Can Starmer get some rationality into Brexit...?

Started by patman post, April 08, 2020, 02:32:42 PM

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Quote from: Borchester on July 26, 2020, 02:40:23 PM

Let us hope so Tommy. This board is quiet enough. I have gotten so desperate that I have started following the Brexit negotiations which are much less interesting and important than the minutes of my allotment society's AGM.

We can hope for a decent crisis or two but let us not get our hopes up.

Well interestingly im reading labour party members fury at the minute on my facebook feed regarding the labour leaks document over antisemitism and starmers role in settling damages and apologising over it. The membership by all accounts arent happy with him at all.

Most are either complaining they

1. didnt vote for him

2. wished they hadnt voted for him

and pointing out starmer was head of the blairite faction who constantly slandered , undermined and stabbed corbyn in the back at every single turn. Looks like the internal civil war has just been ramped up a few notches.

QuoteAntisemitism settlement plunges Labour party into civil war
Labour's decision to pay a six-figure libel settlement to ex-staffers who claimed the party was failing to deal with antisemitism has plunged the party back into civil war, with Jeremy Corbyn publicly condemning his successor's decision to settle the case.

Corbyn's statement caused astonishment among the litigants in the libel action, with the Panorama journalist John Ware confirming to the Guardian that he was "consulting his lawyers" and raising the prospect of another costly court battle over Labour and antisemitism.

Corbyn said he was disappointed by the settlement brokered under Keir Starmer, calling it a "political decision" against legal advice, and said the decision "risks giving credibility to misleading and inaccurate allegations about action taken to tackle antisemitism in the Labour party in recent years."

The former leader, who is believed to have considered a court challenge to the settlement along with senior allies, said the party had received legal advice that it would win the libel case brought by the seven ex-staffers and the journalist who made the BBC Panorama programme on which they appeared.

what an arse that man starmer actually is.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on July 26, 2020, 02:10:56 PM
Quote from: Borchester on July 26, 2020, 01:57:28 PM

I can't see many problems in the next year or so, but I suspect that it will all be rather quiet.

You think ?

Not sure about that borkie , i hink there are quite a few things bubbling away on the fire.

Let us hope so Tommy. This board is quiet enough. I have gotten so desperate that I have started following the Brexit negotiations which are much less interesting and important than the minutes of my allotment society's AGM.

We can hope for a decent crisis or two but let us not get our hopes up.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Borchester on July 26, 2020, 01:57:28 PM

True enough Tommy. I guess the difference between us is that you want government to do something and I just want it to leave me alone.

I dunno about the labour party. In the past it has shown an amazing ability to bounce back, but I am not so sure these days. Over the years it has lost its core white working class base and has tried to replace it with a rainbow coalition of blacks, browns, gays etc etc. Unfortunately a lot of the blacks, browns, gays etc that I know are rather drawn towards the get up and go of Boris's Tories than the dour rage of Starmer's Labour party.

That said, who will replace the Labour party? The Lib Dems? I am still waiting for Joanne Swinson to jump up and say tee hee, their election campaign was just meant as a joke and here is the punchline. Or the Greens who are just a branch of the Labour party with organic camomile tea?

I can't see many problems in the next year or so, but I suspect that it will all be rather quiet.

What do you mean who will replace labour?

Labour has already been replaced in scotland , is irrelevant in northern ireland , seems to have a little bit of popularity left in taffydom , so in effect really is only a question left for you english.

Who replaces them in your country  isnt my concern borkie . Im simply pointing out as things stand , they cant rely on the old feeble fifty jocks and seem to have pissed all over their own backyard in englandshire over brexit and many other issues.
I can't see many problems in the next year or so, but I suspect that it will all be rather quiet.

You think ?

Not sure about that borkie , i hink there are quite a few things bubbling away on the fire.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on July 26, 2020, 12:52:57 PM
Quote from: Borchester on July 26, 2020, 12:41:38 PM
And if he does turn into Blair then we have Tory Lite which is fine by me.

...buts thats his problem , and has been the blairite problem since the days of the man himself.

Why would you vote red tory when you can have the real thing if you are so inclined?

Tony blairs initial success was because he was seen as the messiah after 17 long years of conservative governments back in the days of two party politics.

Over the course of his three electoral victories , he was facing a tory party which was by and large in a complete mess , and initially his core vote had no where else to go while he ate into the middle england tory marginals.

However over those three electoral victories , he proceeded to lose millions of labour voters who turned away from his "red tory " party in disgust. You were laughing as you would be unlikely to vote labour anyway , but ukip in england and the snp here started to have a field day with the old dissafected labour voters like myself.

Stamer unlike corbyn is in no mans land. He neither appeals to the left or the right. Sure you laugh and say if he is tory lite then that is fine by you , but he isnt really going to eat into the tory marginals like blair did over his stance on brexit , and he is going to lose the left wing of the labour party corbyn attracted , but you hate.

I couldnt be any happier labour are making the mistake of turning back to blairism. Keep giving the cants enough rope is what i say.

True enough Tommy. I guess the difference between us is that you want government to do something and I just want it to leave me alone.

I dunno about the labour party. In the past it has shown an amazing ability to bounce back, but I am not so sure these days. Over the years it has lost its core white working class base and has tried to replace it with a rainbow coalition of blacks, browns, gays etc etc. Unfortunately a lot of the blacks, browns, gays etc that I know are rather drawn towards the get up and go of Boris's Tories than the dour rage of Starmer's Labour party.

That said, who will replace the Labour party? The Lib Dems? I am still waiting for Joanne Swinson to jump up and say tee hee, their election campaign was just meant as a joke and here is the punchline. Or the Greens who are just a branch of the Labour party with organic camomile tea?

I can't see many problems in the next year or so, but I suspect that it will all be rather quiet.
Algerie Francais !


Final thing i will say is upon reflecting the 2019 general election , the simple fact of the matter is that it was as everyone knows the brexit election.

No matter what labour say , or how they try and spin another defeat , keir starmer and the blairites were firmly in charge of labours main policy , which was remain against corbyns wishes , and starmers strategy took labour to their worst defeat in a century.

Its that simple. Nothing to do with the yookay rejecting marxism or anything else. The main issue of the day , and starmer believed his own hype about "the silent remain majority" ( that never existed) in england and wales , and took a contrary view to the people as he had done in parliament for 3 half years , and the brexit voters gave him a feckin kicking.

...and this is the man labour supporters tell me is mr "smart politics" ?

Another london centric muppet out of his depth and oblivious to the world outside his own bubble more like.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Sheepy on July 26, 2020, 12:40:43 PM

Exactly, it won't happen. Even if the Tories completely cock it up, as smurf hopes for, people are not going to return to Labour voting, most of them would rather drop down dead from Covid.

Pretty much sheep , and this is my position.

No matter what happens , there is no a chance on this earth of me giving the labour party my vote ever again.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Borchester on July 26, 2020, 12:41:38 PM
And if he does turn into Blair then we have Tory Lite which is fine by me.

...buts thats his problem , and has been the blairite problem since the days of the man himself.

Why would you vote red tory when you can have the real thing if you are so inclined?

Tony blairs initial success was because he was seen as the messiah after 17 long years of conservative governments back in the days of two party politics.

Over the course of his three electoral victories , he was facing a tory party which was by and large in a complete mess , and initially his core vote had no where else to go while he ate into the middle england tory marginals.

However over those three electoral victories , he proceeded to lose millions of labour voters who turned away from his "red tory " party in disgust. You were laughing as you would be unlikely to vote labour anyway , but ukip in england and the snp here started to have a field day with the old dissafected labour voters like myself.

Stamer unlike corbyn is in no mans land. He neither appeals to the left or the right. Sure you laugh and say if he is tory lite then that is fine by you , but he isnt really going to eat into the tory marginals like blair did over his stance on brexit , and he is going to lose the left wing of the labour party corbyn attracted , but you hate.

I couldnt be any happier labour are making the mistake of turning back to blairism. Keep giving the cants enough rope is what i say.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Borchester on July 26, 2020, 12:41:38 PM
Quote from: cromwell on July 26, 2020, 10:25:27 AM
Quote from: Sheepy on July 25, 2020, 08:56:31 AM
When Boris announced he was going to run a government of the people for the people, he was in trouble from that minute, the people who think they run the country don't like the people, never have, they are there to have power wielded over them not the other way around, as for Slimy Starmer I wouldn't trust him one iota, in fact give me Boris and Cummings any day.
Give you Cummings any day......up to you but if you think that's the way forward good luck with that.

Boris was a means to and end for me,I don't like Starmer but the conservatives aren't my natural home and neither is labour now.

Fact is I find myself politically homeless,what are the alternatives the extremists pretending to be the people's salvation? till they get power and then we'd see a reality of a greater nightmare.

Tricky. As I may have mentioned before, I see politics like the trip I made down the Reeperbahn when I was a lad. There were tall whores and short whores and fat whores and thin whores and white whores and black whores and all other sorts of whores with the possible exception of attractive whores. But I was a teenager and chose the least disgusting one and did what had to be done.

I am going to vote for Boris. If I were a Scot I would vote for Wee Krankie. They are both populists which means that they will follow the popular mood as opposed to the whims of Islington or whatever version of Islington they have beyond the M25.

I suspect that Starmer secretly likes the Tory and SNP approach, but unless he morphs into Tony Blair he can't deliver. And if he does turn into Blair then we have Tory Lite which is fine by me.
well like you say whores the lot of them, I wouldn't get complacent if I was them, when we have proved we can form a party and put it in power in just over a month.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: cromwell on July 26, 2020, 10:25:27 AM
Quote from: Sheepy on July 25, 2020, 08:56:31 AM
When Boris announced he was going to run a government of the people for the people, he was in trouble from that minute, the people who think they run the country don't like the people, never have, they are there to have power wielded over them not the other way around, as for Slimy Starmer I wouldn't trust him one iota, in fact give me Boris and Cummings any day.
Give you Cummings any day......up to you but if you think that's the way forward good luck with that.

Boris was a means to and end for me,I don't like Starmer but the conservatives aren't my natural home and neither is labour now.

Fact is I find myself politically homeless,what are the alternatives the extremists pretending to be the people's salvation? till they get power and then we'd see a reality of a greater nightmare.

Tricky. As I may have mentioned before, I see politics like the trip I made down the Reeperbahn when I was a lad. There were tall whores and short whores and fat whores and thin whores and white whores and black whores and all other sorts of whores with the possible exception of attractive whores. But I was a teenager and chose the least disgusting one and did what had to be done.

I am going to vote for Boris. If I were a Scot I would vote for Wee Krankie. They are both populists which means that they will follow the popular mood as opposed to the whims of Islington or whatever version of Islington they have beyond the M25.

I suspect that Starmer secretly likes the Tory and SNP approach, but unless he morphs into Tony Blair he can't deliver. And if he does turn into Blair then we have Tory Lite which is fine by me.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Thomas on July 26, 2020, 12:19:58 PM
Quote from: Sheepy on July 26, 2020, 12:09:20 PM

I know he does, there goes another one of his great achievements, not everyone has got a damp old caravan in Brittany.

Indeed , but its interesting to see his predictions of impending doom for the tories.

To get the tories out of power in the near future , labour would have to do something they havent done in 15 years , win in england and win in scotland. To do this , they need to retain their core vote which is of course long gone , and retake middle england tory marginals which aint gonnae happen.

The blairites simply have no feckin clue what to do about scottish indy or brexit , being against the will of the people on both issues in both countries.

On top of that , the economic damage covid 19 has done to the yookay far outreaches anything predicted by remainers regarding brexit. So while pappy goes to sleep at night praying for impending tory demise and labour ressurrection so his layabout friends can claim every benefit going , the simple fact of the matter is labour have a feckin moutain to climb top get back into power.

Im never touching labour again with a feckin bargepole , and im exactly the type of voter they have lost in scotland that once propped them up and gave them forty to fifty cannon fodder seats north of the border.

Same goes for cromwell , deppity dawg and many others on this forum in england. I suspect covid 19 will be cured and extinct before labour ever get back into power ,and certainly the fact they are merely trying to resurrect the long dead corpse of blairism and hoping starmer is the messiah shows how feckin out of touch labour really are.
Exactly, it won't happen. Even if the Tories completely cock it up, as smurf hopes for, people are not going to return to Labour voting, most of them would rather drop down dead from Covid.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on July 26, 2020, 12:09:20 PM

I know he does, there goes another one of his great achievements, not everyone has got a damp old caravan in Brittany.

Indeed , but its interesting to see his predictions of impending doom for the tories.

To get the tories out of power in the near future , labour would have to do something they havent done in 15 years , win in england and win in scotland. To do this , they need to retain their core vote which is of course long gone , and retake middle england tory marginals which aint gonnae happen.

The blairites simply have no feckin clue what to do about scottish indy or brexit , being against the will of the people on both issues in both countries.

On top of that , the economic damage covid 19 has done to the yookay far outreaches anything predicted by remainers regarding brexit. So while pappy goes to sleep at night praying for impending tory demise and labour ressurrection so his layabout friends can claim every benefit going , the simple fact of the matter is labour have a feckin moutain to climb top get back into power.

Im never touching labour again with a feckin bargepole , and im exactly the type of voter they have lost in scotland that once propped them up and gave them forty to fifty cannon fodder seats north of the border.

Same goes for cromwell , deppity dawg and many others on this forum in england. I suspect covid 19 will be cured and extinct before labour ever get back into power ,and certainly the fact they are merely trying to resurrect the long dead corpse of blairism and hoping starmer is the messiah shows how feckin out of touch labour really are.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on July 26, 2020, 11:54:48 AM
Quote from: Sheepy on July 26, 2020, 11:46:41 AM
Well Covid bunkers don't come cheap.

Smurf has a cheap one in Quimper brittany , but the problem is the french wont let him back in to use it.

I know he does, there goes another one of his great achievements, not everyone has got a damp old caravan in Brittany.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on July 26, 2020, 11:46:41 AM
Well Covid bunkers don't come cheap.

Smurf has a cheap one in Quimper brittany , but the problem is the french wont let him back in to use it.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: papasmurf on July 26, 2020, 11:43:22 AM

Frankly I could not care less about people on this forum's opinion. But there is nothing angrier that someone who realises they have been sold a pig in a poke.
The votes lent to Bojo The Clown will disappear, when the disaster starts to effect them badly, it will take a while for rabid Tories to realise the gravity of their mistake when the severity of the disaster effects them.
My wife and I will have to make a decision as to what mitigation we can personally take after the first week of August this year. (We have to wait to check our finances until then.)

Well obviously you do or you wouldnt be on here constantly arguing and sniping about peoples opinions.

The fact of the matter is across three different forums over the last ten years i have been reading your ill informed political drivel and predictions , which is best summed up as nothing more than "i hate the tories" repeated over and over time and again.

I suspect your latest political prediction will be based on nothing more than hot air like every other political prediction you have made over the last decade.

2010 tories won , you predicted they wouldnt and eveyone hated the conservatives.

2015 , tories won again , you predicted otherwise.

2016 to be fair to you was a bit muddled from memory , i cant remember where you stood at that time on brexit , and i suspect neither can you. From memory you seemed to support ending freedom of movement as you hated immigration , but over the years since you have increasingly used brexit as a stick to be the tories with. So we will call it quits on 2016.

2017 , again you predcited the tories will lose , wrong again. This is off the back of the worst tory party leader in history , and your beloved labour still couldnt win.

2019 , same again paapy smurf talking bollocks as ever.

So when you predict the new jam tomorrow will be jan 2021 , forgive me if  i point out history shows you are talking bollocks and letting wishfull thinking override what little common sense you actually have.

Im sure you will get it right one day , but that wont be because of any political insight you actually have , more out of mere luck and the law of averages than anything else.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!