime Minister, he is not fit to lead the Labour Party'. He went on to say that although he disagreed with much of Conservative policy and many of BoJo's ideas he had no doubt that Boris as PM out of the two most prominent options was the choice which was in the country's interests. Obviously like many of the electorate he doesn't consider 'Mumsnet' Jo Swinson as a realistic risk or option.

The man was visibly battling with himself and his decision as he condemned Corbyn; it was apparent that going public was going against the grain but he felt that there was no other option. At least it goes to show that there are still Labour representatives who display moderacy, balance and decency. I was beginning to wonder!

I for one lament the loss of the outstanding Kate Hoey from the Labour back benches, a woman of principle and integrity and an outstanding constituency MP admired by people of virtually every political perspective except local Momentum activists.

The lunatics have certainly taken over the Labour asylum!


Corbyn doesn't know yet either his string pullers have not told him what to do yet, as for poloticians I really don't trust them at all as changeable as the wind and weather
<r><COLOR color=\"#4000FF\">>After years of waiting at long last on our way out of the EU <E>]</e></COLOR></r>


Quote from: Churchill post_id=4515 time=1573122289 user_id=69

As for Compo's claim he can sort it out in six months if he wins the GE which I think he does not have a snowballs chance of doing , I have faith in the people of the UK not to vote for any extremist party in the UK such as Labour are now, they have never voted for a far right one either and I don't think they ever will.

The idea labour will sort out brexit in 6 months has to be one one of the most laughable statements of utter delusion ever uttered from the liars in the labour party in my lifetime.

Do you know what labours brexit stance is? Its all feckin over the place.

We have a largely remain party headed by a largely eurosceptic leader who have sat on the fence over brexit for the last 4 years , trying and failing to appeal to both sides.

If you are an english remianer , you cant rust them and if a leaver , you trust them even less.

Brexit under labour would be even more chaotic and shambolic than anyhting we have so far seen from the tories.

If i couldnt vote snp in this election , i can 100 % assure you my vote would not be going to hard left marxist lying labour.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=4504 time=1573120815 user_id=58
What is happening behind the scenes at the labour party currently is appalling and deeply concerning to the vast majority in both our countries.

Apart from the fact he will agree to another scottish indy referendum , meaning we can possibly escape his forthcoming disasterous term in government if he gets elected , the man and his extremist party will cause hell for the majority of people who are forced to live under his extremist hard left marxist rule.

I agree as you know I want Scotland to have independence if that is what the majority of voters in Scotland want, I want my nations  independence back as well but we may not get it in full which will anger me, it will be difficult but life is never that simple or straightforward and never will be.

As for Compo's claim he can sort it out in six months if he wins the GE which I think he does not have a snowballs chance of doing , I have faith in the people of the UK not to vote for any extremist party in the UK such as Labour are now, they have never voted for a far right one either and I don't think they ever will.
<r><COLOR color=\"#4000FF\">>After years of waiting at long last on our way out of the EU <E>]</e></COLOR></r>


the list is endless.

It would take a special kind of stupidity and delusion to vote for this man or his extremist party...
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


It was only in the last year papers here in scotland were reporting the clearout of the moderates in the scottish labour branch by momentums hard left corbyn fanatics"> ... -mhb6l8m8h">

heres what scottish labour mp ian murray in edinburgh south tweeted only last year about the clearout by momentum fantaics in scotland....

QuoteScots Labour MP Ian Murray tweeted: "The purge of good, capable and committed people goes on merely for standing up for what they believe in. I don't know whether to be angry or sad. I thought Richard was better than this?"

A good friend of mine still in labour in scotland tells me of the wall of fear and hatred that is engulfing the party down to corbyns hard left momentum trying to infiltrate labour in scotland.

Ian murray , labour mp in one of the most safest labour seats in scotland  himself was a month or so ago being head hunted for deselection ny the hard left and unions.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Churchill post_id=4498 time=1573119856 user_id=69
Morning Thomas on that we will agree every time, I have no time for any political extremists they are a danger to me and mine

What is happening behind the scenes at the labour party currently is appalling and deeply concerning to the vast majority in both our countries.

Apart from the fact he will agree to another scottish indy referendum , meaning we can possibly escape his forthcoming disasterous term in government if he gets elected , the man and his extremist party will cause hell for the majority of people who are forced to live under his extremist hard left marxist rule.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=4496 time=1573119543 user_id=58
He is a dangerous dangerous man churchill dressed up as some saintly old santa claus figure offering presents while behind the scenes his henchmen carry out the purging of decent moderate people in the labour party while allowing anti semitic abuse to take place unchallenged.

Here in scotland few people on the doors have anytime for the man or his party .

Morning Thomas on that we will agree every time, I have no time for any political extremists they are a danger to me and mine
<r><COLOR color=\"#4000FF\">>After years of waiting at long last on our way out of the EU <E>]</e></COLOR></r>


Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=3638 time=1572717258 user_id=84
I think that a couple of years further on a large majority of the electorate have seen Corbyn for what he is, and the rabble rousing of 2017 will do nothing more than reassure the already converted; the Trots, Marxists, Communists, socialists and anarchists.

The opinion polls and bookies odds provide an increasing amount of evidence in support of this view with the Tory lead stretching out to 17%. This is an amazing lead for a party in government led by a weak and ineffectual leader until a few weeks ago, riddled with fifth columnists, seeming incapable of negotiating a brexit deal which would ever command a majority. BoJo may not be the best PM in history buy by God he's better than anyone the Opposition Paries have put up.

Perhaps the fact that the leading figure heads of the Marxist party which forms HM Opposition are renowned for their anti-semitism and terrorist sympathies coupled with ailed and discredited economic policies may provide the reason or this. Long may it continue.

Hear Hear well said, Corbyn will shake hands with terrorists IRA Hezbollah, Hamas , or confront Putin about his assassins committing murder on our soil, but he won't shake hands with Boris or go to dinner with HRM.
<r><COLOR color=\"#4000FF\">>After years of waiting at long last on our way out of the EU <E>]</e></COLOR></r>


Quote from: Churchill post_id=4494 time=1573119317 user_id=69
Every time he speaks I am transported back in time to the bad old days of the 70's and 80's I hate flash backs like that it makes me so sad, that he and his kind have not learnt from the mistakes of the past and want to repeat them.

He used to be indecisive now he's not so sure if he still is or not, that is why he always has a script written by those pulling his strings

He is a dangerous dangerous man churchill dressed up as some saintly old santa claus figure offering presents while behind the scenes his henchmen carry out the purging of decent moderate people in the labour party while allowing anti semitic abuse to take place unchallenged.

Here in scotland few people on the doors have anytime for the man or his party .
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: T00ts post_id=4433 time=1573083199 user_id=54
Watching Corbyn earlier today I find his manner a little disconcerting. He is mild mannered, promising not to lower the tone to the level of others,appearing to be all reasonableness with beautifully concocted soundbites designed no doubt to lull us into a relaxed stupor of foggy belief in his future view.

Can this be the same chap who dithers to perfection, who visibly loses his temper when crossed, who turns a blind eye to anything unseemly within his party just so long as it doesn't impede his headlong rush back to the days of his youth? For a fleeting moment I was so surprised I almost forgot who he is!

Every time he speaks I am transported back in time to the bad old days of the 70's and 80's I hate flash backs like that it makes me so sad and angry at times, that he and his kind have not learnt from the mistakes of the past and want to repeat them.

He used to be indecisive now he's not so sure if he still is or not, that is why he always has a script written by those pulling his strings
<r><COLOR color=\"#4000FF\">>After years of waiting at long last on our way out of the EU <E>]</e></COLOR></r>


Quote from: T00ts post_id=4433 time=1573083199 user_id=54

Can this be the same chap who dithers to perfection, who visibly loses his temper when crossed, who turns a blind eye to anything unseemly within his party just so long as it doesn't impede his headlong rush back to the days of his youth? For a fleeting moment I was so surprised I almost forgot who he is!

That is the anti-Corbyn propaganda version.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Watching Corbyn earlier today I find his manner a little disconcerting. He is mild mannered, promising not to lower the tone to the level of others,appearing to be all reasonableness with beautifully concocted soundbites designed no doubt to lull us into a relaxed stupor of foggy belief in his future view.

Can this be the same chap who dithers to perfection, who visibly loses his temper when crossed, who turns a blind eye to anything unseemly within his party just so long as it doesn't impede his headlong rush back to the days of his youth? For a fleeting moment I was so surprised I almost forgot who he is!