General Brexit discussion thread

Started by cromwell, October 27, 2019, 09:01:29 PM

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Quote from: Nick on October 27, 2020, 11:13:40 PM
No where in your previous post did you mention EU customers. You simply said U.K. banks won't be able to XYZ.
This is what I said, I was replying to Baff's query on passporting.

Once the UK leaves without a deal it looses it's financial passporting lisenses. This covers such things as bonds, hedge funds, foreign currency, loans etc... A UK bank won't be able to do these and many other financial services.
I doubt it will stop you transferring money from one bank to another but they won't be covered by the same regulatory body or standards.

SO yes, I was talking about a UK bank and passporting, in other words a UK bank providing a banking service to an EU customer. When you cropped what I said that's how you came to that conclusion.


Quote from: Nick on October 27, 2020, 11:13:40 PMNo where in your previous post did you mention EU customers. You simply said U.K. banks won't be able to XYZ.
I spoke about passporting, go back and read. That's obviously a UK bank servicing an EU customer


Quote from: Borchester on October 27, 2020, 10:16:15 PMIn Dublin Avenue London E8, well, maybe not. But you have been on this forum for years and years and never seemed to have had the mother wit to pick up the occasional copy of the Irish Times or the Irish Independent.And despite the fact that Ireland is a tax haven whose major export is dodgy accountants, you are still peddling a fantasy of merry plough boys and pig farms.

I like your stuff Gerry, but it is time to up your game.
That's funny with one of the reasons Cummings is driving brexit is to block the EU pushing more anti tax haven legislation into member states, look behind these people and see where the money is coming from.  Big business interest and London's very large offshore financial services and with it 'lax' financial regulation is very much hampered with the direction the EU is taking in these regards. IRL is in way behind London in dodgy dealings.

What makes you think I don't read newspapers ?  When I say reunification isn't being talked about, that doesn't mean I don'tread newspapers and it doesn't mean that it's never spoken about either.


LOL it is only figures on a screen.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: GerryT on October 27, 2020, 06:17:39 PM
Transferring money, paying bills etc shouldn't be affected. The issue about passporting is a UK bank providing a service to an EU company or individual.
Transferring money is a service.


Quote from: GerryT on October 27, 2020, 02:19:33 PMthen yes, a UK bank will not be able to do this for EU customers.

No where in your previous post did you mention EU customers. You simply said U.K. banks won't be able to XYZ.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: GerryT on October 27, 2020, 08:34:16 PM
I know because I live in Dublin and nobody is talking of reunification.

In Dublin Avenue London E8, well, maybe not. But you have been on this forum for years and years and never seemed to have had the mother wit to pick up the occasional copy of the Irish Times or the Irish Independent.And despite the fact that Ireland is a tax haven whose major export is dodgy accountants, you are still peddling a fantasy of merry plough boys and pig farms.

I like your stuff Gerry, but it is time to up your game.
Algerie Francais !


Who is "we".

We could stop.

QuoteWe could stop if people just said, yes we know it's a financial disaster but our children's, children's children might see the crop from the hard work the next couple of generations put in.


You are Irish.
You aren't leaving the EU.

Plenty of people here just said "it's a financial disaster muh children's future..."
That didn't stop us leaving.

Endlessly repeating the same old losing argument won't suddenly take you back in time and make you win it.

It's financial disaster for you.
I understand that.
I think you are probably right.
Now you need to do things to mitigate that disaster.

You could... blame the UK.
In the hope that they will ride to your rescue.
Or in the hope that the UK's enemies will ride to your rescue.

Or just to distract people from the fact that you are doing nothing whatsoever about it.


Quote from: Thomas on October 27, 2020, 07:31:09 PMHow would you know? Did you have to google it and see what it came up with on the subject?

There has been talk about a reunification poll since 2016 across the island of ireland so what are you talking about?

Michael martin was dithering about it weeks ago , stuck in the middle between the wheeling and dealing non unification neo liberal part of FF and the more rural republican all ireland part who are extremely pro unification.
I know because I live in Dublin and nobody is talking of reunification. It's not on the radio, tv, news and none of friends, family co-workers have brought that up in years. I've brought it up as I'm interested in Brexit but even that only gets a fleeting mention. What dominates discussion here was the leaving cert, covid, the US election and gogglebox and will people get a holiday abroad next year. Brexit gets the odd mention but most people have moved on to other things, when it does it's high level stuff about Johnson stopping talks to force a hard brexit and how that will affect our food exporters.

Quote from: Thomas on October 27, 2020, 07:31:09 PMPolls in the 6 and 26 counties consistently show the public believe it will happen sooner rather than later as a result of brexit , and commentators are constantly talking about it non stop.
Peter robinson gave a strong lecture to unionism only last week on the subject about preparation for a border poll.
Jim o callaghan gave an interview about it only 24 hours or so ago , so what are you talking about?
Talking about it non-stop, what are you on about. The big day time gossip programme would be Joe Duffy or the late late on tv Sat. Reunification seldom gets a mention, it will happen sooner because the UK is putting a border between GB and NI, but if you knew anything about Ireland you would know that ROI will do nothing unless the people of NI by a large majority want reunification, there's very few people in ROI want to inherit a bunch of fanatical ulster unionists.

Quote from: Thomas on October 27, 2020, 07:31:09 PMUnlike many of the english on here , i know a wee bit about ireland and its politics. I also notice any time i engage with you on the subject you tend to draw breath and think what you are saying carefully , before trying todraw the subject away from irish affairs , and back onto how bad brexit will be for england.
Strange that gerry.
An irishman , or so called irishman who never wants to talk about his country , only someone elses .
You think you know, but believe it or not Irish history taught in primary school spends very little time talking about England and it's influence on Irish life. When the famine gets mentioned school text books don't mention how England sent the army in to ensure all the food in IRL was exported to the UK so that the locals starved, it really should have been called the great genocide and not the great famine.
If I want to discuss Irish history I can go onto an Irish history forum. But I want to discuss Brexit and how it will affect Europe. From the day I joined I said I wanted to try understand the reasons people voted for brexit as for me it's the most idiotic move a country has made since ww11. How could a country vote to self harm.
What it's boiled down to is a romantic idea of sovereignty which doesn't exist and a fear of immigration which the UK always had control over. Oh and 40 yrs of lying about the EU and blaming the EU on everything. People here keep talking about the sunny uplands and how everything will be so great, that's why we are on this merry go round of me pointing out whats actually happening and asking for a couple of examples of the sunny uplands, still hasn't happened. We could stop if people just said, yes we know it's a financial disaster but our children's, children's children might see the crop from the hard work the next couple of generations put in.


Quote from: Borchester on October 27, 2020, 07:42:29 PM
:) :)

Gerry will reply to me later on once he has had a chance to see who jim o callaghan is , what michael martin said , the teeeeshhooock , and how o `cruiv and cowen etc are all in dsagreement with him over his mutterings of a united ireland.

Remember borkie , gerry is the one and only irish guy i have ever seen in my entire life spell the word "craic" as a totally anglified "crack".

9 weeks to go to brexit , and still he sits on here talking cac about armageddon and the end of the world  for englands brexiters , i mean thats pappies feckin domain int it?

Talk about trying to close the brexit door after the horse has bolted.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on October 27, 2020, 07:33:55 PM
Well since having Scots and Irish in the family no I don't hate them,also I don't repeat the same statement endlessly......has that penny dropped?

No the penny has not dropped.  Two things. You have not answered either.   First. How do you work out I hate the English. That is what you said.  My late mother is English.  As is around 80% of my family.  And two. What prediction did I make that you are on about.  That is what you said.  And I repeat the same statement endlessly as nobody answers the question asked .  Just like you have done.  Second time I have asked you the same question.  Has the penny dropped?...


Quote from: Thomas on October 27, 2020, 07:31:09 PM

Strange that gerry.

An irishman , or so called irishman who never wants to talk about his country , only someone elses .

:) :)
Algerie Francais !

patman post

Quote from: papasmurf on October 27, 2020, 06:37:56 PM
There could be an increase in charges.
That could be happening across the whole range of bank services, not only transferring money in and out of the country. It's because they can't currently get big profits from loans an investments. I caught an item on the news today that said HSBC was going cut staff internationally and introduce charges on bank accounts in the UK  — I thought it already had (we left it some years ago)...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: Jaydee on October 27, 2020, 06:45:19 PM
Two things.  What prediction did I make.  I have posted facts. End off.   Have you ever corrected one thing I have said.  The answer is no.  And nobody is denying the UK is leaving the EU.  England having voted to make itself poorer. That ship has sailed.  With a ferry company that has no ships.  I might add.  And two..  How do you work out I dislike the English.  My mother is English.  Or is because you dislike the Scots  you cannot correct anything I have said. Then make out I said things I did not say.  Like predictions.  Do you recollect reading the Emperor's clothes.  Or do you just like making statement without correcting anything that you are posting about.   Which is rampant with Brexiteers.  And it seems you care enough to respond.  The penny now dropping.
Well since having Scots and Irish in the family no I don't hate them,also I don't repeat the same statement endlessly......has that penny dropped? and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: GerryT on October 27, 2020, 05:04:17 PM
In Ireland there's little to no talk of a reunification poll. As for lecturing, how could I.

How would you know? Did you have to google it and see what it came up with on the subject?

There has been talk about a reunification poll since 2016 across the island of ireland so what are you talking about?

Michael martin was dithering about it weeks ago , stuck in the middle between the wheeling and dealing non unification neo liberal part of FF and the more rural republican all ireland part who are extremely pro unification.

Polls in the 6 and 26 counties consistently show the public believe it will happen sooner rather than later as a result of brexit , and commentators are constantly talking about it non stop.

Peter robinson gave a strong lecture to unionism only last week on the subject about preparation for a border poll.

Jim o callaghan gave an interview about it only 24 hours or so ago , so what are you talking about?

Unlike many of the english on here , i know a wee bit about ireland and its politics. I also notice any time i engage with you on the subject you tend to draw breath and think what you are saying carefully , before trying todraw the subject away from irish affairs , and back onto how bad brexit will be for england.

Strange that gerry.

An irishman , or so called irishman who never wants to talk about his country , only someone elses .

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!