Tory Chairman hiding off stage

Started by Ciaphas, November 06, 2019, 07:03:04 PM

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Major Sinic

Quote from: Dynamis post_id=4556 time=1573135337 user_id=98
I can't really disagree with any of that - I don't underestimate the no. of editorially independent (independence being a relative term right? they can be quite opaque as regards ownership & interests.. as I'm sure you acknowledge) outlets, there are plenty as you point out.

Re centralized media I was pointing mainly to our domestic 'MSM' as they say. Sorry should have been clearer on that - my mistake.

I suppose bias is all relative. Everyone and every outlet will inevitably be biased, it's just how much and in which way. There's two good sites that compare the bias of different outlets and rate them against each other, I'll dredge my bookmarks and try to fish it out at some point.

I don't think we have any real disagreement here, simply a different nuance

Borg Refinery

Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=4550 time=1573133109 user_id=84
Of course a number of media outlets are owned by single media corporations but I suspect you still underestimate the number of editorially independent outlets, particularly when you consider overseas media, the many television channels and the mass of 'independent' online outlets.

It does seem to me that many have a political axe to grind and grind it while attempting to give impartial coverage.

I can't really disagree with any of that - I don't underestimate the no. of editorially independent (independence being a relative term right? they can be quite opaque as regards ownership & interests.. as I'm sure you acknowledge) outlets, there are plenty as you point out.

Re centralized media I was pointing mainly to our domestic 'MSM' as they say. Sorry should have been clearer on that - my mistake.

I suppose bias is all relative. Everyone and every outlet will inevitably be biased, it's just how much and in which way. There's two good sites that compare the bias of different outlets and rate them against each other, I'll dredge my bookmarks and try to fish it out at some point.

Major Sinic

Quote from: Dynamis post_id=4539 time=1573127625 user_id=98
That's very true, but the media is largely owned by a small handful of corporate outlets who have a clear agenda. I do agree at least partially with papa's point, as I do with your point.

Of course a number of media outlets are owned by single media corporations but I suspect you still underestimate the number of editorially independent outlets, particularly when you consider overseas media, the many television channels and the mass of 'independent' online outlets.

It does seem to me that many have a political axe to grind and grind it while attempting to give impartial coverage.

Borg Refinery

Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=4532 time=1573125268 user_id=84
Of course there are just as there are with every other political party

The problem with the 'meedja' today is that it is a 24/7 industry coming from hundreds, and I mean hundreds, of competing channels online, printed and broadcast. So many presenters are required that inevitably the majority are pretty second rate and like many of our prospective and active MPs of all flavours, they lack ability, experience and integrity.

Equally there really isn't enough news to fill all these media channels, so each one expands each story and makes it as stimulating as possible to appeal to an avaricious public at the cost of impartiality, accuracy, honesty and integrity.

One particular area of concern is the plethora of Blog sites purporting to be serious political reporting news services while actually being a single articulate and jaundiced bigot in the back bedroom.

This is not a political attack on the left or right, remain or leave but applicable to our entire poltical reporting world.

That's very true, but the media is largely owned by a small handful of corporate outlets who have a clear agenda. I do agree at least partially with papa's point, as I do with your point.


Good post, Major. Perhaps we should just get a half hour news in the morning and one at night. They could condense the major points in that time and not have to invent stuff.
† The end is nigh †

Major Sinic

Quote from: papasmurf post_id=4495 time=1573119401 user_id=89
Actually there issues the media/press should be holding the Tories feet to the fire about but are not.

Of course there are just as there are with every other political party

The problem with the 'meedja' today is that it is a 24/7 industry coming from hundreds, and I mean hundreds, of competing channels online, printed and broadcast. So many presenters are required that inevitably the majority are pretty second rate and like many of our prospective and active MPs of all flavours, they lack ability, experience and integrity.

Equally there really isn't enough news to fill all these media channels, so each one expands each story and makes it as stimulating as possible to appeal to an avaricious public at the cost of impartiality, accuracy, honesty and integrity.

One particular area of concern is the plethora of Blog sites purporting to be serious political reporting news services while actually being a single articulate and jaundiced bigot in the back bedroom.

This is not a political attack on the left or right, remain or leave but applicable to our entire poltical reporting world.


You have to laugh as well , remember when the bbc nick robinson  claimed alec salmond didnt answer his question on rbs , then edited out salmonds answer on the bbc news at  6 oclock , with the backing of that self same labour party among other brit nats) now bleating about the  tories doing the same to them???

Hypocrisy , thy name is the labour party.....">">
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=4501 time=1573120265 user_id=98

Looks like Clever Clogs managed to make himself look stupid on another other booked show too.

Even the daily express is runni'g with this---

*ITV GMB: Piers Morgan rages at James Cleverly 'Why are you not prepared to apologise?'

Good Morning Britain

GMB: Morgan and Cleverly clashed over the edited interview (Image: ITV)

GOOD MORNING BRITAIN host Piers Morgan was furious this morning when he interviewed the Chairman of the Conservative Party James Cleverly. Those watching at home saw the MP refuse to apologise for an edited video which was circulated by his political party of an interview between Morgan and Labour Brexit Secretary Sir Keir Starmer which took place yesterday on the same show. *"> ... MB-ITV/amp">

What is up with these guys?

I agree it was wrong to edit the video of keir starmers interview. However , the labour party are no strangers to this type of duplicity and more when they used a dodgy made up dossier of imaginary weapons of mass destruction to go to war with iraq resulting in the deaths and displacemnt of hundreds of thousands of people including 19 scottish servicemen out of 179 uk armed forces who died and hundreds more injured.

While two wrongs dont make a right , it kind of puts the tories wee stunt in perspective.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery


Looks like Clever Clogs managed to make himself look stupid on another other booked show too.

Even the daily express is runni'g with this---

*ITV GMB: Piers Morgan rages at James Cleverly 'Why are you not prepared to apologise?'

Good Morning Britain

GMB: Morgan and Cleverly clashed over the edited interview (Image: ITV)

GOOD MORNING BRITAIN host Piers Morgan was furious this morning when he interviewed the Chairman of the Conservative Party James Cleverly. Those watching at home saw the MP refuse to apologise for an edited video which was circulated by his political party of an interview between Morgan and Labour Brexit Secretary Sir Keir Starmer which took place yesterday on the same show. *"> ... MB-ITV/amp">

What is up with these guys?


Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=4484 time=1573118103 user_id=84
That of course assumes that the Tories are being treated evenly handedly by a remain orientated media.

Actually there issues the media/press should be holding the Tories feet to the fire about but are not.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe

Major Sinic

Quote from: papasmurf post_id=4453 time=1573112657 user_id=89
The Tories (thus far) seem to be able to diminish their own campaign without the assistance of anyone else.

That of course assumes that the Tories are being treated evenly handedly by a remain orientated media.

Certainly the Sky v.James Cleverly debacle was Sky's fake news conjured up as a result, it appears, of a Sky scheduling error and a chippy second rate presenter.  But yes a couple of unfortunate and ill judged occurrences.

JRM made the error of commenting with the benefit of hindsight. With what we now know of the wrong decisions taken by the London Fire Brigade Command regarding staying in the burning building, anyone with common sense would have ignored the LFB advice and got out as quickly as possible. Unfortunately the victims of this disaster didn't have the benefit of that hand sight.


If I remember right that was much later when the fire had spread which it did quite rapidly, if they had left as soon as they were aware of the fire perhaps many would have got out in time, one simple fire should never have spread so fast but it did.

But we really do not know I only know how I would have reacted, the shocking tragedy should never have happened if better design, if proper maintenance if better fire doors or none missing, if an alarm or sprinkler system had been in place if that faulty crap cladding had not been fitted, if the faulty appliance and not burst into flames, if only the Fire Brigade and better equipment to reach the fire if only' s.

A horrible tragedy , but some from the word go have played political point scoring ever since it happened which I think is shameful, so many lives lost t
<r><COLOR color=\"#4000FF\">>After years of waiting at long last on our way out of the EU <E>]</e></COLOR></r>


Quote from: Borchester post_id=4392 time=1573070570 user_id=62
Not as scared as Sky News.

Apparently she wanted James Cleverly on the program so she could ask him about Rees Mogg's comments on the Grenfell fire. And Rees Mogg said politely that it does not matter what the fire brigade had to say, anyone with a scrape of sense would rush to get out of a burning building, which is pretty much the opinion of most folk I have discussed the matter with. If Kay Burley is going to suggest that there might be something wrong with that idea then I can only assume that she is really desperate for some publicity.

The stairwell at Glenfell was filled with toxic smoke that greately reduced visbility, the lighting had failed so it was pitch dark, the floor was cluttered with bodies and fire fighting equipment, and the stairwell itself was very narrow. Fireman had to escort people down the stairs sharing their respirators with them to ensure they got out safely.

What do you think would have happened if there had been a panicked rush to get out if the building once it became apparant that the building was not containing the fire as it should have?

The fact that you are now repeating Rees-Moggs dangerous advice that people should ignore instructions from the fire service is very worrying.


Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=4434 time=1573083403 user_id=84
I fully expected that the left wing Remain media would quickly sink to dirty tricks to try to diminish the Conservative Party's campaign

The Tories (thus far) seem to be able to diminish their own campaign without the assistance of anyone else.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe

Major Sinic

I fully expected that the left wing Remain media would quickly sink to dirty tricks to try to diminish the Conservative Party's campaign but I am surprised that they were so clearly incompetent at this ridiculous example of creating fake news which has been so easily exposed. James Cleverly had a schedule of seven back to back interviews and the Sky interview was not booked. In fairness to Cleverly he is very upfront and confident in handling these second string hacks.