Professor Sachs has a theory!

Started by Sampanviking, July 10, 2022, 04:15:48 PM

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Quote from: Barry on July 10, 2022, 10:12:07 PM
Hey, SPV, are those Russian troops still 100 miles East of the border with no chance of attacking Ukraine?
Sorry mate, but you've lost a lot of credibility with your stance of favouring our enemies.
I'll take this with a massive sack of salt.
Hey Barry

Clearly you did not follow what I saying last Winter.
The Russian forces formed up twice in 2021, first in the spring and then again in the Winter.
On both occasions this was a response to a massive Ukrainian build up of approx 100,000 troops and heavy equipment along the old line of contact.
This was accompanied by Zelensky giving speeches about resolving the Donbass issue by force.

The Russians were positioned often over 100 miles away from the border but obviously capable and ready of forward deployment to the border at very short notice.
The key of any such operation is the placement of fuel, ammunition and logistics capability "in position" to enable an operation to be undertaken if required and these placements were certainly taking place.
The MSM sold the placement of the Russians as an overt Invasion Force and I said this was false. It was false, the Russians were there as a deterrence and the emphasis was on the Ukraine standing down its forces and instead starting to implement the provisions of the Minsk Agreement.
Had the Ukraine done this, there would have been no fighting.

The Ukrainians did stand down in April 2021 but made no effort to do so in the Winter
Instead it became clear that the Ukraine, with overt NATO backing, had no interest in a diplomatic resolution.
The Ukraine did start its offensive first with massive artillery bombardments of the breakaway areas as a prelude to a ground offensive.
The Russians preempted the ground offensive by quickly officially recognising the DNR and LNR and then intervening directly.

Naturally of course, the MSM ignored virtually all that was being committed on the Ukrainian side and concentrated solely on the Russian response, so I am not surprised you are wholly unaware of those events prior to Feb 24th.


Quote from: Streetwalker on July 10, 2022, 08:24:09 PM
I'll leave this thread to you and Scott , enjoy ;D

Thanks, I'm enjoying it so much so far, it's giving me goosebumps.  😁  It doesn't make much difference to me who released it, but someone did, and Bill Gates is so so happy they did.  He is also a fortune teller, because his crystal ball told him there would be a big pandemic, and he planned for it in pandemic exercises.  And hey presto, he's raking the money in from vaccines.  Gosh, I need one of those crystal balls.
Those princes who have done great things have held good faith of little account, and have known how to craftily circumvent the intellect of men.  Niccolò Machiavelli.


Hey, SPV, are those Russian troops still 100 miles East of the border with no chance of attacking Ukraine?
Sorry mate, but you've lost a lot of credibility with your stance of favouring our enemies.
I'll take this with a massive sack of salt.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Sampanviking on July 10, 2022, 04:15:48 PM
This genuinely surprised me
Proff Sachs is a beancounter not a scientist , known in the US as a 'celebrity economist'   

That of course doesn't mean he is not entitled to his opinion but when he is also known as a President Xi propogandist and the Lancet team he led was shut last year down due to financial links to the Wuhan Institute of Virology .

Even so his statements have been taken out of context , He was reported as saying the virus was made by US biotec not that it was released by it . 

Twits on twitter have been sharing a clip from his speach over the last few days released  by Chineese officials to feed conspiracy theorists .

I'll leave this thread to you and Scott , enjoy ;D