World Peace

Started by Baron von Lotsov, October 28, 2019, 04:20:19 AM

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Baron von Lotsov

It's just what I'm saying is happening right now in front of your eyes. Wherever you look, it is the same story: Uncle Sam's profits down - Chinese profits in the same business up. Uncle Sam is going bankrupt.
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>


Quote from: Churchill post_id=7095 time=1574512562 user_id=69
If it ever happens I am not so sure but you are, I admire your faith my wife is sure it will happen

It has been prophesied so many times through the ages it might be considered foolish to ignore them.  :)

Baron von Lotsov

Quote from: aboutt post_id=7081 time=1574504661 user_id=95
And here is the origin of the problems. The root of the evil. When you try to loot from countries separeted from you by the ocean you can't expect nothing but problems in return. When you mess someone's culture, ruin his economy and kill his people for nothing more but resources it is just inhuman behaviour, although they are yelling slogans about human rights at the same time. Claiming about human rights when you act as aggressor, murderer and conqueror is nothing but hypocrisy.

Lets see what Middle East has which makes it so palatable for our western friends. Oil. That is. That's what they have. Nothing more but oil. Whole countries are dependant on oil, and tourism partially. The other is desert, hot climate and scarce water resources. On the other hand USA has almost everything on its own land, in his own continent. They have: water resources, wood resources, corn in the middle west states, fishing and gold in Alaska. As well as i know they have some oil in Alaska too. So USA claiming for resources from poorer countries is just exactly the same as a millionaire beating beggar to take his last property.

At the same time they want to be "first among equals" in the UN and when they are robbing with the left hand behind the back they are speaking about democracy, human rights and equallity among the countries with the right. Hypocrisy which disgust me. We need new UN, completely independant from the chains of USA if we want to talk about something approaching the concept of world peace. Lets make it clear: USA is imperial country, worse version of British imperialism from 16-19th century. Their mindset of "great country", "great USA" is the only way to keep America together and their patriotism, respectively - imperialism is the only way to unite this mixture of cultures and people together under the slogan of "Great America". The bad thing is that we, as their allies, support their criminal actions around the world and we are the little kids of those hypocrites which has only one intention and only one way to keep their country together - world dominance. We are all responsible.

You know what though. We don't have to worry because things will take care of themselves. You see in the last 100 years Britain and America have been running a protection racket and it has made them lazy, since they can sell no matter how poor the product is because they control markets. All the lying they have had to do has itself caused misconceptions commonly held by government and populace. Over in China, America has been very careful not to pass on any of their technology, so like if China wants to make an aeroplane it has to figure it out from scratch. This is the interesting bit though. What I see happening is because China is so late into the industrial revolution, it uses the modern tools and hence it devises ways of doing things suitable to the current state of technology. Britain and America have passed on conventions which were more relevant in the last century - before we had computers, hence this being denied knowledge has actually benefited them because the are not copying mistakes. They can build large infrastructure projects for a fraction of the cost and a fraction of the time it takes the West.

So it is very clear that China will lead in technology, it will be impossible to fight China because their weapons would be so advanced that no one would try it on, and their economic power will translate into political power, just as it was for American and Britain before. The difference is that I think it will bring about a new age of peace and world prosperity. Americans may be shining the shoes of Chinese businessmen, but other than that they will be treated kindly as everyone else will be. You see the Chinese plan is to plough investment into developing countries to pull them out of poverty in a win-win situation. The rug is going to slip from under Uncle Sam's feet. It's Newton's third law: every action has an equal and opposite reaction. America tries to destroy the world and the result is it destroys itself.
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>


Quote from: T00ts post_id=7094 time=1574510617 user_id=54
There will be peace at the second coming.

If it ever happens I am not so sure but you are, I admire your faith my wife is sure it will happen
<r><COLOR color=\"#4000FF\">>After years of waiting at long last on our way out of the EU <E>]</e></COLOR></r>


Quote from: Churchill post_id=7082 time=1574504750 user_id=69
The world has never been at peace , and never will be

There will be peace at the second coming.


The world has never been at peace , and never will be
<r><COLOR color=\"#4000FF\">>After years of waiting at long last on our way out of the EU <E>]</e></COLOR></r>


Quote from: "Baron von Lotsov" post_id=3393 time=1572559714 user_id=74
The Middle East was stirred up by UK and America in the first place. What we did for cheap oil was seriously underhand and backfired on us. China is not dogged by enemies except for Uncle Sam who makes money from war. I think China managed a huge oil contract with Iran in a peaceful fashion. They pay the going rate and the other party is happy and shakes hands.   America is clearly trying to pick a fight here where there was nothing to pick a fight about except for Uncle Sam is losing the technology race. 5 G is the main issue because Uncle Sam does not have this technology. It was invented and patented in China. Well in fact mostly two firms in China and the Norwegians, who are getting pretty smart themselves these days.

If I were an alien and assessed the facts in a level-headed way, I would say it is pretty obvious that as things stand at the moment China is less likely to create war if it had more power than the Amercans starting a war if they had more power. Americans are seriously untrustworthy people. I mean we all know this by their scam marketing tricks, where they have burnt many honest punters. Chinese have a very different style which you gloss over and call it rambling, but you just aint learning. Do your own investigations and i promise you that you will come to similar conclusions. Forget the  propaganda though. I mean get it from the Chinese what they are doing.
And here is the origin of the problems. The root of the evil. When you try to loot from countries separeted from you by the ocean you can't expect nothing but problems in return. When you mess someone's culture, ruin his economy and kill his people for nothing more but resources it is just inhuman behaviour, although they are yelling slogans about human rights at the same time. Claiming about human rights when you act as aggressor, murderer and conqueror is nothing but hypocrisy.

Lets see what Middle East has which makes it so palatable for our western friends. Oil. That is. That's what they have. Nothing more but oil. Whole countries are dependant on oil, and tourism partially. The other is desert, hot climate and scarce water resources. On the other hand USA has almost everything on its own land, in his own continent. They have: water resources, wood resources, corn in the middle west states, fishing and gold in Alaska. As well as i know they have some oil in Alaska too. So USA claiming for resources from poorer countries is just exactly the same as a millionaire beating beggar to take his last property.

At the same time they want to be "first among equals" in the UN and when they are robbing with the left hand behind the back they are speaking about democracy, human rights and equallity among the countries with the right. Hypocrisy which disgust me. We need new UN, completely independant from the chains of USA if we want to talk about something approaching the concept of world peace. Lets make it clear: USA is imperial country, worse version of British imperialism from 16-19th century. Their mindset of "great country", "great USA" is the only way to keep America together and their patriotism, respectively - imperialism is the only way to unite this mixture of cultures and people together under the slogan of "Great America". The bad thing is that we, as their allies, support their criminal actions around the world and we are the little kids of those hypocrites which has only one intention and only one way to keep their country together - world dominance. We are all responsible.


Quote from: Barry post_id=7055 time=1574467262 user_id=51
Mankind has always been a warring species. Is that Cain and Abel in your avatar - the first murder, although it hadn't been proscribed in tablets of stone at that time!

We're not a very nice species sometimes.


Quote from: Ciaphas post_id=7047 time=1574460152 user_id=75
There is always some dick out their willing and able to use violence to further their goals making it neccessary for everyone else to be willing and able to commit violence to protect themselves.

Short of benevolent alien overlords like in Childhoods End who can intimidate the dicks into behaving themselves there won't ever be lasting peace.

Mankind has always been a warring species. Is that Cain and Abel in your avatar - the first murder, although it hadn't been proscribed in tablets of stone at that time!
† The end is nigh †


There is always some dick out their willing and able to use violence to further their goals making it neccessary for everyone else to be willing and able to commit violence to protect themselves.

Short of benevolent alien overlords like in Childhoods End who can intimidate the dicks into behaving themselves there won't ever be lasting peace.

Baron von Lotsov

I have had another look at the time in China's history where Mao came to power and found a good documentary from 1949 until his death in 1976. This documentary is 2 hours long and very well made, giving you a step-by-step view of each stage of the process.">

Certainly the whole thing was very complex and had many twists and turns. One viewpoint here that seems to gather traction is Mao never twigged he was ever doing anything but good, and it clearly was because of how the crowd worshipped him. He was a living god. One incredible twist of fate was just before the end of it, one of the cracks was where a crowd of 400 000 were assembling in public against Mao, but Mao taught that it is always unwise to argue with the crowd, and most especially if that crowd were the common people, which this 400 000 were. So by Mao's dictum the opposition to him were allowed to oppose him!!! They were that brainwashed that they could never argue with this dictum and the ones sent to quell protest put down their arms.

What I could do with now is a documentary like that which runs from 76 onwards, and most especially the 1980s where reform took place. I think that there could be a case to make that because of this earlier period, the one thing the Chinese people oppose more than anything is ideology, where Maoism was one of the world's most extreme examples. The question is, have the Chinese learnt their lesson for good? Perhaps they have, and we have much stronger communication than we ever had in that time.
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>

Baron von Lotsov

This is what the British and Americans were like in 1839.

"After a series of diplomatic blunders, including a drunken riot caused by British and American sailors during which temples were burned and a Chinese man killed, the situation had grown increasingly tense by mid-1839.""> ... -opium-war">

You see how it is. We get a lot of propaganda about how great we are and yet we walk into another country to buy their tea and treat the inhabitants like this. As it was, these idiots sparked a war.

It seems to me that our actions have resulted in a situation where eventually we wont be able to afford the guns.

It's  like in anything. There are two ways to run a business: you either cheat or you do it by agreement and are open and honest. Our country and America are fundamentally dishonest in trade, and dishonest trade is short-lived. The customer always susses eventually.

This repeats today. The American entity list has created huge drops in sales for American firms, like Qualcomm's chip sales have dropped 20%"> ... hing_down/">">

Total Assets in mil. USD$:

2017 65,486

2018 32,686    

The customer is shopping elsewhere.

Only by extensive study of this will you get the problem for America. Their technology sector is looking very fragile with Chinese competition.
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>

Baron von Lotsov

Quote from: Churchill post_id=3340 time=1572548246 user_id=69
Wrong assumption I do understand, I think you are not logical and rambling somewhat we have seen the major powers locking horns and sabre rattling for years the closet we got to another world war was the Cuban Missile crisis, the next one may well start in the middle east if any conflict does go nuclear there will be no winner, just survivors

Your last line makes no sense at all, rather weird in fact

The Middle East was stirred up by UK and America in the first place. What we did for cheap oil was seriously underhand and backfired on us. China is not dogged by enemies except for Uncle Sam who makes money from war. I think China managed a huge oil contract with Iran in a peaceful fashion. They pay the going rate and the other party is happy and shakes hands.   America is clearly trying to pick a fight here where there was nothing to pick a fight about except for Uncle Sam is losing the technology race. 5 G is the main issue because Uncle Sam does not have this technology. It was invented and patented in China. Well in fact mostly two firms in China and the Norwegians, who are getting pretty smart themselves these days.

If I were an alien and assessed the facts in a level-headed way, I would say it is pretty obvious that as things stand at the moment China is less likely to create war if it had more power than the Amercans starting a war if they had more power. Americans are seriously untrustworthy people. I mean we all know this by their scam marketing tricks, where they have burnt many honest punters. Chinese have a very different style which you gloss over and call it rambling, but you just aint learning. Do your own investigations and i promise you that you will come to similar conclusions. Forget the  propaganda though. I mean get it from the Chinese what they are doing.
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>


Wrong assumption I do understand, I think you are not logical and rambling somewhat we have seen the major powers locking horns and sabre rattling for years the closet we got to another world war was the Cuban Missile crisis, the next one may well start in the middle east if any conflict does go nuclear there will be no winner, just survivors

Your last line makes no sense at all, rather weird in fact
<r><COLOR color=\"#4000FF\">>After years of waiting at long last on our way out of the EU <E>]</e></COLOR></r>

Baron von Lotsov

Quote from: Churchill post_id=3214 time=1572504587 user_id=69
What are my personal views ?

That you are scared of what you do not understand. China is making huge progress extremely fast in technology.

Uncle Sam sees this as a challenge to the old order, which is run by Uncle Sam.

The old order has started nearly every war with its partner the UK in modern history, so the thesis is the unknown, who has not stated wars against other countries is worse. They believe they will do what they have not done, but what Uncle Sam would do if he had the technology China has, especially over eavesdropping communications.

It is possible China could turn bad, bearing in mind it has the power to be bad, but there are no signs of it now. Li Peng was the last of those who thought more like the USSR. These guys are totally free market now, and principally because the free market has made them all rich.

Quote from: Churchill post_id=3214 time=1572504587 user_id=69
and what makes you think Westminster knows what they are ?

They don't copy you, but Uncle Sam. Both of you copy the same people, so both think the same way.

Why do you think they are trying to make us homosexual? It's Uncle Sam who is telling them to.
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>