General Brexit discussion thread

Started by cromwell, October 27, 2019, 09:01:29 PM

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Quote from: Stevlin post_id=4945 time=1573314939 user_id=66
Your perpetual lying does you no credit Thomas

Im not lying stevlin . All the old forum members now on this forum know fine well what you said.

You clearly said northern ireland wasnt a part of the united kingdom , merely an associate member.

My kids ran through as i told you at the time as i was lying hysterically crying with laughter on the floor  , and uganda spat coffee all over his pc monitor before dissolving into hysterics you made such a T@@@ of yourself.

I havent been able to take you seriously since , never mind listen to a word you say about the uk or brexit.Imagine not knowing that northern ireland was part of the uk. What a red neck. :oops:

Quoteas I told you at the time, I was referring to Great Britain, NOT the UK

No you werent. Lets take this at face value though shall wee , because even this latest excuse of yours doesnt make sense in the context of what you said.

Northern ireland isnt an associate member of great britain either stevlin. Its part of the united kingdom , on the island of ireland. Even your latest wriggle on this subject is yet more laughable nonsense.

I know education on the wirral is a bit rough , but FFS even primary weans know this.

Quote- HOWEVER, they DON'T BOTH have a LAND border with the EU!! In addition - as HAS been pointed out to you . Furthermore, it is BECAUSE of having this unique land border, the 'transitional' arrangement has been suggested for NI........the ONLY constituent country in the UK which is so affected by the withdrawal. Even the likes of you should be able to realise that Thomas - and you could always piss off to NI to add a bit longer to your beloved existence as an EU citizen.

I dont accept your argument . This is mere limp wristed shite as to why scotland cant stay in the eu along with northern ireland.

However you digress from the point. Whatever the reason you believe northern ireland should or shouldnt get special arrangements with the eu , the fact of the matter is my point clearly is it goes against everything you have said to me up to now.

You even argued originally , and i gave you some measure of credit for it , that northern ireland had to have a hard border as it had to leave the eu with the rest of the uk.

Now you are trying to argue they should have special arrangements because they have a border with an eu nation , which we all knew all along.???


So you admit now it is possible for a constituent part of the uk to remain in the eu while england leaves , demolishing your whole 4 year bleat about it was a uk wide vote so the entire uk has to leave? :-P
Even a child would be able to answer that for you..... - because you aren't a NORTHERN IRISH citizen!! You could certainly apply for Irish citizenship as-many UK citizens appear to have done - but I believe you do require to have a relevant link with Irish ancestry - but I may be wrong on that,

Away hame to your bed stevlin . You have never been the sharpest tool in the box , but this is a weak diversion even by your low standards.

What does it matter if you are a northern irish citizen of the uk , or an english welsh or scottish citizen of the uk?

You clearly told us all over a four year period the uk voted on brexit , not constituent parts , so the whole uk had to leave.

Are you now telling me this isnt the case? :D

QuoteI leave that to you. A shame you don't understand the meaning of words like 'transitional'.

QuoteLook up the word temporary too, when you search for the meaning of transitional!!

This is called wriggling on a hook stevlin.

Why cant we have a temporary transitional deal the same as the northern irish constituent part of the uk?

You can use all the endless diversions you like , and empty words , but it still doesnt detract from the fact you told me brexit was a uk vote so the whole uk had to leave , and that constituent parts couldnt get a special deal.

You even said northern ireland couldnt get a special deal and had to have a hard border you crackpot?!!! :roll:

QuoteYou cannot 'accept' it , because Scotland doesn't qualify for it- as I say, even you should have the ability to see that - Scotland's 'standing' on that issue is the same as that of England and Wales.

So scotland , despite having the highest remain vote in these islands , doesnt qualify for the special deal to stay in the eu that you said no one would get?

England and wales voted brexit , england and wales get brexit.

Northern ireland voted remain  , northern ireland gets remain.

scotland is indeed the special case , the only part of the uk not getting what it voted for.

Held hostage in your union and not allowed democracy , what a wonderfull sales pitch to the scottish people stevlin.

Please stevlin , could you come up to scotland and do some campaigning in the next indy ref? I think you could single handedly win it for us with the utter tripe you come out with.

QuoteMaybe if England could be given an independence referendum , WE ANGLOs could serve your cause by us getting shut of the 'Never-ending -gretin' gobs' such as yourself.

Hold one then .

You can hold referendums on leaving the eu , but not on leaving the uk?

Poor you stevlin.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Thomas post_id=4957 time=1573317243 user_id=58
what having a clear concise position on brexit unlike you is daft? :lol:

What game we playing now Dynamis.....last wordism?

You havent had a clear concise position nor credible argument since you joined this forum(no laughing at the back please) so now you merely fill the thread with trivial bullshit while hoping the big boys stick up for you? :lol:

It says something that you see the place as a classroom. ;) ..

Er no, you don't have a concise view on any of it, as has been explained to you many times now by several of us 'big boys' in your imagined classroom. And trivial BS as you put it, is paid in response to same - so please, spare me the whinnying.

Look, if you want your country to get kicked in the nackers by NDBrexit you go ahead - but don't complain when that inevitably happens. That's all I'm saying. ;)  :lol:


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=4939 time=1573310731 user_id=98
 it's still just...a bit daft.

what having a clear concise position on brexit unlike you is daft? :lol:

What game we playing now Dynamis.....last wordism?

You havent had a clear concise position nor credible argument since you joined this forum(no laughing at the back please) so now you merely fill the thread with trivial bullshit while hoping the big boys stick up for you? :lol:
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=4895 time=1573302924 user_id=58
You have argued for the last nigh on four years stevlin that scotland cannot have a separate agreement to sty in the eu as it was a uk referendum , and the uk will be leaving as a whole.

Now as we both know i appreciate from former posts that you have great difficulty in understanding northern irelands constitutional position within the united kingdom , but after much explaining i thought you agreed northern ireland wasnt an associated with the uk , but an integral part of it like your country and mine , yet remind me again in boris johnson WA , from memory the northern irish part of the uk you say cant be divided is staying part of the eu CU , and retaining all rights and priveleges as eu citizens etc etc? [

Thus your whole argument is demolished.If northern ireland can get special arrangements to stay in the eu , so can scotland.
Your perpetual lying does you no credit Thomas - as I told you at the time, I was referring to Great Britain, NOT the UK - but I guess your Narcissistic personality makes you believe that you are absolutely flawless, and never make mistakes - despite having an abysmal standard of gramma - but you do seem have current mental problem which prevents you from seeing a vital difference between  Scotland and NI. Yes, they are both constituent countries of the UK - HOWEVER, they  DON'T BOTH have a LAND border with the EU!!  In addition - as HAS been pointed out to you . Furthermore, it is  BECAUSE of having this unique land border, the 'transitional' arrangement has been suggested for NI........the ONLY constituent country in the UK which is so affected by the withdrawal. Even the likes of you should be able to realise that Thomas  - and you could always piss off to NI to add a bit longer to your beloved existence as an EU citizen.

QuoteRight but so is the northern irish.  :hattip Whats the difference? Why cant we in scotland get that same deal as the northern irish uk citizens ?

Even a child would be able to answer that for you..... - because you aren't a NORTHERN IRISH citizen!! You could certainly apply for Irish citizenship as-many UK citizens appear to have done - but I believe you do require to have a relevant link with Irish ancestry - but I may be wrong on that,

QuoteAre you taking the piss stevlin?
I leave that to you. A shame you don't understand the meaning of words like 'transitional'.

QuoteNorthern ireland being aligned with dublin and the eu is taking northern ireland out of the eu?
Look up the word temporary too, when you search for the meaning of transitional!!
QuoteAre you seriously telling me this is what you believe?

Well we will accept that taking us out the eu too on those terms thank you very muchal.

You cannot 'accept' it , because Scotland doesn't qualify for it- as I say, even you should have the ability to see that - Scotland's 'standing' on that issue is the same as that of England and Wales.


QuoteDear feckin god above. The man who thought northern ireland wasnt a part of the uk in the first place now saying he thinks boris johnsons WA takes NI out the eu.
See above,  'He' who believes he never makes a mistake - and then constantly proves that to be erroneous when he posts!!

QuoteYou are a feckin comedy act stevlin honestly.

 Well you would be too if you were funny - as it is though, you are just a 'sad sack'!

The DUP were just voting against the WA and getting upset with johnson over nothing were they?

Unlike yourself, they understood it to be 'temporary' - but insist on being treated like the REST of the UK.....unlike yourself - THEY WISH to be in the same boat  as England, Scotland and Wales

one of countless articles explaining why northern ireland isnt leaving the eu under johnsons WA , and why the DUP voted against it.[

i know what johnson said . Im telling you  , you were the one who has repeatedly told me the uk is leaving the eu and im simply pointing out despite all your promises it hasnt happened yet stev. :roll:

Heres fintan o toole pointing out the prime minister boris johnson telling journalists that northern ireland keeping freedom of movement while remaining part of the eu is a great deal under his WA.....">

He has actually posted a video of the prime minister saying it , yet in an alternative universe on the wirral , the wirral warbler , also known as stevlin , actually thinks northern ireland , ( merely an associate part of the uk :lol: )is leaving the eu along with everyone else.

Hope the nigerian scammers dont get a hold of your e mail address stevlin , with your gullibility. :roll:

You should have a word or  two with your sporon, Thomas  the  'Can't -Think' - Tank engine -----it would undoubtedly have more sense than you -  and it could perhaps explain the term 'transitional' .......because unless / until ALL of the UK FULLY leaves the EU then Brexit will NOT have taken place.

Maybe if England could be given an independence referendum , WE ANGLOs could serve your cause by us getting  shut of the 'Never-ending -gretin' gobs' such as yourself.

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Thomas post_id=4937 time=1573310123 user_id=58
Ok so you support brexit , dont want another brexit referendum , dont want a lab snp coaltion  , and want the tories to win?

What are you bleating about then man .?

All ticking along nicely . :hattip  :D

 :lol:  ....?

You can do your Riddler impression as long as you like, it's still just...a bit daft.


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=4935 time=1573309492 user_id=98
:lol:  :shrg:

Every assertion you have made about me & my positions is wrong, not just one of them - but every single one.

It's like the debate clinic sketch or something.  :lol:

Ok so you support brexit , dont want another brexit referendum , dont want a lab snp coaltion  , and want the tories to win?

What are you bleating about then man .?

All ticking along nicely . :hattip  :D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Thomas post_id=4929 time=1573308809 user_id=58
i know dynamis , awfull isnt it. :-?

Scotland will suffer because we voted no in 2014.

Even if scotland voted in 59 labour mps , and we wont , as most of us wouldnt piss on labour if you were on fire, it still wouldnt stop england electing a tory government.Hence my problem with this union.">

You are simply arguing old hat Dynamis.

The idea scotland has to vote labour or support labour to stop tory is not only laughably decades out of date , but comically inept as a political argument that most scottish people would be roaring around the floor laughing at you if you repeated it to their faces.

Thats the trouble with you labour types , no imagination , guile or sophistication , you merely rely on the old old tactics long out of date that has seen you fall to polling fourth in scotland for the first time in my memory.">

 :lol:  :shrg:

Every assertion you have made about me & my positions is wrong, not just one of them - but every single one.

It's like the debate clinic sketch or something.  :lol:


Quote from: Borchester post_id=4926 time=1573308174 user_id=62
Well Tommy,I imagine the problem is that you are pro Scottish whereas Foxtrot and Conor are just anti British. Technically you are all on the same side, but it is pretty much of a technicality.  :D

Doggy and Dynamis arent on my side borkie.

The boys are desperate to stop democracy , and havent the slightest bit of intelligence to realise by asking me to agree to overturn your referendum would be political suicide for me in any future scot indy ref , where they would simply do the same to us.

Dynamis doesnt know his arse from his elbow , and doggy is about as irish as you are.

I wonder who doggy will be voting for in december.....? :roll:  oh no  wait? :lol:
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=4923 time=1573307827 user_id=98

I quite agree that there's sumfinkamiss where your argument is concerned - Your position is insane and illogical because if Bozo gets elected in Sassenachshire; the Scots will suffer - if he forces through NDBrexit as he wants to - as you yourself have conceded!

i know dynamis , awfull isnt it. :-?

Scotland will suffer because we voted no in 2014.

Even if scotland voted in 59 labour mps , and we wont , as most of us wouldnt piss on labour if you were on fire, it still wouldnt stop england electing a tory government.Hence my problem with this union.">

It is that simple.

I can't say it with anymore clarity than that, really.

You are simply arguing old hat Dynamis.

The idea scotland has to vote labour or support labour to stop tory is not only laughably decades out of date , but comically inept as a political argument that most scottish people would be roaring around the floor laughing at you if you repeated it to their faces.

Thats the trouble with you labour types , no imagination , guile or sophistication , you merely rely on the old old tactics long out of date that has seen you fall to polling fourth in scotland for the first time in my memory.">
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=4902 time=1573304987 user_id=58
So you are now hiding behind a man who thought northern ireland wasnt part of the uk ? :lol:

Honestly Dynamis, or whatever your name is , if you actually have a coherent argument , lets hear it.

Otherwise stop hiding behind the big boys and asking them to do your dirty work for you.

Now , what s my fault and where am i all over the place?

Well Tommy,I imagine the problem is that you are pro Scottish whereas Foxtrot and Conor are just anti British. Technically you are all on the same side, but it is pretty much of a technicality.  :D
Algerie Francais !

Borg Refinery


You're a lot like the knight in the Holy grail, I admire your tenacity sir.

I quite agree that there's sumfinkamiss where your argument is concerned - Your position is insane and illogical because if Bozo gets elected in Sassenachshire; the Scots will suffer - if he forces through NDBrexit as he wants to - as you yourself have conceded!

It is that simple.

I can't say it with anymore clarity than that, really.  :shrg:


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=4900 time=1573304556 user_id=98

Thomas, your latest outpouring, not just to me, but also to Stevlin, who says exactly the same as the others; is just more proof that the fault lays with you, not others.

Nothing you have said makes one iota of sense, not one bit of it. Posting evidence is futile if you haven't a coherent argument in the first place.

You're all over the shop..and you're self-projecting that on to everyone else. It is no sub for a valid argument. Sorry.

So you are now hiding behind a man who thought northern ireland wasnt part of the uk ? :lol:

Honestly Dynamis, if you actually have a coherent argument , lets hear it.

Otherwise stop hiding behind the big boys and asking them to do your dirty work for you.

Now , what s my fault and where am i all over the place?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery


Thomas, your latest outpouring, not just to me, but also to Stevlin, who says exactly the same as the others; is just more proof that the fault lays with you, not others.

Nothing you have said makes one iota of sense, not one bit of it. Posting evidence is futile if you haven't a coherent argument in the first place.

You're all over the shop..and you're self-projecting that on to everyone else. It is no sub for a valid argument. Sorry.


electoral calculus predicting a tory majority  with  labour suffering massive losses...">">
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Labour party now polling all time low in scotland , fourth behind the liberals ,  :shock:  from thursdays you gov poll...."> ... 6_VI_W.pdf">
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!