Do our politicians want to serve or control ?

Started by Thundercat23150, November 30, 2022, 10:12:27 PM

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Quote from: johnofgwent on December 02, 2022, 11:40:09 AM
I've no doubt they have, in your eyes at least
Not just in my eyes. The converging disasters are being well reported locally as well as nationally, and in Parliament.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf on December 02, 2022, 08:03:44 AM
John the Tories have managed to wreck Cornwall.
I've no doubt they have, in your eyes at least

However, the OP'er, recognising the damage that is being done right now by the fucking uncaring tossers, posed the question of what the majority alternative, at least south of Berwick Upon Tweed, which is Labour, would do.

As we have suffered under those bastards since 1999 without a break I felt it worth pointing out to the OP that the official opposition gave in fact fucked wales up to a far greater degree than England in matters of Health, Jobs, Education, Infrastructure, Transport, Energy, Natural Resources and Brexit Readiness.

The fact is the Marxist living fucking control freak that tge sheep and cottage burners keep re electing is a total clusterfuck of nuclear proportions who won't be satisfied until the national language is fucking albanian

The country is larger than one county until recently in the hands of an eco freak 
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: papasmurf on December 02, 2022, 11:04:27 AM
Brexit, the Tories, and overtourism, have wrecked Cornwall.
If that be true you only have youselves to blame . Cornwall voted for Brexit , Cornwall elected Conservative MP's  .Cornwall's businesses encourage tourism ,indeed its tourism development people is in place to increase tourism in the area .

Looks like your in the minority Papa


Quote from: Streetwalker on December 02, 2022, 10:33:34 AM
Your not special Papa . Post covid recovery has gone tits and most of the world is either in recession or heading toward it .
Brexit, the Tories, and overtourism, have wrecked Cornwall.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf on December 02, 2022, 08:03:44 AM
John the Tories have managed to wreck Cornwall.
Your not special Papa . Post covid recovery has gone tits and most of the world is either in recession or heading toward it .


Quote from: johnofgwent on December 02, 2022, 01:49:27 AM
Taking the items in that massive thread opener under consideration, I would point out that anyone who wants to see what labour would do need look no further than the area west of Offas dyke where they have run the shitshow since 1999 and now rely on children and immigrants to stay in power.
John the Tories have managed to wreck Cornwall.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Taking the items in that massive thread opener under consideration, I would point out that anyone who wants to see what labour would do need look no further than the area west of Offas dyke where they have run the shitshow since 1999 and now rely on children and immigrants to stay in power.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


They do niether , they obey their masters and are nothing but Quockerwodgers 


Control, of course

The only time a politician uses the 's' word is when they issue their manifesto, get invited to some sort of press event during hustings, or when they utter the phrase 'it has been an honour to ...' when the electorate throw them on the street

Was there ever a time when a successfully elected politician thought of their election as being an opportunity to serve their voters ?

Actually yes. The election that followed the great reform act of 1832. The successful candidate for Monmouth took out a full page advert in the Monmouthshire Merlin thanking the 'gentry and the clergy' who had elected him and said he looked forward to serving them. And their interests. Which as a landed gentleman himself aligned with his. ''Twas ever thus.

 Even in the 1970s when James Callaghan wanted nothing to do with leasehold reform as it would screw his ability to make money from his constituents woeful circumstances
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: cromwell on December 01, 2022, 09:09:50 AM
It doesn't matter who they are Borky has been at the sauce I expect ,many of the points made are valid such as the fact that so many politicians have little work or life experience and that the whole system does need an overhaul.

I am astounded when watching debates in the House of Commons at the ignorance of most MPs as to what is going on in their own constituency. 
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


It doesn't matter who they are Borky has been at the sauce I expect ,many of the points made are valid such as the fact that so many politicians have little work or life experience and that the whole system does need an overhaul. and affordable,not that hard is it?



Quote from: Thundercat23150 on November 30, 2022, 10:12:27 PM
After 12 years of Tory government it appears that the majority of the public are sick to the back teeth with politicians and understandably so.
After three PM's and several ministers in and out it has become clear that our government has lost control. Now many will argue that this is mostly due to Brexit and the pandemic. Fact is that this downturn has started long before that and therefore placed us much more in the precarious position we find ourselves in. The NHS is at breaking point and GP's only want to work until 5pm, public transport has greatly reduced in frequency especially in rural areas, the big promise to secure our borders has never materialised and now thousands of illegal immigrants are occupying many hotels while our homeless and the veterans are left homeless, the judiciary is also at a critical point which much access for the working man reduced favouring the wealthy more than ever, our army severely undermanned and as has become apparent not ready for anything like a possible war as the conflict in Ukraine has made clear, our police force has become woke and more law breaking than I can remember and I'm nearly 73. Schools and Universities are also very much diminished and despite the ever increasing grades the industry is complaining about the low quality of applicants. We had draconian measures imposed during lock-down with the benefits being debatable, numerous unnecessary deaths due to Mr Hancock who sanctioned the transfer of elderly into care homes without prior testing and despite his promises and mandatory mask wearing, where the holes in the fabric are at minimum 50000 times larger than the virus, which is equivalent to throwing marbles at scaffolding in the hope that some are held back. Even the medical masks were ineffective as was proven in Germany where they had been mandatory, yet resulted in equal infection rates to us. And to add insult to injury vaccination became compulsory for health workers, sacking thousands who refused to participate despite having worked for months without problems during the pandemic. Last but not least several billion (approx. 27) handed to fraudsters which for some unknown reason the government is not prepared to recover. Compare that to what happens to you if you owe say perhaps just a couple of hundred pounds. Strange equality that.Puke
To trust this government to reverse or improve these failures is like expecting the arsonist to put out the flames he started. The same crown shuffling the seats on the Titanic more like. Dancing

So now the public are looking for an alternative and are looking at Labour. Not having had the chance to govern for more then a decade we know little about their competence but are they likely to be better and what can we expect should they amass a large majority at the next election ?::)

Looking for instance at the Oxford council which is run by Labour and the Lib/Dems rumour has it that they plan to introduce (for environmental reasons) six 15 minute areas, meaning your movement would be restricted to that 15 minute walking and cycling area and not allowed further. Further than that they plan to restrict car use to 100 days per year. I am astonished at such lunacy considering many people require their car to go to work. How would that work ? Are we all supposed to work from home now ? It wouldn't be possible.
Judging by that Labour is no less draconian than the Tories and if given free reign who knows what else they come up with to further restrict our freedom.

It is my opinion that rather than bicker among ourselves on party political lines we should unite to reject this system which has failed us so miserably and demand a total overhaul and replacement of the career politicians, many of whom came straight from University and never held a proper job. That old principle of working your way up through the ranks has been abandoned for decades resulting in too many people not understanding the complexities of the subject they are supposed to manage and that applies not only to our politicians but to most of our industries, while the working class is badly trained, underpaid and overworked.
Is it any wonder that our output is shrinking ? Is doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome not considered insanity ?

To me as a layman it appears that the authorities have become too priviliged and are more concerned with their own interests rather than to serve the public.
Is it not high time that something was done to achieve a more balanced system ? This is a country with a fantastic history and talent and all we have to do is get our heads together and sort this out which we can if only we want to. To pay others to do so has not worked and will NEVER work. I say 'Rule Britannia' in a much more sensible manner.

                                                                                                                                  Union Flag

Is that you piglet?

If so, what are you doing being 73?
Algerie Francais !


After 12 years of Tory government it appears that the majority of the public are sick to the back teeth with politicians and understandably so.
After three PM's and several ministers in and out it has become clear that our government has lost control. Now many will argue that this is mostly due to Brexit and the pandemic. Fact is that this downturn has started long before that and therefore placed us much more in the precarious position we find ourselves in. The NHS is at breaking point and GP's only want to work until 5pm, public transport has greatly reduced in frequency especially in rural areas, the big promise to secure our borders has never materialised and now thousands of illegal immigrants are occupying many hotels while our homeless and the veterans are left homeless, the judiciary is also at a critical point which much access for the working man reduced favouring the wealthy more than ever, our army severely undermanned and as has become apparent not ready for anything like a possible war as the conflict in Ukraine has made clear, our police force has become woke and more law breaking than I can remember and I'm nearly 73. Schools and Universities are also very much diminished and despite the ever increasing grades the industry is complaining about the low quality of applicants. We had draconian measures imposed during lock-down with the benefits being debatable, numerous unnecessary deaths due to Mr Hancock who sanctioned the transfer of elderly into care homes without prior testing and despite his promises and mandatory mask wearing, where the holes in the fabric are at minimum 50000 times larger than the virus, which is equivalent to throwing marbles at scaffolding in the hope that some are held back. Even the medical masks were ineffective as was proven in Germany where they had been mandatory, yet resulted in equal infection rates to us. And to add insult to injury vaccination became compulsory for health workers, sacking thousands who refused to participate despite having worked for months without problems during the pandemic. Last but not least several billion (approx. 27) handed to fraudsters which for some unknown reason the government is not prepared to recover. Compare that to what happens to you if you owe say perhaps just a couple of hundred pounds. Strange equality that.Puke
To trust this government to reverse or improve these failures is like expecting the arsonist to put out the flames he started. The same crown shuffling the seats on the Titanic more like. Dancing

So now the public are looking for an alternative and are looking at Labour. Not having had the chance to govern for more then a decade we know little about their competence but are they likely to be better and what can we expect should they amass a large majority at the next election ?::)

Looking for instance at the Oxford council which is run by Labour and the Lib/Dems rumour has it that they plan to introduce (for environmental reasons) six 15 minute areas, meaning your movement would be restricted to that 15 minute walking and cycling area and not allowed further. Further than that they plan to restrict car use to 100 days per year. I am astonished at such lunacy considering many people require their car to go to work. How would that work ? Are we all supposed to work from home now ? It wouldn't be possible.
Judging by that Labour is no less draconian than the Tories and if given free reign who knows what else they come up with to further restrict our freedom.

It is my opinion that rather than bicker among ourselves on party political lines we should unite to reject this system which has failed us so miserably and demand a total overhaul and replacement of the career politicians, many of whom came straight from University and never held a proper job. That old principle of working your way up through the ranks has been abandoned for decades resulting in too many people not understanding the complexities of the subject they are supposed to manage and that applies not only to our politicians but to most of our industries, while the working class is badly trained, underpaid and overworked.
Is it any wonder that our output is shrinking ? Is doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome not considered insanity ?

To me as a layman it appears that the authorities have become too priviliged and are more concerned with their own interests rather than to serve the public.
Is it not high time that something was done to achieve a more balanced system ? This is a country with a fantastic history and talent and all we have to do is get our heads together and sort this out which we can if only we want to. To pay others to do so has not worked and will NEVER work. I say 'Rule Britannia' in a much more sensible manner.

                                                                                                                                   Union Flag