Derek Chauvin is innocent

Started by Streetwalker, March 30, 2021, 01:41:58 PM

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We've disagreed extensively on this and other similar subjects. And as usual, you've stood your ground and argued your point, without resorting to calling people racists or other pejoritives simply because they don't share your view. That's why, even when I disagree with you, that I respect you as a poster. I was wrong that it was a waste of time us discussing it, in fact we should discuss it, so that alternative views can test each other, and I hope that's what we achieved.

Youre still a soft arse liberal though  :D


Quote from: Streetwalker on April 21, 2021, 08:48:09 PM
I argued that Chauvin could well be innocent not because I thought he was but that the verdict had already been decided . That you too had come to that conclusion 'from the start ' before any evidence had been put forward makes you no better than those who support mob rule
TBF he is guilty - and remains so until acquitted at his appeal. Which he won't be, or Biden would look silly. Oh hang on, he usually has trouble stringing 2 words together.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: srb7677 on April 21, 2021, 07:18:06 PM
The title of this thread - Derek Chauvin is innocent - proves to be a load of bollocks after all.

He is guilty as hell and has been found to have been by a jury hearing all the evidence. And so obviously so from the start that the usual suspects arguing for the opposite always looked like racistly motivated idiots.

I argued that Chauvin could well be innocent not because I thought he was but that the verdict had already been decided . That you too had come to that conclusion 'from the start ' before any evidence had been put forward makes you no better than those who support mob rule



Quote from: srb7677 on April 21, 2021, 07:18:06 PM
The title of this thread - Derek Chauvin is innocent - proves to be a load of bollocks after all.

He is guilty as hell and has been found to have been by a jury hearing all the evidence. And so obviously so from the start that the usual suspects arguing for the opposite always looked like racistly motivated idiots.

Well there you are Steve. A black was killed by a white. Of course it was murder. I wonder why anyone bothered with a trial.  :) :)

Algerie Francais !


Joseph Stalin also ran a series of show trials against the Trots.  Biden is obviously an admirer of such practices.


The title of this thread - Derek Chauvin is innocent - proves to be a load of bollocks after all.

He is guilty as hell and has been found to have been by a jury hearing all the evidence. And so obviously so from the start that the usual suspects arguing for the opposite always looked like racistly motivated idiots.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


I wish that Ollie was right but I reckon Deputy is.
Algerie Francais !


But it is already here.  Liberals use the word tolerance a lot, but they're proven (present company excluded) to be the most intolerant, fascistic and power crazed people out there.  As for the Mosleyites, they were for the European expansionist project and some actively campaigned against this country.  The liberals share the same ideals of centralised power (the more corrupt the better), fascistic control over the populations and ultra-violent direct action whenever they don't get their way.  This is what being a liberal means today (in a mad world).

Those wrongfully labelled as a fascist, racist or whatever, because they genuinely and peacefully stand opposed to all of that and favour reason, logic and the understanding and importance of our common inheritance aren't all bad people.   But in a world where they're only allowed a mention to be wrongfully labelled, whilst the population is force fed repetitive propaganda, then we will end up (as is the case) in a fascistic country where people are too afraid to have an opinion.


Quote from: DeppityDawg on April 21, 2021, 09:31:30 AM
For feck sake! The US is "the" major western democracy, the supposed "leader" of the free world? Simply saying it's an asylum makes the problem go away does it? It's nothing to do with us because it's a load of nutters? We have cultural, trade, social, defence and numerous other ties don't we? How can you just dismiss it as nothing to do with "us"?

This whole woke circus first gained traction over there. The whole BLM/Antifa "protest" reaction to this case soon spread over here. Remember the "peaceful protests" where about a dozen coppers got injured? Cancel culture, the "white supremacist" Royal family jibes starting to appear in our own media, celebrities disowning each other and people getting jobs, positions, awards and livelihoods destroyed? It all started over there. It's not exactly hard to see us following their course if a left of centre party got elected here.

It's not about "comparing" them. It's about contagion. If you think that had the jury returned a "not guilty" verdict yesterday, that our streets would have been peaceful, then maybe you're living on Fantasy Island

Several posters said right from the start of this thread that he would be found guilty. That it was little more than a show trial. After yesterday, the least you can do is acknowledge they were right. We all knew he was going to jail for a long time. The only one surprised seems to be you.
First off to Sampans reply to you.....there is no special relationship,never has been and any relationship is one sided and not for our benefit.

To your point DD all I'll say is it's down to a jury,no I don't believe they should be swayed by politicians or any other outside influence which is why I opposed Tommy Robinson's efforts.

Justice needs to be blind to all other than the facts and the outcome based on them alone.

It's all very well saying what happens in america comes here,think grovesnor square all those years ago and fair play to Harold Wilson who said no we're not joining you in Vietnam,a pity more who followed didn't adopt that strategy.

Of course you will get a section who ape everything they see there,there is racism here including black against white,Pakistani vs Indian and many more.

This is generally a tolerant country and the evidence is there that people won't wear what you say is coming here,because we aren't bloody yanks.

The fact they are the leading western power and no 1 world power ( for now)is irrelevant,we are not them.

As far as antifa,there's always been that opposition like those who opposed Mosely(thank god) and yeah the royal family are white supremacists (in a way) mainly because we are predominantly a white society,and the sovereign reigns supreme....figuratively.

A good example is the Natinal Trust,they are teaching young kids that the historic houses are all about the evils of empire,most people point and laugh.

Learning history is important but it needs to be done in the context of the times it happened. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: DeppityDawg on April 21, 2021, 09:31:30 AM
For feck sake! The US is "the" major western democracy, the supposed "leader" of the free world? Simply saying it's an asylum makes the problem go away does it? It's nothing to do with us because it's a load of nutters? We have cultural, trade, social, defence and numerous other ties don't we? How can you just dismiss it as nothing to do with "us"?

This whole woke circus first gained traction over there. The whole BLM/Antifa "protest" reaction to this case soon spread over here. Remember the "peaceful protests" where about a dozen coppers got injured? Cancel culture, the "white supremacist" Royal family jibes starting to appear in our own media, celebrities disowning each other and people getting jobs, positions, awards and livelihoods destroyed? It all started over there. It's not exactly hard to see us following their course if a left of centre party got elected here.

It's not about "comparing" them. It's about contagion. If you think that had the jury returned a "not guilty" verdict yesterday, that our streets would have been peaceful, then maybe you're living on Fantasy Island

Several posters said right from the start of this thread that he would be found guilty. That it was little more than a show trial. After yesterday, the least you can do is acknowledge they were right. We all knew he was going to jail for a long time. The only one surprised seems to be you.

The terms are, I believe "our shared values" and of course "The Special Relationship". We are joined to the US at the hip and there are many here that seek to be more Yank than the Yanks when it comes to aping their behavior.


Quote from: cromwell on April 21, 2021, 08:43:28 AM
OK first off to answer your I wouldn't.

However we aren't the US,the US is an asylum where all the nutters roam free,who in their right mind sticks to the right to bear arms when day after day there are shootings which even when involve multiple victims barely get a mention because they're so routine.

I don't get this comparing to America,we're not them

For feck sake! The US is "the" major western democracy, the supposed "leader" of the free world? Simply saying it's an asylum makes the problem go away does it? It's nothing to do with us because it's a load of nutters? We have cultural, trade, social, defence and numerous other ties don't we? How can you just dismiss it as nothing to do with "us"?

This whole woke circus first gained traction over there. The whole BLM/Antifa "protest" reaction to this case soon spread over here. Remember the "peaceful protests" where about a dozen coppers got injured? Cancel culture, the "white supremacist" Royal family jibes starting to appear in our own media, celebrities disowning each other and people getting jobs, positions, awards and livelihoods destroyed? It all started over there. It's not exactly hard to see us following their course if a left of centre party got elected here.

It's not about "comparing" them. It's about contagion. If you think that had the jury returned a "not guilty" verdict yesterday, that our streets would have been peaceful, then maybe you're living on Fantasy Island

Several posters said right from the start of this thread that he would be found guilty. That it was little more than a show trial. After yesterday, the least you can do is acknowledge they were right. We all knew he was going to jail for a long time. The only one surprised seems to be you.


It's the same over here, though.  It has full momentum, and most if not all institutions in this country have been corrupted by it.  You can either drop to your knees or shut up, there's no debate.  Seriously, they won't rest and seem more than happy for white working class children to be spat on.  It just started and is organised in the corrupt lunatic asylum that is the USA, but it isn't restricted to the USA.

As for the right to bear arms in the USA.  If I were American and I was against what is going on then I'd want to keep my rights to defend myself.  It isn't like the police will be doing anything now.


Quote from: DeppityDawg on April 21, 2021, 05:29:55 AM
That wasn't his point as you well know. Let me ask you a serious question then?

Lets go back to the time of the Rotherham sex abuse trials. Say a Tory MP had turned up at a local community centre a few days before the verdicts were due, stating that "these people had better be found guilty or we have to take to the streets to show them we mean business". Say a senior figure in the conservative party supported his comments and that he had "nothing to apologise for".  Say no one in the party condemned his actions. Say on the day of the verdict, the Prime Minister himself said that basically, "these people are guilty as hell and I hope the right verdict is reached?"

Would you have been ok with all this? Because that's whats effectively just happened in the US
OK first off to answer your I wouldn't.

However we aren't the US,the US is an asylum where all the nutters roam free,who in their right mind sticks to the right to bear arms when day after day there are shootings which even when involve multiple victims barely get a mention because they're so routine.

I don't get this comparing to America,we're not them and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: DeppityDawg on April 21, 2021, 05:29:55 AM
That wasn't his point as you well know. Let me ask you a serious question then?

Lets go back to the time of the Rotherham sex abuse trials. Say a Tory MP had turned up at a local community centre a few days before the verdicts were due, stating that "these people had better be found guilty or we have to take to the streets to show them we mean business". Say a senior figure in the conservative party supported his comments and that he had "nothing to apologise for".  Say no one in the party condemned his actions. Say on the day of the verdict, the Prime Minister himself said that basically, "these people are guilty as hell and I hope the right verdict is reached?"

Would you have been ok with all this? Because that's whats effectively just happened in the US
The Jury would also be made up of EDL supporters, something that would never be allowed to happen.  Also, the government in the UK released the ring leaders behind the child rape gangs.  They're walking free in the UK, despite being told they'd be deported when their short sentence is up.

There is no justice, and unless we distance ourselves from the lunatics in the USA then it will only get worse.


America is a disgrace to justice and clearly run by criminal filth.  Every other country in the world with any self-respect needs to distance themselves from these lunatics.  The media has fallen and is nothing more than a mouthpiece to the corrupt criminal filth that runs the USA.  Back to back propaganda from the totally corrupt media and cancel culture will do that.