General Brexit discussion thread

Started by cromwell, October 27, 2019, 09:01:29 PM

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Borg Refinery

Quote from: johnofgwent post_id=27128 time=1590912438 user_id=63
I think to be fair there has been a rise in movements demanding an english parliament and to some extent an English democracy.

Most have been classified as racist xenophobic scum, largely by those who enjoy the deal where y England has a reduced say in wales, scotland and NI....

We should have no say at all in Welsh affairs, and you equally should have no say in ours.

I fully support the idea of an English parliament with PR.

Are you against that idea? If so, then just as we are classed as meddling sassenachs, you are being a meddling taffy and telling us English what to do.  :-P  :-P

I see you made a reference to ricin, your poison of choice.  :-P


Quote from: Thomas post_id=27138 time=1590913256 user_id=58
Itll happen naturally john.

62 countries westmisnter ruled 150 years ago , 50 odd after the war , you lost ireland , and now the empire has retreated back to these islands.

Eventually , it will just be england that is left , so as boris johnson said , england already has its own parliament....westminster.

Eventually , it will become official.

Hopefully it will not occur until the castor bean plants mature ...
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: johnofgwent post_id=27135 time=1590912995 user_id=63
Fair enough, my only point was that it has been tried ...

Itll happen naturally john.

62 countries westmisnter ruled 150 years ago , 50 odd after the war , you lost ireland , and now the empire has retreated back to these islands.

Eventually , it will just be england that is left , so as boris johnson said , england already has its own parliament....westminster.

Eventually , it will become official.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=27131 time=1590912557 user_id=89
He reached my not trying to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person limit a long time ago.  He is the sort of person who gets thrown out of a pub through a window, which isn't always open.

Wouldnt be by you old man.

You are one of the most riducled posters on any forum i have been on , who regularly as clockwork used to get banned for the guff you come out with on a regular basis.

I have lost count the amount of times you have been ridiculed on this forum and others for the shite you talk.

Having me on ignore , being unable to debate me and talking to me through a third person just about sums you up grandad.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=27132 time=1590912807 user_id=58
We have knwon each other across forums for about ten years roughly john , so you know my view.

I wholly and utterly support english independence and an english parliament. Its you british who are opposed to it.

England should have no say in anycants country , the way they dont want others to have a say in theirs.

Be that as it may though , the biggest mud throwers as  i keep saying at english nationalism is the very people on forums like this who call themselves the brit left , not the jocks paddies or taffs.

Emily thornberry as an old example typifies this.

Fair enough, my only point was that it has been tried ...
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: johnofgwent post_id=27128 time=1590912438 user_id=63
I think to be fair there has been a rise in movements demanding an english parliament and to some extent an English democracy.

Most have been classified as racist xenophobic scum, largely by those who enjoy the deal where y England has a reduced say in wales, scotland and NI....

We have knwon each other across forums for about ten years roughly john , so you know my view.

I wholly and utterly support english independence and an english parliament. Its you british who are opposed to it.

England should have no say in anycants country , the way they dont want others to have a say in theirs.

Be that as it may though , the biggest mud throwers as  i keep saying at english nationalism is the very people on forums like this who call themselves the brit left , not the jocks paddies or taffs.

Emily thornberry as an old example typifies this.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=27127 time=1590912336 user_id=98
I know we argue sometimes, but generally I like reading your posts despite our (sometimes considerable) differences.

Some people just love arguing nonstop. I don't see the point. He reminds me of this american confederate guy that we call the 'mob lawyer' because he argues exactly like Tom Hagen.  :lol:

He reached my not trying to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person limit a long time ago.  He is the sort of person who gets thrown out of a pub through a window, which isn't always open.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Thomas post_id=27108 time=1590907212 user_id=58
This interests me dyno.

With the greatest respect , apart from the SNP having some policies that fit with your world view on for example eu membership , you`ll forgive me if i say i dont think you really understand the snp or the yes movement.

Trying to nick ukip votes and the anglo brit left trying to use the snp vote are some of the things recently ive read you post that interested me , but also showed me you dont really have a clue.

Political parties dont just appear. The conditions that exist in scotland for the rise of the snp over the best part of a century dont exist in england.

So forgive me , how does an snp type party appear in england?

You do realise the snp are a nationalist party , who attract a wide range of folk with varying political views from the scottish left  centre to the scottish right , and in a normal indepdnent scotland , the party wouldnt exist or certainly would greatly change ?!

If you can manage to get over your childishness of recent days and the big sulk you appear to be in with me , it should make an interesting discussion.

The snp power is its a broad church who unite scottish people in one thing and one thing only......independence from westminster. A party like this isnt going to appear in england as the very social and political conditions dont exist in your country to band people from all different walks of life together in a common aim.( possibly brexit did that in a certain way )

As i said to you before , there seems to be the mass misunderstanding in england of what the snp actually are , or in the english left that somehow scotland is some communist left wing country that wants some left wing utopian paradise. We dont.

I would say historically , scotland has been economicaly to the left of england but socially just as conservative if not more over the years.

As isay , its an interesting debate to be had if you want to , but clearly you are starting from a point of complete misunderstanding. The SNP might come across to you as some left wing cuddly feelgood party , but i can assure you over the years they have had their extreme elements like siol nan gaidheal  , and the current party is going through a slight crises in it is attracting careerists and old elements of labour troughers , and once covid 19 is over , i expect to see a purging of the party.

I think to be fair there has been a rise in movements demanding an english parliament and to some extent an English democracy.

Most have been classified as racist xenophobic scum, largely by those who enjoy the deal where y England has a reduced say in wales, scotland and NI....
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>

Borg Refinery

Quote from: papasmurf post_id=27124 time=1590912078 user_id=89
In my case he has been arguing with himself for ages.  (The Foe option is very handy.)

I know we argue sometimes, but generally I like reading your posts despite our (sometimes considerable) differences.

Some people just love arguing nonstop. I don't see the point. He reminds me of this american confederate guy that we call the 'mob lawyer' because he argues exactly like Tom Hagen.  :lol:


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=27124 time=1590912078 user_id=89
In my case he has been arguing with himself for ages.  (The Foe option is very handy.)

I know pappy , but thats your choice to have me on ignore. We established this on the other forum how you like to run away when challenged too.

Seems to be a trait of the brit left.

Join political debating forums  , and then when folk debate run away and block them for challenging the latest whine about benefit cheats or pointing out hypocrisy of an immigrant to cornwall moaning about immigration.

Still at least you have found a new friend pappy.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=27121 time=1590911790 user_id=98
Ok, you could've condensed that down into "I can't".

Carry on arguing with yourself if it pleases you.

How sad but truly predictable.

I was merely trying to explore your thoughts on the snp , and the chances of an english type party like them appearing , but instead , its more of your diversions , deflections , bullshit innuendo and then finally running away.

Here mate........just for you , heres what the word debate means in the language of your country..




noun: debate; plural noun: debates

    a formal discussion on a particular matter in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward and which usually ends with a vote.

    "last night's debate on the Education Bill"




exchange of views







war of words



















rap session



        an argument about a particular subject, especially one in which many people are involved.

        "the national debate on abortion"


verb: debate; 3rd person present: debates; past tense: debated; past participle: debated; gerund or present participle: debating

    argue about (a subject), especially in a formal manner.

    "MPs debated the issue in the Commons"

As i said dyno , if you are here to copy and paste stuff without challenge , you have come to the wrong place.

Maybe try labour hame or sunfimg.? :shrg:
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=27121 time=1590911790 user_id=98
Ok, you could've condensed that down into "I can't".

Carry on arguing with yourself if it pleases you.

In my case he has been arguing with himself for ages.  (The Foe option is very handy.)
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Thomas post_id=27119 time=1590911483 user_id=58
I didnt .

Ok, you could've condensed that down into "I can't".

Carry on arguing with yourself if it pleases you.


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=27116 time=1590909962 user_id=98
:lol: If you want a reasoned discussion, maybe try not to throw a 'childish' insult at me in the first line.

I didnt .

If you remember we discussed and established you threw your toys out the pram last week when i wouldnt give you a virtual hug and blindly agree with  what you post.

You couldnt handle it.

.....but moving on....

QuoteI don't come here to argue at all, I hoped you had realized that by now.

We have already established this dyno. I have pointed out numerous times you seem to think this is a jerk cirlce of back slappers , and it is a political debating forum where people come to debate.

Im here to debate. You obviously arent.


 You appeared to acknowledge that I do know what I'm talking about when discussing the NHS for example, I'll openly acknowledge if I'm not clued up about something I'm talking about (again you've seen me say this about several subjects, it's not something I'm afraid of admitting).

I realize the SNP get called 'scottish tories' by some and mad lefties by others. By my reckoning they are dead center. Perhaps we can start there and refrain from the insults?

See what i mean?

You are simply filling up the white space in the post with the first empty thought that comes into your head.

So lets start again shall we?

Heres what i said to you...

Quote from: Thomas post_id=27108 time=1590907212 user_id=58
This interests me dyno.

With the greatest respect , apart from the SNP having some policies that fit with your world view on for example eu membership , you`ll forgive me if i say i dont think you really understand the snp or the yes movement.

Trying to nick ukip votes and the anglo brit left trying to use the snp vote are some of the things recently ive read you post that interested me , but also showed me you dont really have a clue.

Political parties dont just appear. The conditions that exist in scotland for the rise of the snp over the best part of a century dont exist in england.

So forgive me , how does an snp type party appear in england?

You do realise the snp are a nationalist party , who attract a wide range of folk with varying political views from the scottish left  centre to the scottish right , and in a normal indepdnent scotland , the party wouldnt exist or certainly would greatly change ?!

If you can manage to get over your childishness of recent days and the big sulk you appear to be in with me , it should make an interesting discussion.

The snp power is its a broad church who unite scottish people in one thing and one thing only......independence from westminster. A party like this isnt going to appear in england as the very social and political conditions dont exist in your country to band people from all different walks of life together in a common aim.( possibly brexit did that in a certain way )

As i said to you before , there seems to be the mass misunderstanding in england of what the snp actually are , or in the english left that somehow scotland is some communist left wing country that wants some left wing utopian paradise. We dont.

I would say historically , scotland has been economicaly to the left of england but socially just as conservative if not more over the years.

As isay , its an interesting debate to be had if you want to , but clearly you are starting from a point of complete misunderstanding. The SNP might come across to you as some left wing cuddly feelgood party , but i can assure you over the years they have had their extreme elements like siol nan gaidheal  , and the current party is going through a slight crises in it is attracting careerists and old elements of labour troughers , and once covid 19 is over , i expect to see a purging of the party.

Now dyno , do you want to debate or not?

Or are you just here to make statements unchallenged ?

Can you please reply to my post without all the zany diversions please?

Why do you want to see an snp type party in england , and how do you think they will manage to appear and why?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

:lol: If you want a reasoned discussion, maybe try not to throw a 'childish' insult at me in the first line.

I don't come here to argue at all, I hoped you had realized that by now. You appeared to acknowledge that I do know what I'm talking about when discussing the NHS for example, I'll openly acknowledge if I'm not clued up about something I'm talking about (again you've seen me say this about several subjects, it's not something I'm afraid of admitting).

I realize the SNP get called 'scottish tories' by some and mad lefties by others. By my reckoning they are dead center. Perhaps we can start there and refrain from the insults?