Will Cummings have the parachute regiment disbanded?

Started by cromwell, July 13, 2020, 09:08:12 PM

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In all honesty, what would you couple of dingbats know about it anyway, Cummings as an advisor has the right to run things past people, it don't mean it will be so. or that he even said it.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe

Borg Refinery

Mark Francois has been both condemned and ridiculed after he told the UK's most senior army general that Dominic Cummings was going to "sort him out."

The Tory MP and prominent Brexiteer made the apparent threat to Sir Nick Carter as he lambasted the Ministry of Defence.


Ooh you're so 'ard mate, bet the army general was quaking in his boots.. honestly.. what goes through their heads? And the sheepless wonders blindly worship these fruitbats? lol.


Quote from: Sampanviking on July 21, 2020, 10:46:40 AM
Well, Mechanisation has rather changed the game over the last eighty years. Mechanised, Rapid Reaction, Air Mobile forces are rather more varied and generally effective than historic paratroop shock troops.
I would wonder if the story is being over egged and that a general reform of this area is what is actually being planned.
That reminds of me of something, on my 68 Jag, the starter is playing up, so I say, I will get it off and rebuild it, ah says my Jag chums, those were never made to get the starter out with the engine in, well I said with modern tools and long wobble bars etc, I said I bet I can get it out, no they said it will be quicker taking the engine and box out, well we will see then, anyway two hours later and the carbs off I have the starter off, I still need the starter but with modern tools it is an easier job.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Well, Mechanisation has rather changed the game over the last eighty years. Mechanised, Rapid Reaction, Air Mobile forces are rather more varied and generally effective than historic paratroop shock troops.
I would wonder if the story is being over egged and that a general reform of this area is what is actually being planned.

Good old

Don't see the point of taking out a battalion in this way . It's been obvious  for many years  that mass drops on a sophisticated enemy are a non starter . Modern air defence can see to that. But the regiments activities  only need adapting , and have been for years now. The Special air Service , soon realized it was special ,but not just in the air. Yet  the name stuck. Just adapt under the well earned honour of having that  Para, name . Train up as special forces , but  keep that name and the emblem.


Bloody hell where is the popcorn, this could be fun.

For many years I thought a lot of the work on biological agents for the cold war was utterly pointless as all we would actually have to do was ensure a decent airborne spraying with e.coli and stand back as no infantry unit of any sort could possibly shoot (straight) and shit at the same time.

That miscalculation on my part was corrected back in the mid 1990's by a chap I had the pleasure of sharing the top floor of a B&B in Wimbledon with while I was engaged as a consultant on an Air Traffic Control system and he was engaged by a different client as a consultant on a radar system.

Chatting to him one evening I found he was a former Royal Marine, and was still alive thanks to a rather opportune acquisition of a target by a system I'd had a hand in, said "target" being at the time rather keen to "acquire" him...

But it was he who explained to me that my thoughts on the ability of the infantry were slightly misconstrued. He pointed out that when the paras entered Stanley, raised the flag and got themselves photographed drinking a celebratory swig of vodka, that was in fact more a medicinal administration than anything else, as not a single man in that photo had a serviceable pair of underpants left, All hasd been surviving on water extracted from ground dew and were in quite a state. Yet whilst in that state they had yomped and fought their way into Stanley, against rather more than just the raw conscripts that made up the larger part of the Argentinian forces.

It is probably true we have not  OVERTLY parachuted any armed forces into a theatre of combat for quite a while. We have not bombed a city flat to the last brick recently either. The fact we have not does not mean we won't have to tomorrow, and this disbanding those who know how to go about so doing is folly in the extreme.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: cromwell on July 13, 2020, 09:08:12 PM
Might find he's bitten off more than he can chew here,about time he was disbanded.

Cyber crime has been prioritised to protect us from terrorism for some years with Battlefield funding being diverted . If I recall being unable to buy aircraft for aircraft carriers was down to the need to fund cyber crime .
Ideally the cyber money should come from somewhere else and maybe its an error  to take it from the well respected Parachute regiment .

I  just hope it is the military top brass that are part of this decision making ,either way I cant see it being all down to Cummings ,he advises ,he doesn't sign the orders .


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