Cummings Breaks the Rules.

Started by B0ycey, May 23, 2020, 06:34:21 AM

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Borg Refinery

Yes or no, if a lifelong remainer Tory votes Labour in 2019 does it mean they 'support Labour'?

I rest my case. Voting and supporting are two different things. Some people tactically voted an opposite party purely to keep someone out.

The rest is inane drivel but ok if it makes you feel better. But you're the one who 'pee em's people and spends time replying to every post of mine like a stalker.

I can show you my notifications from a few days ago if you don't believe me. I think it was 15 in a row? Try harder please..  :lol:

You are the lying spite personified, not me. I'm sure you're very 'ard on a forum but I'm not impressed sorry.   :lol:


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=27014 time=1590850919 user_id=98

Ok lying spite personified, if you say so.

The guy who has been banned from many forums by his own words , not mine , cause he cant handle the cut and thrust of debate , while terrorising old men and sending threatening pms at one in the morning to forum members when full of dutch courage calling me spitefull? :lol:

Im swooning here in utter horror. my hand is on my forehead and i need to lay down . :lol:
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=27014 time=1590850919 user_id=98
So you didn't agree with me saying I'm not voting for Starmer?

And you didn't respond to me saying that I don't agree with most of what Labour's about? And that Corbyn was a lesser evil.

Ok lying spite personified, if you say so.


What i do know is we have established you tell porkie pies , in that you told me you dont support labour , and at the same time told cromwell you supported corbyn in 2019 by voting for him and his party.

I rest my case m`lord. :D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Thomas post_id=27011 time=1590850649 user_id=58
hoist by your own petard. I quoted you  , and everyone read your total contradiction.

I havent forced you to say anything mate or put any words in your mouth. I cant force you to type lies can i? You  do that all on your own. :roll:

So you didn't agree with me saying I'm not voting for Starmer?

And you didn't respond to me saying that I don't agree with most of what Labour's about? And that Corbyn was a lesser evil.

Ok lying spite personified, if you say so.


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=26975 time=1590847174 user_id=98

..So no, I do NOT support Labour. Stop putting words into my mouth.

hoist by your own petard. I quoted you  , and everyone read your total contradiction.

I havent forced you to say anything mate or put any words in your mouth. I cant force you to type lies can i? You  do that all on your own. :roll:
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Thomas post_id=26887 time=1590833759 user_id=58(drivel)

QuoteHowever , what i cant stand is a liar. I dont care who or what you support , or why. I made a reasonable point to you of the contradiction  of your posts where you told me one minute you arent on the brit left and dont support corbyn/labour

No I never said "I didn't vote Corbyn", that is a lie.

I told you in Nov that I voted Corbyn, as well as cromwell and you can check the record for yourself. You made a big fuss about it back then as well.

I also told you back then that I don't support much of what Corbyn is about, and I definitely don't generally support Labour either and only voted Corbyn because Corbyn is an acceptable lesser evil than Boris.

I was vindicated, as Labour actually sabotaged the election for Corbyn as you seemingly acknowledged.

..So no, I do NOT support Labour. Stop putting words into my mouth.

I'm not wasting time exchanging insults when cromwell basically warned me to back off from it, I've been banned from several forums for that, and you seem to want to get me removed from here. Well you carry on arguing with yourself. And there's only so much "you think people are stupid/you're a liar" someone is going to listen to before they tell you to feck the feck off, you arrogant thing. Your arrogance shines through that you think talking to people like that doesn't beget the same!  :shock:

By the way, if you care to check, I read through the old conversation from last year the other day and it was you who started throwing toys out the pram. In fact, you are known for your petty little insults. So really your entire post as usual just reflects back on you.

I see you are busy mentioning me in other threads as well.  :lol:

(other drivel not quoted either)


Quote from: B0ycey post_id=26892 time=1590834754 user_id=116
 independence is just a running passive joke.

 :roll:  :lol:

Quote Stunning telephone poll finds almost TWO-THIRDS of the Scottish public want a second independence referendum

There's been a fair bit of polling news in the last 24 hours. Ben Page of Ipsos-Mori tweeted another finding from the telephone poll conducted in the middle of this month - it shows that 63% of the Scottish public want a second independence referendum to take place at some point, and only 34% don't.

SNP 54%, Conservatives 20%, Labour 16%, Greens 4%, Liberal Democrats 3%, Brexit Party 1%

( check liebour and the liberals  :lol: tosspots)

Boycey talking cac yet again. :lol:

Im glad you moved to scotland boycey , you seem to be tipping indy support right over the edge with the guff you come out with mate.

keep up the bad work son! :lol:
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: B0ycey post_id=26892 time=1590834754 user_id=116
I'm not Scottish Thomas, nor do I claim to be.

 :roll:  :lol:  :shrg: who cares?

As for living in Scotland, I have just moved and where I live attitudes even for the nationalists from what I can gather (as we have Covid) are not so staunch as those from Glasgow. Being my accent doesn't fit I am not getting forced south and independence is just a running passive joke

My heart feckin bleeds for you boycey.

The brit left dont seem to be doing very well politically since you moved up do they?

Was it something you said ? :roll:
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


I'm not Scottish Thomas, nor do I claim to be. As for living in Scotland, I have just moved and where I live attitudes even for the nationalists from what I can gather (as we have Covid) are not so staunch as those from Glasgow. Being my accent doesn't fit I am not getting forced south and independence is just a running passive joke.


Quote from: B0ycey post_id=26886 time=1590833453 user_id=116
I can't be arsed with you blubbering Thomas.

i wonder why boycey. Is it because like your other brit lefty friends you constantly talk utter cac?

QuoteBut I do wonder if you are indeed anti EU being you support independence and the SNP.

I support scottish indy , and thats the prize for me , and the eu and everything else is nothing more than a tool to use in pursuit of that prize.

I think thats what troubles you on the brit left the most , the fact that i and many like me just dont give a feck about anythng you say , all we want is scottish indy and we are determined to get it.

QuoteThe UK has left the EU but are in transition.

...and by definition that isnt brexit.

QuoteAt that point and perhaps at least a generation away, the percentage of nationalists will grow and basically force Westminster to give Scotland a vote which they will win. They then go into the EU and all those Europhiles move to Scotland from the UK.

 :lol: A generation away? We are at 50% just now , but aye , sounds good to me. You sound like gerry and northern ireland when he talks about jam tomorrow.
 I don't care much about Brexit because I live in Scotland.

What a strange thing to say!   :roll:  :lol:
 I suspect the SNP will drain as much money as they can out of Westminster

The snp as i told you before , and as you should know if you are indeed scottish , doesnt drain any money from westminster , the cash flow goes the other way.

Quotethen go to the EU when the old die and the young get oldet.

 :lol:  :roll:

QuoteI don't lose. But those Scots who want to remain in the EU do

Oh you lose mate believe you me.

Quote. So whilst you blabber about Brexit, I read in amusement thinking, if this guy wants Brexit, what the f**k is he doing supporting the SNP.

Well this final sentence shows exactly the guff you spew on this forum. Are you seriously telling me that you think no one in the snp supports brexit?

You live in scotland so you say , yet you dont know the vast broad church that is the snp and wider indy movement encompassing all political views but united in one thing......achieveing scottish indy?

Brexit must happen , as that is what democracy demands as the will of the people. Had you enacted it four years ago instead of whinging about losing and how losing shouldnt apply to the brit left , we might be in a better palce now.

Instead , you have recieved kicking after kicking , and made matters far worse for all of us.

You made your bed , so feckin lie in it.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=26333 time=1590488633 user_id=98
Ok child, you still need attention then..

On the off-chance you'd returned to talking sense (ie sobriety), I thought I'd take a quick look at one of your posts.

I've read the entire trilogy btw, the hobbit and a part of the unfinished works too.

Do you recall me saying I am not going to vote Starmer and that I'm 'not a fan of Labour'?

Do you remember when you accepted that I share maybe 4% of Lab under Corbyn's beliefs?

Now let me use an example for you - I was talking to another Scottish bloke, hardline Stalinist on another forum, he wants no deal Brexit cos destroying the EU in his view could bring down world capitalism much quicker. He even hinted he had voted Tory to make this happen. Would you say he 'supports' the Tories?

Would you say I support Labour although I only voted for Corbyn as a lesser evil? One of the Europhiles I know voted Corbyn, despite voting Tory almost all her life - you're classing people like her as Labour supporters too.

Shall I class you as a Tory because you want no deal Brexit passed in England?

I believe in a confederal world where different systems can exist side by side. The sort of society I'd personally like to live in would almost resemble a Orthodox monastery, I don't expect anyone else to live under it, but it's what I want - If you think that's 'left wing' then you are madder than I thought.

Anyway, all the best, I hope your work is picking up and your health is good. And I advise you not to invest any time in trying to 'get one over on me' because I'm just not fussed pal.  :hattip

Your arrogance shines through as ever dynorod.

You think somehow you are that important in my life that i am trying to get one over you? My pulse races more when cleaning out my sock drawer than it does reading one of your posts.

However , what i cant stand is a liar. I dont care who or what you support , or why. I made a reasonable point to you of the contradiction  of your posts where you told me one minute you arent on the brit left and dont support corbyn/labour , then the next minute  you tell cromwell you voted corbyn/labour.

Simply because i pointed this out , you go off on one throwing your vast array of toys right out yer pram.?

I couldnt give a flying feck who , what or why you voted . The fact remains though the biggest thing joe public can do is give a political party his vote at something as important as a general election , and that is exactly what you did 6 months ago , you gave labour/corbyn your vote despite telling me you dont support labour.

That is the definition of supporting a political party , for however short a duration. You support them by giving them your vote.

I have been listening to the same whiny shit from the brit left now for somethng like the last ten years. This "we dont support labour" , we hate blairism or even cleggmania or whatever , but listen dont vote tories ( or in scotland snp) cause they are evil.

How has this tactic worked out for you?

Ten years on , and you have recieved the biggest kicking in scotland and england that i can remember , and look further from power now than ever before.

Cant you see people are laughing at you and can see right through your silly wee denial tactic?

Thats the trouble with people like you dynorod who are constantly being economical with the truth, you spin such a web of deceit you have problems keeping up with the lies you post and are always found out.

Its hysterical listening to you punt the same crap i have been hearing for a decade , and which has failed every time.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


I can't be arsed with you blubbering Thomas. But I do wonder if you are indeed anti EU being you support independence and the SNP. The UK has left the EU but are in transition. Once they have discussed the WA and decided to part ways at the end of the year, that is likely going to be it unless they both agree to extend the transition further with I doubt will happen. At that point and perhaps at least a generation away, the percentage of nationalists will grow and basically force Westminster to give Scotland a vote which they will win. They then go into the EU and all those Europhiles move to Scotland from the UK.

Delaying Brexit was important before the Tories got a majority. And now it's forgone the strategy changes. I don't care much about Brexit because I live in Scotland. I suspect the SNP will drain as much money as they can out of Westminster and then go to the EU when the old die and the young get oldet. I don't lose. But those Scots who want to remain in the EU do. So whilst you blabber about Brexit, I read in amusement thinking, if this guy wants Brexit, what the F@@@ is he doing supporting the SNP.


Quote from: BeElBeeBub post_id=26293 time=1590479888 user_id=88
You're not sure that it's important that one of the most powerful people in the UK openly lied in a press conference about something?

Do you concede that his claim "to have warned about the dangers of CV last year" currently looks like a lie?  or can you point to where he has?

How much of his press conference do you think is true?

No idea beelbeeb. The point is , wether or not he has lied , or done something wrong isnt really a big deal to most folk.

The general public are more interested in when the feckin pubs are opening , not wether a politician or one of their lackeys are doing what they are paid to do........lie.

Has he resigned yet?

I have watched you beelbeeb use this "they are liars" line of attack on brexiters , johnson and the tories now for about the last 12 months across two forums.

Tell me beelbeeb  , how has this line of attack went? Let me help  , you have barely laid a feckin glove on any of them .

Johnson has become and remained prime minister , the tories have won a feckin landslide , and the brexit bandwagon has trundled on relentlessly , sweeping all before it.

Yet still you persist in carrying on with the same flawed line of attack. I think thats called flogging a dead horse , as you seem to be doing over cummings.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: B0ycey post_id=26288 time=1590479516 user_id=116
Not everything is about Brexit Thomas. Perhaps for you, but not for me, especially as Brexit is happening - although I see you seem to be confused by membership and transition. This is more about hypocracy and anything that brings down the Tory lies which splits the class divide further. For any real meaningful change people need to understand their class distinction and us vs them is perhaps a great start.


Are you yet another individual on this forum who forgets what he wrote a few posts ago?

You tell me not everything is about brexit , while only the other day you said this to me...

Quote from: B0ycey post_id=26108 time=1590418841 user_id=116

Nonetheless you speak like Brexit is a good thing, but aren't aware that an independent Scotland will join the EU. I am here specifically for that very reason.

One minute you tell me you are here to specifically discuss (brexit) related issues , then the next when it doesnt suit , you tell me not everything is about brexit? :lol:  :brd:

Make up yer feckin mind boycey.

Quotealthough I see you seem to be confused by membership and transition.

Dont make me feckin laugh boycey. Its you remoaners who are trying to deliberately confuse the very clear cut situation as it stands.

It was only the other day hyper quack quack told me brexit had happened , now you tell us we are confused about transition and membership.

Let me help you , we are in the transition period , which means brexit still hasnt happened four years on and counting. I have watched remoaners like you trying to treat the electorate as though they are feckin stupid for the last four years if not more , and each and every time they have jumped up and kicked you right in the gub , which is why in general remain and the brit left are in such a dire state of disarray.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=26638 time=1590680378 user_id=98
Quarantine article by Dominic Cummings' wife reported to regulator

Public complain to Ipso about Mary Wakefield's Spectator column describing 'emerging into London lockdown'"> ... -regulator">

The Speccy isn't exactly known for its dedication to journalistic integrity, but this certainly is funny.

"Wakefield herself is known to have driven: the award-winning travel writing piece that helped her get the Spectator job describes her driving across Texas."


Stand by for "she doesn't like driving a manual car".

Followed by "Exclusive - Cummings Land Rover has automatic mode".

Followed by "Our eyes were so badly affected we couldn't see the gear stick."

etc. etc.