We would pay less taxes if we observed God's commandments

Started by aboutt, October 25, 2019, 11:41:00 PM

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patman post

Quote from: aboutt post_id=2441 time=1572043260 user_id=95
Moreover, if we transfer "you shalt not murder" into international affairs we would see how we cut the taxes for army, weapons and scouting. So this thread is to discuss whether the observation of God's commandments are good for the society. The literally interpretation and exact execution of those Commandments.

Cutting expenditure on high-priced defence systems, and paying attention to the commandment not to kill, may not lessen the tax burden, but it could allow more money for the NHS and the other schemes being peddled as bait to the electorate...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...

Baron von Lotsov

Quote from: johnofgwent post_id=2988 time=1572377071 user_id=63
Would we ?

The tithe to the church...

The myriad offerings to the priesthood ?

And I have to say I find the idea of reduced military expenditure laughable given God's demands that his people commit slaughter to genocidal levels in his name....

Just making sure we stuck to one commandment of not lying would be a huge economic boost. No one would be misled and far fewer mistakes made as a consequence.

Then if we add to that the commandment of not stealing, we would need a fraction of the prisons, and the "security" (lol) market would vanish, and probably a large proportion of the insurance market as well.

We would not need to build any arks either to float above the crap below.

Besides, it is illogical that god would wish to destroy what he had created if it worked according to his spec.
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>


Would we ?

The tithe to the church...

The myriad offerings to the priesthood ?

And I have to say I find the idea of reduced military expenditure laughable given God's demands that his people commit slaughter to genocidal levels in his name....
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: aboutt post_id=2916 time=1572359575 user_id=95
Economic issues also could be solved by the Words of God. The Bible gives answers to every aspect of life. Not only the moral we should stick to, but how the goods should be restributed as well. It is said in the Bible: "If you have two coats give one to your brother". It is also said that "one will live not only by bread, but by every Word of God". Lets take the 10th commandment "Thou shalt not covet (neighbour's slaves, animals, or anything else)". Now lets transfer that commandment into international affairs. It means automatically that no country should covet anything from other country. And for what reason are all the wars led if not for covetting others' land and resources ?

Well, I suppose it does if you accept the life of the technology of the Amish.

My personal link with the cult was severed when they sided with David Alton over forcing a woman who knows the child inside her is dead the moment the cord is cut, and probably long before that as the birth starts,and yet they force her to carry the child to a death and a funeral and all that goes with it at 39 weeks when an abortion at 24 removes all that paperwork.

But not the pain of the childbirth. For the woman in question was my wife and our second child, Emma, lies in bits in pickle jars in my old research lab to which we donated the corpse in hope research may prevent others from going through whatever did.

For she failed to develop a diaphragm. I saw her delivered. She was probably dying as she emerged,as the cord was already broken in several places. She "lived" outside the womb for perhaps 15 seconds.

The church in which my father in law and I were both lay preachers severed all contact with her as soon as word got out.

I burned my lay preachers licence, having pissed in it first,about a month later.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>

Paulus de B

You shouldn't covet your neighbour's slave (and well done God for seeing that the biggest issue about owning human beings is that someone else might covet them) works in a society where slaves are more evenly distributed and nobody starves for want of one.  Telling a person without a sports car not to covet his neighbour's sport car works too, because that covetousness is mostly wasted effort.  But do you want to tell a person without shoes not to covet his neighbour's shoes?


Economic issues also could be solved by the Words of God. The Bible gives answers to every aspect of life. Not only the moral we should stick to, but how the goods should be restributed as well. It is said in the Bible: "If you have two coats give one to your brother". It is also said that "one will live not only by bread, but by every Word of God". Lets take the 10th commandment "Thou shalt not covet (neighbour's slaves, animals, or anything else)". Now lets transfer that commandment into international affairs. It means automatically that no country should covet anything from other country. And for what reason are all the wars led if not for covetting others' land and resources ?

Baron von Lotsov

A large number of people are in prison for economic reasons. In all life on this planet the number one thing it observes is survival. It comes top of the hierarchy of needs. To survive in this country one needs money. One needs money even to pay for the land one resides on, whether rented or purchased. Money is normally acquired through work, but in today's society that work often needs the cooperation of others, because one man can not do most work on his own, hence he needs to work in a company. If you look today at how one applies for a job, it is clear that the system has been exploited. It is all done through agencies and agents all work in a uniform way. Part of the procedure is to weed out the ones  who do not fit the selection rules. This is done in a totally rigorous way, so there are no exceptions. Say for example the rule states, no criminal record. That rule is likely to be universal across every employment agency. If you do not click then you could apply for a million jobs and still get no from each and every one. What are you going to do when you start to get hungry?
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>


Taxes. The burden of the modren life. But have you ever asked yourself why are we all paying so many taxes ? The biggest part of them are collected in order to keep peace and safety in social life. To protect people from crimes and to take actions against the wrongdoers. To protect the people from both the enemies "inside" and "outside" the country. But lets free our minds for a second and look at the situation from a whole new perspective.

Abstract from the position that "this is impossible" and think how would a society and world look like if all people observed God's commandments  voluntarily. "You shalt not murder", "You shalt not steal". With the observation of only those two commandments we would cease most of the police function. "Thou shalt not bear false witness" - this commandment is enough to leave jobless most of the prosecutors and investigators. Not only that, but with less crimes - murders, thefts - there would be less or none prisons and guards for prisons. And we all know that prisons are everything but not a cheap "pleasure". Prisons need food, guards, hygiene. So we see how we would cut lion part of the taxes with observation of the God's commandments.

Moreover, if we transfer "you shalt not murder" into international affairs we would see how we cut the taxes for army, weapons and scouting. So this thread is to discuss whether the observation of God's commandments are good for the society. The literally interpretation and exact execution of those Commandments.