How old are you really?

Started by T00ts, May 08, 2020, 02:03:11 PM

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Quote from: Streetwalker post_id=23897 time=1589045346 user_id=5312 :D

Aw bless!

Forum admin">



Quote from: T00ts post_id=23830 time=1589013419 user_id=54
Why would I tell you off?  :D I have heard the stories of the Army in Germany post WW2 and he would have agreed with you about the beer and the girls. I do believe he was returned home in a hurry....! Who was the German Nazi who was imprisoned for years? Anyway they were in charge of 'guarding' him as one of their roles. In the Welsh Guards he also stood outside Buckingham Palace, Trooping the colour, Bank of England guard etc so his stories were fun. You sound as if you  had a very interesting time - thank you for sharing.  :dncg:

S'ok.....anyway, I'm off to my other forum now...I've got a new girl to schmoose  :lol:


Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=23828 time=1589012568 user_id=50
I ought to know better by now than to get involved in conversations like this with you, as I always end up getting told off  :lol:

Yes, like you, early twenties I guess. I think maybe the mind defaults to a state where it felt "happy", if that's the right word - by that I mean when you didn't really give a toss about mortgages, "prospects", pensions and bills, and getting old was something you didn't even think about.

For me, 20s I suppose, because I got away from poverty and the shadow of my old man. Became a man in my own right so to speak. Started to see the world (not all of it the things you'd see on a postcard). And yes, like the others, girls. Sorry Toots, but you can chide us all you like, but for 20 year old lads, the world revolves around beer, football (or Rugby if you're posh) and...girls. Obviously, being in the Army when I was twenty something meant UK Garrison towns (dear lord, dreary doesn't describe it), Northern Ireland (no thanks), occasionally Cyprus (Essex in 90 degree heat), and of course Germany. Sometimes, more specific training oriented exotica like Kenya, Canada and so on, but mainly the former.

And Germany was where I spent most of that time. Ask any young lad whose spent any time there, and they'll tell you there is something altogether different about German beer of course. And especially about German girls. Having a laugh, having the "crack" was what being twenty something was all about, and boy did they know how to do that too. And many of them had a soft spot for Brits, so it wasn't exactly difficult to score. Despite the Cold War, life in Germany was, shall we say fun, alternating a party atmosphere, jokes, pranks and copious amounts of drink with the occupational hazard of an unwelcome visit from her Maj's Redcaps.

And of course, fitness. In your 20s, you can take virtually anything in your stride. Our bodies can do amazing things at that kind of age. I think in our mind, we default back to these times in our heads because we were younger, fitter, sexier and happier. Before age finally caught up with us and our bodies can no longer keep up with our minds. Of course, age endows you with other qualities, but for us blokes who can remember those times, there is little that can arouse the...ahem...interest...of a twenty year old lad than a twenty year old girl.

Except maybe City scoring a winner in injury time against the Horse thieves from Horwell  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Why would I tell you off?  :D I have heard the stories of the Army in Germany post WW2 and he would have agreed with you about the beer and the girls. I do believe he was returned home in a hurry....! Who was the German Nazi who was imprisoned for years? Anyway they were in charge of 'guarding' him as one of their roles. In the Welsh Guards he also stood outside Buckingham Palace, Trooping the colour, Bank of England guard etc so his stories were fun. You sound as if you  had a very interesting time - thank you for sharing.  :dncg:


Quote from: T00ts post_id=23818 time=1588957470 user_id=54
I can relate to that, but what about when you are quietly alone? Don't you find a young feeling with a bit more knowledge from experience that takes you back to a fixed position?

I ought to know better by now than to get involved in conversations like this with you, as I always end up getting told off  :lol:

Yes, like you, early twenties I guess. I think maybe the mind defaults to a state where it felt "happy", if that's the right word - by that I mean when you didn't really give a toss about mortgages, "prospects", pensions and bills, and getting old was something you didn't even think about.

For me, 20s I suppose, because I got away from poverty and the shadow of my old man. Became a man in my own right so to speak. Started to see the world (not all of it the things you'd see on a postcard). And yes, like the others, girls. Sorry Toots, but you can chide us all you like, but for 20 year old lads, the world revolves around beer, football (or Rugby if you're posh) and...girls. Obviously, being in the Army when I was twenty something meant UK Garrison towns (dear lord, dreary doesn't describe it), Northern Ireland (no thanks), occasionally Cyprus (Essex in 90 degree heat), and of course Germany. Sometimes, more specific training oriented exotica like Kenya, Canada and so on, but mainly the former.

And Germany was where I spent most of that time. Ask any young lad whose spent any time there, and they'll tell you there is something altogether different about German beer of course. And especially about German girls. Having a laugh, having the "crack" was what being twenty something was all about, and boy did they know how to do that too. And many of them had a soft spot for Brits, so it wasn't exactly difficult to score. Despite the Cold War, life in Germany was, shall we say fun, alternating a party atmosphere, jokes, pranks and copious amounts of drink with the occupational hazard of an unwelcome visit from her Maj's Redcaps.

And of course, fitness. In your 20s, you can take virtually anything in your stride. Our bodies can do amazing things at that kind of age. I think in our mind, we default back to these times in our heads because we were younger, fitter, sexier and happier. Before age finally caught up with us and our bodies can no longer keep up with our minds. Of course, age endows you with other qualities, but for us blokes who can remember those times, there is little that can arouse the...ahem...interest...of a twenty year old lad than a twenty year old girl.

Except maybe City scoring a winner in injury time against the Horse thieves from Horwell  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


Quote from: johnofgwent post_id=23821 time=1588964825 user_id=63
Ah well. Back to me being 40, or 42....

As I have probably mentioned on here before, when I was 42 I was on contract atca clientvwith two delightful young ladies working for me  'R' was 35 and a redhead, a dead ringer for Gillian ('Scully') Andersen.

Another, 'K' was a platinum blonde 26 year old dead ringer for Pamela Anderson.

It was a thankless job, but someone had to do it.

In my last week 'K' asked me if I had a moment and revealed she was getting engaged to 'S', a fellow freelancer working alongside me in another team on the same day rate

I thought my about this for 15 seconds and wished her the very best.

She seemed a little confused ... and said 'was I not shocked at her getting engaged to a 42 year old' ...

I said, well, speaking as a 42 year old as I was then... I think he's a lucky bastard....

But as to whether I was shocked, i said, why should I be, if you were 16 and he 32, I might raise an eyebrow. At 26 however, you ought to at least know your mind.....

I asked if shed told her dad. She said she had not. I said well, have you told your mum ? She said she had .... i asked her 'what did you say'

She told me she told her mum 'S' was 42, had been married and was now divorced, had custody of two daughters of single figure age from that marriage......

.... and had fifty grand in spare cash in the bank looking to put down on a house..... at the time , where they were looking, 3 bed semis were going for about 75k

I had to ask 'what did your mum say to that'

It seems she said 'tell him to put the girls in posh frocks and come round for Sunday lunch. Leave your dad to me ....'

 :lol:  :clp  :lol:  I can understand your choice of age.


Quote from: T00ts post_id=23815 time=1588956963 user_id=54
That is what I am talking about, although I perhaps need to stand by my sex and dismiss your ogling habits.  :roll:

Ah well. Back to me being 40, or 42....

As I have probably mentioned on here before, when I was 42 I was on contract atca clientvwith two delightful young ladies working for me  'R' was 35 and a redhead, a dead ringer for Gillian ('Scully') Andersen.

Another, 'K' was a platinum blonde 26 year old dead ringer for Pamela Anderson.

It was a thankless job, but someone had to do it.

In my last week 'K' asked me if I had a moment and revealed she was getting engaged to 'S', a fellow freelancer working alongside me in another team on the same day rate

I thought my about this for 15 seconds and wished her the very best.

She seemed a little confused ... and said 'was I not shocked at her getting engaged to a 42 year old' ...

I said, well, speaking as a 42 year old as I was then... I think he's a lucky bastard....

But as to whether I was shocked, i said, why should I be, if you were 16 and he 32, I might raise an eyebrow. At 26 however, you ought to at least know your mind.....

I asked if shed told her dad. She said she had not. I said well, have you told your mum ? She said she had .... i asked her 'what did you say'

She told me she told her mum 'S' was 42, had been married and was now divorced, had custody of two daughters of single figure age from that marriage......

.... and had fifty grand in spare cash in the bank looking to put down on a house..... at the time , where they were looking, 3 bed semis were going for about 75k

I had to ask 'what did your mum say to that'

It seems she said 'tell him to put the girls in posh frocks and come round for Sunday lunch. Leave your dad to me ....'
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=23817 time=1588957105 user_id=50
In a rare moment of introspection, I'd say all ages. Because when you are knocking on 60's door, you've been there and you know what being 19 or 33 feels like.

I can relate to that, but what about when you are quietly alone? Don't you find a young feeling with a bit more knowledge from experience that takes you back to a fixed position?


In a rare moment of introspection, I'd say all ages. Because when you are knocking on 60's door, you've been there and you know what being 19 or 33 feels like.


Quote from: Wiggles post_id=23812 time=1588954587 user_id=87
Your kind of right. I am 62, but don't fancy 62 year old women. Sorry, but I still ogle at 20 year old's. Strangely enough when I dream I am always in my 20s/30s, have hair and don't wear glasses. Even though my body tells me I am old, my head doesn't totally agree.

That is what I am talking about, although I perhaps need to stand by my sex and dismiss your ogling habits.  :roll:


Quote from: T00ts post_id=23768 time=1588942991 user_id=54
Now this is NOT a personal invasion. I have no wish to know how many years you have blighted this world  :lol: but I have a theory. No matter how old your birthday cake says you are we are all somewhere between 18-25 in our heads.

OK hear me out. The bit of me that is 'untouchable' feels pretty much the same as when I was dancing beautifully, running around with a gorgeous young man in his MG TC, able to leap aesthetically in the air and never questioned my energy levels. Now of course the body is wary of too many goals and aches when I think it shouldn't but in my head? There's still a youngster!   :dncg:

So from one 18-25 year old - how old do you really feel?

Your kind of right. I am 62, but don't fancy 62 year old women. Sorry, but I still ogle at 20 year old's. Strangely enough when I dream I am always in my 20s/30s, have hair and don't wear glasses. Even though my body tells me I am old, my head doesn't totally agree.
A hand up, not a hand out


Quote from: Barry post_id=23807 time=1588951181 user_id=51
Mentally, I don't feel older than I ever did, but I am more knowledgeable, but with greater knowledge has come greater pain, mostly from arthritis, which crippled my mother, until she died.

When I dream, there is nothing like this, I am capable of all the things I was when young.

So I'm soon a pensioner according to my birth cert, but I'm 32 in my mind.

I had a feeling that you would understand my thinking. 32 it is!

ps Turmeric?


Mentally, I don't feel older than I ever did, but I am more knowledgeable, but with greater knowledge has come greater pain, mostly from arthritis, which crippled my mother, until she died.

When I dream, there is nothing like this, I am capable of all the things I was when young.

So I'm soon a pensioner according to my birth cert, but I'm 32 in my mind.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: johnofgwent post_id=23802 time=1588950438 user_id=63
well, I think I will stick with 40.

for a whole load of reasons.

 :hattip  :hattip