Gove: UK may accept EU tariffs to strike EU trade deal, admits Irish border checks will occur

Started by Dynamis, May 07, 2020, 11:44:39 AM

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Keir Starmer has rejected calls for the Brexit transition period to be extended, saying he would rather "the negotiations were completed as quickly as possible".

The deadline for agreeing a further extension to the transition period is next month, and some opposition parties, including the SNP and Lib Dems, have called for the government to request one in light of the coronavirus pandemic.


I'm guessing this will make no difference; everyone's dead set in their opinions now one way or the other on all sides anyway.


Quote from: GerryT post_id=24159 time=1589188838 user_id=61

I don't want to see the UK fall, I've no wish to see people suffer and there will be fallout affecting other countries, Ireland included. Time will tell and the sh1tshow could start very soon.

No one does. Do you think the french , or us  , or anyone wants some english banana republic on their doorstep?

At the end of the day , as the old saying goes , ye can take a horse to water , but ye cannae make it drink.

They have made their choice , we have discussed it over and over and they are resolute , so its time to pat them on the back , wish them aw the best ,untie scotland and northern irelands feet from the lead weight  , and let them jump.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=24146 time=1589187720 user_id=58
You know my thoughts on this matter.

I appreciate possibly for many differing reasons you want to either see the english remain , or some "deal" being struck which is as good as remian.

Thats up to you.

I think though many countries patience has long run out with them , and they just want them to go. Of course they will blame everything on the eu.......feck sake gerry , if its no the jocks fault , its the paddies taffs or huns and frogs fault.

Do you care? Do we care?

The chelsea pensioners are determined to drag engerlund out the eu and resurrect the empire , so sit back , put your feet up and enjoy the fun i say. We have spent enough comments , expletives and divulged enough information over the last four years to people who arent listening in any which way shape or form.

All you can do is protect your own interests.

God no, I don't want the UK to stay, certainly not with the way the past 3yrs have gone. Can you picture the mess of the EU they would make having a vote at EU proceedings, no I think we dodged a bullet with the UK leaving. But I do want a "close" deal, with the UK on the outside. More accurately England outside, with time NI, Scotland and Wales may want to rejoin and thats their business, but I would think they would be warly welcomed back. A close deal helps both the UK and EU continue business, that's good for both of us so why not ?

I don't want to see the UK fall, I've no wish to see people suffer and there will be fallout affecting other countries, Ireland included. Time will tell and the sh1tshow could start very soon.


Quote from: GerryT post_id=24148 time=1589187765 user_id=61
The mechanism is there for NI to have a referendum and it's when there is an expectation that a majority of NI people want one. It's def not there as a means for England to abandon NI in an effort to fix the predicament it find's it's in.

Come oan gerry , we have been over this time and again.

The point i was making  , and have made , in amogst all the murky wording of the GFA , its the english S.O.S who has the power to call the border poll based on his judgement.

As i said earlier mate , you are just re running a loop of arguments over and over since 2016. Borkie has shown you englands attitude to northern ireland , which boils down to if northern ireland is usefull to england , all well and good , if not , they dont care and will jettison it.

In my opinion boris johnson is not going to put the GFA and the interests of northern ireland before the interests of himself and his party , who relied on the english brexiters to get into power.

As i said we have been over this time and again.

You seem to mistakenly believe northern ireland is some achilles heel that wil trap england into the eu , or at least will force them to do some deal that is as good as remain , and i think you are sadly mistaken.

The english are still in a quandry about the border as they have been since 2016 , nothing has changed. Its the politics of it rather than the mechanics of it.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Borchester post_id=24100 time=1589146995 user_id=62
I am easy Tommy.

Not only am I prepared to offer every Paddy and his goat a referendum, I am ready to pay for the paper needed to stuff the ballot boxes and thereby rig the election so that Ulster can reunited with the south whether it wants to be or not.

The mechanism is there for NI to have a referendum and it's when there is an expectation that a majority of NI people want one. It's def not there as a means for England to abandon NI in an effort to fix the predicament it find's it's self in.


Quote from: GerryT post_id=24143 time=1589187178 user_id=61
With the way CV19 is hitting the most prudent action wuld be a 2yr extension. Deal with CV19 and get a deal concluded. Trying to take on a recovery from CV19 and a hard brexit hit at the same time is such a dumb move, but maybe Johnson is up for such a move, god knows he's dumb enough.

But if you wanted to take a bet on an extension request at this stage I wouldn't take it as it's too difficult to call. A part of me see's Johnson passing a bill and looking for an extension in June. Obviously it will be blamed on the EU, par for the course.

You know my thoughts on this matter.

I appreciate possibly for many differing reasons you want to either see the english remain , or some "deal" being struck which is as good as remian.

Thats up to you.

I think though many countries patience has long run out with them , and they just want them to go. Of course they will blame everything on the eu.......feck sake gerry , if its no the jocks fault , its the paddies taffs or huns and frogs fault.

Do you care? Do we care?

The chelsea pensioners are determined to drag engerlund out the eu and resurrect the empire , so sit back , put your feet up and enjoy the fun i say. We have spent enough comments , expletives and divulged enough information over the last four years to people who arent listening in any which way shape or form.

All you can do is protect your own interests.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Borchester post_id=24100 time=1589146995 user_id=62
I am easy Tommy.

Not only am I prepared to offer every Paddy and his goat a referendum, I am ready to pay for the paper needed to stuff the ballot boxes and thereby rig the election so that Ulster can reunited with the south whether it wants to be or not.

Sadly though your government wont , which is what matters.

Im struck how this is just some never ending repeat , like a broken down record ( with a few slight tweeks) since 2016.

Still havent left the eu , ( one foot still in ) still accepting FOM and EU courts , approaching yet another brexit "cliff edge" , and re running the same old arguments time and again over and over.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=24065 time=1589132754 user_id=58
Well it will be interesting to say how it plays out gerry. So far we have had a few tidbit soundbites sold off in the media to nick from tory party HQ about sticking it to the paddies( dry sarcasm) and europeans over the irish border , while kicking the can down the road time and again. We have another deadline approaching fast in june if i recall is the last date the tories can ask for a yookay extension ( or whatever they are calling it now).

If that passes , then its another cliff edge new year for the empire . I think you are laughing aither way myself.

They either cave in and eat a large dollop of humble pie , or they renege on everything they have said and reap the rewards of doing so , starting with pissing off much of the northern irish population.

Im going with the large humble pie that is cooking in the oven.

With the way CV19 is hitting the most prudent action wuld be a 2yr extension. Deal with CV19 and get a deal concluded. Trying to take on a recovery from CV19 and a hard brexit hit at the same time is such a dumb move, but maybe Johnson is up for such a move, god knows he's dumb enough.

But if you wanted to take a bet on an extension request at this stage I wouldn't take it as it's too difficult to call. A part of me see's Johnson passing a bill and looking for an extension in June. Obviously it will be blamed on the EU, par for the course.


Quote from: Nick post_id=24095 time=1589142042 user_id=73
All you ever do is swoon over how great the EU is, great have it.  We will see when 15% of the German car industry is at risk and the same for French wine and produce. And BTW I don't give a monkeys if there is a hard border on Ireland and you all shoot each other, I don't care if there is a customs border in the Irish Sea. It won't impact me one jot.

I don't Nick, that's you again putting words in my mouth. The EU is a straight forward concept of smaller nations coming together to create a block that becomes a very attractive trading partner, and it's success is there to be seen.

The UK leaving in itself is sad to see but for a number of reasons it was inevitable, not least because it was never a good member and historically has been a rule giver and not a club member.

The problem is the manner in which the UK is leaving, unrealistic expectations and a very high level of self importance, the key blocker to any future trade deal. The reality of the future will inevitably hit but there is no reason with time that the UK can do well outside the EU, but not for a long time, we and our children will be long dead before that day comes.

If you knew anything you would know the English brought over settlers that took land from the local Irish, it's that community that fight with the Irish to try keep their dominant position. It's obvious that the UK has made a total balls of trying to resolve the situation, maybe if they hadn't committed horrendous crimes against the Irish and given them basic rights like a vote, a job, food, shelter then today's situation wouldn't have happened. Time to let the Irish Govt have a go, we will treat both sides of the divide equally.

It's laughable that you think the German car industry or french wine will be so affected post brexit. The Price of Audi/BMW and Mercedes going up will make them more desirable to those that want a luxury brand that's not flooded on the market. What cars will the UK drive, your tariffs will be on all imports and there's been plenty of study into the steady decline of the UK car industry, you must be going around with your fingers in your ears, eyes closed shouting lalalalalala.


Quote from: Nick post_id=24095 time=1589142042 user_id=73
All you ever do is swoon over how great the EU is, great have it.  We will see when 15% of the German car industry is at risk and the same for French wine and produce. And BTW I don't give a monkeys if there is a hard border on Ireland and you all shoot each other, I don't care if there is a customs border in the Irish Sea. It won't impact me one jot.

  :thup:  :thup:
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Thomas post_id=24020 time=1589123416 user_id=58
What im thinking borkie , you offer the irish a referendum , and as i said before , they vote to leave  , problem solved , they vote to stay , no one can have any arguments about a hard border in ireland.

I am easy Tommy.

Not only am I prepared to offer every Paddy and his goat a referendum, I am ready to pay for the paper needed to stuff the ballot boxes and thereby rig the election so that Ulster can reunited with the south whether it wants to be or not.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: GerryT post_id=24064 time=1589132295 user_id=61
And how would that work Nick, what would the UK have to sign up to so there would be zero checks.

Zero tariffs

Zero standards divergence

Full alignment on food production (standards)

How about the level playing field

What about legal issues & ECJ

Future EU rules and the adoption of these in the UK

That's off the top of my head and you think that's possible this side of 30th June for the UK to agree ??

SO no, we'll stick with the Johnson Withdrawal Agreement and the GFA that the UK signed up to and the soon to  be UK border in the UK.

All you ever do is swoon over how great the EU is, great have it.  We will see when 15% of the German car industry is at risk and the same for French wine and produce. And BTW I don't give a monkeys if there is a hard border on Ireland and you all shoot each other, I don't care if there is a customs border in the Irish Sea. It won't impact me one jot.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.

Borg Refinery">">">

Hmm. It's like that Steohen King film, pet cemetary, the bedraggled pets keep coming back with the same arguments no matter how many times you kill em'.


Quote from: GerryT post_id=24064 time=1589132295 user_id=61
And how would that work Nick, what would the UK have to sign up to so there would be zero checks.

Zero tariffs

Zero standards divergence

Full alignment on food production

How about the level playing field

What about legal issues & ECJ

Future EU rules and the adoption of these in the UK

That's off the top of my head and you think that's possible this side of 30th June for the UK to agree ??

SO no, we'll stick with the Johnson Withdrawal Agreement and the GFA that the UK signed up to and the soon to  be UK border in the UK.

Well it will be interesting to say how it plays out gerry. So far we have had a few tidbit soundbites sold off in the media to nick from tory party HQ about sticking it to the paddies( dry sarcasm) and europeans over the irish border , while kicking the can down the road time and again. We have another deadline approaching fast in june if i recall is the last date the tories can ask for a yookay extension ( or whatever they are calling it now).

If that passes , then its another cliff edge new year for the empire . I think you are laughing aither way myself.

They either cave in and eat a large dollop of humble pie , or they renege on everything they have said and reap the rewards of doing so , starting with pissing off much of the northern irish population.

Im going with the large humble pie that is cooking in the oven.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Nick post_id=23994 time=1589115806 user_id=73
How can it be finalised? If we get a trade deal with seamless imports and exports there will be no borders. So again, how is it finalised?

And how would that work Nick, what would the UK have to sign up to so there would be zero checks.

Zero tariffs

Zero standards divergence

Full alignment on food production (standards)

How about the level playing field

What about legal issues & ECJ

Future EU rules and the adoption of these in the UK

That's off the top of my head and you think that's possible this side of 30th June for the UK to agree ??

SO no, we'll stick with the Johnson Withdrawal Agreement and the GFA that the UK signed up to and the soon to  be UK border in the UK.