BJ doesn't budge

Started by T00ts, May 27, 2020, 06:35:36 PM

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Quote from: papasmurf post_id=26599 time=1590666738 user_id=89
There is no lynch mob. (Or Cummings and Bojo The Clown would be dead by now.)

Sometimes you really depress me - but I try to think you are joking.


Quote from: T00ts post_id=26598 time=1590666594 user_id=54
If it was as simple as that I would agree, but this strikes me as more to do with wearing a hair shirt in public for the foreseeable future. The man did not use the word sorry but intimated that he could see why others were angry. For that kind of man it was as good as. As I seem to keep saying there is not enough penance for this lynch mob.

There is no lynch mob. (Or Cummings and Bojo The Clown would be dead by now.)
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Nalaar post_id=26597 time=1590665150 user_id=99
I don't think admitting a mistake (even at a late stage) is a sign of "weakness" etc.

I don't think someone should keep making mistakes, because they made a mistake previously.

If it was as simple as that I would agree, but this strikes me as more to do with wearing a hair shirt in public for the foreseeable future. The man did not use the word sorry but intimated that he could see why others were angry. For that kind of man it was as good as. As I seem to keep saying there is not enough penance for this lynch mob.


Quote from: T00ts post_id=26501 time=1590600936 user_id=54
Good for him. Do we want a PM prepared to stand firm or are we happy for mob rule? I for one want  my PM to make his decision and stand by it. Having got this far I want BJ to show some grit. If he gives in it will show a weakness that will only encourage the vultures to keep circling. I am quite sure that Cummings as well as everyone else in Whitehall has got the message about upsetting the electorate, no doubt he has privately been dealt with, but it doesn't have to be a public flogging and there are too many other problems to deal with without this rather unnecessary distraction.

I don't think admitting a mistake (even at a late stage) is a sign of "weakness" etc.

I don't think someone should keep making mistakes, because they made a mistake previously.
Don't believe everything you think.


Quote from: cromwell post_id=26588 time=1590662615 user_id=48
How are extreme anti tory views mixed with the odd vision of eliminating more than a few via a scope?

My hating Tories is with good reason and evidence. The rabid right wing comment on the forum is just parroting the lies and propaganda in the Daily Heil over the last two decades.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=26580 time=1590658287 user_id=89
I would be reporting most of the forum if I did that. Extremist right wing views are endemic.

How are extreme anti tory views mixed with the odd vision of eliminating more than a few via a scope? and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=26580 time=1590658287 user_id=89
I would be reporting most of the forum if I did that. Extremist right wing views are endemic.

Put me on ignore then. I'm done with you.


Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=26579 time=1590657889 user_id=50

If you think I've posted extremists views,.then report it to the moderators. about sums you up.

I would be reporting most of the forum if I did that. Extremist right wing views are endemic.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=26576 time=1590656955 user_id=89
The problem is I suspect is you don't realise you have extremist views. Your regular rants are full of them. I can only assume unless you state otherwise you are being serious in those rants.

No, the problem is you. You're an idiot whose making himself look more idiotic with every post. I've given you five chances to justify that claim with just ONE example, and you can't. How anyone takes you seriously is beyond comprehension. Every thread you get involved in is the same. You've shot yourself in the foot more times than Yosemite Sam.

If you think I've posted extremists views,.then report it to the moderators. You won't of course, because you can't give them an example. Which just about sums you up.


Quote from: Javert post_id=26554 time=1590651173 user_id=64
...going to lose the next election to that arch communist and traitor Keir Starmer because they are still keeping him in place - would this make any difference?

It is a good job you said in later posts that you were being sarcastic as he is about as Marxist as Joe Biden. That is the left of the right doesn't mean you are far left on the political spectrum. He is a centre right Blairite. A better candidate than Johnson to lead this country but still not really anyone who would share the old Labour values.

Also - I'm waiting on confirmation on this, but I've heard that the contact tracing app has been developed by one of Cumming's friends, based on a contract that was awarded without due process, and that this friend has already been fired from another company due to a huge data breach.  If that's true, how many people do you think will install it?

Well I won't be downloading the app because of the whole Cummings affair regardless who designed the app (I don't know FYI). It's perhaps a small stand, but the only one realistically I can do - except moan about it on social media. :lol:


Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=26575 time=1590656727 user_id=50
I've asked your four times now to name one "extremist" view that I have expressed (on this or the old forum). You haven't posted an example, because there isn't one. If this was anyone making such an accusation about you, you'd have been chucking your teddy around and demanding an apology.

Now for the last time. You made.the allegation. Back it up with an example. Or shut the feck up.

The problem is I suspect is you don't realise you have extremist views. Your regular rants are full of them. I can only assume unless you state otherwise you are being serious in those rants.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=26573 time=1590656341 user_id=89
Just look back at your contributions, there is a long list of extremist views.

I've asked your four times now to name one "extremist" view that I have expressed (on this or the old forum). You haven't posted an example, because there isn't one. If this was anyone making such an accusation about you, you'd have been chucking your teddy around and demanding an apology.

Now for the last time. You made.the allegation. Back it up with an example. Or shut the feck up.


There are several threads running on this subject so I won't bore you with contributing to each one.

I find it amusing that because I am a lone voice on this forum I am variously described as naive and given the 'man-splain' treatment as if I don't understand the English language. I am surprised  that some posters have favoured me in such a way. I am not pro-Cummings and am only too aware of the disruption his beneath the parapet political activities have created over the last few years. My grievance is the public response whipped up by those who know only too well how to manipulate public outcry into the current hysteria. If people now decide that his actions give them carte blanche to act totally irresponsibly by breaking sensible rules of distancing it only points to their stupidity. There are still plenty who think this virus is just a cold, evidenced by the many times police have stepped in with congregating groups. There have been times when it was debatable if the police themselves were quite sure. It is also true that the majority are not political anoraks and therefore often miss the announcements or the importance. Some, believe it or not, just simply don't like being told what to do and any excuse will do. I guess there are some who simply don't understand.

Whichever way I look at this it seems that the truth has been twisted by so many in so many different ways, that the real truth wouldn't be recognised if it was in lights in Piccadilly. I feel the man has now been punished enough. Sacking/resignation is not appropriate. I suspect he has already been ripped to shreds both at work and at home and to expect him to hit the dole queue just to satisfy the blood lust of those who will find any way to damage the current Government, I find despicable. I hope he sees this through now I will be disappointed if he is pushed.


Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=26572 time=1590655755 user_id=50
NAME one extremist view that I have expressed. You made the accusation, now fecking BACK IT UP.

Just look back at your contributions, there is a long list of extremist views.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=26570 time=1590655210 user_id=89
You are always expressing extremist views. Often aimed at other posters.

NAME one extremist view that I have expressed. You made the accusation, now fecking BACK IT UP.