Disunited Fiefdom (BJ's dictatorial attitude towards devolved admins)

Started by Dynamis, May 11, 2020, 07:23:06 AM

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Borg Refinery

Quote from: Barry post_id=24355 time=1589276201 user_id=51
If wearing face masks is so good, perhaps you could explain why all the staff in the hospital are told not to wear them in the corridors and public areas.

I know Barry, his hateful attitude towards those who disagree, "less intelligent variants of the public"..FFS.

I haven't seen anywhere offering masks in person, and all my post gets tampered with, nicked or scumbags put tissues over it...how the hell am I meant to get masks then? Am I to be punished for things out of my control?


If wearing face masks is so good, perhaps you could explain why all the staff in the hospital are told not to wear them in the corridors and public areas.
† The end is nigh †

Hyperduck Quack Quack

Different parts of our island might need slightly different approaches depending on the local severity and stage of the pandemic.  These different parts don't necessarily coincide with the borders of England, Scotland or Wales.  Central government should be open to tailoring covid-19 policy to the needs of areas as well as the needs of the country as a whole.  Not so much now, when the whole country still needs to contain the spread, which is still going on, albeit at a lesser rate. But if and when the pandemic decreases, some areas might be safe to open up before others - perhaps offshore islands.

One advantage of having some devolved powers re covid-19 is that it could show whether or not some policy or other works. For example, if Scotland sees a clear benefit from wearing facemasks, then that could be spread to the whole country. Personally I think we should have all been made to wear masks some time ago. Incidentally, emphasising the message that masks provide no protection against catching covid-19 but could prevent infected people from spreading it is unhelpful as it will lead to the less intelligent variants of Joe Public thinking that people wearing masks have got have covid-19.

Borg Refinery

Quote from: johnofgwent post_id=24119 time=1589182487 user_id=63
Well, the labour fiefdom west of offs dyke showed it's TRUE colours over brexit and deserves to be dissolved and its treacherous, nepotistixmc, racist members thrown in the bay to drown

Good morning to you too.   :lol:

I don't doubt the corruption of those in the Senedd, but the BNP (we all know what happened there..) or the Brexit Party (total sellouts, far worse than Lab..even Nu Lab under Blair had more morals dear Gawd), or the Tories under this joke govt with their abysmal sellout deal to the EU which is equally as bad as anything Blair did etc, are they so much better than Lab & Plaid?

QuoteLeaving that aside...

Whether blairs master plan to dissolve the unity of the united kingdom has worked in Scotland leave to.those who live there

Their thoughts are pretty well documented on here.  ;)

QuoteIn wales on almost any measure you care to name the chievements and standards on devolved matters are catastrophically lower than england

The assembly is a disgrace. It is demonstrably corrupt (Google mohammed asghar) nepotistic to the cottage burners (try securing a tender submitted in the English language) and stands against the expressed will of the people, with Plaid and Labour conspiring to.sabotage brexit at every turn despite a majority of the welsh voters wanting to.leave.

It has failed on education, health, transport and business delivery

It only achieved the ambulance turnout target by abolishing the target.

Any attempt to hold the assembly to account receives a one liner that they have no funding from westminster, and complaints to Westminster receive one liners that this is a devolved matter and the (Labour) MP cannot help. And this was the case when Blair was PM and Rhodri 'let's go for a game of golf on June 6th and sod standing on a Normandy beach' Morgan was the first prick in the senedd....

Yep, you posted about that loads on the old ukd site for years. It is corrupt..

It seems the devo ref won by a paper thin margin in 97 -

Yes   559,419   50.30%

No   552,698   49.70%

...but, people keep voting in your parties despite their incredible corruption.. ..And with big majorities in Wales. They usually sweep the board don't they? If we in England are asked to put up with BJ, who we hate; as it's 'the will of the people' ..then why should there be any difference for you in Wales?

And anyway, devo appears to have massively grown in popularity in Wales....

"YouGov poll for ITV Cymru Wales and Cardiff University found of 1,009 adults....


A separate question asked: If there was a referendum tomorrow on abolishing the National Assembly for Wales and this was the question, how would you vote? Should Wales abolish the National Assembly for Wales?

Yes   24%

No   47%

Would not vote   8%

Don't know   17%

Refused   4%"

I agree that the Senedd is pretty bad on matters of governance, but people keep voting them in and we all get what we vote for. Maybe it's because there are no challengers who could do any better? Which I agree is a damn shame..


Well, the labour fiefdom west of offs dyke showed it's TRUE colours over brexit and deserves to be dissolved and its treacherous, nepotistixmc, racist members thrown in the bay to drown

Leaving that aside...

Whether blairs master plan to dissolve the unity of the united kingdom has worked in Scotland leave to.those who live there

In wales on almost any measure you care to name the chievements and standards on devolved matters are catastrophically lower than england

The assembly is a disgrace. It is demonstrably corrupt (Google mohammed asghar) nepotistic to the cottage burners (try securing a tender submitted in the English language) and stands against the expressed will of the people, with Plaid and Labour conspiring to.sabotage brexit at every turn despite a majority of the welsh voters wanting to.leave.

It has failed on education, health, transport and business delivery

It only achieved the ambulance turnout target by abolishing the target.

Any attempt to hold the assembly to account receives a one liner that they have no funding from westminster, and complaints to Westminster receive one liners that this is a devolved matter and the (Labour) MP cannot help. And this was the case when Blair was PM and Rhodri 'let's go for a game of golf on June 6th and sod standing on a Normandy beach' Morgan was the first prick in the senedd....
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>

Borg Refinery

This one must really boil the ol' blood of folks living in Wales, Scotland and NI.

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/06/strain-emerges-between-uk-government-and-scotland-over-easing-lockdown">https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/ ... g-lockdown">https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/06/strain-emerges-between-uk-government-and-scotland-over-easing-lockdown

The Sunday papers is the first I've seen of the PM's new slogan. It is of course for him to decide what's most appropriate for England, but given the critical point we are at in tackling the virus, #StayHomeSaveLives remains my clear message to Scotland at this stage. https://t.co/zrnEgTC15H">https://t.co/zrnEgTC15H

— Nicola Sturgeon (@NicolaSturgeon) May 10, 2020

QuoteThe Guardian reported on 6 May that the "strain" on the devolved nations' relationships with Westminster was already starting to show. At that point, both the Welsh and Scottish governments were claiming that Johnson had not shared his 'leaving lockdown' plans for England with them. Sturgeon's spokesperson told the Guardian:

If you have any constituent parts of the UK moving in a direction before other parts are ready, then that really undermines the whole ethos and intention of a four nations approach

Yet despite this, Johnson's government has gone ahead and undermined Sturgeon's, anyway.

This 'do as I say, not as I do' attitude from Westminster to the other parliaments is endemic of the colonial hangover the Tories have. But with Sturgeon exposing this inherent disrespect from the PM, more strain has now been added to their already troubled relationship. 'Better together', hey.

'Better together', all over again

On 7 May, Welsh secretary Simon Hart issued a long statement via the Western Mail. It was essentially an ode to 'the union' off the back of VE Day. Hart cooed that, in the face of both WWII and coronavirus:

if there is one thing that these crises have shown us throughout our shared history, it's that the nations of the United Kingdom are at their strongest when they work together.

You'd be forgiven for thinking "work together" has a certain, familiar ring to it. You can almost hear the chants of "better together" from the unionists during the 2014 Scottish independence referendum campaign.

Hart continued by saying the four nations apparently accepted there'd be some "divergence" in each country's approach. But overall, he thought:

the pandemic response has been marked by joint decision-making and collaboration between the UK Government and the devolved administrations.

This is the approach that a crisis dictates, and it is the level of grown-up politics that the public demands.

Now, Sturgeon has revealed that this is an absolute load of rubbish. But the Westminster government's 'we'll do what we want but pretend we're all working together' approach to the crisis was already becoming clear.
- The Canary