Elitism, clarse and all that...

Started by DeppityDawg, May 28, 2020, 11:40:02 AM

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:hattip  Eloquence that has brought a tear! It's so true.


Quote from: Javert post_id=27292 time=1591002804 user_id=64
There's an argument that if it wasn't for people long ago, who are now described as "lefties", you wouldn't even have a vote anyway to exercise.  

I've voted Labour for most of my life - until Tony Blair anyway. My family always voted Labour, because that's what you did. My wife's family (who are all from the North East), are the same. Working class, her father worked in the steel industry all his life. Many of the seats up here have been red forever. Some have NEVER been conservative, yet for the first time ever, so many fell last year. You know why? Because in all the years they've had these seats, even when in power, NOTHING changed. The party became more and more middle class, more and more London centric, more and more interested in minority issues, and less and less interested in "safe" seats they could plant a donkey in and people would STILL vote for it. Not anymore.

Don't pretend that I'm some kind of idiot who "votes against his own interests" Javert, when so, so many abandoned Labour at the last election.

Quote from: Javert post_id=27292 time=1591002804 user_id=64As for minorities, I don't think that's true at all what you say that white men are being discriminated against by the UK and by Labour.

It's more about trying to maintain the status quo where BAME people are institutionally discriminated against, and avoid them having equality of opportunity.

I never said white men are discriminated against, I said I'm sick of being held responsible for everything that wrong with the world. People like Jess Phillips can't open their mouths without it being about "toxic masculinity" or something specific to how men "damage" women. She's a one trick pony, as so many of them are. How can I trust someone who constantly spouts feminist b*llshit to ever represent men? And then, you can't criticise people like Dianne Abbott because you think she is a fool, even if she is, without it being turned into "racism". How MANY times has she played the "racism" card when she f*cked up badly on TV or radio? The same thing applied to any criticism of the Harry/Megan saga, where this becomes "racism" and its impossible to level any critical comment because of her skin colour, rather than her behaviour. If you don't get that this tearing the arse out of everything is pathetic and actually turns people AGAINST political correctness by its very nature, then fine, but that is the real reason why many people are against privileged middle class liberals deciding the terms of the debate. Because that is what is happening over and again. The party have allowed individuals with agendas to put them ahead of the interests of us ALL

Quote from: Javert post_id=27292 time=1591002804 user_id=64Countless studies from all around the world have shown that

- Your chances of good outcomes in life are orders of magnitude less if you are from a poor, disadvantaged, or abusive background.

- Your chance of poor outcomes like ending up in prison or forced into a career that maybe you wouldn't have chosen if you had wider options, are massively higher if you are from those backgrounds, as partly shown by your own story above.

- If you are the child of a single mother from BAME background in addition to the above, it's even a further order of magnitude beyond that.

And YOU are telling me this? Why don't you tell us a bit about yourself, Javert? Where were you bought up? What kind of school did you go to? What kind of education did you have? What were your parents like? Did you go to University and get a degree? What kind of work do you do?

Then tell me what on earth makes you think you can lecture me about disadvantage?

Quote from: Javert post_id=27292 time=1591002804 user_id=64Also by way, in some of the prior posts you seemed to indicate that I had said that poor people are all scroungers and skivers, or that I had advocated just "give them a bit more benefits" as a solution.  Can you tell me where I ever posted any such thing?  In fact it's right wing folk like Boris Johnson and those guys who are much more likely to say such things than me.

They didn't Javert. If you go back to that post, it doesn't mention you holding any such views, it was a comment about the Liberal left mindset, for instance in what passes as representation on some of these ex Labour parliamentary seats - in all the years they held these seats, or were in government, for all they bemoaned the damage Thatcher did up here, they never found a way to provide the new investment needed to drag the North East and its depressed towns and pit villages out of the deprivation its been in since the coal, steel and ports were lost. There is only so long you can go on blaming Thatcher before people start to see through it. We need investment and jobs, not Jess Phillips moaning about how sh*t men are and Dianne Abbott adding 2+2 and getting 193

Still, at least its ironic if not even funny you asking "where did I post that"


Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=27202 time=1590932144 user_id=50
It is? That's a very convenient and simplistic argument, Javert. Firstly, you don't KNOW what people on "low incomes" vote for, you just think you do. Liberals think they know everything. There are more reasons why people vote than money. Some do vote for their own pockets first, that's for sure. But some vote for public services and/or for community reasons, for governments they think will handle the economy better, for reasons of national interest, patriotism and security for instance, and for a hundred and one other reasons you probably haven't thought of. I've told you why I voted for the Tories last time, because our political system had deadlocked and it was being made a mockery of.

There's an argument that if it wasn't for people long ago, who are now described as "lefties", you wouldn't even have a vote anyway to exercise.  

Also, you would be working 12 hour per day 6 day weeks, have no holidays, and no healthcare if you got ill unless you (unlikely) had enough money to pay for it.

As for minorities, I don't think that's true at all what you say that white men are being discriminated against by the UK and by Labour.

It's more about trying to maintain the status quo where BAME people are institutionally discriminated against, and avoid them having equality of opportunity.

Countless studies from all around the world have shown that

- Your chances of good outcomes in life are orders of magnitude less if you are from a poor, disadvantaged, or abusive background.

- Your chance of poor outcomes like ending up in prison or forced into a career that maybe you wouldn't have chosen if you had wider options, are massively higher if you are from those backgrounds, as partly shown by your own story above.

- If you are the child of a single mother from BAME background in addition to the above, it's even a further order of magnitude beyond that.

Is this data wrong?  If so, are you saying for example that if Donald Trump had been born a black child to a single mother in a suburb of Detroit, he would still be president today and everything would be the same for him?

White men want to preserve the current situation where the jobs and opportunities, which for sure are not good enough and not enough of them, more likely go to white people due to inbuilt (usually unintentional) discrimination in society.  That's not surprising I suppose as it's a simple matter of competition.

Often what is seen as unfair discrimination, is actually simply an effort to make things equal where before they were unequal.

Also, you appear to assume you speak for all working class people, but you then exclude minorities from this and talk about White men.  To me, anybody could be working class regardless.

Your assumption seems to be that fighting for the rights of working class people in general, and BAME minorities or whatever, is mutually exclusive.  It is not.

Also by way, in some of the prior posts you seemed to indicate that I had said that poor people are all scroungers and skivers, or that I had advocated just "give them a bit more benefits" as a solution.  Can you tell me where I ever posted any such thing?  In fact it's right wing folk like Boris Johnson and those guys who are much more likely to say such things than me.

Hyperduck Quack Quack

Would you like some grievance guidance?

I can get the forms for you to fill in if you like.


Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=27202 time=1590932144 user_id=50
That's the argument, is it? Special? No. I was just a bit luckier than some. My uncle, my mums brother, somehow managed to persuade a magistrate to give me a chance after I'd got caught with the proceeds of breaking into a doctors surgery. Friend of a friend kind of thing. There weren't that many options, so he took me to the ACO the next Saturday morning and that was that.

Persuade the magistrate? With my uncle it was 6 months or join the colours, no questions asked. He had been caught stealing horse feed so had dreams of joining the Hourse Guards, but the army being the army, he ended in the REME.

You will never persuade Jankers. At the end of the day he knows that you are a poor, basically decent sort but one who keeps his coal in the bath and who needs the help of middle class lefties with degrees in Grievance Studies to guide you through life.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Javert post_id=27184 time=1590927229 user_id=64
But it's a fact that many people on low incomes vote for parties whose manifesto says they will reduce taxes for the rich, whilst keeping them the same for the poor, and choose not to vote for parties that say they will reduce taxes for the poor and increase them for the rich.

This is seen in election after election.

It is? That's a very convenient and simplistic argument, Javert. Firstly, you don't KNOW what people on "low incomes" vote for, you just think you do. Liberals think they know everything. There are more reasons why people vote than money. Some do vote for their own pockets first, that's for sure. But some vote for public services and/or for community reasons, for governments they think will handle the economy better, for reasons of national interest, patriotism and security for instance, and for a hundred and one other reasons you probably haven't thought of. I've told you why I voted for the Tories last time, because our political system had deadlocked and it was being made a mockery of.

Personally, I won't vote for Labour anymore because its focused on separating us by colour, gender, religion and sexuality - these are all (mostly minority) issues that have transcended the working class in order of magnitude to the left - if you are from an ethnic or religious minority, a feminist or a "gender crusader", you are important to the Labour Party - if you are white and male, you are a nothing now. If you are a white man, you ARE the problem. They've gone way too far and they've alienated their own core support. For me, this divisive style of politics has destroyed my faith in the left, and is way more important than financial considerations because it attacks my very identity. I'd rather be a poor white man with self respect, than a timid rich one who is held responsible for everything that is wrong with the world.

Quote from: Javert post_id=27184 time=1590927229 user_id=64Your assumption seems to be that this is the natural state of things and will continue forever, and all efforts to make things more equal are doomed to failure, and therefore should not be attempted.  Therefore we should vote for parties that will only seek to maintain the status quo and change nothing.

Not going to bother with a reply to that Javert because it just makes wild assumptions with no basis in any of my posts

Quote from: Javert post_id=27184 time=1590927229 user_id=64Further - having read some other posts that I missed on this thread previously, I also understood that your position is coming somewhat from what I would loosely call a Thatcherite viewpoint - there is no society there is only individuals, and if an individual had a tough upbringing, then it's up to them and them only to decide how to haul themselves out of their situation.

That was not Thatchers viewpoint. She very much believed in "society" - just not one you would have liked. She did however believe in the individual too - its just that she destroyed whole industries along with the unions, then failed to replace them with any new investment in the areas worst affected, because to her, the working class were either self made or militant. The self made she admired - the militant she despised

Quote from: Javert post_id=27184 time=1590927229 user_id=64This is a popular viewpoint across the spectrum, but I would argue that you yourself in many of your posts (when not an angry rant) come across as very intelligent, whether well educated or not.  As such, have you considered that maybe certain gifts that you were born with might have allowed you to make those decisions in your life that put you where you are today, and that some other humans are not born with those same gifts.

I'm not unintelligent, Javert. But I'm no Einstein. If I'd been born to a wealthier family and could have gone to university, perhaps things may have been different. But I wasn't. I could have carried on like some of the kids I grew up with, football violence, petty crime, jail, hardened criminal, more jail, and so on. I could have moaned about it, held down a low paid job, become a left wing liberal and annoyed everyone on internet forums about the "injustice" of it all 40 years later. Or I could have decided to get out of it. At the time, option 3 looked like the best bet. The three options are pretty much unchanged today - its poverty itself that has changed by degrees. We now have some people (emphasis on some please, before you turn it into ALL) who choose that lifestyle

Quote from: Javert post_id=27184 time=1590927229 user_id=64The argument us lefty liberals would often use is that someone like you has to be extra special and extra determined in order to get a good life, a house, a nice income and retirement.  

For middle class or upper class people, it's pretty much automatic that even if they are not very intelligent, they will still be able to achieve that unless they deliberately try to sabotage it over a fairly long period of time.

So that's the argument - it's that if you have a deprived upbringing, it's like having a weight tied around you which means that only the absolute most determined and/or clever people will make something good from that situation.

On the other hand if you are born lucky, you have a head start and all sorts of advantages that mean that someone who is innately less talented than you will still do better than you financially in life.

That's the argument, is it? Special? No. I was just a bit luckier than some. My uncle, my mums brother, somehow managed to persuade a magistrate to give me a chance after I'd got caught with the proceeds of breaking into a doctors surgery. Friend of a friend kind of thing. There weren't that many options, so he took me to the ACO the next Saturday morning and that was that.


Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=26919 time=1590840298 user_id=50
Your post is TLDR (to use your pals favourite expression). But this part just about sums you up. You claim not to understand why working class people dislike middle class elitists, then go on to write a classic elitist trope with your very next line...

Says who? Who decides what is "our own economic interests"?. Don't ever fecking dare tell me what is or is not in my OWN interests, economic, social or any other. I know what is in my own interests - not you. Not the Guardian. Not the Emily Thornberrys and the Islington socialists. Me. I'll decide what is MY best interests, Javert. Not you.

Why do you think you can make these statements? What makes YOU think you are so great, that YOU can decide what is in someone elses "best interests"? It is precisely that arrogance, that self declared moral righteousness, that sickening assumption that you are cleverer than these poor, stupid, unfortunate people, that is what many of us despise. Because you do it without even knowing it. Because you think you are entitled to do it. Until you people lose that attitude, those "poor misfortunate creatures" you think you are helping will continue to despise you. Give us fecking RESPECT, not your pity.

But it's a fact that many people on low incomes vote for parties whose manifesto says they will reduce taxes for the rich, whilst keeping them the same for the poor, and choose not to vote for parties that say they will reduce taxes for the poor and increase them for the rich.

This is seen in election after election.

Your assumption seems to be that this is the natural state of things and will continue forever, and all efforts to make things more equal are doomed to failure, and therefore should not be attempted.  Therefore we should vote for parties that will only seek to maintain the status quo and change nothing.

So is respect given by simply doing nothing then?  That's not what I would understand as respect.

Edit: - If you are saying that everyone does vote in their own economic interests, maybe explain how?

Further - having read some other posts that I missed on this thread previously, I also understood that your position is coming somewhat from what I would loosely call a Thatcherite viewpoint - there is no society there is only individuals, and if an individual had a tough upbringing, then it's up to them and them only to decide how to haul themselves out of their situation.

This is a popular viewpoint across the spectrum, but I would argue that you yourself in many of your posts (when not an angry rant) come across as very intelligent, whether well educated or not.  As such, have you considered that maybe certain gifts that you were born with might have allowed you to make those decisions in your life that put you where you are today, and that some other humans are not born with those same gifts.

The argument us lefty liberals would often use is that someone like you has to be extra special and extra determined in order to get a good life, a house, a nice income and retirement.  

For middle class or upper class people, it's pretty much automatic that even if they are not very intelligent, they will still be able to achieve that unless they deliberately try to sabotage it over a fairly long period of time.

So that's the argument - it's that if you have a deprived upbringing, it's like having a weight tied around you which means that only the absolute most determined and/or clever people will make something good from that situation.

On the other hand if you are born lucky, you have a head start and all sorts of advantages that mean that someone who is innately less talented than you will still do better than you financially in life.


There still is an enclave of "rebellious" mainly white people in Bristol. They take to the streets at the drop of a hat, (or a planning application for a Supermarket in their area.) The "spooks" raided their newspaper office some years ago and shut it down.

A number of them has served jail time for various activities governments did not like, (Greenham Common and similar.)
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: "patman post" post_id=27060 time=1590861256 user_id=70
Some people enjoy victimhood. Some actually use it to engage in oneupmanship tales of a deprived childhood. They revel in it — complaining there's no longer any representatives of the true working class as they're all limp wristed pinkos — these are the elite among the tall tale tellers.

Wonder what community Monty Python's Four Yorkshiremen was depicting...

Here is a little history lesson for you Pat, since by your own admission, you weren't even born back then. The first kickback of the Thatcher era, the first real political "rioting as social justice" event happened not in Brixton, or Hackney, or Broadwater Farm or Handsworth or Toxteth. It happened in Bristol, in St Pauls, in early 1980. Out side Northern Ireland, it was the first widely reported news item of rioting on a large scale in mainland Britain. What happened the following night, and the next few nights, was that Southmeads, the depressed white working class area where I grew up, erupted with even worse violence - and this was barely reported. In both cases there was widespread looting. Bristol, in common with many declining industrial cities back then, was a rough old place to live. Its ironic that, while seeing lots of black (and white) youths rioting on the streets in St Pauls was seen by sections of the media as a politically news worthy event - they were much less keen to report on the worse violence further north in the city. This wasn't white people attacking black people or other white people - this was white people attacking the Police.

You really need to stop imagining the past according to todays politicised narratives Pat. You weren't there, and you haven't got a fecking clue what society was like back then. There has never been a straight up and down racial divide in this country, with "poor disadvantaged" black people on one side, and rich, privileged white people on the other. Most of the "rioters" in both these cases were white.

As for someone describing their drunken father beating up their mother with a billiard cue being "one-upmanship", rather than someone telling everyone how many properties they own and how successful they are, who would most people think was big-ing themselves up? You're pathetic, Pat.

https://www.brh.org.uk/site/articles/the-southmead-riots-2/">https://www.brh.org.uk/site/articles/th ... d-riots-2/">https://www.brh.org.uk/site/articles/the-southmead-riots-2/


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=27123 time=1590912061 user_id=98
Thanks, but wasting my sunday reading more of your rubbish? No thanks. Your wit just isn't sharp or amusing enough I'm afraid.

is that what you think this is , a battle of wits to see who is sharp as a tack?

Lets establish what stupidity and slowness of wit is.

Stupidity and being a bit slow is when you tell one poster you dont support labour , and then tell the next you supported labour at the last general election.

If you are going to lie about stuff , you need to at least try and get your argument straight.

Bad start to your membership of this forum dyno im afraid.

Yet another lefty whiner who cant tolerate dissent , and merely wants to use the forum as a platform to chuck mud at the evil tories completely unchallenged. :lol:

You arent the first , and you wont be the last , and you certainly arent original.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Thanks, but wasting my sunday reading more of your rubbish? No thanks. Your wit just isn't sharp or amusing enough I'm afraid.


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=27112 time=1590908699 user_id=98
A rubber doll?


(well you accused me of not having original thoughts..)

I stand by that dyno.

QuoteYou told us you pay for it everyday when she gaves ye an earful.

Giving your loving wife money is a bit different to you buying a thai bride wouldnt you say dyno?

QuoteThat is incredibly rich coming from the serial long quote c&p'er who repeats the same tired sewage about lefties and the English in every post

So why does it bother you?

You told me you arent a lefty or labour supporter , so whats the problem? Should be water off a ducks back to you uncommited ordinary concerned citizens shouldnt it? :lol:

QuoteWhen have I quoted Javert's arguments at you?

Who are you talkin about then and quote me their posts please?


QuoteOh poor you, let me wipe away those tears..there there

Here crack your own rejoinders and stop using mine.

QuoteYou don't do irony do you?

nope im scottish .

QuoteYou are completely ineffectual mate, don't kid yourself, I said nothing of the sort about you controlling anything.

Touched a raw nerve have i?
I think your brain needs a good dyno but unfortunately your head is welded into your anus.

Is that it? You sound like some posh guy who hasnt got the hang of swearing.

I doubt you've ever challenged anyone in your entire life, the only thing that's challenged is you. My word, I even predicted your lame comeback at the end of the pos

and yet , i upset you that much you were crying only yesterday about me "hounding you" simply becasue i answered your posts , now we are playing last wordism today.

I think you feel challenged dyno.

QuoteThis is the problem Thomas, you can give it but you clearly can't take it.

 :lol: So we are back resorting to old tropes. Listen , do you want me to dig up your old posts from last week where you and you alone were the first person to lose his rag and start swearing like a wee feckin wean simply because i was debating you?

Now im being accused of not taking it?

As i said mate , you are a feckin fraud who hasnt got an original thought in his head. Reverse psychology and projecting your own feeble faults onto others is all you have.
and completely disagreeing with their lockdown policy and everything else they believe in.


Is this the totalitarian left wing group  think shining through , where you cant support a political party if you have your own thoughts on issues? You have to be part of the crowd like a group of lemmings , following the party leadership without thought?

I agree with some things about the snp , others i dont. I have voiced much of that dissent over the years , but stick with the snp for one thing only....scottish indy.

I keep telling you this , but you cant accpet it. Instead you have this fantasy vision of the snp being some centre left  party that is going to solve all the worlds ills , and you constantly have wet dreams about them in england.
..Don't forget the copious spelling mistakes, and posting wings over scotland stuff endlessly, as well as starting fights constantly, and failed attempts at comebacks.

....ah , the tropes are getting trotted out thick and fast. Now its deflecting onto typos and spelling mistakes.

Im not too bad at spelling in your language for a scot. :roll:
Wahl ah settled fer mary doll, despite both the above options being far better, now I'm stuck with her and that's why I'm a miserable wee cont who wants te burn the sassenachs to the ground and destroy everything

more misrepresentation and inventing things.

I wish england all the best. Indeed , i support english democracy , and am probably more of an english nationalist than you on the left will ever be.

I bet you are the type that cringes whenever you see and england flag displayed.

QuoteComing from the 10+ pages on a saturday stalker, that is feckin rich even for you.

..but as we established yesterday , when you brought this up in desperation , you have been on this forum every day all week , while i was off it for four of 7 days , so again , you accuse others of doing what you do. Hypocrite and inventer of lies.

QuoteThanks for the benefit of your experience, but I'll pass.

Reverse psychology yet agin? is that all you have dyno?

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Thomas post_id=27103 time=1590905746 user_id=58
Why dyno? shocked! Does it not fit in with your stereotypical view of us scottish nationalists hating english ? Then you find out im married to one?

A rubber doll?


(well you accused me of not having original thoughts..)

QuoteSorry dyno if thats you thing , but im not into all that. Unlike you ive never had to pay for it in my entire life .

You told us you pay for it everyday when she gaves ye an earful.

Maybe you should've paid for it, it might make you a less miserable sod. I certainly don't need to and never have. ;)

QuoteTell me dyno , does an original thought ever enter that brain of yours?

If you arent copying and pasting stuff you dont want folk to debate , you are using someone else argument in a feeble attempt at reverse psychology , or piggy back riding on someone elses outrage.

That is incredibly rich coming from the serial long quote c&p'er who repeats the same tired sewage about lefties and the English in every post.

You really can't see how you self-reflect in every post can you? The irony is unbelievable!  :shock:

(sumfink about javert)

Idk wtf you're on about. When have I quoted Javert's arguments at you?

QuoteYou cant win on these anglo forums.

Oh poor you, let me wipe away those tears..there there.

QuoteYou dont do nuance do you dyno?

You don't do irony do you?

QuoteWhy do you do this?

Why do you make things up that hasnt been said? Havent you learned your lesson about lying yet?

...you really haven't got the hang of this irony concept have you?

QuoteWho does?

So now i have a screw loose , but only the other day i was some devious scottish nationalist who had complete mind control over the english public and forced them to vote brexit and tory all for my own evil designs!

Stope it dyno , you are starting to sound hysterical again!


You are completely ineffectual mate, don't kid yourself, I said nothing of the sort about you controlling anything.

QuoteI think you dont quite know how to take me dyno , and it sends you crazy!

I think your brain needs a good dyno but unfortunately your head is welded into your anus.

QuoteWhat you do is stereotype and pigeon hole folk into we niches to fit your world view

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

No really.


You are priceless.

Quoteand when someone like me comes along and upsets that , you dont know how to deal with it!

You have very little to offer in the way of debate about most things.

You trot out the same old tired rubbish again and again, you are just so predictable mate.

I doubt you've ever challenged anyone in your entire life, the only thing that's challenged is you. My word, I even predicted your lame comeback at the end of the post.

QuoteWhat now im some psychopathic shooter on the rampage!

You are so very desperate to throw mud at me arent you dyno?

Actually, it just made me laugh tbh, don't get all psych patient on me now and overthink it.

This is the problem Thomas, you can give it but you clearly can't take it. I'm disappointed that this is the best you've got after you wasted so much time on me.

QuoteAs i said mate , do you actually have an original thought in that head of yours that isnt lifted off someone  else?

Of course not, all I do is copy and paste scottish indy blogs and random articles about lab in 1997, and fling shit at anyone hoping it sticks, now I'm celebrating mr mcclean. Sometimes I copy SNP propaganda despite not even reading it, and completely disagreeing with their lockdown policy and everything else they believe in.


QuoteAll you do is copy and paste ,  misrepresent , lie about labour , and piggy back off others views while trying to throw sh*t at people becuase you are in terror when someone debates your posts!

..Don't forget the copious spelling mistakes, and posting wings over scotland stuff endlessly, as well as starting fights constantly, and failed attempts at comebacks.


QuoteRubber dolls and paying for thai brides! Can you no get a burd?

Wahl ah settled fer mary doll, despite both the above options being far better, now I'm stuck with her and that's why I'm a miserable wee cont who wants te burn the sassenachs to the ground and destroy everything

il get on me knees and pray bojo 'n' trump gets reelected so's ah will

QuoteTry socialising off the forum mate

Coming from the 10+ pages on a saturday stalker, that is feckin rich even for you.

Quoteand once lockdown finishes maybe join one of those sites for desperate singles.

Thanks for the benefit of your experience, but I'll pass.


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=27099 time=1590871094 user_id=98
Well thank you for that nugget of wisdom, and your witty reply...  :roll: I never knew that about Mary.  :-P

Why dyno? shocked! Does it not fit in with your stereotypical view of us scottish nationalists hating english ? Then you find out im married to one? :lol:

QuoteShe does? Did you buy me a thai bride without my knowledge?

Sorry dyno if thats you thing , but im not into all that. Unlike you ive never had to pay for it in my entire life .

QuoteYou're the one who began throwing his toys out the pram in november.

You went absolutely hysterical as multiple people pointed out to you.

Tell me dyno , does an original thought ever enter that brain of yours?

If you arent copying and pasting stuff you dont want folk to debate , you are using someone else argument in a feeble attempt at reverse psychology , or piggy back riding on someone elses outrage.

Thats javert you are talking about. Javert is a bit upset with me as for the last few years i have absolutely refused to jump on board his anti democratic bandwagon to stop brexit. He likes to make things up , and attribute emotion to people who arent in the least bit emotional , or words to posts that people havent written.

Deppity dawg regularly pulls him up about it , and even the forum owner has had a word. So if that who you are relying on ammo from to attack me , then more fool you.

QuoteAs someone mentioned, you go on a hysterical wailing crying suicidal rampage as soon as anyone mentions bonnie scotlandshire,

You cant win on these anglo forums. One minute im accussed of bringing every thread into an argument about scottish indy , and the next im being accussed of not letting folk talk about scottish indy! Make up yer minds.....which is it? :lol:

Quotetelling us how you worship no deal Brexit and pray for destruction and hordes of locusts,

Can you copy and paste a quote of mine to show me what you are talking about?

You dont do nuance do you dyno?

Of course the older forum members know fine well my position  on brexit, that you have yet again desperately tried to misrepresent , so no change there then. :roll:

Quoteand for Trump to win.

Why do you do this?

Why do you make things up that hasnt been said? Havent you learned your lesson about lying yet?

I said i dont care about trump or american politics , but because i know how much he winds the brit left up , i will laugh like feck if he wins.

Now you are misrepresenting me as a trump supporter when i couldnt be any clearer on my position of not giving a shit about him except as something to laugh at you about?

Tell you what though this constant barrage of nagative stories you ( brit left) are desperately trying to aim at trump will surely see him re elected!

You never learn. What was that we were saying yesterday of the lefts old trick of teling people who and what to be offended over! :roll:  :lol:

QuoteIt's strange how everyone else says the same things about you, and many people tell you've got a screw loose, even folks who like you.

Who does?

So now i have a screw loose , but only the other day i was some devious scottish nationalist who had complete mind control over the english public and forced them to vote brexit and tory all for my own evil designs!

Stope it dyno , you are starting to sound hysterical again! :D
I manage to have normal discussions with most people.

I think you dont quite know how to take me dyno , and it sends you crazy!

What you do is stereotype and pigeon hole folk into we niches to fit your world view , and when someone like me comes along and upsets that , you dont know how to deal with it!

QuoteThanks, but I'm more sorry about you doing a Dunblane...

What now im some psychopathic shooter on the rampage!

You are so very desperate to throw mud at me arent you dyno?

As i said mate , do you actually have an original thought in that head of yours that isnt lifted off someone  else?

All you do is copy and paste ,  misrepresent , lie about labour , and piggy back off others views while trying to throw shit at people becuase you are in terror when someone debates your posts!

QuoteI would too with 'Doll' beside me. Thanks but no thanks.

Rubber dolls and paying for thai brides! Can you no get a burd?

Try socialising off the forum mate , and once lockdown finishes maybe join one of those sites for desperate singles.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Thomas post_id=27096 time=1590870198 user_id=58
Me neither mate. My wife is an east anglian.

Well thank you for that nugget of wisdom, and your witty reply...  :roll: I never knew that about Mary.  :-P

QuoteYour wife says you are no her type either... :lol:

She does? Did you buy me a thai bride without my knowledge?

Quotedynamis crying yet again forum members are engaging with him.?

You're the one who began throwing his toys out the pram in november.

You went absolutely hysterical as multiple people pointed out to you.

As someone mentioned, you go on a hysterical wailing crying suicidal rampage as soon as anyone mentions bonnie scotlandshire, telling us how you worship no deal Brexit and pray for destruction and hordes of locusts, and for Trump to win.

Counselling is free, try it.

QuoteYou havent got the hang of this forum malarkey yet have you?

It's strange how everyone else says the same things about you, and many people tell you've got a screw loose, even folks who like you.  :shock:

I manage to have normal discussions with most people.

QuoteNo worries mate. Just felt a wee bit sorry for you thats all.

Thanks, but I'm more sorry about you doing a Dunblane...


..I would too with 'Doll' beside me. Thanks but no thanks.