What does no-deal 'Australia-style' Brexit mean?

Started by GBNews, December 09, 2020, 07:02:11 AM

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I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Dynamis on December 11, 2020, 07:41:38 PM
..presumably because it's stuck to your mouth at present?  :D :D :D :D

might be but at least cromwell isnt repeating himself ad nauseum for the last four years regarding brexit.

he won , you lost ( sorry abstained lmfao.......you will fit right in with labour there dyno) and perhaps the only thing stuck in anyones mouth is sour grapes.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: cromwell on December 11, 2020, 07:19:29 PM
I know what I'd like to do with said plunger,unfortunately I cannot say.

..presumably because it's stuck to your mouth at present?  :D :D :D :D

Edit: But I expect we need the stronger dynorod to plunge some thick haggis's brain of irrelevant spamming ('award winning spamming' - 'and exuberance' (....).. ;D


Quote from: Dynamis on December 11, 2020, 07:25:34 PM

"A former Australian prime minister has warned the UK to be "careful what you wish for" when it comes to EU trade.

well there you go . After reading that , thats everyone changed their minds. :D

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Mythical garden creatures, fantasy creatures, turnips in the country.. flying lions..

"A former Australian prime minister has warned the UK to be "careful what you wish for" when it comes to EU trade.

Boris Johnson has told people and businesses to prepare for the "strong possibility" we will not agree a post-Brexit trade deal with the EU, and end up trading on "Australian" terms.

But Malcolm Turnbull said there was no trade deal between his country and the bloc, which meant "large barriers"."

Well there you go then. This is of course all remainers fault as is everything in the world, just like everything is Obama's fault in America, or Trump's fault variously, we can all blame our ills on everyone except ourselves. That seems to work. I think we can be sure that the people working hard to make it a success are as good as these fellas.




Quote from: cromwell on December 11, 2020, 07:19:29 PM
I know what I'd like to do with said plunger,unfortunately I cannot say.

So do I if I ever got close enough to Nigel Farage.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


I know what I'd like to do with said plunger,unfortunately I cannot say.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Streetwalker on December 11, 2020, 07:03:45 PM
Relax papa temporary pain wont kill yer . Besides your well stocked up so you tell us so whats your problem ?

It won't be temporary, and it won't be me in pain, it will be the believers in Unicorns, which turns out to be a donkey with a plunger on its head.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf on December 11, 2020, 06:35:17 PM
With the ports jammed solid, food shortages, medicine shortages and tariffs on exports, can you please explain what you can do to mitigate the chaos.

Relax papa temporary pain wont kill yer . Besides your well stocked up so you tell us so whats your problem ?

The chaos is caused by remoaners stories of doom  and panic buyers who buy  tales of woe .(dont mention the tories )  Yes OK the ports are going to have to work on ways of easing congestion but maybe if people stopped buying crap from China there would be more room for necessary import/export .

Little me can not do a lot but I'll be buying British where possible , holidays at home (when the pubs open) and Im going to take on an apprentice in the new year  .My forth and probably last which will get at least one kid off the dole and a career in  construction


Quote from: Streetwalker on December 11, 2020, 06:19:18 PM
No we will be the ones working hard to make it a success

With the ports jammed solid, food shortages, medicine shortages and tariffs on exports, can you please explain what you can do to mitigate the chaos.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf on December 11, 2020, 04:48:24 PM
I suspect those wetting their pants will be the Brexiteers scared by the disaster they voted for.

No we will be the ones working hard to make it a success to prove all you cowards wrong . And cowards you are ,all too keen to run up the white flag when  faced with a challenge not to mention handing our hard won independence to foreign politician's and foreign courts .


Quote from: Streetwalker on December 11, 2020, 04:45:30 PM
An Aussie style Brexit means all the remoaners wetting their pants and talks resuming in the new year .

I suspect those wetting their pants will be the Brexiteers scared by the disaster they voted for.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


An Aussie style Brexit means all the remoaners wetting their pants and talks resuming in the new year . 

Borg Refinery

Quote from: T00ts on December 11, 2020, 12:16:12 PM
No that's what you pretend. You are anti politicians.

Well yeah, him, me, JoG and many many others. And you say this like it's a bad thing?

Try this :

Quote from: johnofgwent on December 05, 2020, 06:30:40 PM
A friend and former work colleague used to maintain a website charmingly titled 'liars, buggers and thieves'

It may have fallen by the wayside over the years, but the one thing it proved, beyond all doubt, was that criminality greed and corruption in public office were endemic at all levels and across the political spectrum.

Which hardly surprised me.

But then in the sixties my mum was a clerk for a Jewish Momma who ran an outfit called 'Traders Facilities' out of a couple of rooms in At Mary St Cardiff. They used to spend all day cutting the court prosecution notices out of eight newspapers, sticking them onto index cards and filing them, and then for a rather fat fee would provide the community with the sum of their knowledge.

I saw their records room on many occasions. They had a special cabinet for politicians. With a bigger lock. It was four times the capacity of the cabinet for traders and entrepreneurs ...

Proving to me that there have been political criminals of all sorts for s very, very long time. Some of those criminal convictions were for buggery too...

TL;DR "why is this news ? criminals abound at all levels and across the spectrum in politics, I shall await the trial reporting, if any...."

I remember the blog, by 'the green arrow', liars, beggars and thieves.

Our politicians are absolutely reprehensible, look at the stuff they get away with? No - JoG is correct. So is pappy.

As for hard boiled scotch eggs and playing the white man, we can be sure that Boris and his loyal followers in Scotland have notyet seen the full consequence of COVID, herd immunity was their plan, let folk die. Many old folks cheer it on even now and willingly colunteer to sacrifice themselves to "save the kids future". But the sacrifice will be in vain because that herd immunity strategy won't work, noit won't no matter how many times folk insist otherwise.


Quote from: Thomas on December 11, 2020, 01:51:34 PM
im happy pappy , and im chuffed to bits for you that boris is helping you with his vaccine.

It isn't Boris's  vaccine he has had bugger all to do with it.
Also the Pfizer vaccine has too many logistical and storage problems to get to where I live. The Oxford vaccine does not.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe