The 2020 Conservative Party leadership challenge.

Started by Hyperduck Quack Quack, May 24, 2020, 07:16:12 PM

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Quote from: "Hyperduck Quack Quack" post_id=26515 time=1590604647 user_id=103
When I started this thread it was about a possible challenge to Boris Johnson as PM once the 12 month protection expires in July.  Even I wasn't suggesting the Tory government, with its big majority, could fall, only that it would continue under a new leader.

Today, though, one Tory MP was suggesting just that - the government could indeed fall if Cummings stays on, such is the level of outrage among Tory MPs.

To me that indicates that there's a large amount of Tory dissatisfaction already, mainly to do with the mishandling of the coronavirus catastrophe, and Cummingsgate would be the last straw.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: "Hyperduck Quack Quack" post_id=26425 time=1590519911 user_id=103
Starting to look like this thread has some 'traction' now.  

Who might be contenders in any leadership election?  If challenged, would Boris Johnson throw in the towel or seek re-election?  One might expect Michael Gove to give it a go.  How many senior Tories would actually want to become PM in the current situation?

 :-P  :lol:

Ten years on quackers i have been listening to your incoherent ramblings on internet forums , and you are still using forums for a sort of quackers dear diary of personal thoughts while talking to yourself in some deranged manner.

So he we are saturday morning , and on tuesday you were insinuating johnson was somehow about to be toppled. Tell me quackers how has that went?

Not only is johnson not even looking like being toppled, but you havent even managed to scalp cummings :lol:

See that crystal ball of yours , piece of advice.........feckin bin it.

Practically every prediction i have read you make over the last ten years has been proven wrong.

You are a feckin fantasist living in an alternate reality as  i told you many time before.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: johnofgwent post_id=26311 time=1590480944 user_id=63
Just so i understand where you're coming from....

I presume you are making the point they (probably) would have, had May not pissed two and a half years up the wall ...

(Which is what I think. And by the way, i wanted what all three you mention wanted, and more)

Im making the point john they should have happened , but they havent .

Quackers is obviously trying to sell this half way house transition period as "brexit".

laughable listening to it. This is nothing more than treating people with contempt , and seeing them as daft , which has been remains problem all along for the last four years.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Hyperduck Quack Quack

When I started this thread it was about a possible challenge to Boris Johnson as PM once the 12 month protection expires in July.  Even I wasn't suggesting the Tory government, with its big majority, could fall, only that it would continue under a new leader.

Today, though, one Tory MP was suggesting just that - the government could indeed fall if Cummings stays on, such is the level of outrage among Tory MPs.

To me that indicates that there's a large amount of Tory dissatisfaction already, mainly to do with the mishandling of the coronavirus catastrophe, and Cummingsgate would be the last straw.

Hyperduck Quack Quack

Starting to look like this thread has some 'traction' now.  

Who might be contenders in any leadership election?  If challenged, would Boris Johnson throw in the towel or seek re-election?  One might expect Michael Gove to give it a go.  How many senior Tories would actually want to become PM in the current situation?


Quote from: Thomas post_id=26201 time=1590434846 user_id=58
None of these things have happened yet.

Just so i understand where you're coming from....

I presume you are making the point they (probably) would have, had May not pissed two and a half years up the wall ...

(Which is what I think. And by the way, i wanted what all three you mention wanted, and more)
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: "Hyperduck Quack Quack" post_id=26198 time=1590434371 user_id=103
I can't spend any more time arguing with your incoherent nonsense. You've obviously got a screw loose.

Ok i answer you why brexit hasnt happened and i now have a screw loose.

You run away quackers.

Streetwalker on this forum wanted F.O.M ended. Thats was part of what brexit meant to him.

Borkie wanted ECJ jursidiction ended . Thats was what he told me brexit meant to him.

Stevlin argued he didnt want to send 8 billion pounds plus per annum to an institution simply to trade. Thats what brexit meant to him.

None of these things have happened yet.

When i point this out , you start squealing and call me crazy?

The only incoherent nonsense i regularly hear on forums like this is from you brit remoaner types who want the status quo.

You cant keep having referendums and not implemeting the result every time it goes against you.

I told you this four years ago on another forum , and one referndum and five election defeats later , you are still trying to pull the wool over peoples eyes with the manure you constantly talk.

If you had taken your medicine four years ago , we would probably be in a better place now.

instead your head is that far up your own self entitled arse you are in a parallel universe from the majority of the rest of us.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Hyperduck Quack Quack

Quote from: Thomas post_id=26175 time=1590431496 user_id=58
No we havent.

If as i have said many a time IF leaving the eu consisted only of lowering a flag , and withdrawing meps from brussells while continuing to take rules and make payments , then we wouldnt have had to go through all this nonsense of the past four years.

The eu would have feckin jumped at that.

However , that isnt what leaving the eu meant for most folk.

As you know  , the many reasons many brexiters gave over the last four years on the forums we have been on suggested things like ending FOM  , stopping paying billions in membership fees , taking rules and allowing ecj jurisdiction , and of course leaving the customs union , all of which hasnt happened.

You arent bright enough to sell such a fib quackers , so dont even try.

I will be here to remind you of what brexit meant at the bare minimum until it happens , and it wasnt lowering a feckin flag and withdrawing 73 meps.

Do you think if you tried to tell us scotland had independence from england simply because we had lowered the butchers apron and withdrew 59 mps from westminster while continuing to take uk rules , accept uk parliaments jurisdiction and hand over all our cash to you we would buy that?

Of course we feckin wouldnt , and neither are brexiters.

hence the hysterics by you remoaners about johnson and cummings.

I can't spend any more time arguing with your incoherent nonsense. You've obviously got a screw loose.


Quote from: "patman post" post_id=26189 time=1590433818 user_id=70
Lots of messages of support for Cummings and Johnson from government people and calls to now move on. Any danger to the two appears to be subsiding...

sounds good to me.

Whose turn is it next week?

remoaners will be livid with rage.........foiled again.

Never had it so good under SNP and conservative governments .
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

patman post

Lots of messages of support for Cummings and Johnson from government people and calls to now move on. Any danger to the two appears to be subsiding...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: "Hyperduck Quack Quack" post_id=26138 time=1590424984 user_id=103
Excuse me - I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to say - we have left the EU!

No we havent.

If as i have said many a time IF leaving the eu consisted only of lowering a flag , and withdrawing meps from brussells while continuing to take rules and make payments , then we wouldnt have had to go through all this nonsense of the past four years.

The eu would have feckin jumped at that.

However , that isnt what leaving the eu meant for most folk.

As you know  , the many reasons many brexiters gave over the last four years on the forums we have been on suggested things like ending FOM  , stopping paying billions in membership fees , taking rules and allowing ecj jurisdiction , and of course leaving the customs union , all of which hasnt happened.

You arent bright enough to sell such a fib quackers , so dont even try.

I will be here to remind you of what brexit meant at the bare minimum until it happens , and it wasnt lowering a feckin flag and withdrawing 73 meps.

Do you think if you tried to tell us scotland had independence from england simply because we had lowered the butchers apron and withdrew 59 mps from westminster while continuing to take uk rules , accept uk parliaments jurisdiction and hand over all our cash to you we would buy that?

Of course we feckin wouldnt , and neither are brexiters.

hence the hysterics by you remoaners about johnson and cummings.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Hyperduck Quack Quack

Quote from: Thomas post_id=26089 time=1590413438 user_id=58
Yes , and we have went over it many a time.

You dont just  have referndums when you lose cause you dont like the result  , you implement the result , then go again if you have the support.

We implemented the result in 2014 , you didnt in 2016 , and still havent.

Thats why your dear leader jo swinson got her arse kicked back in december as she was talking the same pish to the scots as you are on here about not accepting democracy when she doesnt like it.

Excuse me - I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to say - we have left the EU!  After the result of the December 2019 election I said several times on this forum that we have no choice but to accept the election result which meant we'd be leaving the EU, regardless of how bad that would be for the country.  All along I argued for a second referendum or a general election with Brexit as the main issue.  We got the latter - I don't like what we got but we're stuck with it just like you're stuck with staying in the UK.


Quote from: "patman post" post_id=26084 time=1590412604 user_id=70
Sadly, this appears to be getting more so by the day — especially with the coterie of lack-lustre personnel at the top of the party unlikely to stand up to the Cummings-Johnson duo...

I did say by not implemeting the result in 2016 , and the subsequent shenanigans by westminster , you would only martyr brexit and cause uproar.

This is a symptom of that argument , where johnson can do as he pleases and he knows it , because he is virtually untouchable until brexit is done and normal  , or as normal as can be politics is resumed.

If westminster had taken their medicine 4 years ago , we could maybe have seen sense and progressed forward with a good deal from the eu and moved on. The fringe far right eurosceptic nutters would have been no more than a pressure group arguing for hard brexit.

Now , you have handed them everything and made them untouchable all because people couldnt accept democracy. By denying democracy , and trying to sell some sort of BRINO or worse , you have entrenched peoples views and outraged the public , and made boris johnson a hero.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: "Hyperduck Quack Quack" post_id=26087 time=1590412869 user_id=103
You've been arguing for a second Scottish referendum and against a second EU referendum, haven't you?

Yes , and we have went over it many a time.

You dont just  have referndums when you lose cause you dont like the result  , you implement the result , then go again if you have the support.

We implemented the result in 2014 , you didnt in 2016 , and still havent.

Thats why your dear leader jo swinson got her arse kicked back in december as she was talking the same pish to the scots as you are on here about not accepting democracy when she doesnt like it.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Hyperduck Quack Quack

Quote from: Thomas post_id=26081 time=1590412258 user_id=58:lol:

This forum has become a hoot recently.  The man who argued simultaneously scotland couldnt have another referndum cause you liked the result while arguing the uk must have another cause you didnt over brexit now telling me i define anti democrat as anyone who disagrees with me is hilarious.

You've been arguing for a second Scottish referendum and against a second EU referendum, haven't you?