Pfizer warns EU to back down on Covid vaccine threats to UK

Started by Borchester, March 20, 2021, 09:56:23 AM

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Quote from: Nick on April 11, 2021, 02:07:57 PM
He points to the fact that NI and Scotland have been dragged out of the EU against their will. Isn't that what the EU is all about? Making member countries do something they don't necessarily want to be. The hypocrisy is off the scale.

We can speak for ourselves nick. We dont need some globalist new labour type neo liberal englishman pretending to be a paddy in dublin speaking for us in some puerile attempt to reverse brexit.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on April 11, 2021, 12:48:13 PM
Well be fair Borky he's in a permanent state of rapture when he gushes on about the wonders and power or the eu.

He points to the fact that NI and Scotland have been dragged out of the EU against their will. Isn't that what the EU is all about? Making member countries do something they don't necessarily want to be. The hypocrisy is off the scale.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Borchester on April 11, 2021, 12:26:37 PM
All good stuff Tommy, but, as I am sure you will have already twigged, Gwen is that little girl who doesn't care about Brexit or know where Ireland is, but who does realise that the meeting is over and is terrified that she will have to go back to her desk and do some, you know, gulp, work.

Our little girl will be on here, rattling away fit to beat the band about Brexit and Lemsip quotas, until the Rapture.

Harmless really, but she does go on. And on. And on......
Well be fair Borky he's in a permanent state of rapture when he gushes on about the wonders and power or the eu. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: GerryT on April 10, 2021, 10:25:37 PM
I did answer the question

[HIGHLIGHT]The fence doesnt break any eu rules.[/HIGHLIGHT] The emigrant camps were found to breach eu rules, it went to court and Hungary removed the camps. You might also remember Hungary woyldn't sign off on the EU recovery fund, which the EU needed. So the EU said Hungary would be removed as a beneficary so Hungary very quickly signed the deal.

Report license is the control, its what the EU did by introducing a new regulation. If a company ignores it the EU will look to the respective country to enforce the law, if they dont then the eu has many possible options. First court for the company, or country and i showed how the EU did that to the UK (chinese shoes) and were fined billions. Secondly the EU could remove the country from the EU vaccine purchase scheme so they receive no vaccines from outside their country. I showed the EU did this with Hungary with the recovery fund. Theres many more things the EU could do but those two possible actions would sort it. What were you expecting, guns and tanks ?
You do know the regulation to allow the EU to refusr an export lisc for vaccines runs out June of this yr, the chance if an EU country looking to make a fight with the EU to give the UK more vaccines than they are entitled to in my opinion is less than zero. By June the supy of vaccines in the EU should be sorted.

Wheres that list (its ok i know you dont have one, there is nothing to put on it)


Do you actually read the nonsense you wright?

You're saying that the EU will block the country that is producing 99% of the vaccines from buying any!! Do you really think Belgium is going to hand over its vaccines to the EU for them to say you're not having any back. This is a country that has decided to ignore EU rule already, they are going to tell them to get lost.

Which brings us to the point you will not say, the EU can do nothing if Countries decide to ignore them.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


All good stuff Tommy, but, as I am sure you will have already twigged, Gwen is that little girl who doesn't care about Brexit or know where Ireland is, but who does realise that the meeting is over and is terrified that she will have to go back to her desk and do some, you know, gulp, work.

Our little girl will be on here, rattling away fit to beat the band about Brexit and Lemsip quotas, until the Rapture.

Harmless really, but she does go on. And on. And on......
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: GerryT on April 10, 2021, 10:53:56 PM
Brexit has only just started, remember, you've just pulled out of the harbour

Is this what you keep telling yourself gerry?

Brexit has only just started , so there is plenty of time for you to sit on the edge of your chair , rake through the dirt and cast up every little thing you can to change english public opinion ?

I havent pulled out of any harbour gerry , i voted remain. Unlike you and your ilk  though, with your neo liberal globalist new labour type discourse , im not a reality denier. You can scratch around in the dirt for the forseeable future screaming about brexit , but the reality is there is no turning back in the near future.

Quotebut with covid going on nobody is paying attention

A year into the covid pandemic , is this just sinking in now gerry? I have been telling you for the best part of the last year covid has stolen the wind from your remoaner sails , and you have been too busy screaming about brexit to take your head out the sand and look reality in the face.

The reality is once covid is over , and while the virus itself should gradually recede as vaccination increases and immunity becomes the norm , the after effects while stay with us all for a few years yet.

On top of that , the english public from what i can see are more than ever determined to stay out the eu and keep themselves disentangled from eu rules and laws. As time goes by brexit then becomes the "status quo " the norm everyone is used to , and on top of that , which political party is going to champion your view of the uk rejoining or at the very least tying the uk to some sort of BRINO deal?

On a uk level , the pro remain parties are in tatters. The lib dems have effectivly dissappeared and largely irrelevant , and labour are in a complete mess. Starmer is a complete dud . I have been reading yet again about labours tactical incompetence regarding the forthcoming hartlepool by election , where they have stood an out and out remain candidate in an area that was 70 % leave .

Apart from this stupidity , if starmer loses hartlepool , does badly in the local english elections , and performs as expected in both scotland and wales for the parliaments at cardiff and holyrood , then he is in big trouble going into 2024 G.E.

I would think its reality to point out any sort of rejoin/BRINO uk / eu deal is unlikely in the next decade .

QuoteBrexit is affecting more than the UK, its directly affecting my country, the relationship of this Island, not that anyone in UK govt gives a monkeys

Thats too bad gerry. Independent nations have the right to do as they please wether it affects other nations or not. You are constantly arguing against the recognised norms of democracy at every turn  , which is why you are constantly on the losing side. I pointed out time and again , the remain argument was lost in 2016 , and ever since people like you have been trying and failing to overturn democracy while turning more and more decent minded people against you.

QuoteIf they did then they wouldn't have put a border in the middle of their country, reality is NI doesn't count.

It doesnt really , and i have told you this , as well as posting polls showing the english would rather jettison northern ireland to get brexit many a time.

Is this another piece of reality that is finally sinking in?

QuoteDoes the recent riots even get a mention over there ?

We have been talking about it on this very forum. Do you know much about it gerry? Its only a 100 miles up the road from you(allegedly) , yet you barely mention irish politics as you are so consumed with desperation to talk brexit down to the exclusion of all else.

QuoteWhat caused all this, to a great extent Johnson and the DUP not far behind.

What caused all this has its roots back in history , and the N.I .P is just the latest excuse to get the jackets off and have at it. Hardcore unionism has been bleating about the GFA for 23 years . The DUP supported brexit .

I think the uk public is now running out of patience appeasing both nationalist and unionist in northern ireland , and paying a pretty penny to do it into the bargain.

Told you many a time , no one gives a feck , and northern ireland still hasnt held the uk back from brexit much to your dissappointment.

QuoteWhat a liar that man is.

The labour party voted for johnsons brexit deal.

QuoteNI was sold down the river, expectations were set and then the betrayal,

You have just described the story of northern ireland and unionism in particular over the last 100 years.

We often talk about the labour party and tony blair doing dirty deals with republicans on the run , and the look on former first minister peter robinsons face when he found out about it.

The only person who seems surprised by a westminster government shafting northern ireland yet again seems to be airy fairies like you who really believed northern ireland was somehow stop engerlund brexiting . :D

FFS churchil was prepared to shaft northern ireland all those years ago when he offered de valera the 6 counties in return for the uk using neutral irelands ports for atlantic crossings , and daft de valera told him to feck off in 1940. Its nothing new. Except to people like you who believe the hot air you spout on these forums regading brexit.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: GerryT on April 10, 2021, 10:53:56 PM
Brexit has only just started, remember, you've just pulled out of the harbour but with covid going on nobody is paying attention.i expect the brexit debate will get more and more attention later in the yr when covid receeds.

Brexit is affecting more than the UK, its directly affecting my country, the relationship of this Island, not that anyone in UK govt gives a monkeys. If they did then they wouldn't have put a border in the middle of their country, reality is NI doesn't count. Does the recent riots even get a mention over there ?  I bet if a part of London had 11 straight nights of car burning, police being injured then it would get alot more attention.
What caused all this, to a great extent Johnson and the DUP not far behind. Johnson came in to Belfast saying his new deal was brilliant and there would be zero port checks, paperwork between NI and GB and if anyone said there would be tell them to talk to me (bojo). What a liar that man is.. NI was sold down the river, expectations were set and then the betrayal, it kicks off, is there any surprise. Whats Johnson doing, well hes going for a nice pint monday, happy days.
Blah,blah,blah, the EU thinking they are the camp guards have said from day one, if we were to try and escape, they would do their upmost to make everyone's lives a misery. For freedom you have to pay a heavy price, there is a brutal bully in the room and it sure isn't the people who didn't want the EU shackles.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Thomas on April 10, 2021, 07:34:32 PM
Someone can't quite get over brexit eh nick?

As i said , we all have our particular areas we like to focus when talking politics , but how unusual is it for a so called foreigner to spend 90 % of his time talking about another country brexiting to the exclusion of pretty much else , especially the politics of his own alleged country?

Plenty of interesting stuff going on in the world of politics on the island of ireland at the minute , not a feckin peep out of gerry.

If France or ireland had just left the eu , would you give a feck? I certainly wouldnt , and i certainly woudlnt be spending a good part of my spare time talking on a french or irish forum about how bad it was for them to leave the eu?

Brexit has only just started, remember, you've just pulled out of the harbour but with covid going on nobody is paying attention.i expect the brexit debate will get more and more attention later in the yr when covid receeds.

Brexit is affecting more than the UK, its directly affecting my country, the relationship of this Island, not that anyone in UK govt gives a monkeys. If they did then they wouldn't have put a border in the middle of their country, reality is NI doesn't count. Does the recent riots even get a mention over there ?  I bet if a part of London had 11 straight nights of car burning, police being injured then it would get alot more attention.
What caused all this, to a great extent Johnson and the DUP not far behind. Johnson came in to Belfast saying his new deal was brilliant and there would be zero port checks, paperwork between NI and GB and if anyone said there would be tell them to talk to me (bojo). What a liar that man is.. NI was sold down the river, expectations were set and then the betrayal, it kicks off, is there any surprise. Whats Johnson doing, well hes going for a nice pint monday, happy days.


Quote from: Nick on April 10, 2021, 07:28:03 PM
1263 posts out of 1400 in Brexit category. Doesn't get out much 😉.
i post here pretty much only for brexit. So thats no surprise


Quote from: Borchester on April 10, 2021, 12:00:38 PM
That might have answered the question.

Did not the EU commission get all the members together and agree to write the Hungarians a stroppy letter and did not the Hungarians say get stuffed? And that, as  recall, has been pretty much the end of it.

Maybe Ursula and Gwen will get together and give Boris a jolly good handbagging, but otherwise their options seem pretty limited.
no, your wrong


Quote from: Nick on April 10, 2021, 09:49:50 AM
If you answered the question people wouldn't have to keep asking. You're clearly not going to answer regarding vaccines so let's deal with what we have got.

Hungary built a fence 6 years ago against EU rules and it's still up so what can the EU do to make Hungary take it down?

You can't hide behind export licenses this time. Your big chance to answer a straight question and not obfuscate the thread.

I will get to your list once you answer this to a satisfactory level.
I did answer the question

The fence doesnt break any eu rules. The emigrant camps were found to breach eu rules, it went to court and Hungary removed the camps. You might also remember Hungary woyldn't sign off on the EU recovery fund, which the EU needed. So the EU said Hungary would be removed as a beneficary so Hungary very quickly signed the deal.

Report license is the control, its what the EU did by introducing a new regulation. If a company ignores it the EU will look to the respective country to enforce the law, if they dont then the eu has many possible options. First court for the company, or country and i showed how the EU did that to the UK (chinese shoes) and were fined billions. Secondly the EU could remove the country from the EU vaccine purchase scheme so they receive no vaccines from outside their country. I showed the EU did this with Hungary with the recovery fund. Theres many more things the EU could do but those two possible actions would sort it. What were you expecting, guns and tanks ?
You do know the regulation to allow the EU to refusr an export lisc for vaccines runs out June of this yr, the chance if an EU country looking to make a fight with the EU to give the UK more vaccines than they are entitled to in my opinion is less than zero. By June the supy of vaccines in the EU should be sorted.

Wheres that list (its ok i know you dont have one, there is nothing to put on it)


Quote from: Nick on April 10, 2021, 07:28:03 PM
1263 posts out of 1400 in Brexit category. Doesn't get out much 😉.

Someone cant quite get over brexit eh nick?

As i said , we all have our particular areas we like to focus when talking politics , but how unusual is it for a so called foreigner to spend 90 % of his time talking about another country brexiting to the exclusion of pretty much else , especially the politics of his own alleged country?

Plenty of interesting stuff going on in the world of politics on the island of ireland at the minute , not a feckin peep out of gerry.

If France or ireland had just left the eu , would you give a feck? I certainly wouldnt , and i certainly woudlnt be spending a good part of my spare time talking on a french or irish forum about how bad it was for them to leave the eu?

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on April 10, 2021, 07:12:45 PM

Feckin hell borkie , gerry on here again defending the eu to the exclusion of all else , meanwhile no a peep out of our" irishman" regarding events in the northern part of the island he allegedly lives on.

What a surprise.

1263 posts out of 1400 in Brexit category. Doesn't get out much 😉.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Thomas on April 10, 2021, 07:12:45 PM

Feckin hell borkie , gerry on here again defending the eu to the exclusion of all else , meanwhile no a peep out of our" irishman" regarding events in the northern part of the island he allegedly lives on.

What a surprise.
:) :)

She is a good lass and better a clever lie than the foolish truth, but it would help if the poor little cow did some research
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Borchester on April 10, 2021, 06:22:04 PM
And lucky no one told Gwen. The poor lass would not have been able to bear it.

Mind you, she would not have believed it anyway  :) :) :)

Feckin hell borkie , gerry on here again defending the eu to the exclusion of all else , meanwhile no a peep out of our" irishman" regarding events in the northern part of the island he allegedly lives on.

What a surprise.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!