Winning: Ports gridlocked and retailers struggling as Brexit deadline looms

Started by Dynamis, December 12, 2020, 01:14:21 AM

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Borg Refinery

Some of the UK's largest shippers have written to MPs demanding a parliamentary inquiry into the port congestion crippling the country's container supply chains.

A letter from the British Retail Consortium (BRC) and Food and Drink Federation (FDF) to Lilian Greenwood MP, chair of the Commons Transport Select Committee, and Angus Brendan MacNeil MP, chair of the Commons International Trade Committee, describes importers as facing "major challenges in building up stock for the Christmas period and for the end of the transition period at the end of December".

It requests the two committees hold a joint inquiry into "port disruption and [the] functioning of the shipping market".

BRC chief executive Helen Dickinson explained: "The lead-up to Christmas is the most important time of year for retailers; ordinarily accounting for up a fifth of the entire year's sales and generating a large part of annual revenues.


Quote from: Nick on December 20, 2020, 09:30:05 PM
These arguments were put forward as reasons the EU will suffer, do you not agree they will?

No the only one of those arguments where "the EU will suffer" is the German car markers/French wine producers etc etc one.

That evidently has not happened.

Neither is a US trade deal on the horizon (nor would such a deal make sure difference).

The EU clearly will impose tariffs in the event of no deal

The commonwealth countries have not rushed to rejoin the empire

Every single argument has turned out to be false.

And even if we assume that losing a competitive edge in the UK market was a big incentive to the EU27, why would losing the same competitive edge in the much more important to the UK EU27 market not work against the UKs interests

As we speak a little foretaste of how important the trade with the EU is to the UK is being delivered.  It's too late for us to change course now but there we go.

Borg Refinery

Quote from: johnofgwent on December 20, 2020, 09:17:16 PM

Right. I've read that link three times. I can't see any mention of a Papa Smurf or a Bugs bunny


That's the case with EVERY Daily Express article!


Quote from: BeElBeeBub on December 19, 2020, 07:38:22 PM
All of brexit is one giant "cross our fingers and hope"

...the German car makers come to our rescue
...they need us more than we need them
...they won't impose tariffs
...the US will come running to do a trade deal
...the commonwealth will want to rejoin empire 2.0

These arguments were put forward as reasons the EU will suffer, do you not agree they will?
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Dynamis on December 12, 2020, 01:26:45 PM
Papa Smurf and Bugs turn Britain anti-EU

It really is all papa's fault we're leaving the EU and the Tories got in after all. Who knew? I thought it was those evil brown people we need the razor wire for? And those broon wde dugs?

Very sick! Bigly sick!

Right. I've read that link three times. I can't see any mention of a Papa Smurf or a Bugs bunny
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: Dynamis on December 12, 2020, 01:26:45 PM
Papa Smurf and Bugs turn Britain anti-EU

It really is all papa's fault we're leaving the EU and the Tories got in after all. Who knew? I thought it was those evil brown people we need the razor wire for? And those broon wde dugs?

Very sick! Bigly sick!

Eastern Europeans are white.

Playing the race card didn't win you a referendum.
Good to see you have taken that on board.


Pat will turn up in a minute as we have known each other's posts for over ten years and say no, the real populists have always said, it will be as tough as hell to leave the EU but it is your choice and we will back the majority through thick and thin.
But then, he might do a drive by post elsewhere and pretend he hasn't seen it.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!

Borg Refinery

People are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times.

Very bad, so bad, the badliest!

We need to keep on winning. We're gonna win in the toilets, we're gonna win in the sea, we're goonna win on the ferries. We're winning so much, don't stop winning, it's too much winning! And you'll say "stop, stop it's too much, it's too much, I can't handle it!"


Now they're saying xmas could be delayed or cancelled.

Pick your source....

The Remoaners have been bellshitting all over Brexit for 4 years now, it's true, especially Swinson the delusional, but but but.... it's not their fault that things have gone so awry now no matter how much folks try to pin it on them - this is not the fault of "Remoaner sabotage".

Blaming 100% of everything on feckin liberals, remoaners, labour etc is not generally a sound strategy. What happened to personal responsibility and t aking it? (not a shit.. responsibility) What happened? Very responsibly, the responsibliest! So responsible. Nobody is more responsible than I, Dyna J Trump!


All of brexit is one giant "cross our fingers and hope"

...the German car makers come to our rescue
...they need us more than we need them
...they won't impose tariffs
...the US will come running to do a trade deal
...the commonwealth will want to rejoin empire 2.0


Quote from: BeElBeeBub on December 19, 2020, 06:30:09 PMGood job one of here can do sums because crossing your fingers and hoping hasn't worked out well for the UK so far

Tell you what, Beelezbub, go and find a single post where I've "crossed my fingers" about leaving the EU. You won't find one of course, and theres a very good reason why that is.

As for doing your sums, good for you. You're still a boring **** though


Quote from: DeppityDawg on December 19, 2020, 05:59:17 PMWell, who knew? In between furiously tapping his calculator, Beelbeeb has a sense of humour. Absolutely hilarious.
Good job one of here can do sums because crossing your fingers and hoping hasn't worked out well for the UK so far


Quote from: BeElBeeBub on December 19, 2020, 05:30:06 PMEdit: autocorrect! But left in because it was a little funny!

Well, who knew? In between furiously tapping his calculator, Beelbeeb has a sense of humour. Absolutely hilarious.


Quote from: Barry on December 12, 2020, 10:06:16 AM
Freedom has a price, and those who said they were willing to take a bit of a hit are about to find out how much.
No pain, no gain. If we don't get out now, we never will.

The expectation for brexit seem to have been downgraded somewhat.

"More money for the NHS!", "Cheaper everything!", "Trade deals for all!", "Exact same benefits"

"No pain, no gain!"

I'll venture leave wouldn't have won with "well take shit a hit and have to see how much" on the side of a bus.

Edit: autocorrect! But left in because it was a little funny! ;D

Borg Refinery

We are still winning so bigly, so mu.. - too much, it's too much winning, so bigly winly. Never before has so much been won so bigly guys.
Great guys! The greatest! Very sick!

We need to keep, on, WINNING!


Quote from: Thomas on December 12, 2020, 02:03:26 PM
i agree , and as you know i have categorically said the snp wont be the party getting my vote in an indy scotland. Not only are some of them too liberal and left wing for me , but as i keep saying they are more of a movement  made up of the bits and pieces of differing factions in scottish politics united in the common goal of indy.

I doubt the snp would even survive indy.

I have no time for a lot of the guff the snp come out with , and as i told you many a time they arent the party you think they are.

We need a centre right scottish indy party , to balance and challenge those currently running the top of the snp. I have given sturgeon her chance , but i have to say im deeply disapointed in her.

I have no time for these trans ideology muppets and gradualists like pete wishart , and clowns like alyn smith have left a bad taste in my mouth after his drubbing at the hands of the nec the other week.

Oh I am so glad to read that. As a woman looking at a woman she has me really worried. I don't think that what you see is really what you get. Scotland deserves so much better.