UNICEF should be Ashamed..For Feeding Deserving Hungry Kids: Rees Mogg

Started by Dynamis, December 18, 2020, 05:25:38 PM

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Quote from: Dynamis on December 21, 2020, 10:43:58 AM
Agreed, but using it to say "and people really had no choice but to vote Tory in England" is.

..as you often do.

i stand by that.

Just to reiterate my point , i take this opportunity once again to tell you i have never ever once in my entire life voted tory.

I have voted labour.

....but if someone held a gun to my head , and said pick dumb ( tory) or dumber( labour) i would run like an olympic sprinter to the ballot box to vote tory to keep labour out.

....and i completely understand why the english contantly do.

To get labour into power , i keep telling you dyno the days of voting labour cause my da did down the mines  or screaming tory bad is over.

you have to have a bit more political nous than bojo is a clown and the tories are bad really bad  , which is why labour traditionally arent an election winning machine and the tories are.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Thomas on December 21, 2020, 10:35:16 AM
highlighting the silent partner in crime (labour)  record when in governance as part of the dysfunctional two party uk political system  is never a moral quandry or wrong.

Agreed, but using it to say "and people really had no choice but to vote Tory in England" is.

..as you often do.

If you simply added "the choices in England are dire, I don't envy you" I'd be in unanimous agreelent pretty much 99% of the time.

But you do use is as an instrument to tell people they should've voted for Boris. Even Borkie agrees the chance of voting for him is virtually dead in the water.

To paraphrase you.. come oan.


Quote from: Dynamis on December 21, 2020, 10:31:08 AM
One can use this argument to justify virtually anything ever... it leads to dark moral quandries.

I'm not suggesting Lab be voted for or get into power, nor do I seek to convince anyone that they should vote differently. Or of anything else.

All I'm offering is the truth..


highlighting the silent partner in crime (labour)  record when in governance as part of the dysfunctional two party uk political system  is never a moral quandry or wrong.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Thomas on December 20, 2020, 09:25:51 AM
It does in labours case.

One can use this argument to justify virtually anything ever... it leads to dark moral quandries.

I'm not suggesting Lab be voted for or get into power, nor do I seek to convince anyone that they should vote differently. Or of anything else.

All I'm offering is the truth..



Quote from: Dynamis on December 19, 2020, 10:28:15 PM
And two wrongs make a right?

It does in labours case.

While we are engaged in a two horse race for control of westminster , it always helps to see what the alternative to the tories offer.

This is their thirteen year record when last in power.

No one expects the tories to represent the poor , or do anything for them. What they stand for is clearly marked on the tin.

Labour however make a big song and dance contantly about the poor and poverty , and do little to feck all about it when in power as the stats show.

So i think labour come out of this looking the worse of the two parties dont you , when they cant even do something  when in power about their very own  benchmark policy of the poor and poverty they constantly scream about every election.

Its a feckin damning indictment of the labour party , and i point out time and again how i saw this myself first hand for years in glasgow , promise much , deliver little , which is why labour are despised so much in scotland.

Eventually the so called traditional labour voting areas of england are going to wake up and smell the coffee too.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Thomas on December 19, 2020, 05:21:51 PM
come oan now dynamis.  Defunding areas?

This is an old old game the labour party have played as well when in government.

As for the labour parties record on poverty while we are throwing muck around , just to provide some balance to your anti tory diatribe , back in october 2008 labour deputy harriet harman commisioned a 450 page report by the then governments national equality panel , and it went on to represent a damning verdict of labours thirteen years in power and tony blairs pledge on poverty in 1996.

Labour and their supporters are going to have to do much better than trying to sneak back into power by stirring up the anti tory vote and screaming abour poverty and nasty tories.

Told you this time and again , labour might hope people have short term memories , but the voting public still have fresh memories of the disaster that was the last labour government and we are now reaping many of the problems that labour had sown when in office.

And two wrongs make a right?

Does Labour's record from 1900 until now somehow cancel out Tory wrongs?


Quote from: Dynamis on December 19, 2020, 11:53:13 AM
Not just him that's being roasted this xmas.  ::)

But just saying - poverty has gone up in other constituencies partly because tories have reduced funding to Labour areas - this is a fact - partisan funding is a huge problem, and is very unfair, the exact same crap plays out in America.

come oan now dynamis.  Defunding areas?

This is an old old game the labour party have played as well when in government.

As for the labour parties record on poverty while we are throwing muck around , just to provide some balance to your anti tory diatribe , back in october 2008 labour deputy harriet harman commisioned a 450 page report by the then governments national equality panel , and it went on to represent a damning verdict of labours thirteen years in power and tony blairs pledge on poverty in 1996.
Labour has made inequality worse: Gulf between rich and poor now widest since WWII

The gulf between rich and poor has grown wider under Labour than at any time since World War II, according to a devastating report to be published today.

It paints a picture of a country shaped by inequality and an enduring system of class, with the children of the poor destined to live much harder and shorter lives than those of the wealthy.

The 450-page report by the Government's National Equality Panel represents a damning verdict on Labour's 13 years in office and Tony Blair's pledge on poverty in 1996.


Labour and their supporters are going to have to do much better than trying to sneak back into power by stirring up the anti tory vote and screaming abour poverty and nasty tories.

Told you this time and again , labour might hope people have short term memories , but the voting public still have fresh memories of the disaster that was the last labour government and we are now reaping many of the problems that labour had sown when in office.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: papasmurf on December 19, 2020, 04:22:38 PM
Gove is hiding evidence and the DWP is shredding evidence, it is bloody obvious. I don't frighten my neighbours. It also is not my replica machine gun as has been already explained.
Also most of my neighbours have personal experience of the nasty hostile environment from government since 2010 which has caused suicides and deaths and considerable hardship of relatives.

Who knew you had cameras in Gove's office? That bunker must be an interesting spot. Full of technology and weaponry, with real ale on tap.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on December 19, 2020, 04:04:57 PM
No it isn't, only the mind of the smurf in his bunker. With his plastic machine gun frightening his neighbours.

Gove is hiding evidence and the DWP is shredding evidence, it is bloody obvious. I don't frighten my neighbours. It also is not my replica machine gun as has been already explained.
Also most of my neighbours have personal experience of the nasty hostile environment from government since 2010 which has caused suicides and deaths and considerable hardship of relatives.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf on December 19, 2020, 03:22:15 PM
It is somewhat bloody obvious, no matter how much evidence they are given they take no notice at all, institutional cognitive dissonance.
No it isn't, only the mind of the smurf in his bunker. With his plastic machine gun frightening his neighbours.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Nick on December 19, 2020, 03:18:29 PM
And you have proof of that do you?

It is somewhat bloody obvious, no matter how much evidence they are given they take no notice at all, institutional cognitive dissonance.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf on December 19, 2020, 02:17:29 PM
The Tory choice of putting the boot into the poor and vulnerable was deliberate.

And you have proof of that do you?
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nick on December 19, 2020, 01:21:39 PM
Any measures taken by the Conservatives were to fix the mess left by Labour. "Good luck, there is no money".
But you'll never accept that cause you've got your Red specs on.

The Tory choice of putting the boot into the poor and vulnerable was deliberate.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Feck it, back to the snug and get another plan, Sheep brain isn't turning out the dogs on us, he isn't even near angry.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: papasmurf on December 19, 2020, 11:41:34 AM
JRM is not telling the truth at all he is trying to divert attention from the nasty consequences of the hostile policies of his own government.  Judging by the roasting he is getting in the media/press nationally and internationally he has failed.

Any measures taken by the Conservatives were to fix the mess left by Labour. "Good luck, there is no money".
But you'll never accept that cause you've got your Red specs on. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.