Cummings home may not have planning permission!

Started by B0ycey, June 04, 2020, 06:38:29 AM

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I don't know the particulars of this case, but being a Parish Councillor on the planning committee I can tell you that a lot of areas have their "usual suspects" who are people who exploit the complexity and loopholes in the planning laws and believe that they are above the spirit of the rules.

At first glance, this looks like a similar case where we will be told that the buildings are perfectly legal and agreed, and then a later "change of use" or even "retrospective change of use" request has been or will be applied for.

(note that although Parish councils can comment on, or object to, requests, the final decision rests with the local or town council).

I also have seen quite a few times requests being refused.  Then the exact same structural building is submitted with a different use case, and approved.  Then, surprise surprise, a change of use request comes in which effectively makes it back to the original refused request, and is then granted.   :-?

The issue is that even if that change of use is refused, cash strapped local councils are unwilling to actually take any physical removal action, so if the owner just ignores them it tends to go on indefinitely (or until they try to sell their property and find out nobody wants to buy a property with outstanding planning findings against it).

I doubt this will stick to Cummings himself as he is probably not the requester, so it won't change the minds of anyone who already thinks he is Saint Brexit (a shrinking minority if the polls are to be believed).



So this story won't go away. But now it has morphed away from the drive itself. Did the home where the Cummings stayed at have planning permission to be built? And does it pay council tax? And if not the home will be knocked down and his father will have a huge council tax fine or even a jail sentence.

Karma is a fucking bitch. What started off as a lie to cover ones ass, then morphed into many lies which curtailed ridicule and then those lies stirred up investigation of illegal activity which may well cost Dom a lot more than just admitting he was wrong to begin with. He may have even kept his job ffs if he just said sorry although he would have had to step back from the Covid19 response I guess and he must think he is too important to do that. The problem is, there are plenty of people who are qualified to give the PM advice. So I don't know why he and the PM thinks he is special.

Keep it up Cummings. Let's see what other skeletons need to be dug up. :lol: