UKIP NEC troubles

Started by Baron von Lotsov, October 22, 2019, 04:45:39 PM

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Baron von Lotsov

He has now kicked the bucket in the political sense.

I had a feeling this would happen. I can't believe the crap I'm reading though. I reckon he has been personally threatened, and i do not mean by a silly Tweet either.


Apparently the fraud quad are involved and there is corruption in the NEC ballots as well. Gerard said branches are organising EGMs to remove the NEC.

It sounds very much like Gerard is busy sorting matters out. Good man is he.
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>

Baron von Lotsov

Oh and one more thing our new leader of the blue corner has a habit of saying. You will notice he likes to say "We shall prevail".

He's a computer programmer by trade.">
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>

Baron von Lotsov

The thing is that conventional political theory would indicate the UKIP should be overwhelmed with support as our elected leaders plot to stall a democratic choice yet another time. Having been in the game for 27 years, one would expect them to be masters of the art, but it just isn't working. It's worrying me because the Brexit Party could well collapse as quickly as it appeared, plus it has Marxists in it.

It's looking like a kind of end game where the UKIP have lost nearly all their decent pieces and are hobbling along. With a really smart leader they could fix this, but the leader is making the same mistakes as Farage. He's back with Moncton, and Moncton is one of those who can make himself look like a fool. I agree about Hamilton. That's the other dimension. Hamilton represents corruption and Moncton represents pop science and mistakes. Herriot seems to represent a witch.

It might well be that UKIP's trouble is in its constitution, since it is described as a populist party, and that means anyone can become leader or an expert in economics and so forth if the demos think they are smart. Populism is kind of like Marxism, and Marxism never worked. I've always said to them, you need to take over the centre-right because the Tories are now in with Labour and the Lib Dems, leaving a vacuum.
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>


Quote from: "Baron von Lotsov" post_id=2023 time=1571848458 user_id=74
Are you sure you have not been brainwashed by the BBC link? You cite the link to a false allegation and then straight away your mind outputs "UKIP really is the past"

The question is, having had a taste of  Kirstan Herriot, then how would you like a whole politburo of the bitches, because that is the alternative. They could call themselves loads of different names,like greens, lib dems, tories... but they would be the same carbon copy bitches, like indistinguishable from one another.

Well i would not, and my view is that the leader is being attacked because he is not one of them.

For me, UKIP - who I voted for in the last Welsh assembly elections and saw my choice - mark reckless - elected to the seat I voted him into - lost my support when Neil Hamilton was given the leadership in Wales and set about destroying the party while trying simultaneously to increase his personal boot fills from the gravy trough.

When Reckless abandoned UKIP and took the Tory side - but if I recall not the whip - I wrote to tell him I thought he ought to resign, but I understood he wouldn't as after all the precedent had been set some time earlier by one far more corrupt.

He did at least have the decency to write back thanking me for being one of those who elected him and apologising if I felt he had now let me down. Which is more than many I have written to ever bothered to do (respond, that is).

In Newport West's by election to replace the most honest labour politician I ever exchanged words with, UKIP came last with barely 200 votes, behind Labour, the Lib Dems, the Cottage Burners,The Tories and The Monster Raving Loonies who finished in that order with others being zero rated ...
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>

Baron von Lotsov

I respect those who stand up to a totalitarian state, even if they do lose their deposits.
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>


Quote from: Streetwalker post_id=2211 time=1571935721 user_id=53
Well fair play to you for hanging on in there but I don't see how the death spiral that UKIP finds itself in can be avoided . Even today I was made aware of Hamilton releasing a video on the UKIP  face book page  having a pop at his leader and backing the NEC .

OK we all know the man is a toad but really it just shows how low UKIP has sunk with different parts of the party at odds with each other. How on earth do they expect anyone to vote for them when there is a credible ,united  alternative ?

Maybe when they all lose their deposit  :dsh:  at the forthcoming elections, they'll get the message, SW.
† The end is nigh †

Baron von Lotsov

I've been following the new leader for a bit longer now, but there are a couple of things i do not like. First of all he is making too many errors in his talks. The last error was to do with an historical statement regarding our country. UKIPers never spot them, but I keep on having to point them out.

The other thing he is doing as a routine is he finds some fact which is utterly vile. It's purely for shock value, and is the category of facts you would not like to hear talked about when eating your meal or whatever - the things gentlemen do not talk about in polite conversation. So as a consequence this could actually drive people away. It seems to be a characteristic of UKIP leaders that they don't do the research or the thinking. I'll carry on seeing if he has anything else to say, but it's a whiff of a bad sign. Our horse is not quite pedigree.
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>

Baron von Lotsov

Quote from: Streetwalker post_id=2211 time=1571935721 user_id=53
Well fair play to you for hanging on in there but I don't see how the death spiral that UKIP finds itself in can be avoided . Even today I was made aware of Hamilton releasing a video on the UKIP  face book page  having a pop at his leader and backing the NEC .

OK we all know the man is a toad but really it just shows how low UKIP has sunk with different parts of the party at odds with each other. How on earth do they expect anyone to vote for them when there is a credible ,united  alternative ?

I get your point and these things could kill it off, but I have faith in the leader. I really hope he does not wimp out. That's my greatest worry regarding a totalitarian state, that they will turn the thumbscrews so hard he will scream. You are dealing with the dirtiest of people in this game with a friendly smile, never forget that.

Anyhow, the leader has the most important thing of all, and that is intelligence. He lives around West London, I think he said Chelsea. I'm familiar with the type as I was brought up not so far away, and you do get some really smart people over that way. He's also politically sound. Farage was always inconsistent and wonky, so he did not attract the quality minds. It's like the trade and industry spokesman, starting his interview with "I didn't do too well at school" . It's the wrong thing to say, and equally wrong to mention he voted Labour blar blar and then SDP.

It's quite clear to me that the UKIP could well do without these people and Hamilton as well. Unfortunately it was left in such a wounded state that only the diehard tough nuts and traitors of the party remain. So when down to business one must go fishing for new members first and foremost. Gerard was wise enough to see this and managed to reverse the decline. UKIP must fish for quality members though, so they can fill the seats of the useless and the traitors. It does not even have enough people to fill the positions at the moment, so there is much work to do.

The soil is fertile though. Youtube's UKIP channel has 40K subscribers. We are talking about the right kind of numbers and I think the direction is up. UKIP is the modern Knights Templar. Their motto was 'first on the battlefield, last to leave'. They were often heavily outnumbered, but people were petrified of them.
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>


Well fair play to you for hanging on in there but I don't see how the death spiral that UKIP finds itself in can be avoided . Even today I was made aware of Hamilton releasing a video on the UKIP  face book page  having a pop at his leader and backing the NEC .

OK we all know the man is a toad but really it just shows how low UKIP has sunk with different parts of the party at odds with each other. How on earth do they expect anyone to vote for them when there is a credible ,united  alternative ?

Baron von Lotsov

Here's something that made my ears prick up. UKIP was being interviewed by a Chinaman. You could tell he was somewhat westernised by his half and half accent, but Chinaman was what he was and and he said straight out "UKIP is a capitalist party" . It was in response to the man who was representing trade and industry i think, and he said as a capitalist party some might find his policies rather odd. Anyhow in normal Newspeak we never ever use the word capitalism, do we. It's always right or not so right or if it is not even not so right it is more left leaning or central left ad infinitum. Chinaman understood a larger vocabulary and noted capitalism.

Well i've got to say that made me smile. One because I had my doubts and it is nice to hear the word in relation to the party, and then there is this thing about what could the UKIP possibly be once we have finished with Brexit. Where is the thing that glues it all together with a common philosophy where as a punter you can pick and choose between? it's no good as a kid going into a sweetshop to buy sweets when the pots of sweets are too high to see what is in them and don't have labels on them other than they are all sweets. The punter needs unequivocally to know what the party stands for.

Which political philosophy yields true personal liberty and independence from the state?
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>

Baron von Lotsov

Quote from: Streetwalker post_id=2057 time=1571858494 user_id=53

It is now run by fecking idiots  playing at politics .

Yes and no.

Yes because it has been hijacked by the NEC and its chief bitch

No because the leader is a very capable man and a rarity in politics. He's a physicist! lol

Quote from: Streetwalker post_id=2057 time=1571858494 user_id=53
 No one gives a monkey's wether the leader is being attacked or indeed if he knocks it on the head and another ejit has ago

Well I do, so you are wrong there. I'm extremely pissed off with that woman and I see red. If I were a dalek...

Quote from: Streetwalker post_id=2057 time=1571858494 user_id=53
 . Herriot appears to be lining herself up to be the next muppet in charge

Quite so. This is a test of prole intelligence. If she does then I give up with it.

Quote from: Streetwalker post_id=2057 time=1571858494 user_id=53
. She will last about 5 minutes before she realises the only Elephant in the room (her favourite phrase ) is herself .

It's exactly how I see this scenario playing out, then she will get a safe position in one of the other parties and become the fat witch of the East.

Quote from: Streetwalker post_id=2057 time=1571858494 user_id=53

Let it go Baron they really are not worth the electric it takes to post .

Barons never ruled by letting things go when there was a hint of trouble. They were first on their horse you know.
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>


I have little interest in UKIP these days or the BBC for that matter . It just happened to be the first link when prompted to give the latest on the UKIP leaders suspension .

We have been there and done it with UKIP . It was great as we built up the party and support , forced the major parties  to take on many UKIP policies' and of course the referendum .

It is now run by fecking idiots  playing at politics . No one gives a monkey's wether the leader is being attacked or indeed if he knocks it on the head and another ejit has ago  . Herriot appears to be lining herself up to be the next muppet in charge . She will last about 5 minutes before she realises the only Elephant in the room (her favourite phrase ) is herself .

Let it go Baron they really are not worth the electric it takes to post .

Baron von Lotsov

Are you sure you have not been brainwashed by the BBC link? You cite the link to a false allegation and then straight away your mind outputs "UKIP really is the past"

The question is, having had a taste of  Kirstan Herriot, then how would you like a whole politburo of the bitches, because that is the alternative. They could call themselves loads of different names,like greens, lib dems, tories... but they would be the same carbon copy bitches, like indistinguishable from one another.

Well i would not, and my view is that the leader is being attacked because he is not one of them.
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>


Whatever you think of Farage he was the larger than life leader that kept the NEC at arms length and away from the front line .

 The NEC is now the frontline which will mean confusion and mayhem is the order of the day . They were always there just one weak leader away and though I liked Batten he took his eye off the ball with the distraction of Robinson which gave the NEC the opportunity to take over the madhouse which of course they gladly did .

Herriot seems to be the back stabbing bitch  for the power hungry NEC who have suspended its own party leader for alleged  data fraud .">

UKIP really is the past ,I decided some time ago that  the madness that surrounds it isn't worth the effort and in reality anyone who retains the ideals of political independence for the United Kingdom should be looking at lending their support to the Brexit Party .  Their model of supporters rather than members is I think a move to prevent the very thing that destroyed UKIP .

Baron von Lotsov

Also of note is the UKIP Channel on Youtube has 40 000 subscribers. They are trying to kill it off in the mainstream media, but alternative media shows their brand is a strong one. I always think in these matters, if you have the people support you can't go wrong. If someone should cross that support and try and suppress it, then traditionally the support tends to strengthen and widen. With the UKIP in the past, it has always been the crap leadership that made it falter, like they had a man half with us and half with the enemy. Now they do not, but the enemy is in the NEC. UKIP is constituted such that the leader does not have absolute power in the sense of a Stalin or a Hitler, but this alone has not protected it from infiltration.
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>