Are we becoming a Rape society?

Started by T00ts, March 29, 2021, 07:25:43 PM

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Quote from: Sampanviking on March 30, 2021, 12:16:14 AM
Whats changed over the last twenty odd years?
The death of real music and culture and instead a constant diet of Gangsta Rap and General Hip Hop being thrust down the throats of every kid 24/7
A teenage girl is no longer sexy unless she dresses like a Mexican $10 hooker, A teenage boy is not a man unless he behaves like Ghetto scum.
Of course this did not just happen. People made a conscious decision to push this stuff with the full might of the music industry promotional machine.
So, am I blaming Simon Cowell (amongst others) for this outcome? Oy Vay!!

I think what has changed hugely is public promiscuity and overt sexualisation, across the entire spectra not just the outrageous "pride" marches, public drunkenness, the destruction of childhood, the sexualisation of those below the age of consent and so on.

YES shit happened in the sixties.

Myra Hindley and Ian Brady for a start.

And when did Fred West and his missis start their spree ?

My girlfriend Julia, raped by the male nurse in the hospital where she was being treated for seizur s and zonked off her face on the medication

Kate Gateways stepsister.

I could go on. The world was not a paradise then. But I cannot help feeling there was a shit load less of the sort of stuff that website has published.

But attitudes are a problem ...

Stonewall actually put out a press release blaming people like me for the murder of a girl who we now know witnessed a bloke taking another up the shitter in a public space as she walked home from school in the 60s and was murdered by them for it. Stonewall's press release at the time the cold case was closed was that has taking someone up the shitter in public been legal it is doubtful the participants would have felt the need to murder the witness to their criminality.

I think quite a lot of today's problems derive from the support of those mindsets..

<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Whats changed over the last twenty odd years?
The death of real music and culture and instead a constant diet of Gangsta Rap and General Hip Hop being thrust down the throats of every kid 24/7
A teenage girl is no longer sexy unless she dresses like a Mexican $10 hooker, A teenage boy is not a man unless he behaves like Ghetto scum.
Of course this did not just happen. People made a conscious decision to push this stuff with the full might of the music industry promotional machine.
So, am I blaming Simon Cowell (amongst others) for this outcome? Oy Vay!!


I don't know but the way it is going they will be needing another Covid outbreak and a complete police state as society completely breaks down.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!

patman post

The focus has been on Muslims in Rotherham. And while we knew of the fagging public schools, we weren't aware of the possibility that retraining promiscuous young males to focus on girls and women was a wholesale activity occurring across the education sector...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


I remember the incident with Mike Tyson and thought at the time, what did the girl think they were going back to his hotel room for?

I understand she might have had changed her mind, and at that point everything should stop. She might even have planned the whole thing to get some money, we will never know but: how much responsibility should she take for what happened?
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Always kept your hands to yourself unless you were in a relationship,I remember one of our group giving his live in girlfriend a black eye,a few of us gave him several.

Did get ratted, threw up room spinning but always knew what had happened and sometime regretted it.....till the next session,got up to some very stupid but fairly harmless things.

If a copper pulled you up you didn't give them lip,I think these things go in phases......and this will pass. and affordable,not that hard is it?


As one who has never been drunk or even tipsy I have absolutely no experience of how that feels or even how aware someone would be that they were approaching that level. I have however been molested as a 12 year old on a bus, not a school bus - only mildly it's true - but at the time I felt as though the roof fell in and was scared on that bus for ever after.

I have experienced those un-nerving moments on hearing footsteps close behind me in the street when I was young and possibly a bit of a dish and I also remember the pairings at my co-ed grammar school through 5th and 6th forms where you avoided the art room during lunch if you had any sense. I remember too all the girls being given 'pet' names - mine was iceberg interestingly. I doubt my late husband would agree!

From a female perspective we are always at a disadvantage in terms of strength if a man or boy decides on a certain course of behaviour. Are we too focussed on the physical rather than the emotional side of relationships? Is porn too accessible? Do we blame Social media? Is it as basic as since women were given the pill there is little deterrent? Perhaps it is so many things but I can't help worry that whatever it is, it is not making our kids particularly happy.


Quote from: T00ts on March 29, 2021, 07:25:43 PM
After listening to various reports over the last few days started by the site 'Everyone's Invited' I thought I would have a look at some of the stories. For a start I can imagine that there will some saddos of all ages, who will look in and get off on it but that apart it seems very sad. I didn't read many maybe a dozen but a common denominator seemed to be from girls describing themselves as drunk.

Some mentioned their school names, many didn't. Lots were very young 11 upwards, some were over 18 at Uni. What seemed universal was the torment it has created. As one of the few women here I am interested to hear how those of you fathers/grandfathers/uncles/brothers feel this impacts us as a society. Have we really come to a point where something radical needs to be done in raising our kids?

My feeling is not that just our boys need to change but that girls must too. This is not so much a fault in the kids themselves but what the rest of society, namely adults, who have allowed them to think this is normal. Are we now shutting the gate after the horse has bolted?

Well, I shall say it and be damned for it.

I read through about 20 or 30 testimonies the site provided and I would say the common factor in too many is the girls / women freely admitted to getting SO ratarsed they could not function.

Not mickey finned or ghb'd

Just pissed beyond the degree where they had the ability to know which way was up.

If I sit down and do some calculations, since I started what I would call "social drinking" at around the time of the 74 world cup I reckon I've shifted the best part of ten thousand pints in well over three thousand social drinking mg sessions of some kind, and I know of only eight where *I* was so bladdered as to be heading the way of insensibility and on every one of those I know I spent the night sitting on the bog floor at my home, or my mates, as there was NOT ONE where I was SO far gone I could not, the next morning, recall every drunken detail. Including dancing starkers in the fountains....

The thing is though I also recall the parties discos and club night pub crawls where one or other of the ladies with us got themselves in that state and they got taken home and dumped there .... Often with us blokes chipping in for the taxi fare both ways for several hookers from the university "women's" rugby team to take them, then come back.

Now you might find that strange but that's how science undergraduates and Welsh rugby fans behaved in the 70s and 80s. I can't speak for the Marxist Artists and layabouts though....

But from my personal experience I'm going to say it and be damned.

In my twenty and thirty something years it was bloody unheard of in the bars, pubs, clubs, music gigs and parties that I went to for women to get that ratarsed.

And at risk of having every screaming harridan pick up a broom and come after me, I'm going to say it. The world is regrettably populated by gentlemen whose standards are lower than those demanded by the rugby club match ticket secretary. So what the hell possessed these women to get that pissed....... What, in reality, were they thinking.

<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


I dont know .

Treating women in any other way but with respect is probably alien to all us of an older generation . I dont know whats happened that makes taking liberties the norm .

Some really serious education is needed all round IMO


After listening to various reports over the last few days started by the site 'Everyone's Invited' I thought I would have a look at some of the stories. For a start I can imagine that there will some saddos of all ages, who will look in and get off on it but that apart it seems very sad. I didn't read many maybe a dozen but a common denominator seemed to be from girls describing themselves as drunk.

Some mentioned their school names, many didn't. Lots were very young 11 upwards, some were over 18 at Uni. What seemed universal was the torment it has created. As one of the few women here I am interested to hear how those of you fathers/grandfathers/uncles/brothers feel this impacts us as a society. Have we really come to a point where something radical needs to be done in raising our kids?

My feeling is not that just our boys need to change but that girls must too. This is not so much a fault in the kids themselves but what the rest of society, namely adults, who have allowed them to think this is normal. Are we now shutting the gate after the horse has bolted?