United States Presidential election - 2020

Started by Barry, June 09, 2020, 09:35:19 PM

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Quote from: T00ts on November 05, 2020, 12:10:06 PM

I had a reply to one of my comments on a largely American forum which told me that many are very aware of our political battle at the moment and wishing us all the best. The Democrats will not be the best for us. I suspect both the EU and our Government are playing for time right now because the action they take on the talks may well be affected by who will be President. That, I find pretty annoying.

sure ,but thats the reality of the current situation toots.

How annoying did you think i found it back in 2014 when barack obama told us scots not to vote to leave the uk , while his country celebrated the 4th july american independence from britian celebrations?

Talk about mass hypocrisy?

In my opinion , for both scottish indy and english brexit , a democrat administration isnt good news .

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on November 05, 2020, 11:54:37 AM
Dont forget biden has already called johnson a "trump clone" , and he and his party deeply disaprove of brexit.

..and on the 6 counties...


rest assured new labour types and english remainers will be hoping  biden and his team put a lot of leverage against brexit.

As far as they are concerned , brexit isnt over till the fat lady sings.....

Oh yes most certainly we have reason to mistrust Biden and his cohorts. I believe a lot of their funding is Irish American too.

Years ago we were on holiday and stopped off at Vegas for a few days just to see it. My husband really wanted to take the helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon and was advised to go at dawn before the heat created up draughts that ended with passengers being sick with the turbulence. A comment at the time pointed out that Americans fly whatever the conditions very often and we should remember that they had only been civilised for a couple of generations. That seems to be still true. Sadly many don't even recognise anywhere past their own borders. So the fact that their decisions impact the world in the way they do is quite worrying.

Quote from: Thomas on November 05, 2020, 12:04:19 PM
Quote from: Thomas on November 05, 2020, 11:56:27 AM

I had a reply to one of my comments on a largely American forum which told me that many are very aware of our political battle at the moment and wishing us all the best. The Democrats will not be the best for us. I suspect both the EU and our Government are playing for time right now because the action they take on the talks may well be affected by who will be President. That, I find pretty annoying.


QuoteNigel Farage warns Biden will be 'very, very bad' for Brexit as he 'loves the EU'
NIGEL FARAGE has hit out at Donald Trump's US presidential rival, Joe Biden, over his long-held anti-Brexit views, warning Britons that the Democratic candidate's first stop if he won would be to Berlin, not London.


i dont normally link to papers like the express , but its similar to what i have read a lot on recently from the likes of farage talking about biden and the democrats being bad for brexit.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


QuoteBiden probably doesn't like Johnson. He certainly doesn't like Brexit, doesn't think it has been good for Britain, Europe or America, and said in 2018 he'd have voted Remain as an MP or voter. He shares the Obama view on Johnson, as with so much else. Moreover, Biden shares the general Democrat revulsion at what Brexit is doing to the Good Friday Agreement and the Irish peace process. Nancy Pelosi and many others have warned Britain that they can do anything, but they'd better not tread on their green suede shoes if they want any kind of trade deal. 

The animosity might even infect the traditionally close relationship on intelligence and security, simply because the Biden-Johnson chemistry would be so poor. This would be a shame, as Johnson is closer now to Biden on the challenge from Russia than he is to Trump, as well as better aligned with America on China (the Uighur Muslims, Hong Kong and Huawei). The work at official level will probably be OK, but Biden will be less interested in what Britain thinks and wants strategically, having said it would be "diminished" in influence outside the EU. The relationship will inevitably be less special.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


QuoteChair @RepEliotEngel leads bipartisan effort calling on UK to honor Good Friday Agreement while negotiating Brexit.

In a letter to @BorisJohnson, they warned that Congress will not support a

free trade agreement if Britain fails to uphold commitments with Northern Ireland.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Dont forget biden has already called johnson a "trump clone" , and he and his party deeply disaprove of brexit.

..and on the 6 counties...

QuoteJoe Biden
We can't allow the Good Friday Agreement that brought peace to Northern Ireland to become a casualty of Brexit.

Any trade deal between the U.S. and U.K. must be contingent upon respect for the Agreement and preventing the return of a hard border. Period.


rest assured new labour types and english remainers will be hoping  biden and his team put a lot of leverage against brexit.

As far as they are concerned , brexit isnt over till the fat lady sings.....
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: T00ts on November 05, 2020, 11:38:47 AM
I don't know what motivates the American vote since it all seems pretty corrupted to me. I do agree that most view there's as the least of two evils. There is a big fear of Socialism in many quarters and Biden's running mate is apparently a closet lefty. Equally there is a big vote that hinges almost entirely on abortion. I cannot imagine either man in the Whitehouse or the affect that will have on World affairs. Biden is pretty sure to backtrack on much of what Trump has 'achieved' if that's a reasonable word to use, but at the same time Trump with a 2nd term will run amok particularly now that he has more Republicans in the Senate and Supreme Court.

If USA wasn't such a big player in the World and the rest of us weren't so in awe of them it wouldn't matter so much. As it is I do wonder if the USA is on the turn and their power and influence on the wane to some extent. There are other big players on this planet who will do their best to swamp the rest of us if they can. We need some strength not just in politics but in character too, but at present that doesn't seem to be fashionable.

Well thats the thing toots , as my post to borkie indicates what effect will a biden administration have on us ?

I didnt and dont like trump....remember we in scotland had heard of him and seen his antics long before he became a household name in england.

....but the democrats to my mind are as i keep saying sort of the big brothers of new labour , and of course completely interventionist and favour the pre 2016 status quo.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Borchester on November 05, 2020, 11:34:46 AM
Economically, Trump is not a bad old skin. He has lowered taxes and brought jobs back to America, while Biden wants to raise the former and send the latter off to the third World.

Unfortunately, the only mouth bigger than The Donald's is probably Falmouth, so the Yanks will probably settle for Gaga Joe

probably borkie , but as someone said , what does it mean for the rest of us in the western world?

Usually when the democrats are in power( not exclusively though) they are sticking their noses into other countries affairs and starting wars.

Im guessing english remainers are hoping sleepy joe and his sidekick puts the boot into brexit as much as possible , and stops any pretensions us jocks might have and generally takes the western world back to pre 2016.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on November 05, 2020, 11:07:13 AM
Well as you know toots , i dont really know that much about yank politics , and havent up till now taken any interest , but recently i have been reading about american politics from the perspective of an irish american and it makes very interesting reading.

The american two party system sounds exactly like the uk with lab and tory.

He was saying neither side nor theri supporters are all bad or good , and that the idea from the media all trump supporters are racist rednecks is laughable. Each side are really voting for the lesser of two evils , same as here with the two main parties.

He says most yanks didnt vote for biden and harris , whom they can't really stand , but more the the fact the voted against trump  , whom they can't stand that wee bit more.

He said if trump is the racist baddie that the media is making out , and biden the goodie , why is it that trump increased his vote share among the poorer counties with the latinos or the african americans , and the only demogrpahic where his vote share fell was among white men.?

heres a copy of some of what he was saying.........

i didnt know that , the cages all those migrant kids were pictured in that trump gets the blame from in the media particularly from our own labour luvvie types was actually built by the obama administration?obama the left s hero?

Really does sound like new labour v conservative yank style doesnt it?

Quote from: Thomas on November 05, 2020, 11:26:11 AM

I don't know what motivates the American vote since it all seems pretty corrupted to me. I do agree that most view there's as the least of two evils. There is a big fear of Socialism in many quarters and Biden's running mate is apparently a closet lefty. Equally there is a big vote that hinges almost entirely on abortion. I cannot imagine either man in the Whitehouse or the affect that will have on World affairs. Biden is pretty sure to backtrack on much of what Trump has 'achieved' if that's a reasonable word to use, but at the same time Trump with a 2nd term will run amok particularly now that he has more Republicans in the Senate and Supreme Court.

If USA wasn't such a big player in the World and the rest of us weren't so in awe of them it wouldn't matter so much. As it is I do wonder if the USA is on the turn and their power and influence on the wane to some extent. There are other big players on this planet who will do their best to swamp the rest of us if they can. We need some strength not just in politics but in character too, but at present that doesn't seem to be fashionable.


Economically, Trump is not a bad old skin. He has lowered taxes and brought jobs back to America, while Biden wants to raise the former and send the latter off to the third World.

Unfortunately, the only mouth bigger than The Donald's is probably Falmouth, so the Yanks will probably settle for Gaga Joe
Algerie Francais !


An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: T00ts on November 05, 2020, 10:02:41 AM
The only lame duck president will be Biden. He has a Republican heavy senate to deal with apparently. Trump of course should he win, will be impossible.

Well as you know toots , i dont really know that much about yank politics , and havent up till now taken any interest , but recently i have been reading about american politics from the perspective of an irish american and it makes very interesting reading.

The american two party system sounds exactly like the uk with lab and tory.

He was saying neither side nor theri supporters are all bad or good , and that the idea from the media all trump supporters are racist rednecks is laughable. Each side are really voting for the lesser of two evils , same as here with the two main parties.

He says most yanks didnt vote for biden and harris , whom they can't really stand , but more the the fact the voted against trump  , whom they can't stand that wee bit more.

He said if trump is the racist baddie that the media is making out , and biden the goodie , why is it that trump increased his vote share among the poorer counties with the latinos or the african americans , and the only demogrpahic where his vote share fell was among white men.?

heres a copy of some of what he was saying.........
A) The crime bill that Biden and Bill Clinton passed in the 90s that saw the mass incarceration of young black males.

B) Kamala Harris, who was supposed to bring the black and minority vote simply because she was black ( isn't that the definition of Racism?) Who as chief prosecutor in the most democratic city of the most democratic state, ruthlessly went after marijuana smokers, but ( against the advice of her entire staff) refused to prosecute Steve Minuchin hedge fund manager, current Donald Trump secretary of the treasury, who foreclosed illegally on thousands of working and middle class people during the financial crisis of 2008, forcing them onto the street. ( and you still don't think this is not a cabal of wealthy neo cons and neo liberals, who protect each other, while walking over the lower classes?)

C) One statistic which those of you who actually think CNN, and the NY Times is a paragon of virtue and truth will never see on any of the "Good" mainstream media channels.
3.2 Million people.
1.2 Million people.
800,000 People.
The first figure is the number of people Obama deported in his 8 years in power.
The second figure is the number of people he deported in his 1st 3 years in power.
The 3rd figure is the number Trump deported in his first 3 years in power.

It's not that Trump wouldn't want to deport more ( he would but there's a number of factors working against him.) It's the fact that Obama deported more people in his 8 years than the 100 years between 1897 and 1997.

Those cages that the kids were filmed in, were built by the Obama administration. You really think mainstream media is fair and tells you the whole truth?

Do you still really believe in the Good guy/ Bad guy narrative??
They're both terrible. Both parties are owned by corporations.
Biden or Trump could have stood on a platform of Universal government health care ( Fox news exit poll last night found over 70% of people agree with that) Either candidate would have won by a landslide, with that platform and more fiscal aid for people in trouble because of covid, but the corporate donors that own both parties, and the neo cons and neo liberals that advice Trump and Biden do not want it.

4) Trump's election is just a symptom of a political system that is breaking down, and the rejection of it. The fact that he is almost winning despite how horrible he is, is because of the desperation of the working class. The current situation is making the gilded age of the early last century start to look socialistic. The disparity in wealth in this country is massive.
Something like 60% of people couldn't afford a financial crisis of more than $600. That means 60% of people are living month to month with less than $600 savings. Let that sink in.

Meanwhile the Bidens, Trumps, Mc Connels and Pelosis of this world are living in an alternative reality. All multi millionaires socializing with their fellow mutil millionaires in the media, the Wolff Blitzers, Anderson Coopers, and Sean Hannity's, who are all owned by massive corporations who are equally wealthy, and put out the same neo con/ liberal, agenda, which calls for constant wars abroad, globalization, etc There is hardly any difference between the Dems and Republicans when it comes to foreign policy and economics. They each favor the 1%, who donate most of the money too, and own these parties.

5) If the democrats or republicans think by "Winning" or that by Trump losing, they can go back to business as usual and that he was just an aberration, they might potentially unleash something much more dangerous than Trump. A real ideologue, with real totalitarian beliefs, who actually believes what he says, unlike Trump, who just lies, and says whatever it takes to win. Those of you who think, we've been saved if Trump loses, and we can all go back to sleep, and things will return to nice normal, are watching way too much CNN, MSNBC, and Fox and reading too much of the Guardian and the Daily Mail.

i didnt know that , the cages all those migrant kids were pictured in that trump gets the blame from in the media particularly from our own labour luvvie types was actually built by the obama administration?obama the left s hero?

Really does sound like new labour v conservative yank style doesnt it?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: T00ts on November 05, 2020, 10:02:41 AM
The only lame duck president will be Biden. He has a Republican heavy senate to deal with apparently. Trump of course should he win, will be impossible.

I dare say that the US will survive. The bit that gets me is why it is taking Nevada so long to count the votes. With Las Vegas as its biggest city I would have thought that the state was chock a block full of folk who could tally up in a twinkling.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: HDQQ on November 05, 2020, 09:41:15 AM
We still don't know who's going to win although Biden is ahead at the moment. If Trump wins, then there's the question of whether or not his disgraceful behaviour during the count could land him in trouble, making him a lame duck president from the start of his potential second term.

At the moment he's trying to get the count stopped in states where he's ahead but he's insisting the count continues in the ones where he's behind.

The only lame duck president will be Biden. He has a Republican heavy senate to deal with apparently. Trump of course should he win, will be impossible.


We still don't know who's going to win although Biden is ahead at the moment. If Trump wins, then there's the question of whether or not his disgraceful behaviour during the count could land him in trouble, making him a lame duck president from the start of his potential second term.

At the moment he's trying to get the count stopped in states where he's ahead but he's insisting the count continues in the ones where he's behind.
Formerly known as Hyperduck Quack Quack.
I might not be an expert but I do know enough to correct you when you're wrong!