Hotel Rwanda Hero Sues Over Kidnap Plot

Started by Dynamis, December 19, 2020, 03:37:42 AM

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Borg Refinery

The first indication in the new White House documents of any consideration other than terminating the UN mission did not come until April 19, when NSC staffer Eric Schwartz wrote Susan Rice and Don Steinberg that Human Rights Watch was pleading with him to oppose a quick pullout because the remaining peacekeepers were "protecting thousands (25,000?) Rwandans and if they pull out, the Rwandans will quickly become victims of genocide. Is this true? If so, shouldn't it be a major factor informing high-level decision-making on this issue? Has it been?"

They knew. They f**king knew.

But in the context of political restrictions on U.S. involvement in UN peacekeeping, and the post-Somalia mindset in Washington, the documents show that the protection of civilians was seen early on as an expansion of the mandate and thus to be avoided.

Long sought under the Freedom of Information Act by the National Security Archive and other genocide researchers including current U.S. Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power, the new documents include dozens of e-mails between National Security Council officials Richard Clarke, Don Steinberg, Susan Rice, and Eric Schwartz, among others, hand-written notes by Rice from meetings on Rwanda, options papers and cables produced by the State and Defense Departments, and responses by national security adviser Tony Lake to staff queries.

Left: Redacted State Department "Bombshell" document, Right: Excerpts from cables reporting on the "bombshell" from Czech's Kovanda, New Zealand's Keating, UN's Annan, and UK's Hannay.
Rice subsequently told author Samantha Power, now the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, for her article in The Atlantic in September 2001 titled "Bystanders to Genocide": "There was such a huge disconnect between the logic of each of the decisions we took along the way during the genocide and the moral consequences of the decisions taken collectively. I swore to myself that if I ever faced such a crisis again, I would come down on the side of dramatic action, going down in flames if that was required." In the Obama administration, Rice and Power helped create the new Atrocities Prevention Board and argued in favor of intervention in Libya, a discussion in which "the ghosts of 800,000 Tutsis were in that room," according to news accounts.

White House and Clinton Presidential Library reviewers cleared most of the Rwanda documents to be released in full, but State Department reviewers arbitrarily censored some of the key passages on ostensible "foreign government information" grounds. For example, the cable from the U.S. UN mission to the State Department on April 15 titled "US drops bombshell on Security Council" has both its summary and the key body paragraph deleted as still classified, even though the governments of Great Britain, New Zealand, and the Czech Republic have all released their Security Council ambassadors' accounts of the "bombshell" - the U.S. call for total pullout.

"The State Department is covering up its embarrassment and shame, and damaging our national security, with these flagrant deletions," said Tom Blanton, director of the National Security Archive.

Clinton, the largest enabler of genocide going.

Why isn't he in front of a war crimes tribunal where he belongs?

What did that Tony Lake guy get rewarded with?

Head of UNICEF, they can die. I hope UNICEF dies out as an organisation with heads like that....

Oh and our govt knew too by the way:

Ahead of the 20th anniversary of the genocide, last week declassified diplomatic cables were released by the National Security Archive at George Washington University which showed that the US, Britain and the United Nations were explicitly warned that a "new bloodbath" was imminent in Rwanda.

The age old story around the world; the tribal divides were 'deepened' by colonial rule:

Under the Belgians, Tutsis were favoured for government jobs, and given much greater access to educational institutions. The first Bishop of Rwanda, writing in the 1930s, openly advocated discrimination against Hutus and stated that the colonial state had "no chiefs who are better qualified, more intelligent, more active, more capable of appreciating progress and more fully accepted by the people than the Tutsi" [Gourevitch:56] ... the Belgian administration began to gravitate towards the numerically preponderant Hutu community following second world war, and a number of Hutu intellectuals felt encouraged enough to issue the Hutu Manifesto of 1957. Deploying the Hamitic hypothesis, the manifesto argued that as the indigenous majority, the Hutus were inherently entitled to exercise power [Gourevitch:58]. With the disintegration of colonial rule in 1959-60, the achievement of this power became a political realit

From the 'economic and political review'..

And more people were rewarded for their uselessness and/or incompetence and/or corruption...

Boutros Ghali, the "great" Kofi Annan, numerous others. All rewarded for their intense failures or knowingly-chosen path of enabling genocide. THey are all partially culpable.

I detest the 'international community'.

Borg Refinery

Not sure what to make of this, on the one hand he was given the US prez medal of freedom, on the other hand, all the world superpowers appear  to be supporting the genocidally-complicit Kagame govt while laying into them over this. And on the other hand there appears to be some evidence that the 'hotel hero' Rusesbagina was partially complicit in supporting one of the sides in the civil war, who also murdered civilians.

It's an extremely twisted and complex plot, incl all the stuff that gloriously over-retouched Hollywood films don't touch on..

Yet, still, mass graves of dead women and children remain in Rwanda, unavenged, with the killer running free in high positions, aided and abetted by numerous superpowers.

What a shameful state of affairs.