57 members of Buffalo police riot response team resign

Started by Borchester, June 05, 2020, 09:17:07 PM

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Borg Refinery

According to a couple of Americans I talk to, there's going to be a few city-wide walkouts of cops.

Here's one extra one that's occurred (for seperate reasons).

https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8392395/amp/Dozens-disrespected-Louisville-police-officers-walk-citys-mayor-protest.html">https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailym ... otest.html">https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8392395/amp/Dozens-disrespected-Louisville-police-officers-walk-citys-mayor-protest.html

Also re Trump / Esper and sending in the military (countrywide as part of an invokation of the Insurrection Act / martial law; not just in DC) no one knows whether that's on or off... we'll see.

I think the cops are also angry about C19, the cop union in france threatened to take em on strike over the virus, so there's trouble beyond yankland..


https://www.google.com/amp/s/uk.mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUKKBN216113">https://www.google.com/amp/s/uk.mobile. ... KKBN216113">https://www.google.com/amp/s/uk.mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUKKBN216113

Lots of cops in Scotland & elsewhere giving the knee, you get the likes of Larry Dean etc in 'pink floyd' month saying something or other. =-)


Quote from: cromwell post_id=28072 time=1591445100 user_id=48
Sounds like the one where some have been furloughed that long they've developed a scouse accent  :lol:

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=28070 time=1591444890 user_id=58
On a lighter note i laughed like feck on arsebook the other day when my cousin posted a picture of the looters in america  , and one of them had a liverpool fitba top on. :lol:

Feckin scousers cannae take them anywhere.

Sounds like the one where some have been furloughed that long they've developed a scouse accent  :lol:
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


On a lighter note i laughed like feck on arsebook the other day when my cousin posted a picture of the looters in america  , and one of them had a liverpool fitba top on. :lol:

Feckin scousers cannae take them anywhere.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=28061 time=1591442922 user_id=50
FFS nothing - here's the clip again


1) No one knows how old the fecker is. Good for you that you correctly interpreted all that information in seconds at the exact moment this happened  :roll:

Oh well a communication by Buffalo PD saying after the incident a 75 year old man was taken to hospital with a serious head injury was all in my imagination then?

Quote2) I couldn't give a sh*t what he's got to say about life the universe and everything, if the instruction is to "MOVE" then you fecking move. You don't start poking and prodding giving it the big I am. Not interested. Move.

You'd fit in well there then.

Quote3) On any "peaceful" demonstration, there is NO need for anyone to be in your face, let alone poking officers in the picket line - they aren't there to vent your frustrations on, there are there to keep order, not to be poked, lectured and gobbed at and expect no consequences.

So he could've been handled out of the way not pushed over,and how do you know he was gobbing off just your interpretation you criticise others for doing.

Quote4) For every "harmless" old duffer, there is another **** who isn't - they come right into you, they spit in your face, they snarl and abuse you, they often carry "innocent" implements in their hands which can be used as weapons - when you've had this sh*t for hours on end, people ignoring your instructions or doing the exact opposite to goad you, tempers wear thin. Of course, yours wouldn't would it?

I know the response...."but what about training blah blah" ....feck off. You get trained to deal with disorder, it DOESN'T make you superman
read what I post if the cops are assaulted sure they should react to defend and keep order.

Quote5) The officer concerned pushes him - it isn't a lunge, he isn't struck with a baton or beaten, he is simply pushed because he isn't complying with the instructions being given, and he clearly has no intention of doing - it isn't anything more - he stumbles backwards, falls and hits his head. So he has no culpability whatsoever? No, sorry, I don't agree. Its unfortunate, but there it is. In these situations, what do you want? Telling people they had better "move along there please sir" doesn't fecking work the first time and still doesn't work the 73rd time you've said it. Get real ffs

I tell you what - get the fecking police and the NG off the streets completely - withdraw them all. The whole fecking lot of them. Let the "peaceful protests" continue unhindered. I can GUARANTEE that within 48 hours you'd be shitting yourself if it was your city.

No you can't guarantee anything (have you been taking lessons from smurfy by using capitals?) no you get real it could've and should've been handled better.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell post_id=28055 time=1591441162 user_id=48
I was looking for a link but can't find it and it wasn't that long ago and you being a Canuck might be interested,there'd been some incident in the US where the yanks had arrived mob handed all guns blazing and it had gone badly wrong and not long after there'd be an almost identical incident  in Canada sorted no fuss ended well by a couple of Mounties and the canuckshad took the piss royally by saying "now that's how you' do policing" :lol:

I think the yanks from what little i know cromwell have some of the most highly trained police officers in the world , but they live in a society that is so saturated  with guns that the use of disproportionate force has simply become the norm.

You see this in every aspect of their culture , where america has something like three per cent of the worlds population but 25 % of the worlds prison popualtion , with over the top sentences , death penalty in certain states and the famous three strikes and you are out rule.

They appear to have many problems , but i wouldnt want to be a cop in america. It appears to be a dangerous thankless job .
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell post_id=28044 time=1591435966 user_id=48
Ffs  one lone 75 year old bloke not a mob on the bogside with petrol bombs.

FFS nothing - here's the clip again


1) No one knows how old the fecker is. Good for you that you correctly interpreted all that information in seconds at the exact moment this happened  :roll:

2) I couldn't give a shit what he's got to say about life the universe and everything, if the instruction is to "MOVE" then you fecking move. You don't start poking and prodding giving it the big I am. Not interested. Move.

3) On any "peaceful" demonstration, there is NO need for anyone to be in your face, let alone poking officers in the picket line - they aren't there to vent your frustrations on, there are there to keep order, not to be poked, lectured and gobbed at and expect no consequences.

4) For every "harmless" old duffer, there is another **** who isn't - they come right into you, they spit in your face, they snarl and abuse you, they often carry "innocent" implements in their hands which can be used as weapons - when you've had this shit for hours on end, people ignoring your instructions or doing the exact opposite to goad you, tempers wear thin. Of course, yours wouldn't would it?

I know the response...."but what about training blah blah" ....feck off. You get trained to deal with disorder, it DOESN'T make you superman

5) The officer concerned pushes him - it isn't a lunge, he isn't struck with a baton or beaten, he is simply pushed because he isn't complying with the instructions being given, and he clearly has no intention of doing - it isn't anything more - he stumbles backwards, falls and hits his head. So he has no culpability whatsoever? No, sorry, I don't agree. Its unfortunate, but there it is. In these situations, what do you want? Telling people politely to "move along there please sir" doesn't fecking work the first time and still doesn't work the 73rd time you've said it. Get real ffs

I tell you what - get the fecking police and the NG off the streets completely - withdraw them all. The whole fecking lot of them. Let the "peaceful protests" continue unhindered. I can GUARANTEE that within 48 hours you'd be shitting yourself if it was your city.


Quote from: Streetwalker post_id=28052 time=1591440600 user_id=53
I think the USA has its problems but criminality has to be on the list somewhere as to why such things happen .  Ok it was an old guy who could have been taken by the arm and led to the rear but he was told a few times (apparently) to leave the area as curfew was in place . It was his decision to ignore what he was being asked to do .

I don't think armed police both in the USA and in Europe have the same social skills training that our guys have . Maybe having a gun strapped to their thighs gives them a different mindset but I have found armed police more violent in general  as any retaliation can of course be taken to the next level which the man in the street in most cases backs down from .

I was looking for a link but can't find it and it wasn't that long ago and you being a Canuck might be interested,there'd been some incident in the US where the yanks had arrived mob handed all guns blazing and it had gone badly wrong and not long after there'd be an almost identical incident  in Canada sorted no fuss ended well by a couple of Mounties and the canuckshad took the piss royally by saying "now that's how you' do policing" :lol:
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell post_id=28050 time=1591439074 user_id=48
And if someone hadn't filmed all that?

Still they have to go to trial,they might be found not guilty.......doesn't it occur to you that such things happen so often in the US because of poor training ,accountability (lack thereof)

Racism.......next :-P

I think the USA has its problems but criminality has to be on the list somewhere as to why such things happen .  Ok it was an old guy who could have been taken by the arm and led to the rear but he was told a few times (apparently) to leave the area as curfew was in place . It was his decision to ignore what he was being asked to do .

I don't think armed police both in the USA and in Europe have the same social skills training that our guys have . Maybe having a gun strapped to their thighs gives them a different mindset but I have found armed police more violent in general  as any retaliation can of course be taken to the next level which the man in the street in most cases backs down from .


Quote from: Streetwalker post_id=28048 time=1591438575 user_id=53
I think they will have covered that when the policeman gets 30 years .  Next ?

And if someone hadn't filmed all that?

Still they have to go to trial,they might be found not guilty.......doesn't it occur to you that such things happen so often in the US because of poor training ,accountability (lack thereof)

Racism.......next :-P
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell post_id=28046 time=1591437883 user_id=48
Now the cop in this I think is justified in his reaction,big woman punches another cop twice and other cop defends his colleague with one blow.

Looks justified to me.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Nalaar post_id=28043 time=1591435859 user_id=99
I think top of the list would be something like 'Police will no longer be trained to incapacitate someone by forcing a knee onto their throat'.

I think they will have covered that when the policeman gets 30 years .  Next ?


Now the cop in this I think is justified in his reaction,big woman punches another cop twice and other cop defends his colleague with one blow.

That people can't see the difference between assaults on people who are offering no violence  :shrg:

Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=28040 time=1591434939 user_id=50
There's always different perspectives when looking at any subject. The difficulty here is that today, the internet means people can view isolated clips taken from one person's perspective, disseminate it retrospectively, and arrive at conclusions based on the public's reaction to the grievance - almost everyone commenting on the George Floyd rioting sees it as a case of  "peaceful protesters" - go and count how many times that phrase appears - wheras you and I know that is seldom the case. A high profile political event like this brings all sorts of professional grievance agitators and fruitbat ****s out in force.

There are different tactics to deal with public disorder, which are usually implemented by degrees depending on the level of escalation. Dealing with serious public disorder is sometimes not pretty, but you'll be wasting your time trying to explain this to people who've never faced it, particularly because most will see it from the above perspective, not yours. In these cases, you are definitively an implement of the state, so expecting understanding from the wider population is foolish. However, we always used to be able to rely on the support and understanding of our commanders and peers. In these days of instant and unrestricted access to every last video taken on the street, every amateur opinion you can think of, on top of the immense political pressures those in charge now face, and even that is doubtful. They clearly no longer have confidence that they'll be supported.

The sad truth is,.you put these people complaining about it in the situation of trying to contain it, and their reaction would be a whole different story. When violence is close and personal, it alters everyone's perceptions.

I don't blame them. I wouldn't want to do today either.

 :hattip  :hattip


Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=28040 time=1591434939 user_id=50
There's always different perspectives when looking at any subject. The difficulty here is that today, the internet means people can view isolated clips taken from one person's perspective, disseminate it retrospectively, and arrive at conclusions based on the public's reaction to the grievance - almost everyone commenting on the George Floyd rioting sees it as a case of  "peaceful protesters" - go and count how many times that phrase appears - wheras you and I know that is seldom the case. A high profile political event like this brings all sorts of professional grievance agitators and fruitbat ****s out in force.

There are different tactics to deal with public disorder, which are usually implemented by degrees depending on the level of escalation. Dealing with serious public disorder is sometimes not pretty, but you'll be wasting your time trying to explain this to people who've never faced it, particularly because most will see it from the above perspective, not yours. In these cases, you are definitively an implement of the state, so expecting understanding from the wider population is foolish. However, we always used to be able to rely on the support and understanding of our commanders and peers. In these days of instant and unrestricted access to every last video taken on the street, every amateur opinion you can think of, on top of the immense political pressures those in charge now face, and even that is doubtful. They clearly no longer have confidence that they'll be supported.

The sad truth is,.you put these people complaining about it in the situation of trying to contain it, and their reaction would be a whole different story. When violence is close and personal, it alters everyone's perceptions.

I don't blame them. I wouldn't want to do today either.

Ffs  one lone 75 year old bloke not a mob on the bogside with petrol bombs.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?