Potential future conflicts

Started by patman post, March 27, 2021, 02:30:27 PM

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Anyway if you want to look at a new likely conflict, take a look at Ukraine.
Keiv has been building up its forces on the Ceasefire line in the Donbass and Russia has responded by deploying massive forces on the Russian borders including the Crimea.
Lavrov has made it very clear to Kiev what the consequences of starting a new Ukrainian war will be.


Brief comeback

1 PRC ROC dispute is not an International Dispute and there is no border dispute involved

2) Russia China conflict is nothing more than a Neo Con wet Dream. Reality is precisely the opposite with increasing unified Security and Science projects,, including space and going to the Moon!

3 Bhutan China have unresolved demarcation issues, which are largely technical. Most angst on subject from India, which tries to drag others into its own disputes. Bhutan officially on record expressing displeasure at India trying to speak on its behalf and accused them of a colonial mindset towards Bhutan.

4) South China Seas are a mass of competing claims from multiple nations - the real map is below

patman post

Not an article, but a discussion, as in "Caught the end of a discussion on Times Radio this morning". 

I admit Chinese-Russian relations is not a subject I'm involved with.  However, through reading news and business journals, I doubt that China's foreign relationships are as lovey dovey as you'd have us believe. 

It seems to me that in addition to the Taiwan issue, and disputes with India over Aksai Chin and Arunchal Pradesh, China claims Japanese held Senkaku Islands, and is also in dispute over part of the border of Bhutan. There are also territorial disputes with the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam...

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The West vs Reason, Rationalism and Common Sense.

To Pat

China can re-integrate Taiwan anytime it wants and there is nothing anybody could do to stop them. Uncle Sam will make a lot of weird noises and jestures but will not actually put its military in the firing line. Any recognition of an Independent Taiwan would violate International Law which recognises only one China of which the Island of Taiwan is a part.

China and Russia are in a strategic alliance, reaffirmed and deepened only this week in Guangxi. Russia has plenty that China wants, Russia is happy to sell and China is happy to buy. China has only one land border dispute and that is with India. India has border disputes with pretty much everyone it shares a border with.

Was your article written by 5 year olds or Tom Clancy?

patman post

Caught the end of a discussion on Times Radio this morning where the proposition was that the World is amalgamating into larger groups — ie, from tribes, to pricipalities, to states countries, to countries to larger blocs. The thought was that, in time ,we could become one world. 

But it was forecast that there'd be some major bust-ups before that happened: 
Taiwan was identified as a point of conflict between the US and China — PRC sees it as a face saving issue and the US has invested much credibility in the country's continuing independent existence. 

A China v Russia conflict was identified because PRC has a vast population but limited resources. Conversely, parts of Russia are resource rich but are sparsely populated. And neither appears to respect borders or agreements.

Thirdly (and a scenario that has occured to me) uprising and civil way in the US. The number of armed groups posing as legitimate political enforcers is worrying. And the ease with which they responded to a deposed president indicates this is not that far away...
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