General Brexit discussion thread

Started by cromwell, October 27, 2019, 09:01:29 PM

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Quote from: cromwell on October 25, 2020, 08:42:46 AM
Oh well we eat Cornish pastes instead........don't you ever get the gist of a post?....clearly not.

Cromwell , he isnt even worthy of a reply. What a feckin ridiculous comment to make , another throw away idiotic comment from smurf as ever.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: papasmurf on October 25, 2020, 08:39:13 AM
There won't be any bread or dripping.
Oh well we eat Cornish pastes instead........don't you ever get the gist of a post?....clearly not. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on October 25, 2020, 08:34:33 AM

Look at it this way if you're right In a few years we'll all be living in caves and eating bread and dripping

There won't be any bread or dripping.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


It's all fairly simple Jaydee you think you know the don't,nobody does.

There is a risk in everything you do,the vote made by those bothered to get off their backsides was by a majority to leave and they accepted that risk.

Look at it this way if you're right In a few years we'll all be living in caves and eating bread and dripping so there would be another vote to rejoin and like Spain,Portugal and so many others who we partly funded to have lovely new roads(whilst ours turned in to cobbled tracks) and so much else to bring them up to speed with the rest.

You'll be living in an independent Scotland with a booming economy and lots of dosh which you can hand over to fund our a good 'un  :P :P :P :P and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Baff on October 24, 2020, 08:39:16 PM

Well I am glad you know.
Clearly you are in fact Warren Buffet.
The investment genius.

It must be nice to as rich and successful at predicting these things as you are.
I wonder you even find time to post with us given the queues of people all desperate for your economic advice.

Just imagine how rich I would be if I understood this stuff as well as you.

They haven't got a clue mate.
And neither do you.

If you bet on those repeat losers, you won't ever do well.

Take a long hard look at the governments track record.
All these people you are deferring to.
Take a long hard look.

We both know you think it is pathetic.
That they are total screw ups economically.

But now you want us to take their advice?
I don't think so.

Could you explain your latest riddle in English. It is plain and simple meaningless verbal diarrhoea.  And once again your use of the word WE means you.


Quote from: Nick on October 24, 2020, 10:59:43 PM
Again a reference to your own link, one of which states clearly that no schedule is required for the UK to trade on WTO.
How about a response to what people post rather than your usual insults?

Who said there would be no trade.  A schedule is required  to trade under WTO rules. The UK has not held that since 1975. And the UK application failed .  End of.  It is the cost of that trade.  That is the problem. Now in typical Big Kranky Bojo fashion you are going down the semantics road. Twisting it around.  Any thing rather than admit you were 100% wrong.  Why do you think Liam Fox applied for it on behalf of the UK.  For the hell of it. I see the penny is now dropping.  And you know it.   You have had the wool pulled over your eyes and you have swallowed it hook line and sinker.  And you matey are in no position to talk to anybody about insults. And I have not insulted you.  So get that out of way. That is all you have done.   

Do you really think  what was costing the UK around £8 billion a year.  That the EU are going to give the UK for nothing.  While the remain countries in the EU have to pay.  Get real.  By the way I am sure the UK deal with Christmas island for crabs that glow in the dark. Brokered before the UK joined the Common Market.  Still stands. And I am sure under the EU Poultry Meat - (China) conclusions.  Boris will get a deal with China on poultry that spews and breeds covid 19.  Alas every other deal done with the WTO on behalf of the EU members since 1975.  As from 1st jan on a crash out. The UK will have to renegotiate.  And every nation will be looking after their interest. .   They are doing it now.  And you now know it. 

The impact of no deal for the UK would extend beyond its trade with the EU. At the moment Britain trades with the rest of the world as an EU member. Under "no deal", some 40 existing trade agreements fully or partly in place between the EU and dozens of countries would no longer apply to the UK....... The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) estimates that with no deal, 90% of the UK's goods exports to the EU by value would face tariffs. The average tariff on UK exports to the bloc would be 4.3 percent, it calculates, while the average on imports from the EU into the UK would be around 5.7 percent. Tariffs in some sectors – for example in agriculture and food, the car industry and textiles – would be "significantly higher".

What does it take to get through.


Quote from: Jaydee on October 24, 2020, 04:30:12 PM
Which part of the link is causing you trouble.  Why do you not do something simple.   Like read it.  Instead of ranting about something you clearly know nothing about. The link below is contained within link, you posted back to me.  And instead of reading the first paragraph, and grab a bit that suits you.  Try reading the document.   And this is what it says.   

2.1. The United Kingdom was a founding party to the GATT 1947, and is an original Member of the
WTO, in its own right. However, as a Member State of the European Union, the United Kingdom's
concessions and commitments on goods and concessions and specific commitments in services were
contained within the schedule of concessions and commitments for goods and schedule of
concessions and specific commitments in services of the European Union.

Then if you look on the second paragraph in the link that you returned to me.  On the bit that says.  The communication from the United Kingdom (WT/GC/206)[/b] click on the blue bit and it says this. 

2.2. On 24 July 2018 the United Kingdom's draft schedule of concessions and commitments for
goods, draft Schedule XIX – United Kingdom, was circulated for certification in document
G/MA/TAR/RS/570 under the Procedures for Modification and Rectification of Schedules of Tariff
Concessions.3 The United Kingdom is continuing productive discussions with certain Members about
aspects of that schedule. As part of that process, the United Kingdom has initiated a process under
Article XXVIII GATT with respect to tariff rate quotas and the United Kingdom is currently taking
forward negotiations and consultations with relevant Members.

That failed miserably.  Ask Liam Fox.  Which means in the other 3 links I supplied.  One from the UK Government, one from the WTO and one from the Professor.  All of whom you say are wrong.  Means that on a crash out.  The UK will have to renegotiate all treaties made to the WTO by the EU for the benefits of its members under the schedule from 1975.  As the UK will no longer be a member as from 1st Jan coming up. I suggest you understand what you are reading instead of looking for commas out of place. And you do not have a clue.  Do you.  And now clutching at straws.

Quote from: Jaydee on October 20, 2020, 10:59:24 PM

You are without doubt.  In a class of your own.  Tell me something.  Do you actually understand what is happening.  Or read links.  The UK is not a member of the WTO.   Since 1975 its schedule of concession has been held by the EU. And will still do so on a crash out.  Or unless a deal is arrived at.  That is why the UK had to apply for its own  schedule of concession, which was rejected by at least a dozen countries.  Or did Liam Fox apply just for the hell of it.   So let me ask you again.  What is a Australian type deal.   And how is the UK going to trade with out a schedule of concession. Or is your version of English  grammar creating a problem.  I have already asked you about 5 times.  Who do you actually think you are trying to kid. And you have not covered any points. You made statements. Do read the links.  Instead of the fanny being spouted by No 10.   And may I add. If you are a administrator.  Which I presume a Mod.  Then may I suggest to those who appointed you.  Take a look at your replies to me, re punctuation, then understand not everybody is as clever as you

Again a reference to your own link, one of which states clearly that no schedule is required for the UK to trade on WTO.
How about a response to what people post rather than your usual insults?
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Baff on October 24, 2020, 06:28:52 PM
That is where you are going wrong.
There are no correct ones.

Nobody knows.

Only best guesses from people with a historical track record of always being wrong.
LOL well who knew, we are surrounded by half baked experts, who are trying to convince us all they know the future, because they have the modern equivalent of a crystal ball, or better known as dodgy maths.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!



Well I am glad you know.
Clearly you are in fact Warren Buffet.
The investment genius.

It must be nice to as rich and successful at predicting these things as you are.
I wonder you even find time to post with us given the queues of people all desperate for your economic advice.

Just imagine how rich I would be if I understood this stuff as well as you.

They haven't got a clue mate.
And neither do you.

If you bet on those repeat losers, you won't ever do well.

Take a long hard look at the governments track record.
All these people you are deferring to.
Take a long hard look.

We both know you think it is pathetic.
That they are total screw ups economically.

But now you want us to take their advice?
I don't think so.


Quote from: Baff on October 24, 2020, 06:28:52 PM
That is where you are going wrong.
There are no correct ones.

Nobody knows.

Only best guesses from people with a historical track record of always being wrong.

What you mean is you do not know.  Just like Big Kranky Bojo.  Others do.  And it does not sit with your present thinking. 


Quote from: Jaydee on October 24, 2020, 04:59:00 PM
Well there you go.  The ONS is misguided.  And let me repeat.  If the figures, and they are not mine,  are wrong.  You must know the correct ones.
That is where you are going wrong.
There are no correct ones.

Nobody knows.

Only best guesses from people with a historical track record of always being wrong.


Quote from: Sheepy on October 24, 2020, 05:28:19 PM
So no  they are not your figures then, because you have no idea how to go about working it out, so you are exactly what they are after. Good for you. It only took about 15 posts.

No.  I worked that out in the first post. It is you who is not quite grasping.  Since the start.   You said the figures were wrong.  And since then I have told you several times.  If they are wrong, and I repeat.  They are not my figures.  Then you must know the correct figures.  I am waiting with bated breath for the corrections. And I have absolutely no idea how trade, HMRC, Local Authority or any figures supplied by HM Government HMRC, the ONS and the likes is worked out.  I just know where to look and  find them, and understand what they are saying.  Which you clearly do not. 


Quote from: Jaydee on October 24, 2020, 04:59:00 PM
Well there you go.  The ONS is misguided.  And let me repeat.  If the figures, and they are not mine,  are wrong.  You must know the correct ones.  So correct the figures.  The brick wall is up ands running.  And you are correct.  Your grandkids will be slave to debt.  Doubled since this bunch of tosspots came into power. Because you cannot live within your means.  End of.  And on that we agree.  But what has that to do with the EU.
So no  they are not your figures then, because you have no idea how to go about working it out, so you are exactly what they are after. Good for you. It only took about 15 posts.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on October 24, 2020, 04:53:20 PM
Like pulling teeth, you actually don't have any and rely on others misguided views for trying to make yourself stand out. They are some bankers point of view who nobody would trust in their right mind anyway. The last time a bunch of doughnuts calling themselves lawmakers took on bankers figures we ended up so deep in the shit, my grandkids will still be slaves to debt.

Well there you go.  The ONS is misguided.  And let me repeat.  If the figures, and they are not mine,  are wrong.  You must know the correct ones.  So correct the figures.  The brick wall is up ands running.  And you are correct.  Your grandkids will be slave to debt.  Doubled since this bunch of tosspots came into power. Because you cannot live within your means.  End of.  And on that we agree.  But what has that to do with the EU. 


Quote from: Jaydee on October 24, 2020, 04:49:13 PM
They are not my figures.  They are from the UK government.  Here is the one from 2017.  Do try and research for yourself.
Like pulling teeth, you actually don't have any and rely on others misguided views for trying to make yourself stand out. They are some bankers point of view who nobody would trust in their right mind anyway. The last time a bunch of doughnuts calling themselves lawmakers took on bankers figures we ended up so deep in the shit, my grandkids will still be slaves to debt.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!