Does any man really deserve this?

Started by T00ts, January 18, 2022, 06:58:28 PM

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Quote from: T00ts on January 18, 2022, 07:05:31 PM
...and yet we tell children to be kind, not to be bullies. Surely this is now bullying on a national scale.

Well, he is a politician.

You say we would not treat a child like that.

John Major did. He was INCREDIBLY rude to a group of sixth formers assembled by the BBC to ask him about his job, his policies and his future.  

It was hardly their fault they were the top end of the IQ range of the electorate.

If politicians bully children (and some 18 year olds) why should they not get their own back, in spadefuls. 

I'm sorry Toots. Maybe it is because I have gone Mano a Mano with too many of them. Too many treat the electorate with sneering contempt at every opportunity, and Boris is firmly among them, and serves no better than he metes out.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: srb7677 on January 20, 2022, 05:49:04 PM
I certainly tend to believe that Cummings is no better than he is,
My judgement on who is worse will depend on what Johnson does after the Sue Gray report. Cummings is a snake that broke the rules and refused to go. BoJo seems like a guy who wants to do what is right for the country. Or so that was my impression until recently. Him remaining as PM is ruining the nation. So if national pride, valour and honour is what he is about he fucks off next week for the sakes of the nation. If he clings on after a damning report then he is no better than Cummings.


Quote from: T00ts on January 18, 2022, 07:46:34 PMPut it this way I would quite believe that Cummings is a nastier piece of work than BJ and not above some sinister works.
I certainly tend to believe that Cummings is no better than he is, and is just as much of an integrity free zone. But let's not mince words here. Bozo is very much a nasty piece of work in his own right. After all, he openly discussed with a friend, having a journalist beaten up. Specifically two black eyes and a cracked rib. When told by his friend that this was the intent, he nevertheless agreed to supply that friend with the journalist's contact details.

Eddie Mair tells Boris Johnson: "You're a Nasty Piece of Work" - The Andrew Marr Show, BBC 1 - YouTube

The true character of Bozo was obvious to anyone not wearing blinkers.

We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: T00ts on January 18, 2022, 07:15:11 PM
No I can't agree your comment that this is not bullying. Perhaps you are more interested in wrecking the current Government but socially I think two wrongs don't make a right and in this case maybe the bahaviour of those bringing BJ to book is worse than the lying. I just ask what message it gives to young minds? That to hound someone publicly in the way they are is acceptable. Not in a civilised society.
So are you really trying to argue that lying, corruption, rule breaking, and all the rest of it from on high should be given a free pass because getting on the perpetrators case about it constitutes bullying? Bozo has brought this upon himself entirely by his own behaviour and subsequent refusal to take responsibility for it.

If you think getting on someone's case for their wrongdoings and refusal to take responsibility for them, is bullying, I strongly advise you never to apply for a career in the police. lol
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: T00ts on January 18, 2022, 06:58:28 PM
Watching the news and once again they have put BJ in the stocks and started throwing rotten tomatoes at him. I just wonder if this is really fair on the man. No matter what we individually might think of him,whether we think he has lied to us and the Commons, in fairness there is an enquiry going on. I can hear the storm brewing here at this but just suppose he is driven to drastic action and hurts himself.

I just wonder how much someone is expected to take in terms of vilification etc and just how noble it makes any of us feel. I think his days are numbered and have said so for months. But it must me a nightmare for his family as much as himself. Do we really need to be as vicious as this? Do we really want a society that makes this hounding the norm?
All he has to do is to take responsibility and resign. Failure to do so will simply result in all his gross failings continuing to be held against him publicly. Were this a Labour PM I am certain you'd have been one of the ones joining the chorus well before now. It is not as if losing his job as PM will leave him or his family destitute. They have plenty of money and his opportunities to earn more would be increased were he not trying to be PM. He does not have to top himself to make all this self-inflicted negative attention stop, he merely has to cease being PM. Which is something every other PM within living memory has managed to do when the time came, without succumbing to utter despair.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: T00ts on January 18, 2022, 08:06:50 PM
I do. I believe in the high ground. It does us no favours or those who follow us to all sink to the same or similar depth.
You already did.
Dominic Cummings: 'If I say anything I will say it later on' (
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!

Good old

Quote from: T00ts on January 19, 2022, 09:13:08 AM
So many in this thread seem to think I defend BJ. It is more that I criticise our behaviour as an electorate. The man is on the ropes and in my view the rest of us need a check on exactly what is being done in our name. It's not in mine.

Everyone is defensible Barry and as yet the jury is still out. In this culture that has insidiously developed the fashion that is to tread people down until they are cancelled, I for one am not proud or impressed with how this whole scenario is going down.

On a huge public stage we are saying that this hounding of the man is acceptable and yet the next victim in the school playground will raise howls of horror that another child is attacked. We are all supposed to be adults who represent the society we feel is right - how can anyone look on at this and see it as fair or right? It is mindless of the bigger picture and degrades us all.

The big problem here is ,Boris, is the PM. What's so worrying is his failure to act the part. The latest burbling coming from Downing Street,  is that he really didn't know what was going on. He even had to be briefed as to whether he was about to break his own rules, if he had not already. This the man in charge doesn't even know the rules and procedures of his own office, let alone the country.? They say we should not replace him now, the country needs him.  This defence, that appears to be poor little Boris, he didn't know what everyone else knew , is pathetic, and quiet honestly reflects poorly on everyone of those that think it an excuse.
He isn't the wayward husband, with mum saying he should not go as the kids need him. He is the PM that doesn't have a grasp on even his own rules and laws. That effect every last one of us.
Is that the calibre of individual that any sane person should want running this country.? Would his excuses suffice in a major calamity of another sort to the calamity that Covid represents to all in one degree or another.? 


Quote from: T00ts on January 19, 2022, 09:13:08 AM
So many in this thread seem to think I defend BJ. It is more that I criticise our behaviour as an electorate. The man is on the ropes and in my view the rest of us need a check on exactly what is being done in our name. It's not in mine.

Everyone is defensible Barry and as yet the jury is still out. In this culture that has insidiously developed the fashion that is to tread people down until they are cancelled, I for one am not proud or impressed with how this whole scenario is going down.

On a huge public stage we are saying that this hounding of the man is acceptable and yet the next victim in the school playground will raise howls of horror that another child is attacked. We are all supposed to be adults who represent the society we feel is right - how can anyone look on at this and see it as fair or right? It is mindless of the bigger picture and degrades us all.

Well, ok, but when you start a thread saying does any man deserve what Boris is getting, and thereby suggest he does not, it is very hard for me to see it in terms other than a leap to his defence that he does not deserve it.

There was a time when my MP was open to admitting they got it wrong.

The most extreme form of that was Paul Flynn who asked his constituents for their opinion on his choice of lobby to walk through at an upcoming vote. A number of them myself included wrote reasonably polite letters asking him to consider certain aspects he had overlooked, we had meetings that were all quite friendly really, and after we quietly explained what he had overlooked he said he would do more research and a few weeks later wrote to me and presumably the others individually saying I and those on my side were right, his initial briefing from parliamentary lobbyists was incomplete and he was therefore voting the other way and he did.

My last letter from my sitting MP was an admission she had been told privately by a junior shadow minister the events I predicted would not in a million years ever happen. So she voted the way she did and then as I predicted the things the junior shadow minister bullshitted would never come about, did, and she wrote to apologise for them

That was years ago.

Today the politicians arrogantly ignore the electorate, lie to the electorate and bullshit the electorate.

As they have nought but contempt for us, I have no problem in calling for, initiating, and taking the applause for, stringing them up with cheese wire.

Because politicians in the past were open to asking what we wanted, or taking criticism of their intent.

Now they bullshit and bombast that they are omniscient and thereby fully deserve a shitkicking when their bombast and bullshit is exposed for what it is.

<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: T00ts on January 19, 2022, 09:13:08 AM
So many in this thread seem to think I defend BJ. It is more that I criticise our behaviour as an electorate. 
I criticise the people who were fooled into putting him into power.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


So many in this thread seem to think I defend BJ. It is more that I criticise our behaviour as an electorate. The man is on the ropes and in my view the rest of us need a check on exactly what is being done in our name. It's not in mine. 

Everyone is defensible Barry and as yet the jury is still out. In this culture that has insidiously developed the fashion that is to tread people down until they are cancelled, I for one am not proud or impressed with how this whole scenario is going down. 

On a huge public stage we are saying that this hounding of the man is acceptable and yet the next victim in the school playground will raise howls of horror that another child is attacked. We are all supposed to be adults who represent the society we feel is right - how can anyone look on at this and see it as fair or right? It is mindless of the bigger picture and degrades us all.


Quote from: T00ts on January 18, 2022, 06:58:28 PM
Watching the news and once again they have put BJ in the stocks and started throwing rotten tomatoes at him. 
The tomatoes were not still in the tin though.
I watch a lot of foreign news channels and Boris is a laughing stock on all of them, he is also bringing Britain into disrepute world wide. If he had any moral he would resign. The man is a disaster. 
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: T00ts on January 18, 2022, 10:37:31 PMOnly because we are all being led by the nose into mass hysteria.
By Boris for the last two years, while behind the scenes he never believed a word of it, for him it was just part of a wider agenda which he never thought would catch up. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: T00ts on January 18, 2022, 10:37:31 PM
Only because we are all being led by the nose into mass hysteria. The jury hasn't even considered the case but the man is guilty and hanged. It's a lynching by mob rule nothing more. He may well be guilty I don't deny that and of course he should go not just because of these ridiculous parties which we have been duped into getting all uppity about but because he is generally not a good PM in many ways. But there needs to be order and process otherwise we are no better than a rabble. We need sensible heads and as I see it we are in danger of ending up in a far worse place than we currently are because we are allowing ourselves to act in haste. It was never a good plan. Surely we are better than that and deserve more.

But where would you like me to start. The fact is the guy IS now the bumbling idiot he pretended to be when Mayor (but wasn't, then).

The least critical explanation I can supply is that he has suffered the brain fog that is documented to hit a proportion of Long Covid sufferers (myself included)

There are other answers but most are far less charitable.

His latest bumblings in regard to his lockdown parties "nobody told me it was not allowed" are simply not acceptable. It may be the truth that nobody TOLD him  but that he needs to be told when he has rabbitted the regulations from a podium more than once is just not within the boundaries of belief.

It is a repeat of the shit we had with D*ckHe*d Drakeford who on the occasion of his health minister taking a chip nutty picnic in the park in violation of the law spouted a load of lies and bullshit to the Western Mail, South Wales Argus and Western Daily Press and then sent Rottweilers around to decree their reporting of his lies and obvious incompetence as "an inaccuracy" despite their being audio recordings of him saying what he did.

In Dickfords case, there is a reasonable excuse, he's a Marx loving fan of Jezza Corbyn and Cottage burning Welsh language extremists in equal measure.

But Boris ? No such excuse for him unless it's all a Turkish plot to overthrow the empire that's taken 100 years to put an Attaturk where they can initiate it.

Somewhere, a Tory equivalent of Good Old believes the bumbling buffoons every word.

Please tell me it's not you, Toots.

<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


How long will you defend the indefensible T00ts?

Move over Boris, give someone else a go. You've messed up with a capital F.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Barry on January 18, 2022, 10:29:17 PM
I hope you are never on any jury. Taking the high ground might mean no one was found guilty.
You have to temper compassion with realism. Compassion is running out for this liar, Boris.
Only because we are all being led by the nose into mass hysteria. The jury hasn't even considered the case but the man is guilty and hanged. It's a lynching by mob rule nothing more. He may well be guilty I don't deny that and of course he should go not just because of these ridiculous parties which we have been duped into getting all uppity about but because he is generally not a good PM in many ways. But there needs to be order and process otherwise we are no better than a rabble. We need sensible heads and as I see it we are in danger of ending up in a far worse place than we currently are because we are allowing ourselves to act in haste. It was never a good plan. Surely we are better than that and deserve more.