What's really bad about the Durham trips story....

Started by BeElBeeBub, May 23, 2020, 11:34:00 PM

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Too many posts to quote but the bottom line is that he is unelected. He is employed by the PM and thus the Government and therefore we have no right to demand either his resignation or sacking.

It isn't fair to treat anyone like this. I would like a £ for everyone who has broken the rules.

To demand - how arrogant is that? - a man to lose his income and reputation for something that wasn't even illegal not for justice sake but to prove a point and hopefully damage the government, and like a pile of stupid lemmings people are jumping up and down with indignation spurred on by hypocrites out for a lynching.  We surely have gone back to the dark ages!


Quote from: Streetwalker post_id=26203 time=1590435154 user_id=53
I don't want to give Johnson any opportunity ,any excuse not to get Brexit done . Sacking his right hand man could well have seen the delay card being played with the excuse of having to appoint a new team leader .

As you probably have read Cromwell I just don't think this is as newsworthy as the feeding frenzy from the remoaners would have us believe  .

Get Brexit done and you can sack the lot of them as far as Im concerned

Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?

Borg Refinery

Quote from: cromwell post_id=26191 time=1590433901 user_id=48
He did,he went to his parents who are in their seventies

He did he went to a beauty spot sat around which people were clearly told not to do and made up a story to cover his backside

The only thing I see is some self important tosser who believes the rules don't apply to them.

There are people who will  suspend what they believe is right and applies to all whatever their status in order to get what they want (brexit) I'm not one of them.

If Boris wants brexit he can do it without him.



Quote from: cromwell post_id=26191 time=1590433901 user_id=48

The only thing I see is some self important tosser who believes the rules don't apply to them.

There are people who will  suspend what they believe is right and applies to all whatever their status in order to get what they want (brexit) I'm not one of them.

If Boris wants brexit he can do it without him.

I don't want to give Johnson any opportunity ,any excuse not to get Brexit done . Sacking his right hand man could well have seen the delay card being played with the excuse of having to appoint a new team leader .

As you probably have read Cromwell I just don't think this is as newsworthy as the feeding frenzy from the remoaners would have us believe  .

Get Brexit done and you can sack the lot of them as far as Im concerned


Quote from: cromwell post_id=26191 time=1590433901 user_id=48
The only thing I see is some self important tosser who believes the rules don't apply to them.

In addition to my earlier post about him ignoring dress codes (something the leftie middle class slobs of Islington are notorious for) as a sign rules don't apply to him.

Apparently punctuality doesn't either. I don't know if it's a middle class thing but usually, if you invite people to a meeting it is considered polite to turn up on time.

Occasionally events will intervene (traffic etc) and a person will be late. They signal to others that they understand the rules still apply to them by apologising for being late.

DC was half an hour late for a press conference he called at his place of work, kept the entire press corp and any members of the public waiting and didn't apologise at all. Not one little, "I apologise for being late" or "sorry to keep you waiting".

He thinks rules are for the little people, not geniuses like him so is it at all surprising that he believes things like the lockdown regulations don't apply to him?


Quote from: BeElBeeBub post_id=26110 time=1590419478 user_id=88
The adoration you are showing for an unelected bureaucrat is a little ironic.

You clearly didnt actually read what I wrote. I am rather looking forward to.this becoming a full on riot. It is what the country needs.

I see now, several hours later it was indeed 'F@@@ you I can do what I like' and not 'bye then'
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: T00ts post_id=26184 time=1590433232 user_id=54
Don't visit the elderly vulnerable - he didn't

He did,he went to his parents who are in their seventies

QuoteDon't go anywhere for a jolly - he didn't

He did he went to a beauty spot sat around which people were clearly told not to do and made up a story to cover his backside

QuoteIt's mass hysteria engendered by those with something to gain. They want blood. Why can't anyone see that?

The only thing I see is some self important tosser who believes the rules don't apply to them.

There are people who will  suspend what they believe is right and applies to all whatever their status in order to get what they want (brexit) I'm not one of them.

If Boris wants brexit he can do it without him.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: T00ts post_id=26184 time=1590433232 user_id=54
Don't visit the elderly vulnerable - he didn't

Don't collect in groups for any reason-he didn't

Don't go anywhere for a jolly - he didn't

If you or your family display symptoms stay in your primary residents - he didn't

Don't take unnecessary journeys - He did

Stay at home if you or someone from your family display symptoms - He didn't

Work from home whenever possible - He didn't

And my personal favourite

Test your eye sight with your family in the car at a beauty spot in Durham before a long return trip to London whilst still suffering symptoms - He did.


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=26186 time=1590433515 user_id=89
 Do you really want an irresponsible idiot like that as a government advisor?

sounds good pappy.

Or we could have had your IRA loving alternative instead and his marxist sidekick.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: T00ts post_id=26184 time=1590433232 user_id=54
Don't visit the elderly vulnerable - he didn't

Don't collect in groups for any reason-he didn't

Don't go anywhere for a jolly - he didn't

It's mass hysteria engendered by those with something to gain. They want blood. Why can't anyone see that?

He drove over 250 miles probably impaired, he knew he was ill. Then he took a 1/2 hour drive to see if he was safe because his eyesight had gone funny, then he drives back. Do you really want an irresponsible idiot like that as a government advisor?
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: T00ts post_id=26184 time=1590433232 user_id=54

It's mass hysteria engendered by those with something to gain. They want blood. Why can't anyone see that?

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell post_id=26181 time=1590432874 user_id=48
Right so people unable to visit elderly relatives,or go to the funerals of those that died should've said stuff the rules I did what I thought best for me,I don't give a monkeys who does or doesn't like him he broke the rules he helped formulate and should go....end of.

Don't visit the elderly vulnerable - he didn't

Don't collect in groups for any reason-he didn't

Don't go anywhere for a jolly - he didn't

It's mass hysteria engendered by those with something to gain. They want blood. Why can't anyone see that?


Quote from: cromwell post_id=26181 time=1590432874 user_id=48
Right so people unable to visit elderly relatives,or go to the funerals of those that died should've said stuff the rules I did what I thought best for me,I don't give a monkeys who does or doesn't like him he broke the rules he helped formulate and should go....end of.

Cromwell one in three people have apparently broke lockdown rules . Two wrongs dont make a right , but its hard to listen to hypocrites pontificating when all they are clearly interested in is taking down the so called brexit antichrist rather than giving a flying feck about rules or elderly people or whatever.

Fly barstewards mate , all these jolly good fellows as we both know ;)
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell post_id=26158 time=1590430145 user_id=48
For the first part of your post,no he 's not

For the second I agree, a permanent break from no 10 is well deserved,

What a pile of manure and if you fell for that from penfold I am surprised. :shock:

Dont fall for all the remoaner hysteria cromwell.

You may or may not like/agree with cummings , but keep your eyes on the brexit prize.

I didnt like the kangaroo court charade some in the snp and their lackeys did against salmond , and the day of reckoning will come , but keep your powder dry , and keep voting for your beliefs and dont let the muppets try and divert you over nothing.

Cummings could be the biggest tool on the planet , but if he delivers a proper brexit , then i would be erecting statues in his honour if i were you in manc land.

He is upsetting the anti democratic remoaners , and that can only be a good thing. :thup:
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: T00ts post_id=26179 time=1590432596 user_id=54
I always think you a reasonable man, but here it is you who have fallen for the dupe. I agree that over 200 miles was a long way to go but he is absolutely right that he took his own judgement. I would have done and so would anyone in his circumstances as he saw them. If proof were ever needed that he is being hounded then the last few days have been it. Whatever we might be led to think by those who don't like him in Westminster, this is unreasonable harassment. Be honest would you have been prepared to palm your kid off to just anyone? Chances are his wife was in a state of panic and really bending his ear. At least he was man enough not to lay it at her door.

If we are going to see change in Whitehall then we need mavericks prepared to get stuck in. Otherwise we will continue to have chinless lily livered  dodos forever.

Right so people unable to visit elderly relatives,or go to the funerals of those that died should've said stuff the rules I did what I thought best for me,I don't give a monkeys who does or doesn't like him he broke the rules he helped formulate and should go....end of.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?