To the despair of his opponents, Boris Johnson is more

Started by Borchester, April 15, 2020, 11:14:28 AM

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Borg Refinery

Quote from: johnofgwent post_id=23854 time=1589031964 user_id=63
Ah, but is that because Boris is still there, or because Corbyn isnt.

Possibly both, but interesting how the public lap up Keir Starmer with his improving poll ratings last I looked, with his CSA abuse scandal cover-up cabinet and his pandering to the super-fundie Indian govt...


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=23849 time=1589026146 user_id=98"> ... is_Johnson">

Doesn't seem to be going too well, politico vote intention poll of polls also shows Tory lead now falling fairly drastically.

Ah, but is that because Boris is still there, or because Corbyn isnt.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>

Borg Refinery"> ... is_Johnson">

Doesn't seem to be going too well, politico vote intention poll of polls also shows Tory lead now falling fairly drastically.


Quote from: Borchester post_id=21579 time=1587141542 user_id=62

One good thing about this kerfuffle is that we can pay for it. I dare say that Boris will have the printing presses working overtime to manufacture the money to keep the economy afloat and pass the bill on to the next generation  :D

Its going to be hilarious listening to unionists splutter about "scotlands mythical debt" in comparison during indyref 2. Walking away without sharing the useless pound and leaving the next generation of england with all the empire debt is looking even more appealing than ever.

Having the new scottish "merk " , the worlds latest petro currency backed by 96 % of the north sea oil once the british EEZ is divided up and scotlands gets its two thirds territorial share while the english pound goes on a par with the argentinian peso will just be tough luck. You had your chance in 2014. :lol:

Still at least boris can dish out the new blue english passport to you. :thup:
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=21566 time=1587135915 user_id=58

Back in your day the bubonic plague used to take out half the population in a week  have much choice in the matter.

That would be the Justinian Plague of 541-542 AD. Folk did what they could with what they had which was never enough. But they tried their best because they were human beings and that is what human beings do. And that is what we are doing now. Everyone is running around trying to help and getting seriously on my tits.

One good thing about this kerfuffle is that we can pay for it. I dare say that Boris will have the printing presses working overtime to manufacture the money to keep the economy afloat and pass the bill on to the next generation  :D
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Borchester post_id=21576 time=1587140637 user_id=62
And I no sooner got out of the door than it stated to piddle down with rain. Still, what can you expect from the Tories?


Are you londons only conservative voter borkie or are there more of you?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


And I no sooner got out of the door than it stated to piddle down with rain. Still, what can you expect from the Tories?
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Borchester post_id=21562 time=1587134453 user_id=62
The media has always been irrelevant Tommy. Its problem is that right now there is only one story in town and they are desperately trying to make it interesting.

och of course they havent. You only have to read some of the posts on here to see that in action never mind elsewhere. The big problem for the government , and of course governments across the world , is the decline in the media due in part to the internet , and people getting their information elsehwere that doesnt necessarily follow the approved narrative , and the fact most of the younger generation couldnt give a flying feck about what the uk government say.

You are right to a degree though , covid 19 is of course the only story in town , but its journalists and the general medias job to hold politicians to account , and when very few actually are (morgan , peston and a few others)while the over rated bbc , that institution that is above reproach sits on its hands and acts its part as the governments propaganda arm , you see what dear old javert said the other day on here being totally true.

The myth of freedom of speech in the yookay being cloaked under the guise of the free press which in reality is nothing more than state sponsored propaganda.

QuoteThe current kerfuffle over the Chinese flu is because we are a kinder lot these days. So far we have lost 14,000 in the UK, which was about the casualty rate for a morning of one of the London smogs when I was a boy. But unlike the 1950s when the government left my grandfather alone to self medicate on John Players and Lambs Navy rum, the powers that be have decided that something must be done! They don't know what and can't do much because if it tries to inforce the various regulations it will be told to go fly a kite and lose lots of votes, but they have to go through the motions.


Back in your day the bubonic plague used to take out half the population in a week , leprosy was the norm , and they hadnt discovered penicillin. Cant see comparisons with the mortatlity rate in the dark ages being an acceptable excuse for the tories can you?

You will get away with it as i said because you have very little of the free media ( no laughing at the back please) holding the tories to account , and your farce of democracy in "the mother of all parliaments" :barf:  is a  binary choice between dumb and dumber under that stitch up you call FPTP. Not because you have a kinder from of government that is good at its job.

Its a sad state of affairs when this passes for democracy.

QuoteI was on the bus at 8 pm last night and a woman wearing a Thank You NHS hat got up and started to clap. And clap. And clap some more. Finally a bloke turned to her and asked if she was pretending to be a seal.

Am all clapped out . It was only last week if i remember toots was telling me to clap for royalty , clap for boris , clap for the nhs , clap for brexit and the tories. A bit of vera lyn and bunting and we will get through all this as we are "british". :roll:  :lol: I can see the guys point on the bus.

QuoteBoJo and the Tories aren't heroes of mine

i know borkie , im only pulling your leg. We have reasonably similar views on politicians at the best of times , and i know you dont have much choice in the matter.

There are a few hours of daylight. I am off to plant some carrots.

Good for you borkie. Its cloudy but dry here , so i might have a barbecue and a beer later.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=21551 time=1587132365 user_id=58
possibly borkie. As i always say , the newspaper industry is verging on irrelevance anyway in the modern era. The point wasnt who printed the story , but the story itself , which isnt just being angrily pointed out by the times , but many papers , commentators and those online about the farcical nature of uk government policy compared to much of the rest of the world.

The underlying arguemtn being the uk government seems determined to carry on as business as usual in many ways , and appears to be carrying on with this "herd immunity " policy it initially touted , then denied over the course of recent weeks.

As i said , in the short to medium term , it shoudlnt really do much damage to your heros in the tory party nor bojo. The tories know they are useless , but they also know they have england sown right up. In the farce that is the two horse political race in your country , they know no matter how bad they get , labour always appear to be one step ahead of them so have nothing much to fear.

The media has always been irrelevant Tommy. Its problem is that right now there is only one story in town and they are desperately trying to make it interesting.

The current kerfuffle over the Chinese flu is because we are a kinder lot these days. So far we have lost 14,000 in the UK, which was about the casualty rate for a morning of one of the London smogs when I was a boy. But unlike the 1950s when the government left my grandfather alone to self  medicate on John Players and Lambs Navy rum, the powers that be have decided that something must be done! They don't know what and can't do much because if it tries to inforce the various regulations it will be told to go fly a kite and lose lots of votes, but they have to go through the motions.

I was on the bus at 8 pm last night and a woman wearing a Thank You NHS hat got up and started to clap. And clap. And clap some more. Finally a bloke turned to her and asked if she was pretending to be a seal.

BoJo and the Tories aren't heroes of mine. I just see them as better than the opposition which has been pretty much the case for as long as I can recall.

There are a few hours of daylight. I am off to plant some carrots.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Borchester post_id=21544 time=1587130396 user_id=62
The Times Tommy, is that sad creature, a Tory remainer. It does not like the left but thinks that the country would be better of with Neville Chamberlain as PM

possibly borkie. As i always say , the newspaper industry is verging on irrelevance anyway in the modern era. The point wasnt who printed the story , but the story itself , which isnt just being angrily pointed out by the times , but many papers , commentators and those online about the farcical nature of uk government policy compared to much of the rest of the world.

The underlying arguemtn being the uk government seems determined to carry on as business as usual in many ways , and appears to be carrying on with this "herd immunity " policy it initially touted , then denied over the course of recent weeks.

As i said , in the short to medium term , it shoudlnt really do much damage to your heros in the tory party nor bojo. The tories know they are useless , but they also know they have england sown right up. In the farce that is the two horse political race in your country , they know no matter how bad they get , labour always appear to be one step ahead of them so have nothing much to fear.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=21521 time=1587120580 user_id=58
The yookay being possibly the only country to still have open borders doesnt appear to be going down very well with the "public" either.Cant see it damaging the tories too much , but it certainly is taking a shine off their approval ratings amid growing anger..">"> ... 2226541568">

The Times Tommy, is that sad creature, a Tory remainer. It does not like the left but thinks that the country would be better of with Neville Chamberlain as PM
Algerie Francais !


3.1 million passengers through london heathrow last month.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Sorry borkie  , i hope i havent pissed on your fireworks? :lol:

You were saying.......?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Read some of the comments , especially directed at the british brainwashing corporation and their lack of holding the yookay government to account.

Dont expect laura kuenssberg to ask any pertinent questions bemoans one commentator.

The bbc is fast becoming renowned as the "english " fox news. :)
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Thomas">"> ... 4991331330">

poor auld tories...feckin hopeless at pretty much everything but blessed with having the labour party opposing them.

"he`s an idiot , but he` s our idiot !" indeed , according to some englishmen regarding bojo. :lol:
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!