General Brexit discussion thread

Started by cromwell, October 27, 2019, 09:01:29 PM

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Quote from: Baff on October 20, 2020, 08:45:01 PM
The lefties are going to love tariffs mate.
You'll see.

Another great opportunity for them to spend your money for you.
They will find some "morally reprehensible" product and tariff the f**k out of it.
And they will find them daily.

Oh look the righties are in power for the next 4 years.  Having spent all the tax payers money in the last 10 years.  Having already spend more money on Brexit in a few years. Than the entire contribution the UK has made to the EU.  And the NHS bus is now missing.  The righties having racked up a NHS bill of over £300 billion to English local authorities.  .  That is more than the entire gold reserves held by the  Bank of England.  What was that about lefties. Not to mention the £17 million Big Kranky Bojo cost the London rate payer on his bridge then add the water canons on top of that.  Having doubled the National debt. Destroyed the NHS, and cut some 30,000 English Police Officers  Destroyed the army to around 80,000 to a defence force.  There are more Police officers in England than soldiers in the British army   Just for starters.  But heh why let facts get in the road.  By the way.  What is a leftie.



Quote from: GerryT on October 20, 2020, 06:37:19 PM
Government was going on how this creates jobs, how can he say that. All the govt are doing is taking the money from other services to pay for this, so less money for the NHS so there's lorry parks

The lefties are going to love tariffs mate.
You'll see.

Another great opportunity for them to spend your money for you.
They will find some "morally reprehensible" product and tariff the f**k out of it.
And they will find them daily.


Quote from: Borchester on October 20, 2020, 06:23:45 PM
Ideally it is one where we keep Kyle Minogue and give the Strines all our convicts. However, there is the rider that one third of Australia's exports go to China, which make it particularly vulnerable to Xi Jinping throwing a strop. So I imagine an Australian type deal is one that gives both sides a bit more elbow room.

The Autralia type deal is essentially, WTO trade plus some agreements on flights, driving lisences, VISA access etc.
The basic mechanics of what we had before.


Quote from: Borchester on October 20, 2020, 06:23:45 PM
Ideally it is one where we keep Kyle Minogue and give the Strines all our convicts. However, there is the rider that one third of Australia's exports go to China, which make it particularly vulnerable to Xi Jinping throwing a strop. So I imagine an Australian type deal is one that gives both sides a bit more elbow room.

Guffaw guffaw guffaw.  Brilliant.  But alas it is meaningless baloney. It is absolute semantics punted out by Cummings for idiots  who cannot think for themselves to believe.  They rant.  Wow we are getting a Australian type deal.  Then when you ask them.  Yeh. So what does it mean.  Look at the absolute clueless garbage being fired back. It is called a no deal.  Or a Pakistani deal, or a Christmas Island deal or a Chinese Deal.  Just fire a name that people like to hear on it. And they go.  Wow.  But what baffles me.  Is how any body can now even believe one word coming out of the mouths of those clueless  despots in government. It seems the penny is now dropping on many of those in England.

patman post

Quote from: Jaydee on October 20, 2020, 03:39:08 PMCould you explain to me what a Australian type deal is?.   
It could be alcohol only...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: Javert on October 20, 2020, 06:29:04 PM
Interestingly I just received via the Parish Council office an email marked "Private and Confidential", but not at all secured in any way, asking for (no doubt meaningless) comments on their proposal to create a Brexit inland border post (aka giant lorry park and inland border) at the top of the hill near my house. 

I'd been expecting this for a while, and actually the only surprise is that they are even pretending to ask for comments because they passed a law last month which basically as far as I can tell means that uttering the magic word "Brexit" means they can just build whatever they like bypassing all normal planning procedures.

The plans for this are on an open website so I can't see how they can say it's confidential, and it's already been discussed to some extent on social media and in local forums.

The most hilarious part is that the very same Brexit voters who are usually up in arms about the proposal to build so much as a chicken coup in their back yard have to know bit their tongues and support this ludicrous project in the name of getting Brexit done, and then have to try to justify why it's adding to the national economy in any way at all, when in fact it just adds to traffic chaos and creates a couple of dozen minimum wage zero hours jobs of the type that Soviet Union era communism would have been most proud.
Government was going on how this creates jobs, how can he say that. All the govt are doing is taking the money from other services to pay for this, so less money for the NHS so there's lorry parks


Quote from: GerryT on October 20, 2020, 01:04:29 AMEarlier this yr the EU was looking to establish an office for the staff that would be overseeing the UK customs (between GB and NI) to make sure they were doing what they said they would as agreed with the UK. This brought uproar, but now it looks like the EU have settled for no office but the EU staff will be there checking the UK teams, but they'll do it discretely so as not to embarrass Johnson and Gove.

Interestingly I just received via the Parish Council office an email marked "Private and Confidential", but not at all secured in any way, asking for (no doubt meaningless) comments on their proposal to create a Brexit inland border post (aka giant lorry park and inland border) at the top of the hill near my house. 

I'd been expecting this for a while, and actually the only surprise is that they are even pretending to ask for comments because they passed a law last month which basically as far as I can tell means that uttering the magic word "Brexit" means they can just build whatever they like bypassing all normal planning procedures.

The plans for this are on an open website so I can't see how they can say it's confidential, and it's already been discussed to some extent on social media and in local forums.

The most hilarious part is that the very same Brexit voters who are usually up in arms about the proposal to build so much as a chicken coup in their back yard have to know bit their tongues and support this ludicrous project in the name of getting Brexit done, and then have to try to justify why it's adding to the national economy in any way at all, when in fact it just adds to traffic chaos and creates a couple of dozen minimum wage zero hours jobs of the type that Soviet Union era communism would have been most proud.


Quote from: Jaydee on October 20, 2020, 03:39:08 PM
  Could you explain to me what a Australian type deal is?. 

Ideally it is one where we keep Kyle Minogue and give the Strines all our convicts. However, there is the rider that one third of Australia's exports go to China, which make it particularly vulnerable to Xi Jinping throwing a strop. So I imagine an Australian type deal is one that gives both sides a bit more elbow room.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: GerryT on October 20, 2020, 05:01:02 PM
Rumour has it Johnson will resign soon into 2021, doesn't think his current salary is enough. Prob needs those billionaire friends of his to pay for some Johnson speeches and pass on some brown envelopes for delivering the UK into their hands.

Yes I know. 


Quote from: Jaydee on October 20, 2020, 04:33:48 PM
Because the man is wasted space.  He did not have a clue what he was signing in his oven ready deal.  Remember lying through his teeth about a border.  And as you can see on here.  Neither did others.  But still rooting for this clown.  Brexit is done and dusted.  It is over and the UK is leaving. It is what is happening in America that has caught the eye of Prime Minister Cummings.  Biden has made it clear.  He will not even talk to Big Kranky Bojo, the Downing Street Muppet.  If one word of his deal  breaches the Good Friday agreement. Big Kranky Bojo's  oven ready deal has already done that.   So to do a deal with the US.  First he has to get a schedule of concession on a trade deal with the EU.  The USofA is a WTO member.  They to have to operate under the rules.  And they have already rejected the UK application for that schedule.  So has Belgium, Israel, Brazil and around a dozen more. 

They are looking after their interest and could not give a rats crap about Big Kranky Bojo or the tosspots in the UK government. And the UK welching out of a deal already signed.  Does  not help matters.   As you can  see on here.  Rather than admit he has made as clown of himself.  He is going to go for a crash out.  He suspects Trump is finished.  Then he will attempt to blame the EU for it.   And all the meaningless buzz words and sound bites, Brexit means Brexit, we will regain our sovereignty, we will control our own Border and a Australian type deal, etc etc.. .   All swallowed hook line and sinker by those who do not have a clue what they  mean. Will be punted out.  And cheered by clowns as they are put on the dole.  Hoooray.  We have a Australian type, Brexit means Brexit deal.   The upside.  It is now dawning on the English  voter.  What a absolute bozo they elected.  But to be fair.  The choice was simply which disaster to vote for.   Big Kranky I admit.  Was the best disaster to vote for.  God knows what route Corbyn would have rolled down.  And, I really do not want to know.

Rumour has it Johnson will resign soon into 2021, doesn't think his current salary is enough. Prob needs those billionaire friends of his to pay for some Johnson speeches and pass on some brown envelopes for delivering the UK into their hands.


Quote from: GerryT on October 20, 2020, 03:56:17 PM
Can you explain if Johnson doesn't want a trade deal, who oh why did he sign the WA. Why did he waste everyone's time and let both the UK and EU prepare for no-deal.
The UK isn't prepared, if Johnson was planning for no deal, how come he hasn't made preparations, no matter how you look at it Johnson is a failure.

Because the man is wasted space.  He did not have a clue what he was signing in his oven ready deal.  Remember lying through his teeth about a border.  And as you can see on here.  Neither did others.  But still rooting for this clown.  Brexit is done and dusted.  It is over and the UK is leaving. It is what is happening in America that has caught the eye of Prime Minister Cummings.  Biden has made it clear.  He will not even talk to Big Kranky Bojo, the Downing Street Muppet.  If one word of his deal  breaches the Good Friday agreement. Big Kranky Bojo's  oven ready deal has already done that.   So to do a deal with the US.  First he has to get a schedule of concession on a trade deal with the EU.  The USofA is a WTO member.  They to have to operate under the rules.  And they have already rejected the UK application for that schedule.  So has Belgium, Israel, Brazil and around a dozen more. 

They are looking after their interest and could not give a rats crap about Big Kranky Bojo or the tosspots in the UK government. And the UK welching out of a deal already signed.  Does  not help matters.   As you can  see on here.  Rather than admit he has made a clown of himself.  He is going to go for a crash out.  He suspects Trump is finished.  Then he will attempt to blame the EU for the crash out.  .   And all the meaningless buzz words and sound bites, Brexit means Brexit, we will regain our sovereignty, we will control our own Border and a Australian type deal, etc etc.. .   All swallowed hook line and sinker by those who do not have a clue what they  mean. Will be punted out.  And cheered by clowns as they are put on the dole.  Hoooray.  We have a Australian type, Brexit means Brexit deal.   The upside.  It is now dawning on the English  voter.  What a absolute bozo they elected.  But to be fair.  The choice was simply which disaster to vote for.  Or to put it another way.  Who they did not want.  Big Kranky I admit.  Was the best, or should I say least  disastrous  to vote for.  God knows what route Corbyn would have rolled down.  And, I really do not want to know. 


Quote from: Borchester on October 20, 2020, 11:35:20 AMBoJo does not want a trade deal. Nor do most Brexiters. And after years of your odd fantasies, I suspect that quite a number of remainers have come to the reluctant conclusion that the best policy will be to give Brussels the Agincourt salute and sort matters out afterwards.

Overall Gerry, Boris is having a tough time of things but with your support I reckon that he and the UK will pull through.

Can you explain if Johnson doesn't want a trade deal, who oh why did he sign the WA. Why did he waste everyone's time and let both the UK and EU prepare for no-deal.
The UK isn't prepared, if Johnson was planning for no deal, how come he hasn't made preparations, no matter how you look at it Johnson is a failure.



Quote from: Nick on October 20, 2020, 01:33:57 PM
I don't even try, punctuation of a 5 year old.

Oh dear.  How very difficult to understand a question.  So let me put question marks after it.  Could you explain to me what a Australian type deal is?.   Wow.  Look at the difference.   Then can you tell me how the UK is going to trade when it does not have a Schedule of Concession?  And that schedule on application, by the UK government.  Was rejected by the US, amongst a dozen other countries.   Your excuse is beyond pathetic. You simply do not have a clue what I am talking about.  Do you.   It is a Political forum.  Not a English Grammar forum.  By the way. English is  Germanic in origin.  And let me give you a lesson in grammar.  When your sentence is a straightforward question, the question mark goes at the very end and serves as the terminal punctuation mark. But things can get tricky when you have other punctuation nearby. A single question contained in a sentence can also be preceded by a colon as long as the word before the question is not a verb. Oh dear.  What was that about the punctuation of a 5 years old.  That is now three times I have asked the same question.  Perfectly understood.  Now what will your next excuse be.  Rather than admit you do not have a clue.


Quote from: GerryT on October 20, 2020, 11:21:51 AM
No johnson will give them a 5 star office, with a sign outside saying ABC Ltd. And he'll ask the EU doesn't tell his fanatical fan base.
Under the WA any dispute and penalties paid will be dealt with under the mechanism of the WA.

If you want a trade deal you need to talk, not sulk, you should pass that on.
Well Gerry you and a lot of others have been sulking since the referendum,and as time goes by its got worse because despite all the efforts we've still decided to leave. and affordable,not that hard is it?