Lammy shows his racist credentials again

Started by johnofgwent, November 16, 2020, 03:52:25 PM

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Good article here on wings this morning about this very subject of diversity and inclusion..

Two weeks ago a Wings scoop caused quite a furore to erupt around the SNP's ham-fisted and corruptly-motivated attempts to increase BAME and disabled representation at this year's Holyrood election.

We've always been opposed to what were until recently known as "quotas", and prior to that "positive discrimination", but have now been cunningly rebranded as "diversity and inclusion" because that's a much more difficult thing to say you object to
But those pushing the agenda got smarter still by changing the name again. If you say you object to "diversity and inclusion", you sound like a monster and a racist, because diversity and inclusion are plainly good things – no decent person wants to live in a monoculture, or to exclude anybody from society – and so the debate is immediately drowned out by self-righteous tossers screaming "BIGOT!" and "NAZI!" at everyone.

And yet in the context of social policy the three phrases mean the exact same thing. They're all systems for overriding raw democracy so as to increase the representation of selected groups at the expense of other groups, for one reason or another.

(Sometimes it's ostensibly just penance for historical wrongs, while at other times it's supposedly for economic benefits, and so on.)

And while the proponents of those systems will openly argue that the only group being disadvantaged is straight white men so it's all fine (because nobody likes straight white men and anyone standing up for them can be easily dismissed as a "gammon" for lots of woke points and Twitter likes), it isn't even remotely close to the truth.

Because in "diversity and inclusion", some groups are a lot more included than others.

fully agree with this paragraph , which is directed not just as certain segments of the snp in scotland , but the likes of lammy and others in england.

That one fact tells us that despite how it habitually bills itself, the "inclusion" movement has nothing to do with "equality" – it's simply a collection of particular pressure groups all demanding more representation for THEM, and to hell with everyone else.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Streetwalker on February 14, 2021, 11:35:33 AM
I was out in the Kitchen knocking up the Steak and chips for the starving hoards last night and having the raving hump with the footy put LBC on the radio .

What followed meant everyone got a rare steak , I tried to take it in ,give people with different views a listen but in the end I just couldnt get out of it and back to sanity of the family meal quick enough .

What the feck was that woman on about , dangerous people , very dangerous .

Priti patel really does seem to get the BLM loony leftie brigades back up doesnt she streetwalker?

Remember dynamis throwing a complete paddy when she was being discussed?

I dont know if its because she is of asian descent lammy and co seem to think she is some sort of traitor to black ethnic nationalism dressed up in the guise of groups like BLM and others.

As i said to you mate , on a much smaller scale , all this is now starting to kick off in scotland in our major cities.

Someone on another forum said to me a while back BLM have set race relations back in the western world by decades.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


I was out in the Kitchen knocking up the Steak and chips for the starving hoards last night and having the raving hump with the footy put LBC on the radio .

What followed meant everyone got a rare steak , I tried to take it in ,give people with different views a listen but in the end I just couldnt get out of it and back to sanity of the family meal quick enough .

What the feck was that woman on about , dangerous people , very dangerous .


Quote from: patman post on November 20, 2020, 03:11:09 PM
With just-in-time models used by supermarkets and other chain retailers, I doubt the recruitments that started to be reported in Q1 and Q2 this year would be for the Christmas rush. On the other hand Royal Mail has announced Christmas recruitment to be 32,000 this year against the 22,000 last year.

As for the Cohen-legacy trader, it's got its figures wrong before , so you may be wise...

Tesco's shares have been falling for the last 13 years. Jack Cohen solved a similar problem by trying to wring his Sales Manager's neck, but the golden days of British entrepreneurs has disappeared into the mists of wokedom and respectability.
Algerie Francais !

patman post

Quote from: Borchester on November 20, 2020, 02:06:50 PM
Well yes and no.

Sainsbury and Tesco may have gone on a recruiting drive but their profits are still only 2p in the pound. And I suspect that a lot of the new staff are there for a Christmas rush that is unlikely to materialise.

Folk need to eat so I can't see the big supermarkets going under anytime soon, Chinese Cough or not. But I ain't investing in Jack Cohen any time soon.
With just-in-time models used by supermarkets and other chain retailers, I doubt the recruitments that started to be reported in Q1 and Q2 this year would be for the Christmas rush. On the other hand Royal Mail has announced Christmas recruitment to be 32,000 this year against the 22,000 last year.

As for the Cohen-legacy trader, it's got its figures wrong before , so you may be wise...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: patman post on November 20, 2020, 12:30:59 PM
All retail is not screwed. Supermarkets Aldi, Lidl, Tesco, etc, have gone on recruiting sprees to keep up with demand. Online Wales had an issue headlined: Tesco, Asda, Morrisons, Aldi and Lidl are urgently recruiting staff in Wales because of coronavirus.

Well yes and no.

Sainsbury and Tesco may have gone on a recruiting drive but their profits are still only 2p in the pound. And I suspect that a lot of the new staff are there for a Christmas rush that is unlikely to materialise.

Folk need to eat so I can't see the big supermarkets going under anytime soon, Chinese Cough or not. But I ain't investing in Jack Cohen any time soon.
Algerie Francais !

patman post

Quote from: johnofgwent on November 20, 2020, 10:17:33 AM
The point of course being, given that right now all retail is screwed, how would it go down if I were to point out that long established white owned businesses were under the cosh and needed support .................
All retail is not screwed. Supermarkets Aldi, Lidl, Tesco, etc, have gone on recruiting sprees to keep up with demand. Online Wales had an issue headlined: Tesco, Asda, Morrisons, Aldi and Lidl are urgently recruiting staff in Wales because of coronavirus.

DIY spending increase drives fourth month of UK sales recovery.

Halfords underlying profits rose by 116% to £56 million in the 26 weeks to October 2.

But to return to the main point — mostly overlooked by this thread — the audience addressed by Lammy (and other black contributors) in Time Out's Black LDN, was people interested in black issues.
Had it been the Gerrard Street review or SE Asian Weekly, it could have been highlighting the difficulties faced by Asian-owned restaurants and stores offering Far Eastern food and goods.

I suggest you're free to point out what you like about white-owned businesses, and tailor your remarks to the audience you are addressing...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: patman post on November 19, 2020, 11:30:29 AM
I can post the information for you, but I can't read and understand it for either you or the writer of the opening post. However, I'll try to explain — Lammy's input was to Time Out's Black LDN section:

There were also other contributions on how to help London's Black-owned businesses, so Lammy was staying on theme...
The point of course being, given that right now all retail is screwed, how would it go down if I were to point out that long established white owned businesses were under the cosh and needed support .................
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: Dynamis on November 19, 2020, 11:54:35 AMfolks are demanding random 'paddies' be locked up for criles they MAY have done..

Yeah, I saw that.....NOT
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: patman post on November 19, 2020, 11:30:29 AM
I can post the information for you, but I can't read and understand it for either you or the writer of the opening post. However, I'll try to explain — Lammy's input was to Time Out's Black LDN section:

There were also other contributions on how to help London's Black-owned businesses, so Lammy was staying on theme...

They're just businesses, not black, not white. Just businesses.

It strikes me that the only people seeing colour are the people of colour.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Dynamis on November 19, 2020, 05:06:15 AMAnd what is RTF, apart from rich text format of course.
I did say for the musicians, that answers that one.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.

Borg Refinery

Quote from: patman post on November 18, 2020, 08:29:13 PM
The problem is that while "one side" feels their noses are are being rubbed in something they've never regarded as wrong, and the "other side" gets the impression they are not treated equally, the antagonism will continue.
Aside from that, to my mind (all string jerking aside), Lammy was making a plea to support black trades people at this particular time, in a black orientated edition of Time Out. Why that should have caused the manufactured faux outrage on here eludes me — it doesn't really, but my real thoughts would no doubt be termed "flaming".
There it is — all those mixed race couples and black and Asian faces on TV have got to excite some reaction, otherwise advertisers and the media have got it wrong...

Yeah I agree the overreaction is a bit much, no one bats an eyelid when it's the other way round, I know quite a few people who actually think it's good to prod non-native people and 'test' that they're 'correctly integrated', when often their own knowledge of English history etc is really shoddy (that's not a dig at anyone on here btw).

Ah well, it's probably going to called 'flaling' when it isn't* - but the faux outrage on here is funny to me where folks are demanding random 'paddies' be locked up for criles they MAY have done..  :D As Darth Vader would say... yes, yes.. I can feel your hate. Give me your hate!

Oh well, weird sheepish French conspiritards who think COVID was made 40 years ago in the x files/are obsessed with area 51/ufos/ sci fi/ being beamed up by scotty to be shorn by the alien remoaner shepherds, thinking all the blacks are coming to get them and suck their blood etc are no big worry. I'm sure a good shearing will sort em' out. We will just call the cast of UFO to come and put them in the straightjacket.   :D

*OK.. now that last part ^ was a bit of a wind up, but well deserved I think, and hopefully amusing to some.  :D


patman post

Quote from: Nick on November 19, 2020, 01:38:57 AM
Why didn't he just make a plea to support local businesses? That way he is speaking to whoever is listening.
I can post the information for you, but I can't read and understand it for either you or the writer of the opening post. However, I'll try to explain — Lammy's input was to Time Out's Black LDN section:

There were also other contributions on how to help London's Black-owned businesses, so Lammy was staying on theme...

On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Nick on November 19, 2020, 01:36:30 AM
The world has gone ape shit Pat. I hate the word group in this context but they've all fought for years to not be labelled and now they want as many labels as they can get. LGBTQ+, people of colour, etc...  How about we just say person?

Let's cut the bullshit and spell out how it should be.

If 1 black and 99 white guys go for a job. The best person should get it.
If 99 black and 1 white guy goes for the job. The best person should get it.
Native Indian

For the musicians out there, RTF.

Whoever the frig you are, the best person gets the job, black, white or green with yellow spots.

That's where I am, but it seems the likes of Diane Abbott are a bit racists and wants to see preferential treatment.

Inuit and Native Indian, hmm.

And what is RTF, apart from rich text format of course.


Quote from: patman post on November 18, 2020, 08:29:13 PMLammy was making a plea to support black trades people at this particular time

Why didn't he just make a plea to support local businesses? That way he is speaking to whoever is listening.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.