What's really bad about the Durham trips story....

Started by BeElBeeBub, May 23, 2020, 11:34:00 PM

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Borg Refinery

Quote from: papasmurf post_id=25826 time=1590324519 user_id=89
If I were a religious person I would be pondering what collective sin we have done to warrant being cursed with Bojo The Clown and his callous, uncaring, incompetent  I 'm alright Jack  government.

The arrogance of Cummings with a mindset that regulations are for the obedience of fools and guidance of wise men will backfire on him and the government badly.


English history is the definition of sin.

We probably deserve far, far worse, but I pray we get far, far better.


Quote from: Streetwalker post_id=25811 time=1590321835 user_id=53
Well yes that as well . 4 fecking years Thomas ,we must be the most laid back group of people on the planet  . Anywhere else would have seen riots ,marches ,people laying in the road , strikes and talking for a week  about a bloke driving a car oop north .

If I were a religious person I would be pondering what collective sin we have done to warrant being cursed with Bojo The Clown and his callous, uncaring, incompetent  I 'm alright Jack  government.

The arrogance of Cummings with a mindset that regulations are for the obedience of fools and guidance of wise men will backfire on him and the government badly.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Javert post_id=25821 time=1590323746 user_id=64
 Keir Starmer, but maybe they've run out of ammunition for now.

i dont think they are bothered about wee keir  , as he isnt really a threat .
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Streetwalker post_id=25811 time=1590321835 user_id=53
Well yes that as well . 4 fecking years Thomas ,we must be the most laid back group of people on the planet  . Anywhere else would have seen riots ,marches ,people laying in the road , strikes and talking for a week  about a bloke driving a car oop north .

I know mate.

We have often been on the opposite political divide over the years , but as you know the behaviour of the english/british left and associates over brexit has me in total disgust.

Keep calm , and keep giving them a severe kicking every time you vote is what i say , until you grind them into dust mate.No cant likes a sore loser and all their pathetic excuses.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Streetwalker post_id=25797 time=1590319813 user_id=53
I take your point (poor behaviour) Cromwell but  his behaviour was a mistake in that it gave the MSM and the political left a chance of a feeding frenzy that is out of proportion to the 'crime' he is supposed to have committed .

He will be sacked no doubt and the minority serial loser's will move on to their next target to undermine the government  .

Weirdly, I kind of agree that the behaviour in theory, taken on its own, shouldn't be a sacking offence.

However, he should go these reasons:

- It's becoming clearer and clearer that there was a deliberate cover up and preemptive set of actions designed to prepare for the possibility that this was going to come out, and you don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to figure out that they are a pack of ommissions and lies, lies in which he has implicated many other ministers, and his own family and child.

- I think many of the public, even many Tory Voters, will take a look at the way the previous two offenders were treated by ministers with the attitude "these people need to be whiter than white, so even if they did was in a grey area they must go, and even be arrested by the police etc", and compare it to their somewhat laughable (or possibly rather sinister) attempts at defending Cummings.  Of course there are plenty of people who are so partisan that they will be fine with this, but I suspect the relatively silent majority will not tolerate this.  If they had defended the other two and tried to keep them, it would be a different matter, but now it's very obviously one rule for Tory loyalists and another rule for everyone else.

- Cummings remaining in office brings the entire lock down into disrepute and will actually lead to people getting ill from Coronavirus and possibly dying.  Of course, I can't prove that, but given that social media is covered in posts from people basically saying, well if Cummings can do what he wants, then I'm going to as well, it's not rocket science to figure this out.

I guess we will see how far the "Get Brexit Done at all costs" goes for the silent majority who of course have the ability to fire of a quick private email to their MP.

The only surprise for me is that they haven't already attempted to move things on with some other scandal vilifying poor people or immigrants or some other minority, or Keir Starmer, but maybe they've run out of ammunition for now.


Quote from: Thomas post_id=25802 time=1590320572 user_id=58

Chip chip chipping away in order to do anythng to stop brexit.

Well yes that as well . 4 fecking years Thomas ,we must be the most laid back group of people on the planet  . Anywhere else would have seen riots ,marches ,people laying in the road , strikes and talking for a week  about a bloke driving a car oop north .


Quote from: Streetwalker post_id=25797 time=1590319813 user_id=53

He will be sacked no doubt and the minority serial loser's will move on to their next target to undermine the government  .

The government is doing an excellent job of undermining itself with no external help needed.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Streetwalker post_id=25797 time=1590319813 user_id=53
I take your point (poor behaviour) Cromwell but  his behaviour was a mistake in that it gave the MSM and the political left a chance of a feeding frenzy that is out of proportion to the 'crime' he is supposed to have committed .

He will be sacked no doubt and the minority serial loser's will move on to their next target to undermine the government  .


Chip chip chipping away in order to do anythng to stop brexit.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell post_id=25784 time=1590316310 user_id=48
Well actually Thomas I do give a feck,whilst I don't disagree with your view of labour what has happened really does matter a great deal.

When people see such behaviour it erodes even further their trust in politicians which opens the door to extremism and that matters very much.

Define extremisim cromwell?

It s an oft used but empty word done to death.

FFS you were being called an extremist for voting brexit werent you? Im called an extremist for wanting to "divide their nation"

Personally i couldnt give a feck who broke lockdown rules , and i suspect the vast majority couldnt either outside the ususal anglo british lefty muppets trying to make political capital , and failing , out of this story.

Cummings is playing the brit left like a feckin fiddle.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell post_id=25784 time=1590316310 user_id=48
Well actually Thomas I do give a feck,whilst I don't disagree with your view of labour what has happened really does matter a great deal.

When people see such behaviour it erodes even further their trust in politicians which opens the door to extremism and that matters very much.

I take your point (poor behaviour) Cromwell but  his behaviour was a mistake in that it gave the MSM and the political left a chance of a feeding frenzy that is out of proportion to the 'crime' he is supposed to have committed .

He will be sacked no doubt and the minority serial loser's will move on to their next target to undermine the government  .


Quote from: Thomas post_id=25761 time=1590310567 user_id=58
Well how i see it , when the farce that is politics in your country borkie gives people a binary choice between dumb and dumber , then folk arent daft , they are going to vote dumb.

I know you might disagree with my jibe about stauners labour being "red tory" , but its a jibe that cuts to the core of labours problem. They are back where they were under milliband ( reeve cooper et al) , the blairites who destroyed the party long before comrade corbyn and his sidekick took the helm.

Dom cummings could be the biggest cant under the sun and labour  still wont capitalise on it , because folk like you want brexit done and will never vote them in , and folk like me want scottish indy and wont vote them in.

Labour and the british left continue to play that old game of tickling trivial details with a feather while the elephants in the room , and there are many for them , remain unaddressed and unanswered.

Are the 52% of folk who voted brexit all of a sudden going to see sir keir stauner , prominent pro european , as some saviour and alternative to johnsons administration after his antics of the last four years?

Here in scotland , the left are the scottish indy supporters (in the main) so what does stauner do? He puts ian murray  , a staunch british nationalist in charge as shadow scottish secretary alienating the scottish left.

The right in scotland  ( in the main the unionists) are flocking to the tories as they see  them as the better bet for retaining the union. I can see labour dropping further than the 19% corbyn had them down to in scotland , and uk wide , i cant see stauner getting more than somewhere between 230 - 260 seats at the next G.E. At most , he might win back some northern english seats.

They are so out of touch with politics today it is unreal , while parties like the SNP , the tories , and many others grasp the bull by the horns , labour are trying to re run old battles from years ago while struggling to cope with modern issues like brexit  , scottish indy and the changing face of politics in general.

Wether cummings goes or not , it wont improve their fortunes one bit i dont think.

Total uninteresting sideshow , and frankly who gives a feck?

Well actually Thomas I do give a feck,whilst I don't disagree with your view of labour what has happened really does matter a great deal.

When people see such behaviour it erodes even further their trust in politicians which opens the door to extremism and that matters very much.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: BeElBeeBub post_id=25778 time=1590315671 user_id=88
 let's not forget DC knows where all the bodies are buried

I suspect he may have the photographic evidence.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Borchester post_id=25756 time=1590307776 user_id=62
Is the Guardian published on Sunday?

Be that as it may be, Boris will probably throw Cummings to the wolves because that is what usually happens to their top PR men and indeed what they are for. And then BoJo will get on with running the country which is what most of us want  :D

You think Johnson's running things?  :lol:

The reason Johnson hasn't dumped Cummings is because Johnson is Dom's sock puppet.

Maybe the arch waffler will find the guts to drop DC, but let's not forget DC knows where all the bodies are buried


Quote from: Borchester post_id=25756 time=1590307776 user_id=62
Is the Guardian published on Sunday?

Be that as it may be, Boris will probably throw Cummings to the wolves because that is what usually happens to their top PR men and indeed what they are for. And then BoJo will get on with running the country which is what most of us want  :D

It's sister Observer is.

Nonetheless why do you think Johnson is about to throw Cummings to the wolves when they are still twisting their own advice?


Quote from: Borchester post_id=25760 time=1590309514 user_id=62
All true Tommy, or maybe All Truish.

Without wishing to be too schmultzy, there was a time when the left was made up of men and women with some pretty odd ideas, but at least they knew how the world turned. But these days the poor buggers have locked themselves into their Guardian reading and decaff skinny latte ridden world and somehow gotten the idea that the rest of the world gives a crap.

Well how i see it , when the farce that is politics in your country borkie gives people a binary choice between dumb and dumber , then folk arent daft , they are going to vote dumb.

I know you might disagree with my jibe about stauners labour being "red tory" , but its a jibe that cuts to the core of labours problem. They are back where they were under milliband ( reeve cooper et al) , the blairites who destroyed the party long before comrade corbyn and his sidekick took the helm.

Dom cummings could be the biggest cant under the sun and labour  still wont capitalise on it , because folk like you want brexit done and will never vote them in , and folk like me want scottish indy and wont vote them in.

Labour and the british left continue to play that old game of tickling trivial details with a feather while the elephants in the room , and there are many for them , remain unaddressed and unanswered.

Are the 52% of folk who voted brexit all of a sudden going to see sir keir stauner , prominent pro european , as some saviour and alternative to johnsons administration after his antics of the last four years?

Here in scotland , the left are the scottish indy supporters (in the main) so what does stauner do? He puts ian murray  , a staunch british nationalist in charge as shadow scottish secretary alienating the scottish left.

The right in scotland  ( in the main the unionists) are flocking to the tories as they see  them as the better bet for retaining the union. I can see labour dropping further than the 19% corbyn had them down to in scotland , and uk wide , i cant see stauner getting more than somewhere between 230 - 260 seats at the next G.E. At most , he might win back some northern english seats.

They are so out of touch with politics today it is unreal , while parties like the SNP , the tories , and many others grasp the bull by the horns , labour are trying to re run old battles from years ago while struggling to cope with modern issues like brexit  , scottish indy and the changing face of politics in general.

Wether cummings goes or not , it wont improve their fortunes one bit i dont think.

Total uninteresting sideshow , and frankly who gives a feck?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!