BJ doesn't budge

Started by T00ts, May 27, 2020, 06:35:36 PM

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Quote from: Dynamis post_id=27043 time=1590857259 user_id=98
Boris's old rag the Speccy.

"Boris Johnson isn't fit to lead""> ... o-lead/amp">

That is paywalled.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=27040 time=1590856464 user_id=98

Peter Hitchens who as I've said on here and elsewhere is one of the few tabloid columnists I listen to sees Boris as 'the true heir to Blair' - he is 100% correct.


Still throwing muck and hoping it sticks  , yet brexit still stands in your way.

Nothing will happen to boris till the english get brexit in december , a proper brexit , and even then , he will have plenty time to demolish the brit lefts arguments with all those big unanswered questions and stuff thats wating for starmer behind the scenes the the tories and snp are simply keeping schtum about for now till they need to drag it out into the public eye.

No matter how bad the tories are over the next five years , if starmer and labour are the only alternative at westminster , the brit left are fecked.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=27043 time=1590857259 user_id=98
Boris's old rag the Speccy.

"Boris Johnson isn't fit to lead"

You could probably pull out a dozen or more stories from over the last year , from before he was elected leader of the tories that said the same thing.

Despite all the squealing , he has beaten you and was voted into power .

I think its going to take more than the latest whine in some rag to dampen the publics enthusiasm for boris the brexit champion.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: T00ts post_id=26976 time=1590847238 user_id=54
In a sense it's refreshing that they keep trying. At least they don't lie down and whimper. You are a rogue - you hope that Brexit will bring you indy. There's a chance you could be left whining too.  :roll:

Well im actually regarded as a centrist in scotland , but as england is more to the right than us , you regard me as some sort of communist. :lol:

Im open and honest about my aims toots. Whatever you think  , it isnt brexit  , ie actaully leaving the eu and the harder the better that will bring scottish indy.

The damage about how this precious union works has already been done.

My political aim , which has been lifelong , about scottish independence has been clear all the years i have engaged with you and others on many forums.

I dont lie in the dirt and squirm around trying to pretend to be something im not like the brit left.

I dont come on forums telling porkies and trying to remember the web of deceit i spun in yesterdays posts. I tell the truth.

Brexit isnt what will bring scotland independence. Brexit is a symptom of the break up of the uk which has been going on since Ireland left 100 years ago.

I just want to live in a normal independent country like everyone else. :thup:
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Boris's old rag the Speccy.

"Boris Johnson isn't fit to lead""> ... o-lead/amp">

Borg Refinery

Quote from: T00ts post_id=26976 time=1590847238 user_id=54
In a sense it's refreshing that they keep trying. At least they don't lie down and whimper. You are a rogue - you hope that Brexit will bring you indy. There's a chance you could be left whining too.  :roll:


But no deal Brexit is inevitable, the election happened and yeah the English want that.

That's accepted by most, I think.

But what to me is not ok, is saying that their majority means they can do "whatever the **** they want". I mean Blair had the same idea and look what happened to him?

Peter Hitchens who as I've said on here and elsewhere is one of the few tabloid columnists I listen to sees Boris as 'the true heir to Blair' - he is 100% correct."> ... untry.html">"> ... -new-blair">

I don't see this as ending well for anyone but I HOPE that  I'm wrong.

I don't want the govt to fail because that means more dead people in care homes etc. Some Americans are saying Dems'back the coronavirus over the govt' and are sick scum who love seeing people die. Similar charges have been levelled at those who oppose this govt - that they worship death at any cost to help hurt the govt.

That's pretty impressively nasty.


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=26992 time=1590848619 user_id=98
"Tories suffer worst polling drop since 1979"?


Ah back to the same polls that had remain won and the tories losing the last few elections till the day came and they got voted in  , 2010 , 2015 , 2017 , 2019 , amd brexit won fair and square in 2016?

Those polls?

The brit left  , always winning meaningless battles while fluffing the big ones. Thats why you are out of power ten years and counting.

The polls could show the biggest drop since 1879 , and it still wouldnt make a labour government any more imminent.

I think bojo will only bother about polls when it matter in five years time. :lol:

QuoteI personally want Cummings to stay on

Well lucky you dynorod. You have got your wish .He is . :roll:  :lol:

QuoteSo you were right, in a sense, he should stay.

You are too kind. I wouldnt say im right in a sense , more i just seem to be able to read politics a wee bit better than you whiny brit lefties.

Humped again. 6-0 to bojo and the brexiters. :lol:  :clp
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=26992 time=1590848619 user_id=98

I personally want Cummings to stay on and do even more "feck you to your face" things so their polling numbers drop and drop.

I would have the same opinion but for the collateral damage.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Thomas post_id=26910 time=1590838727 user_id=58

Whats changed?

"Tories suffer worst polling drop since 1979"?

I personally want Cummings to stay on and do even more "feck you to your face" things so their polling numbers drop and drop.

So you were right, in a sense, he should stay.


Quote from: Thomas post_id=26954 time=1590844029 user_id=58
:lol: Toots stop being nasty and rubbing brit lefty remoaners noses in a hard brexit.

....all that huffing and puffing over recent days and johnson and cummings are still giving them the finger .It must be driving them crazy.

In a sense it's refreshing that they keep trying. At least they don't lie down and whimper. You are a rogue - you hope that Brexit will bring you indy. There's a chance you could be left whining too.  :roll:


Quote from: T00ts post_id=26946 time=1590843578 user_id=54
The latest I have heard is that Cummings views himself as redundant once Brexit happens at the end of the New Year and he has sorted out the Civil Service. He will walk in his own good time.

 :lol: Toots stop being nasty and rubbing brit lefty remoaners noses in a hard brexit.

....all that huffing and puffing over recent days and johnson and cummings are still giving them the finger .It must be driving them crazy.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


The latest I have heard is that Cummings views himself as redundant once Brexit happens at the end of the New Year and he has sorted out the Civil Service. He will walk in his own good time.


Was cummings known to the public before this latest remoaner whine?

Quote from: B0ycey post_id=26912 time=1590839457 user_id=116
Very few knew who Cummings was Thomas.

According to the brit left bible  the guardian , he was...

But that is no longer the case. In the past two weeks, he has emerged from the shadows and burned himself on to the nation's consciousness.

from september last year... :roll:"> ... -democracy">
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=26918 time=1590840201 user_id=89
I did

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: B0ycey post_id=26912 time=1590839457 user_id=116
architect for your own downfall!

Very few knew who Cummings was Thomas.

Dont talk rubbish boycey.

Do you just post the first thing that comes into your head?

He has been high profile since brexit , and his name has been mud by remoaners for the last four years. I recall his name being constantly mentioned last year right up to the general election , all through the media and papers . So what are you talking about now?

You are making up guff on the spot boycey!

Quote but most people don't care about that.
....or his latest misdemeanor. :roll:

QuoteThey do care that they made sacrifices whereas he didn't

yet he is still in place and hasnt resigned. So much for this" alleged care  by the general public "remoaners seem to be bandying about  in this frenzy they are trying to whip up , and failing .

You had a penalty kick , johnson has saved it , and the score is still 6 - 0 to brexiters and the tories.

QuoteAnd in that sense, his name is universally toxic when before it was those who strongly opposed Brexit.

Not because you say so it isnt.

Wether it is or isnt  , he is still in power and you have failed massively to remove him. Another beating for remaoners. :lol:

QuoteAnd as he is an aide, this story only morphs, it doesn't go away. That will do for me.

The brit left , winning empty battles as always !
It isn't up to Cummings to sack himself. It is up to Johnson to decide how much sacrifice he will willing to take in order to keep him.

...and he has decided , he is keeping him much to your utter dismay. What you gonnae do about it....whinge even more?

Quote Being it is a lot, Cummings no doubt has something over him.

do tell!

The suspense has the public on the edge of their seats! 8-)
But on a personal level, the thing that annoyed me wasn't so much the offence but the lies. Which then turned to amusement watching people try and defend the indefensible.

Remoaners and the brit left , who never ever tell lies as we all know , have been telling us the same tired old thing now for four years about being taken in by liars.

 :fpigs: No one cares. Brexit must happen mate.

QuoteAnd as such any blame should land on Johnsons lap and not Cummings

Bojo has just stood up and gave you the middle finger. The public want brexit more than they want johnson or anyones elses head , much to your abject horror.

unlucky boycey.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!