Please note - BB Code has changed.

Started by Forum admin, June 13, 2020, 10:34:02 PM

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Forum admin

Many members are still using < > BB code style tags, you need to use [ ] format on this forum. Some are left over in your profiles and in your signatures from the old forum.
Please review this and use plain text as far as possible.
When copying and pasting text into the forum, use the paste plain text option if you have one. Ctrl Shift V in Chrome, or right click and choose to paste plain text.
Thank you.

   [ b ]text[ /b ]   Makes text bold.
   [ i ]text[ /i ]   Makes text italicised.
   [ u ]text[ /u ]   Underlines text..
   [ s ]text[ /s ]   Strikes out text.
   [ move ]text[ /move ]   Makes the text inside move in a marquee.   [ pre ]text[ /pre ]   
 enclosed text.

   [ left ]text[ /left ]   
Aligns enclosed items to the left.
   [ center ]text[ /center ]   
Aligns enclosed items to the centre.
   [ right ]text[ /right ]   
Aligns enclosed items to the right.
   [ hr ]   
Inserts a horizontal rule into a Post or PM. Note there is no closing tag.

   [ size=20pt ]text[ /size ]   Adjusts the font size of the enclosed text.
        [ glow=red,2,300 ]some text[/glow]   Makes the text glow
        [ sup ]text[ /sup ]   Formats enclosed text as a superscript.
   [ sub ]text[ /sub ]   Formats enclosed text as a subscript.
   [ tt ]text[ /tt ]   Formats enclosed text in teletype format.
        [ quote ]text[ /quote ]   
QuotePlaces enclosed text in a quote box.

   [ list ].             
    .  Put items in a list
            [ li ]Item 1[ /li ] 
    • Item 1
            [ li ]Item 2[ /li ] 
    • Item 2
            [ /list ]