General Brexit discussion thread

Started by cromwell, October 27, 2019, 09:01:29 PM

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Quote from: Dynamis post_id=4723 time=1573209031 user_id=98
:lol: I'm pretty sure you've hit the nail on the head there.">

 :lol:  :D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Stevlin post_id=4821 time=1573249022 user_id=66
Of course we are! - That is what Brexit is about.  The raison d'etre  - for the  referendum to allow the electorate  to vote to 'REMAIN' or the 'LEAVE' the EU.

You have argued for the last nigh on four years stevlin that scotland cannot have a separate agreement to sty in the eu as it was a uk referendum , and the uk will be leaving as a whole.

Now as we both know i appreciate from former posts that you have great difficulty in understanding northern irelands constitutional position within the united kingdom , but after much explaining i thought you agreed northern ireland wasnt an associated with the uk , but an integral part of it like your country and mine , yet remind me again in boris johnson WA , from memory the northern irish part of the uk you say cant be divided is staying part of the eu CU , and retaining all rights and priveleges as eu citizens etc etc?

Thus your whole argument is demolished.If northern ireland can get special arrangements to stay in the eu , so can scotland.

Quote.Oh do stop being silly Thomas - you are a citizen of the UK as well as being a Scot - and unfortunately for you, you voted for the losing side of the referendum - so as the UK will be leaving the EU, so too will Scotland. It really is high time you accepted that. So, until you get, and win another Scottish Independence referendum, then like it or not, you WILL remain a UK citizen.

Right but so is the northern irish.  :hattip Whats the difference? Why cant we in scotland get that same deal as the northern irish uk citizens ?

QuoteLol - as usual , you again illustrate your ignorance. The 'Irish' part of the UK will leave the EU....the latest proposal by Boris was the methodology of temporarily bypassing the Irish/EU border problem - but that 'facilitation', is a transitional implementation.....unless Ireland becomes, just as with the EU original 'deal' - it remains the sticking point as it is unacceptable to many NI citizens.

Are you taking the piss stevlin?

Northern ireland being aligned with dublin and the eu is taking northern ireland out of the eu?

Are you seriously telling me this is what you believe?

Well we will accept that taking us out the eu too on those terms thank you very much.

QuoteOh do stop crassly showing your absolute inability to understand the written word. Maybe you should translate English into Erse to help you. When have I stated that the UK are joining the EU??? It is the reverse....the UK is leaving that undemocratic political entity.....isn't that the subject of one of your countless bleatings?...and NI is part of the UK, so WILL ultimately leave the EU too....UNLESS, as I say, Irish reunification takes place before the proposed transition arrangement takes place/terminates.

I understand that some polls have even suggested that there is a majority for such a, who know what the future holds....


Dear feckin god above. The man who thought northern ireland wasnt a part of the uk in the first place now saying he thinks boris johnsons WA takes NI out the eu.

You are a feckin comedy act stevlin honestly.

The DUP were just voting against the WA  and getting upset with johnson over nothing were they?

QuoteDUP say they won't back Boris Johnson's Brexit deal over fears for NI interests

QuoteBoris Johnson's Brexit deal explained

Boris Johnson finally agreed a Brexit deal with the EU on 17 October 2019, though it still needs approval by MPs and is now on ice.

The 64-page list of amendments keeps a transition period up to 31 December 2020 and the £39bn divorce bill. But it scraps the Irish backstop, an insurance policy designed at preventing a hard border between Northern Ireland the Republic.

In the backstop's place would effectively be 'two borders' in a hybrid system:

Northern Ireland and Britain would share a legal customs territory - technically forcing customs checks on goods crossing the 310-mile border with the Republic. But in practice, to avoid checks at the border, the checks will instead happen when goods reach Northern Ireland on the island of Ireland. Critics say this puts a customs border across the Irish Sea - more of this below.


Northern Ireland and the Republic would share some EU single market rules - forcing checks on manufactured and agricultural products crossing the Irish Sea.

The Northern Ireland Assembly - known as Stormont - will get a vote every four years on whether to let EU law continue. But this vote could be passed by a simple majority - denying the DUP a veto on staying under EU laws long-term.

Meanwhile commitments on workers' rights are deprioritised - moved to the non-legally-binding Political Declaration for agreement later.

For a full explainer click here.
[/b]"> ... k-20641297">

one of countless articles explaining why northern ireland isnt leaving the eu under johnsons WA , and why the DUP voted against it.

QuoteYou really are a strange person Thomas - you continue to constantly make-believe. Maybe you could supply evidence to support the crap that you utter, at least for once in your lifetime!

BORIS, is the one that stated 'Do or Die', we would be out by Halloween....and it was the Remainer Parliamentary slugs who 'scotched' that stop lying by stating that I MADE these empty promises!!

i know what johnson said . Im telling you  , you were the one who has repeatedly told me the uk is leaving the eu and im simply pointing out despite all your promises it hasnt happened yet stev. :roll:

Heres fintan o toole pointing out the prime minister boris johnson telling journalists that northern ireland keeping freedom of movement while remaining part of the eu is a great deal under his WA.....

QuoteHave people noticed that Johnson says here that Northern Ireland keeping "free movement" is a great deal? So ending free movement for GB is a bad deal????

He has actually posted a video of the prime minister saying it , yet in an alternative universe on the wirral , the wirral warbler , also known as stevlin , actually thinks northern ireland , ( merely an associate part of the uk :lol: )is leaving the eu along with everyone else.

Hope the nigerian scammers dont get a hold of your e mail address stevlin , with your gullibility. :roll:
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=4881 time=1573299306 user_id=98

Look Thomas mate, I can use the search function.

Your words:

I would love there to be a coalition with the snp in it at westminster , but reality says this isnt going to happen. The price will be another scottish indy ref , and that price is too high for labour and liberals to pay.

Are you serious?

It was a sarcastic throw away remark. :roll:  :lol:

Of course i would love labour to be stupid enough to be bound into giving the snp an indyref , but i clearly say this isnt going to happen.

Further i have been going around this forum for weeks now slagging labour off  , clearly i dont want them in power. You keep grasping at straws dynamis.

QuotePlease. My last post and Conchúr's post really have hit the nail on the head. We have tried to debate you with civility and logic, but you simply don't seem interested in such. That is up to you - but please, just don't even start with the self-reflecting accusations you've chucked at others. I think I'll leave you to it now.

Do you two want a room? or are you the same person posting as two sock puppets?

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Conchúr post_id=4721 time=1573208475 user_id=83
Man, you're the one who made an issue out of my name.  It was just such a stupid thing to raise and what's more, the name is perfectly good Irish.You're the one who hurls the insults and posts the weird rants about my identity.  Trying to turn this around on me is fairly laughable.

Im simply pointing out i speak gaidhlig ,  have a gaidhlig name  , but dont feel the need to post under a gaidhlig name to somehow try and heighten my scottish credentials. Why do you? You are posting on an english speaking forum , so why not simply use conor instead?

All I have done is point out to you that your stance on Brexit makes very little sense.

it makes perfect sense to anyone with a hint of intelligence and ounce of political nous.

Quote1. You think Remainers are undemocratic in opposing Brexit — which is a pretty strong accusation;

No i think english remainers are undemocratic  , and i stand by that. 100 % .No one likes a bad loser.

Quote2. But you oppose the deal to achieve Brexit and opposed the previous deal;

I completely oppose the brexit deal to take scotland out of the eu , as it is against our nations wishes and vote. However , i completely support the brexit deal for england , the english voted to leave , so i support democracy and say they should be allowed to democratically leave.

Whats difficult to understand about that?

Quote3. You oppose the deal on the basis that it's a bad deal for Scotland even though No Deal would be an even worse deal for Scotland and will not obviate the need to address the Irish border via special dispensation for NI.

I oppose any brexit deal for scotland as it isnt what we voted for. If boris deal , or no deal happen , and it is forced upon soctland , then it wont be my doing. Unionistys need to then take a long hard look at their position of wanting scotland to be in such a union where we constantly have english governments and referendum results foisted on us against our wishes.

Voting no in 2014 brought brexit on scotland , not my pulling you up for anti democraticaly trying to top england leaving the eu against englands popular vote in 2016.

Quotenot obviate the need to address the Irish border via special dispensation for NI

looks like the tories are happy to cast northern ireland adrift as i told you on the old forum , constantly bleating about a uk border which will no longer exist in that scenario is pointless and irrelevant to the vast majority of people in scotland england or wales.

QuoteFrom reading your posts, it's hard to actually figure out what the hell you want.

My position is that clear a monkey could be trained to understand it.

I want the uk to end , scotland to become independent and stay in the eu , and wish the people of england all the best leaving the eu and think they can eventually make a success of it. Only someone of a pro union stance and disposition couldnt understand this .

QuoteThis is what I mean about you trying to shoehorn everything on Brexit into the Scottish Independence bucket — you end up taking stances on things which, in isolation, you think better the cause of independence. But when those stances are read alongside eachother they are either contradictory or illogical.

What a pile of utter horsemanure.

This is the sort of paragraph you often write which makes me question your irishness conor hiding behind a gaelic name.

Scotland wouldnt be getting shoehorned into brexit  if scotland was an independent country. Instead because we are in an unfair and unequal union with the english nation , they are forcing us out of the eu becuase they voted to.

If scotland was an indy country in a union with england in an organisation like the eu , we could veto england from doing this to us. Instead we are forced out because the english electorate is bigger than ours . Imagine if 80 million germans used the same tactic to force something on 55 million english ?

Would the english accept that? like feck they would.

So brexit is a perfect illustration of what i have been arguing about all my adult life , why scotland should be free of this unequal union.

The very fact i have to explain this to some so called irishman apparently in dublin beggars belief. Ireland , the country that for 8 centuries fought against english rule  , had rebellion after rebellion until they finally broke free in 1922 , now apparently telling us in scotland we cant use brexit to do the same and must somehow not just stay in the union , but undemocratically argue for england to remain?

Feck off .

QuoteTo me, it looks like you simply want the messiest Brexit imaginable regardless of the damage it does to any part of the UK (including Scotland) because a messy disastrous Brexit will make Scottish independence easier to argue for. Now, that would be a fairly brutal aspiration, but at the very least it would have a consistent basis of rationale. So is that your stance? If so, why not just say it? Why pretend to have all these opinions on deals and antidemocrats when you just want the whole thing to be the biggest clusterf**k ever?

Here we go again , bottom of the barrel scraping time by conor once more.

Same as yer pal up the page , brexit isnt my fault doggy.

I didnt vote for it , nor did i force england to vote for it. So dont insinuate its somehow my fault .Im not forcing brexit on anyone , so dont try and deflect any blame onto me ya cheeky fecker.

You failed miserably , being such an unconvincing wanker , to persuade the english to stay in the eu . If they want to leave , then best of luck to them i say.

..and if your precious union is collateral damage in the process ,tough feckin titty.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery


Look Thomas mate, I can use the search function.

Your words:

I would love there to be a coalition with the snp in it at westminster , but reality says this isnt going to happen. The price will be another scottish indy ref , and that price is too high for labour and liberals to pay.

Please. My last post and Conchúr's post really have hit the nail on the head. We have tried to debate you with civility and logic, but you simply don't seem interested in such. That is up to you - but please, just don't even start with the self-reflecting accusations you've chucked at others. I think I'll leave you to it now. ;)


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=4709 time=1573205012 user_id=98
It's almost impossible to debate you Thomas;

let me translate cant get me to agree with your anti democratic position , so you run around screaming instead that im some sort of impossible insufferable individual who wont see sense( ie help you anti democratically to stop brexit or support BRINO) :)

Quoteyou say things then claim you didn't say them later on;

Well use the quote tags and highlight a post of mine where i did this ? If you cant , then people will see you as nothing more than a liar inventing nonsense to muddy debate.

Quoteyou move the goalposts almost constantly

What goalposts have i moved in your humble opinion dynamis? Again please quote me where you are taking issue with what i say?

Quote and draw false assumption piled on top of false assumption and then fling it at other posters, despite being told it is irrelevant and inapplicable to them.

Im simply telling you within the parameters of this debating forum i dont agree with your anti democratic position of stopping brexit , the snp propping up marxist labour in government  , or supporting some sort of brexit in name only.

If im making false assumptions about your position , then you need to be a bit clearer what your position is ?

I have asked numerous times what type of brexit  deal you want to see , and you cant even tell me that?  

The floor is yours over to you?

QuoteOkay so you weren't engaged in sectarianism,

Thank you for the climb down. Maybe you will think twice before hurling petty accusations around , when the so called object of my" sectarianism " :lol: himself told you to stop talking shite and that i wasnt being sectarian.

QuoteYour positions are completely want the SNP to take Scotland, you want Boris in England, you'd like a coalition, you'd like Scotland not to Brexit but you want the sassenach spited for now with Brexit meaning Scotland brexits on no deal terms as well.

Wait what? What is this latest invention of yours now?

Where did i say i want the snp to be in a coaltion?

You are the one desperately trying to get the snp to agree to some sort of election pact with labour  ,and i quote...

Quote from: Dynamis post_id=4538 time=1573127316 user_id=98
They should build an election pact; SNP in Dcotland, Lab in England, Plaid & Lab in Wales. They need to destroy Swinton's fake crap tactical vote pact.

Is your memory and selective amnesia that bad you forget what you wrote a few posts back in this thread? :roll:

I want the snp to win every seat in scotland......tick.

I hope the tories win in england.......tick.

I dont want the snp propping up some marxist economy destroying labour government .....tick.

as for this...

Quote you'd like Scotland not to Brexit but you want the sassenach spited for now with Brexit meaning Scotland brexits on no deal terms as well


Hang on a wee minute here .

I voted remain. Two thirds of scotland voted remain. I argued passionately for remain on the doors and on forums like this  , and won the argument.

Meanwhile what about people like you in england?

You ran around telling the english electorate massive porkies about brexit , lying through your teeth that much even alec salmond told the english remain side to calm down with their project fear.

You lost the argument big time , and england voted leave.

Now because my country  is in an unequal union with yours , we are being forced out of the eu against our will , yet somehow you try and insinuate its my fault  , as though its some sort of kamikaze spite because people in england voted democratically to leave the eu? :lol:

This has to be one of the lowest most desperate accusations  , total scratching around in the dirt feeble excuses i have heard on this forum or any other.

Whatever brexit scotland gets  , it wont be down to me or mine. Had folk listened to us in 2014 , we could be sitting comfortably just now watching events unfold crunching popcorn , instead of being dragged into all this by voting to stay in the uk.

dont feckin blame brexit on me pal , its F@@@ all to do with me. I didnt wander round england holding a gun to peoples heads to vote leave , nor did i force the uk to have a brexit referendum , then balls up the remain argument in the process.

listen to this shite in the same post from you....

Quote from: Dynamis post_id=4709 time=1573205012 user_id=98

Your positions are completely schizoid. you'd like a coalition,

then you write this all in the same post...

Quote from: Dynamis post_id=4709 time=1573205012 user_id=98
 I told you already what I'd like done.  I told you already that I want a Lab SNP coalition

What are you actually going on about here?

You accuse me of wanting a coaltion....presumably with labour which i categorically do not.  Then you go on in the same post to tell me you want a coalition?

Are you actually even reading the shite that you are writing?

Lets recap . I categorically do not want a coalition with labour......i dont want the snp propping up marxist labour in government. However if that how it pans out , then i would hope the snp bind them into some immediate indyref deal as the price.

Do you actually understand what i have just written? I can repeat it again for the hard of understanding if you like?

Quoteand a way to rejoin later on after signing a modigied WAIB that's broadly in line with what everyone in parliament expects - ie no border or checks and no retaining us in the CU or SM indefinitely. Comprendo?

Johnsons WA is the only WA on the table , and unless the miraculous happens and he doesnt get into power after the GE , its the only WA you are likely to get.

As for no border checks what are you going on about? The english public voted for Border checks , how else are they meant to control immigration?

They also dont want to be in the cu for a short period  never mind the possibility of being in indefinetly.

If you accept brexit , then what are you bleating about? STFU and let the tories get on with delivering it.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=4254 time=1573026664 user_id=58
...but stevlin , neither the uk nor all british subjects are leaving the eu.

Of course we are! - That is what Brexit is about.  The raison d'etre  - for the  referendum to allow the electorate  to vote to 'REMAIN' or the 'LEAVE' the EU.
QuoteTheres no we stevlin. You dont speak for me
.Oh do stop  being silly Thomas - you are a citizen of the UK as well as being a Scot - and unfortunately for you, you voted for the losing side of the referendum - so as the UK will be leaving the EU, so too will Scotland. It really is high time you accepted that. So, until you get, and win another Scottish Independence referendum, then like it or not, you WILL remain a UK citizen.

im mentioning fact stevlin , something that often eludes you in your error prone rants. The northern irish part of the uk isnt leaving the eu , or havent you noticed that yet?
Lol - as usual , you again illustrate your ignorance. The 'Irish' part of the UK will leave the EU....the latest proposal  by Boris was the methodology of temporarily  bypassing the Irish/EU  border problem - but that 'facilitation', is a transitional implementation.....unless Ireland becomes, just as with the EU original 'deal' - it remains the sticking point as it is unacceptable to many NI citizens.

QuoteSo despite the uk joining the eu as you constantly bleat , the uk wont be leaving merely a part of it.

Oh do stop crassly showing your absolute inability to understand the written word. Maybe you should translate English into Erse to help you. When have I stated that the UK are joining the EU??? It is the reverse....the  UK is leaving that undemocratic political entity.....isn't that the subject of one of your countless bleatings?...and NI is part of the UK, so WILL ultimately leave the EU too....UNLESS, as I say, Irish reunification takes place before the proposed  transition arrangement takes place/terminates.

 I understand that some polls have even suggested that there is a majority for such a, who know what the future holds....  

 :lol: So you have been telling me for the last 4 years or so stevlin.

Yet here we are , countless exit dates torn asunder  , northern ireland remaining  , and here and now despite the fact you promised me you would be dragging us out by halloween , the day after bonfire night we are still in the eu.

You really are a let down with all these empty promises stevlin. :lol:
You really are a strange person Thomas - you continue to constantly make-believe. Maybe you could supply evidence to support the crap that you utter, at least  for once in your lifetime!

BORIS, is the one that stated 'Do or Die', we would be out by Halloween....and it was the Remainer Parliamentary slugs who 'scotched' that stop lying by stating that I MADE these empty promises!!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Conchúr post_id=4721 time=1573208475 user_id=83Why pretend to have all these opinions on deals and antidemocrats when you just want the whole thing to be the biggest clusterf**k ever?

 :lol: I'm pretty sure you've hit the nail on the head there.


Quote from: Thomas post_id=4696 time=1573200642 user_id=58

You keep talking about your name as though its supposed to impress anyone or enhance your so called irish credentials.

While the con (ch) ur might impress the average englishman who neither knows nor cares about the gaidhlig language of scotland and ireland , it certainly doesnt impress me.

I notice now as time goes by between us on this forum and on the last , you increasingly fail to deal with my many pertinent points regarding how you appear to be in a minority of one on the island of ireland :D  with your views on trying to desperately stop england brexiting , and increasingly try and deflect that somehow i am rattled , posting weird rants and have nothing to say except hurl insults.

Sorry if my debating style doesnt meet your approval of polite queens english over tea and cake . :hattip

As for being rattled , why would i be?

First of all , its merely an interwebby forum in the darkest reaches of the web , i can assure you con(ch )ur , i get more angry and rattled cleaning out my sock drawer than reading any of your posts. :roll:

Secondly , the english public are still determined to brexit, labour are struggling badly in the polls , and while neither of us can take anything for granted , there seems a better chance of brexit happening than not.

Its looking like the remain vote is going to be split massively asunder , with remainers in england trying to get a pact going between them to stop brexit while here in scotland , unionists are trying to get a pact going to stop the snp.

Did you know the tories are standing aside in east dunbartonshire to try and help jo swinson get elected? :shock:

All in the mix mate. Im not rattled. Remember , its your status quo thats under threat.

The independence supporters in scotland and ireland are carrying on fighting , the english nationalists are sweeping all before them in england over brexit.

You are the one who must be worried sick politically speaking , its your world about to be overturned , and if not , it will simply remain the same for me.For the time being.....

Man, you're the one who made an issue out of my name.  It was just such a stupid thing to raise and what's more, the name is perfectly good Irish.You're the one who hurls the insults and posts the weird rants about my identity.  Trying to turn this around on me is fairly laughable.

All I have done is point out to you that your stance on Brexit makes very little sense. It doesn't matter whose world is being overturned, it doesn't matter if the Remain vote is going to be split — all that I am telling you is that your position as regards Brexit lacks logical clarity:

1. You think Remainers are undemocratic in opposing Brexit — which is a pretty strong accusation;

2. But you oppose the deal to achieve Brexit and opposed the previous deal;

3. You oppose the deal on the basis that it's a bad deal for Scotland even though No Deal would be an even worse deal for Scotland and will not obviate the need to address the Irish border via special dispensation for NI.

From reading your posts, it's hard to actually figure out what the hell you want.  This is what I mean about you trying to shoehorn everything on Brexit into the Scottish Independence bucket — you end up taking stances on things which, in isolation, you think better the cause of independence. But when those stances are read alongside eachother they are either contradictory or illogical.

To me, it looks like you simply want the messiest Brexit imaginable regardless of the damage it does to any part of the UK (including Scotland) because a messy disastrous Brexit will make Scottish independence easier to argue for.  Now, that would be a fairly brutal aspiration, but at the very least it would have a consistent basis of rationale. So is that your stance? If so, why not just say it?  Why pretend to have all these opinions on deals and antidemocrats when you just want the whole thing to be the biggest clusterf**k ever?

Borg Refinery

It's almost impossible to debate you Thomas; you say things then claim you didn't say them later on; you move the goalposts almost constantly and draw false assumption piled on top of false assumption and then fling it at other posters, despite being told it is irrelevant and inapplicable to them.

Okay so you weren't engaged in sectarianism, just crass stupidity where 'plastic paddies' are concerned. Good for you..keep em coming.!.. ;)

Your positions are completely want the SNP to take Scotland, you want Boris in England, you'd like a coalition, you'd like Scotland not to Brexit but you want the sassenach spited for now with Brexit meaning Scotland brexits on no deal terms as well.

Righty o! That's clear as mud! :D

And my idea of what deal should be done is irrelevant, I told you already what I'd like done. That means you aren't even reading my posts properly before responding and kills the debate. I told you already that I want a Lab SNP coalition and a way to rejoin later on after signing a modigied WAIB that's broadly in line with what everyone in parliament expects - ie no border or checks and no retaining us in the CU or SM indefinitely. Comprendo?


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=4538 time=1573127316 user_id=98
I'd love Lab to sign an indyref deal.You once again wrote "you dont support indyref" but that's another crock.

Well perhaps you would like to try and master the forum technology and quote where i said this? If i have wrote this , then its merely a typo as anyone of the old forum members will know. Now stop deflecting onto trivia.

Why do you keep repeating stuff I've told you isn't true?

Prove it?

QuoteWhat's a good deal? The 'meat' of such a deal is ultra-complex and I don't agree with reducing it to soundbites, as we feel the weight of history on our shoulders. Nah but seriously we needed a deal that didn't trap us in the EU via the backstop.

I do not blame the EU for this - they were doing their job as good negotiators - it is May & Boris's fault.

So you cant tell us what deal you prefer , or labour , and put meat on the bones of the way forward? :lol:

Honestly old fruit , i think the labour party are headed for the biggest drubbing since the days of michael foot if not worse.

You are like a rabbit standing caught in the headlights . Get off the fence man and stand up for your principles instead of sneaking around like a worm in the grass.

If you want to remain, say so and come out and fight your corner.

QuoteYou KNOW the REAL negotiation comes after the temporal WA and WAIB; that is the REAL deal, not the strawman WAIB.

aye we know all this. So whats your preferred outcome?

What deal may i ask again would you like to see? :roll:

Quote.To go into detail about THAT deal requires pages and pages. It just does. But it's irrelevant anyway is it not?

No it doesnt. You can tell us a general outline of what you want to see. None of us on here are trade negotiators , but we all seem to be able to articulate what we want to see happen....except you? Very reminiscent of labours fence sitting  dont you think????

QuoteThey should build an election pact; SNP in Dcotland, Lab in England, Plaid & Lab in Wales. They need to destroy Swinton's fake crap tactical vote pact.


Well if people in england want to help the scot indy cause  , who am i to stop them? Vote labour to give us another indyref.

All donations gratefully received to the cause :lol:">

The tories must be plastering this image all over englandshire at the minute. :D

QuoteNow stop lumping me in with those who espouse hate at the scots.

im not , your pro remain english politics are an irrelevance to me . I couldnt care less if you like hate or dont care about scotland , im telling you you wont be using us to stop brexit.

And while you're at it, your sectarian stuff towards conchur is pretty badly reflecting on you.

Which sectarian stuff is that then ?

Helping con(ch) ur understand the lenition in the middle of the gaidhlig name he has dredged up to look the part and discussing the wider gaelic language of scotland and ireland is sectarian?

Do you even know the meaning of the word?

The gaelic language predates christianity by a thousand years , and the christian split into the differing churches  by 2500 years.No where on earth does anyone see discussing gaelic as sectarian except a few headcases in the 6 counties , and eve now they are being generally laughed at .

Stop throwing false accusations around when you dont know what you are talking about old son.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Conchúr post_id=4564 time=1573136916 user_id=83
Yep, you are clearly very rattled. This is one of your weirder rants, and once more demonstrates your preference to hurl irrelevant insults and accusations (which have become ever more paranoid evidently) when frustrated by opposing arguments.

Conchúr is a translation of the name Conor, that's what my Irish teacher at school always called me anyway and, well, he was pretty fluent.  I don't pretend to be a full-on Gaeilgeoir, or a professor of linguistics — though I can still speak a wee bit. Though of course, I am slightly confused as to why you're making an issue of this or what you think it actually proves. Just another confusing rant where Thomas gets angry and jumps in head first.


You keep talking about your name as though its supposed to impress anyone or enhance your so called irish credentials.

While the con (ch) ur might impress the average englishman who neither knows nor cares about the gaidhlig language of scotland and ireland , it certainly doesnt impress me.

I notice now as time goes by between us on this forum and on the last , you increasingly fail to deal with my many pertinent points regarding how you appear to be in a minority of one on the island of ireland :D  with your views on trying to desperately stop england brexiting , and increasingly try and deflect that somehow i am rattled , posting weird rants and have nothing to say except hurl insults.

Sorry if my debating style doesnt meet your approval of polite queens english over tea and cake . :hattip

As for being rattled , why would i be?

First of all , its merely an interwebby forum in the darkest reaches of the web , i can assure you con(ch )ur , i get more angry and rattled cleaning out my sock drawer than reading any of your posts. :roll:

Secondly , the english public are still determined to brexit, labour are struggling badly in the polls , and while neither of us can take anything for granted , there seems a better chance of brexit happening than not.

Its looking like the remain vote is going to be split massively asunder , with remainers in england trying to get a pact going between them to stop brexit while here in scotland , unionists are trying to get a pact going to stop the snp.

Did you know the tories are standing aside in east dunbartonshire to try and help jo swinson get elected? :shock:

All in the mix mate. Im not rattled. Remember , its your status quo thats under threat.

The independence supporters in scotland and ireland are carrying on fighting , the english nationalists are sweeping all before them in england over brexit.

You are the one who must be worried sick politically speaking , its your world about to be overturned , and if not , it will simply remain the same for me.For the time being.....
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Well if you will excuse the intrusion if we knew how this would play out since June 2016 I would have thrown the cat among the pigeons and repealed the communities act on the 24th of that month


Which version do you want then, Ciaphas?
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Barry post_id=4610 time=1573148058 user_id=51
Stop putting words in my mouth.

If you want to write REMAIN where I voted LEAVE, that is your problem. The majority voted LEAVE, but we have not left, as everyone and their dog, knows.

I'm not putting words in your mouth. You said you didn't want a remain version if Brexit which means you acknowledge it can come in at least two forms, albeit they are very vague in detail.