World Peace

Started by Baron von Lotsov, October 28, 2019, 04:20:19 AM

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Baron von Lotsov

Quote from: T00ts post_id=2945 time=1572370723 user_id=54
It is written that there will be wars, famine, disasters, disease and all manner of terrible happenings culminating in total chaos, then Jesus Christ will return in similar fashion to the way He left. All will see Him and all will know for sure who He is. Only then will there be peace under His rule.

It is happening right here and right now, in case you have not noticed. We have not seen Jesus yet, but perhaps the blockheads need a few more lessons from God on what not to do, as it was in Babylon.
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>


This thread is less about world peace than glorifying China. We should have a glorifying countries forum, maybe Reedak will join us from the defunct forum?
† The end is nigh †


It is written that there will be wars, famine, disasters, disease and all manner of terrible happenings culminating in total chaos, then Jesus Christ will return in similar fashion to the way He left. All will see Him and all will know for sure who He is. Only then will there be peace under His rule.

Baron von Lotsov

Quote from: aboutt post_id=2909 time=1572358237 user_id=95
I'm going right back to the primarily matter of the thread. World peace is a must. We must achieve it one way or another. We just can't risk another big war. I thinkg people around the world have arrieved to a point of globalization where there is no matter which country will lead the game and who will rule, as long as they take care of the global problems and put them as number 1 priority before their national interests. And yeah, China is probably a good option. I like their mentality. They are not aggressors at that point and i hope they will not corrupt themselves through power and interests, which have corrupted many empires and good rulers through the ages.

The most promising aspect of the Chinese method is they will not compromise it. They will not bend to pressure groups, and if I were the president I would not either. It's interesting you know, because pressure groups have gone on and on about world food shortages, and given us a load of rubbish on how they see the problem should be fixed, but of course they have no idea and are only guessing, then comes along the Chinese.

In 1994 China was issued a blanket ban on all space technology. They were not allowed to participate with the International Space Station where all other countries practically were, if they showed an interest. America did this because they feared that the Chinese would become more technologically advanced and they saw this as a threat, whilst the Americans were busy militarising space. The result was they built their own, and it cost them about 1/10th of the money. The International Space Station is due to close in a few years as they only have a limited life, and when it does, the only space station in the world will be the Chinese one, but they invite other countries to participate on their space station. I think about 25 have signed up so far. Anyway, now they have crops in space. They have huge plantations which grow much faster due to the level of solar radiation. I have never ever seen a pressure group suggest we should grow crops in space. You'd have thought it impossible, but the saying goes the Chinese can do the impossible as well. Many things are described as impossible because the person describing it would be unable to do it themselves.
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>


I agree Jaw Jaw is better than War War
<r><COLOR color=\"#4000FF\">>After years of waiting at long last on our way out of the EU <E>]</e></COLOR></r>

Paulus de B

Quote from: Churchill post_id=2911 time=1572358642 user_id=69
In an ideal world we would have peace world peace but we don't live in an ideal world and we have never had world peace, it is  very unlikely that we ever will, different people with different ideas, different backgrounds hopes customs culture languages, faiths, different expectations, it will never happen
Different periods in history have been more or less war-like - cynicism can lead us to the conclusion that war is inevitable, but not to any conclusion about how much war is inevitable, or the inevitability of any particular war.

We're living through an unbloody period of a bloody century."> ... NAL-03.png">"> ... moglu0.png">

Those graphs from this fascinating site:">

I wouldn't say that peace is the only thing worth striving for - when faced with a trade-off between peace and freedom, most people are willing to sacrifice at least some of the former in exchange for the latter - but peace is undeniably better than war, and a talking- and horse-trading-shop like the UN is at least a part of obtaining and maintaining it.


UN is something with good design too, but corrupted and highly dependent on the West today. In its original version with all equivalent countries with equal votes in order to discuss and solve peacefully the wolrd problems its nothing but Good and fair enought decision. The problem is coming with the neo-liberal ideology which put the economic growth over everything and by every meanings. I thinkg some reborn UN with complete new structure and whole new team probably deserves a second chance.


In an ideal world we would have peace world peace but we don't live in an ideal world and we have never had world peace, it is  very unlikely that we ever will, different people with different ideas, different backgrounds hopes customs culture languages, faiths, different expectations, it will never happen
<r><COLOR color=\"#4000FF\">>After years of waiting at long last on our way out of the EU <E>]</e></COLOR></r>


I'm going right back to the primarily matter of the thread. World peace is a must. We must achieve it one way or another. We just can't risk another big war. I thinkg people around the world have arrieved to a point of globalization where there is no matter which country will lead the game and who will rule, as long as they take care of the global problems and put them as number 1 priority before their national interests. And yeah, China is probably a good option. I like their mentality. They are not aggressors at that point and i hope they will not corrupt themselves through power and interests, which have corrupted many empires and good rulers through the ages.

Baron von Lotsov

He will pull it off though, and you will have a Chinese boss.

That's what is happening to British companies. The Chinese are buying them and paying in cash. The first thing that happens is the entire board is fired and every board member is Chinese. They know they know better. The next thing that happens is it goes from loss to profit.
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>


<r><COLOR color=\"#4000FF\">>After years of waiting at long last on our way out of the EU <E>]</e></COLOR></r>

Baron von Lotsov

Quote from: Churchill post_id=2810 time=1572289018 user_id=69
I can assure you they do not want to be in one of their prisons , as for executions the official figures are a State Secret therefore only the Chinese Government know the correct number, however according to some the figures that are available, state 12,000 people in 2002, 6,500 people in 2007, and roughly 2,400 in 2013 and 2014.

Thanks. The figures confirm something I was about to say. I figured it would go down. It did in this country until the last one. You get this with primitive countries. It is off with ya head, just as it was at the Tower of London. Bless them, they are trying hard and getting results. Bear in mind there are 1.3 billion people in that country. Imagine being the president of 1.3 billion people. That's a huge responsibility. I think they have the right man for the job though. I listened to a two hour talk he gave at some economic forum and he seems to really care. Indeed he puts our monkies to shame.
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>

Baron von Lotsov

Oh by the way, regarding the Muslim charge, which I know Uncle Sam and his cronies are playing on, hence its mention here. If you think about what they stand for and the nature of their religion, then I think you will find it is more than a belief, rather it is a political system they espouse, and rival political systems are banned in China. The same goes for homosexuals and feminists. It's a big no no to go marching down the street shouting out stuff about changing the law. They see it as an affront to the people, since it is a people's republic. This is why it runs smoothly, because they don't do democracy. They listen to the people, but will not be coerced, and the same goes for other countries trying to coerce their system. It's "get lost!!!" In Chinese.
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>


I can assure you they do not want to be in one of their prisons , as for executions the official figures are a State Secret therefore only the Chinese Government know the correct number, however according to some the figures that are available, state 12,000 people in 2002, 6,500 people in 2007, and roughly 2,400 in 2013 and 2014.
<r><COLOR color=\"#4000FF\">>After years of waiting at long last on our way out of the EU <E>]</e></COLOR></r>

Baron von Lotsov

Quote from: Churchill post_id=2804 time=1572283567 user_id=69
Most people are customers of the Chinese in this day and age if you shop on line due to their manufacturing output of virtually anything you can think of.

I know. 90% of consumer electronics comes form one province alone. They call it Shenzhen speed, e.g. mail delivered in one hour etc.

Quote from: Churchill post_id=2804 time=1572283567 user_id=69
Last info on religion in China on line I could find dated 2015 shows, 90% of Chinese are registered as atheists or non religious although many do carry out different traditional rituals , also China is  currently rounding up Muslims taking them into custody to re-educate them.

Confucianism is their tradition there, and I understand it is strong in the traditional rural parts of China, but the advanced people who are educated hold Christian values and a lot are Christian according to their stated belief. Two thins though - what someone says their religion is and what one practices.

Also re-educating violent Muslims sounds great. It's true, they are totally non-PC over there. If you are a smart guy who is polite they will like you. They don't respect idiots. You are who you are, as it were, no special privileges for PC.

Quote from: Churchill post_id=2804 time=1572283567 user_id=69
China a relatively new name has invaded other countries latest one is Tibet, long time ago East Turkestan, Mongolia and Manchuria.

I don't have a detailed understanding of each particular conflict. Tibet was not an invasion though. I think it started by them building a railway through it. I don't think they shot all the Tibetans like the Americans shot all the Indians. The Tibetans are more miffed about their culture being brushed to one side and getting modernised. A bit like decimalisation in the 70s, they though we don't want this foreign stuff here.

Quote from: Churchill post_id=2804 time=1572283567 user_id=69
As for firearms most individual cannot possess a firearm however for hunting purposes you can, organisations can such as Security Companies  protecting state buildings, if you commit any crime in China with a firearm they execute you, commit fraud or corruption they execute you, sell drugs they execute you, any crime against the state they execute you.

I doubt anything like the number of executions occur compared to that statement. They have prisons in China.
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>