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So many "experts"...

Started by DeppityDawg, May 08, 2020, 09:46:29 AM

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Quote from: "Hyperduck Quack Quack" post_id=23724 time=1588936178 user_id=103
Because covid-19 is relatively new the experts are discovering new things about it and its effects all the time. When the coronavirus outbreak in China first appeared in the news here, the experts were saying that it wasn't transmissible between humans and all cases were traceable back to the meat market in Wuhan.  Then a day or two later the first confirmed case of human-to-human transmission hit the headlines and we all know how the story has developed since then.  

One thing's for sure.  In the absence of a vaccine or cure, the way to stop the spread of the virus is to minimise contact between people and avoid contamination of surfaces.

Lockdowns in various countries have turned the tide of the virus though not really in UK yet, which surprises me.  The only thing we can do here is to continue the lockdown, make it stricter and enforce it more vigorously.

And the good "doctor" is suggesting that "lockdown" hasn't had any real effect. In fact, she says the opposite - that as the number of days of lockdown increased, so too did the number of cases, seriously blowing a big, fat fecking hole in panic mongering b/s like you've just written. According to others on here, we have to listen to "experts". Except when they won't pander to irrational and childish fear, like yours. Not that you'll listen of course, because its in your nature to blubber like a 5 year old at anything you don't like. Meanwhile, what remains of the economy is disappearing down the toilet.

Just as with your Brexit rubbish and the whole "Uk will be a wasteland" nonsense, its hardly a surprise then that you are acting like a headless that lockdown be even stricter and more vigourous enforced? Its that pathetic attitude that is destroying this countrys economy, peoples jobs, their security and the next generations whole future. As for being the forums premier crank, the competition was fierce, but you failed to secure top spot. However, there's still the "forums no1 drama queen", and you're a shoe in, pal. DawgPower gives it 2/11 on.


Quote from: "Hyperduck Quack Quack" post_id=23724 time=1588936178 user_id=103

Lockdowns in various countries have turned the tide of the virus though not really in UK yet, which surprises me.  The only thing we can do here is to continue the lockdown, make it stricter and enforce it more vigorously.

Far too many people are breaking the lockdown in Britain and there are not enough police to police it.

Far too many seem to have appeared in Cornwall from upcountry since yesterday evening.

(I suspect there will be some Do-It-Yourself policing happening.)
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe

Hyperduck Quack Quack

Because covid-19 is relatively new the experts are discovering new things about it and its effects all the time. When the coronavirus outbreak in China first appeared in the news here, the experts were saying that it wasn't transmissible between humans and all cases were traceable back to the meat market in Wuhan.  Then a day or two later the first confirmed case of human-to-human transmission hit the headlines and we all know how the story has developed since then.  

One thing's for sure.  In the absence of a vaccine or cure, the way to stop the spread of the virus is to minimise contact between people and avoid contamination of surfaces.

Lockdowns in various countries have turned the tide of the virus though not really in UK yet, which surprises me.  The only thing we can do here is to continue the lockdown, make it stricter and enforce it more vigorously.


Quote from: Barry post_id=23707 time=1588930786 user_id=51
People sit at home, happy to be locked down because I believe they are brainwashed by the constant TV and radio advertising that says we are safe at home. Through all this millions of essential workers have been beavering away to keep us with water, electricity, gas, food and take our sewage away, and funnily enough, they have been safe, too.

On a personal level, I've had a immunity test as part of government/NHS research, but they won't tell me the results. Mad or what?

It's a few weeks since I had to look up the word epidemiologist, now everybody is one."> ... ssage.html">

QuoteProfessor Robert Dingwall suggested Britain had 'completely lost sight' of the true nature of the disease because 'mostly it isn't' killing people.

His comments illustrate the potential problems facing the Prime Minister as he prepares to set out his lockdown exit plan in an address to the nation on Sunday night.

Polling published yesterday showed almost two thirds of the population are worried about the effects of lifting the draconian curbs too early.

He told The Telegraph: 'We have this very strong message which has effectively terrorised the population into believing that this is a disease that is going to kill you. And mostly it isn't.

'Eighty per cent of the people who get this infection will never need to go near a hospital. The ones who do go to hospital because they are quite seriously ill most of them will come out alive - even those who go into intensive care.'

Prof Dingwall said the UK had 'completely lost sight of that' because of an 'obsession' with the death toll and international comparisons.

He's a professor. Advising the fecking government, for crying out loud. And now, even he isn't "on message" But of course, hes an "expert", isn't he?  Wasn't he one of those that told them that message in the first fecking place? :roll: They won't ease lockdown, they can't, even if they want to now. Because they know they will struggle to get people to go back to work. Its become a Frankensteins monster, and they fecking made it.

Siouxsie and the Banshees - "this is, the happy house...we're happy the happy house..."

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Barry post_id=23707 time=1588930786 user_id=51
We've ended up with a soup of information that tells us very little. For instance, the average person in the street has had some sort of virus this year, but hasn't got a clue if it was THE virus. A few elect people have had THE virus, been tested as positive (might have been a false result) and have since recovered, so they think they are invincible. Loads of people have had no symptoms but have had THE virus - no testing, so they don't know.

Then there's the press experts who try to stoke fear by saying there is no immunity.

The government test lots of people with tests that are not 100%, end up with a load of misleading results which add to the soup but don't save a single life.

The only people saving lives are the doctors and nurses who are treating people according to their symptoms, as they always have and always will.

People sit at home, happy to be locked down because I believe they are brainwashed by the constant TV and radio advertising that says we are safe at home. Through all this millions of essential workers have been beavering away to keep us with water, electricity, gas, food and take our sewage away, and funnily enough, they have been safe, too.

On a personal level, I've had a immunity test as part of government/NHS research, but they won't tell me the results. Mad or what?

It's a few weeks since I had to look up the word epidemiologist, now everybody is one.

I completely concur. Guess what, being outside is 'safer' than being indoors.. say bloody experts."> ... %20%5B0%5D">

I've always maintained that the south korean approach was the ONLY WAY to beat this - herd immunity is BS and as you said - so are half measures.


We've ended up with a soup of information that tells us very little. For instance, the average person in the street has had some sort of virus this year, but hasn't got a clue if it was THE virus. A few elect people have had THE virus, been tested as positive (might have been a false result) and have since recovered, so they think they are invincible. Loads of people have had no symptoms but have had THE virus - no testing, so they don't know.

Then there's the press experts who try to stoke fear by saying there is no immunity.

The government test lots of people with tests that are not 100%, end up with a load of misleading results which add to the soup but don't save a single life.

The only people saving lives are the doctors and nurses who are treating people according to their symptoms, as they always have and always will.

People sit at home, happy to be locked down because I believe they are brainwashed by the constant TV and radio advertising that says we are safe at home. Through all this millions of essential workers have been beavering away to keep us with water, electricity, gas, food and take our sewage away, and funnily enough, they have been safe, too.

On a personal level, I've had a immunity test as part of government/NHS research, but they won't tell me the results. Mad or what?

It's a few weeks since I had to look up the word epidemiologist, now everybody is one.
† The end is nigh †


Expert= X the unknown quantity + spurt a drip under pressure.

Experts are people from 250 miles away. (David Penhaligon.)
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


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QuoteDr Julii Brainard, of UEA's Norwich Medical School, said the researchers were 'really surprised' to learn that stay-at-home orders may not be needed to control the outbreak, provided that this did not lead to more mass gatherings. It was found that these stay-home policies were not linked with a decline in incidences, and that as the number of lock-down days increased, so did the number of cases.

I had been thinking that it was pointless commenting about this whole virus-mania anymore. The conversation just goes around in a never ending circle of doom and "experts". I thought I'll just have to watch our society constantly shooting itself in the foot over and over again. But try as I might, I can't. The "experts" keep contradicting each other, the media keep throwing petrol on an already out of control fire, and various politicians keep trying to "out-nice-person" each other with ever more claims that lockdown (aka stay at home and get paid by the government indefinitely) must remain in place "in case we get a second wave" that will kill more people than a comet crashing into the earths surface at 6 billion mph.

Then the article further down the page made me burst out laughing - even having sex passes on coronavirus. Is there anything that Coronavirus won't do, ffs?  :lol:  Will it infect our computers too? Will it lead to global warming (or a reduction in global warming)? Will it end poverty, destroy cancer, make your career, win the Premier league, stop queue jumping, fix broken washing machines, have a no1 hit named after it, be a career move, end your career, lead to everlasting peace but finally, kill the entire human race? Its possible to find virtually ANY story you like with a "coronavirus" theme in the media now. One expert says this, another says that, yet another is fecking some German bird while telling everyone else to lock themselves in the bathroom and never come out, eating raw onions will stop you getting it and playing squash on a Friday means you'll definitely get it by the following Thursday

We've got too many "experts" spending too much time justifying their existence or jumping on the bandwagon. Everyone wants their 5 minutes on fame. We've lost all sense of proportion. Reason has gone out of the window. Factories lie idle, shops and retail centres are shut, ports lie deserted and airfields are filled with cars no one can buy. Everyone is tat and shite off Amazon like its going out of fashion, because they are bored witless. Domestic violence it the new home entertainment (apparently) and most of us haven't seen other family members for months (some of that is good). No-one thinks to question how long the government can continue to pay millions of people wages, never mind bail out millions of businesses that are on the verge of or already banjkupt. Its like watching an old US 70s sitcom. No one has any idea what's going on, half cocked "studies" are everywhere (complete with "cautions" not to take the results too seriously already built in), and anything else in the news is after the tits on page 3. Confused? You will be, after this weeks episode of "Soap".

Open the pubs for feck sake. If I'm going to die, at least let me die with a fecking pint in my hand.