Thereby hangs a tale

Started by Nick, June 24, 2020, 09:43:03 PM

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Quote from: cromwell on June 24, 2020, 10:35:29 PM
Churchill like us all had his flaws,would they prefer perhaps to see a statue of Halifax or the other appeasers.

One of the very few inspirational teachers when I were nowt but a lad taught me many things,like Kiplings poem (also a flawed man) once you pay the Dane geld you never get rid of the Dane.

Much to the annoyance of some I get why people follow BLM having seen race hatred and discrimination on several occasions.

That doesn't mean I wish to see history rewritten,all statues pulled down.........there has to be some balance but then that's me calling for calm to the detriment of white people apparently

We all have our beliefs and so in this respect I'll be sticking to mine as briefly outlined. :P

I have also seen race hatred and discrimination and gotten into a few scuffles as a result and it has all been a long way from the BLM movement.

The problem with the BLM is not merely that most of their antics are counterproductive, but that it knows that and does not care. The students and actors desperate to get a bit of free publicity know that they are alienating the core white support that they need, but it isn't their world so they carry on regardless.
Algerie Francais !

Good old

Seeking equality, change, within a system, culture, is quiet different to ,trying to expunge that system culture. The difference is easy to detect, and it's going to be the biggest danger  to progress to well managed change .


As I point out, the chap who the woke liberals i spoke of in my last post on another thread managed to make Mayor of Cardiff has a chap called Thomas Picton in his sights.

Picton died leading his men in a rather critical movement against the French at the battle of Waterloo and the majority, although I admit far from unilateral view is that had that action not been taken by him at the loss of his own life, Napoleon, not Wellington, wold have been holding a victory parade.

If that had been the case Britain would be a very different place indeed. For a start, it would be speaking french. It would almost certainly not have a monarchy, and that would be good in the sense that the appalling domino treaties that led to the slaughter of so many between 1914 and 1918 because of the mindless slaughter of one man in one singularly particular place by another man of a particular ethnicity would never have come into being, albeit because with Britain conquered, Napoleon would have been able to turn his attention to those other ethnicities and send them the way of the dodo.

That in itself may be no bad thing because with the Balkans a french Colony (do the french have a word equivalent to the English Anglicised ? I understand they have scant need of it because of their rather luckless record when it comes to french military victories but I imagine with Waterloo reversed they may have to find a word that means to have converted to Francophilia in a way to Anglicise does) there would be no Serbia, Coatia, Kosovo ...

But I'm getting ahead of myself because of course with no first world war, neither Britain nor Germany would be down several million fit and strong men, and thus there would be scant need for women to have established their place as a vital contributor to the wealth and strength of the economy. And speaking of the economy, the treaty of Versailles would never have been needed, Germany would have risen and risen to become the economic superpower it briefly enjoyed being before the Berlin wall fell and America would have been left to rot in its own dust bowl, Europe's western nations owing it NOTHING.

With Britain in french hands, the naval patrols made by our cutters and cruisers that decimated the arab and islam funded trade in black slaves enslaved on the dark continent by islamic raiders and black chiefs of one tribe eager to remove an enemy tribe from the land by selling them wholesale to the arabs would never have taken place and the slave trade would have flourished. OR maybe - and here is an interesting point, just maybe our new french masters, who took their "egalite" far, far more seriously than we ever took our "equality", might have chosen to declare war on both the black slavers for their affront to a key value to la republique francaise, and the arabs for their religion-based entitlement to enslave men. THAT might have been interesting.

So to come back to the thirties then, the question is whether a French Empire including the insignificant little island off the north west coast of the Mother Country of the Empire would have withstood a vastly wealthy and land hungry Germany. Or whether Germany would have been content to expand to the east.

Either way, this mad professor would have his way because Churchill would never have come to hold the power he did and the respect of the British for taking the appeasement policy of his predecessors and shoving it up Adolf's Bum. Indeed, without the first world war Adolf would probably never have come to write Mein Kampf. which is an interesting book I think most woke liberals should read, and not pretend they know what it says.

BUT a Western Europe in which there was no British Empire, and a mighty French and German one would have no need of the Windrush as the western european economy would find itself in possession of  many millions of fit, healthy, white men who would not be lying dead in all manner of grim locations as a result of six years of conflict. The fifties would not have been a time of having it so good though...

BUT Whichever way you look at it, and for a whole load of reasons, it is unlikely the world would have anything like the number of black lives in it to matter, and britain certainly would not.

Now the above is not a new idea of mine, far from it.  It is in fact a summary of a little thought experiment (yes, Nalaar, I do actually conduct a few of my own occasionally) I carried out at least a decade ago.

I wonder if the chap who thinks there is scant difference between Churchill and Hitler paused long enough to understand the dept he owed to Alleged Slave Owner Thomas Picton ?

I did, however, piss myself when the said not quite black enough to be black, surely chap in that video actually said , after comparing Chuurchill to Hitler, that if Hitler had won there would not be any black lives around to matter. I'm sorry but i stopped listening at that point, not through any voluntary desire to ignore him but because he had the same effect on me that ecky-thump martia art had on a scotsman, I was in dire danger f laughing myself to death
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Churchill like us all had his flaws,would they prefer perhaps to see a statue of Halifax or the other appeasers.

One of the very few inspirational teachers when I were nowt but a lad taught me many things,like Kiplings poem (also a flawed man) once you pay the Dane geld you never get rid of the Dane.

Much to the annoyance of some I get why people follow BLM having seen race hatred and discrimination on several occasions.

That doesn't mean I wish to see history rewritten,all statues pulled down.........there has to be some balance but then that's me calling for calm to the detriment of white people apparently

We all have our beliefs and so in this respect I'll be sticking to mine as briefly outlined. :P and affordable,not that hard is it?


I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.