Margaret Thatcher split off topic

Started by srb7677, July 26, 2020, 10:27:19 AM

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Quote from: Good old on August 06, 2020, 10:25:16 AMI have addressed the Nationalist bit elsewhere  we are all nationalists . So you being one is only a problem when your ideas for our country oppose mine.
In our democracy ,democratic decisions do not preclude the right of every citizen the right to continue to voice opposition to the product of that decision. If you don't understand that , then your understanding is wrong.

You strike as one of those 'angry' socialists. You keep telling me that my 'understanding' is wrong, and clearly, I'm a 'problem', even though I haven't actually given you any views yet. Did you notice that? No. Probably not.

This is like a groundhog day. Just like many other 'socialists' I've been stupid enough to try and engage with on this (and previous incarnations) websites over the years. What it usually boils down to is that people (eg non labour supporting liberal/left) are basically idiots who need to be told what to think and say. I think thats why you lost the the working class vote - people got tired of conversations like this, where one person can barely conceal their contempt for the other - usually based on things they assume

That's one thing I can't really be accused of. If I have 'contempt', if I think someone is a tosser, wanker, c888t, whatever, then I generally say so

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on August 07, 2020, 03:37:53 PM
Quote from: Good old on August 07, 2020, 10:32:15 AM

Thomas, you can stretch this as far as you like , and I%u2019m sure you will. But all you do is go over all the old ground , with huge doses of complete denial. In some important respects your a complete fraud . Take out the ,%u201Dyer buts,%u201Cand all you have  is denial across the board.

You remind me of that guy on our old forum with your posting style who set up loads of sock puppets   , and yet you call me a fraud? LMFAO!

I understood from the outset how brexit would pan out , and you and your ilk sat for four years in complete denial about the silent remain majority etc etc and tried to re write the rules because you lost and you tell me im in denial? :D

QuoteWhen asked about your allegiances.

Told you my allegiances. Im a scottish independence supporter who gives his vote to the snp as the best placed party for scottish indy. Do you need it in writing or something?
But when push comes to shove I mix with a some socialists whom I detest , because they are as Scots  as I am.

Yes , you get scottish socialists , irish english welsh french etc etc so what?

What are you gibbering about now?

You arent a socialist , and neither are the blairites in control of the labour party .
You made a big thing of what you refer to as the game. The referendum was within the game rules ..expecting the result to not be challenged was not.

Thats correct. You played the game , then lost , and tried to overturn democracy becuse you didnt like the result and here we are.

QuoteThe game is ruled by democracy as practised in the UK, not by democracy demanded by the all powerful Thomas ,.

..and obviously the people of the yookay didnt like labour and starmers version of democracy last decemebr when they gave you a feckin kickin over it. Seems to be a lot of folk reading off the same page of democracy as what i am .

QuoteIn my book that makes you suspect.

of course i am suspect , i dont agree with you do i?

Further thomas , like the all powerfull "fleet street " , had complete mind control over the people of the uk and forced them to vote brexit , then forced them to vote tory in 2017 , and in even greater numbers in 2019 , all because of my all powerfull posts on some backwater obscure internet forum in the dark reaches of the universe. ;D

QuoteI have become really tired of winding you up.

You arent winding me up old son , you are a passing amusement.

I on the other hand am getting a lot of pleasure out of seeing you in bits about labours dismall position and your anti democratic stance over brexit which is leading us finally to hard brexit , dragging you kicking and screaming to accept democracy at the end of the year .

Answer 1 So you and how many more  knew that if you offered Europe, as  a bag to hit after years of Tory austerity the answer was going to be hit the foreigner . Me and meany of all parties tried to turn people to face their real problem which is here at home. Not that clever .
Answer 2 So your a Scotsman damed to support a party that in its day to day business is just as left of centre as me. Ho,ho, frigging Ho. Your no where near a fraud then?
Answer 3 What's correct is , all MPs and private citizens were and still are at liberty to question the implementation of Brexit . That's fact .
Answer4 Now we are getting there , Much as you like the idea of Our democracy getting a kicking . Starmers, didn't .Corbyns Labour policy did. I think it's our democracy you aim at.
Answer 5 it's obvious why your suspect, look at the previous answers.
Answer 6 persuaded ,Thomas. More over egging on your part.
Answer7 I'm not as tired as I was this morning.  The Labour I would support is the one You  fraudulently give succour  to with your vote ,Minus , the Nationalist label . The only independence I want is independence of having to accept Tory rule
as inevitable. Brexit is happening . It's accepted . Only if you think our democracy is not democracy , is your argument valid . Make your mind up . Just say it I won't be upset. Hard brexit was always intended by the dedicated .
You like to lump me as the incarnation of Labour. On this issue I'm much clearer .I don't want Brexit. I don't want a deal. because there isn't a deal that doesn't betray the nation.  I accepted we are going to have to deal with Brexit hard as it will be to deal with hard brexit. A perfectly honest approach to a possible national mistake. It happens in democratic decision making sometimes. One thing that won't go away is we all know who to blame  if it turns out bad, it won't be the people  who opposed it. Or tried to say it should never be questioned.


Quote from: Thomas on August 07, 2020, 03:56:41 PM
Quote from: Sheepy on August 07, 2020, 03:48:17 PM
Well on the brightside, I guess I was right about today, like somehow they are sophisticated and we would never know what they would do.


Apart from good old you mean sheep , lovely guy , hell of a nice socialist but not the sharpest tool in the box.
Like I have always said, I had nothing against Jeremy Corbyn, has was honest about the Labour party, which might well have gone over many heads, but not mine, as for putting Blair back in power under the name of Starmer, I just find the whole thing laughable. when Jeremy Corbyn made it plain who was controlling Labour party policy.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on August 07, 2020, 03:48:17 PM
Well on the brightside, I guess I was right about today, like somehow they are sophisticated and we would never know what they would do.


Apart from good old you mean sheep , lovely guy , hell of a nice socialist but not the sharpest tool in the box.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Well on the brightside, I guess I was right about today, like somehow they are sophisticated and we would never know what they would do.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Good old on August 07, 2020, 10:32:15 AM

Thomas, you can stretch this as far as you like , and I%u2019m sure you will. But all you do is go over all the old ground , with huge doses of complete denial. In some important respects your a complete fraud . Take out the ,%u201Dyer buts,%u201Cand all you have  is denial across the board.

You remind me of that guy on our old forum with your posting style who set up loads of sock puppets   , and yet you call me a fraud? LMFAO!

I understood from the outset how brexit would pan out , and you and your ilk sat for four years in complete denial about the silent remain majority etc etc and tried to re write the rules because you lost and you tell me im in denial? :D

QuoteWhen asked about your allegiances.

Told you my allegiances. Im a scottish independence supporter who gives his vote to the snp as the best placed party for scottish indy. Do you need it in writing or something?
But when push comes to shove I mix with a some socialists whom I detest , because they are as Scots  as I am.

Yes , you get scottish socialists , irish english welsh french etc etc so what?

What are you gibbering about now?

You arent a socialist , and neither are the blairites in control of the labour party .
You made a big thing of what you refer to as the game. The referendum was within the game rules ..expecting the result to not be challenged was not.

Thats correct. You played the game , then lost , and tried to overturn democracy becuse you didnt like the result and here we are.

QuoteThe game is ruled by democracy as practised in the UK, not by democracy demanded by the all powerful Thomas ,.

..and obviously the people of the yookay didnt like labour and starmers version of democracy last decemebr when they gave you a feckin kickin over it. Seems to be a lot of folk reading off the same page of democracy as what i am .

QuoteIn my book that makes you suspect.

of course i am suspect , i dont agree with you do i?

Further thomas , like the all powerfull "fleet street " , had complete mind control over the people of the uk and forced them to vote brexit , then forced them to vote tory in 2017 , and in even greater numbers in 2019 , all because of my all powerfull posts on some backwater obscure internet forum in the dark reaches of the universe. ;D

QuoteI have become really tired of winding you up.

You arent winding me up old son , you are a passing amusement.

I on the other hand am getting a lot of pleasure out of seeing you in bits about labours dismall position and your anti democratic stance over brexit which is leading us finally to hard brexit , dragging you kicking and screaming to accept democracy at the end of the year .
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on August 07, 2020, 09:17:05 AM
Quote from: Sheepy on August 07, 2020, 09:09:41 AM

I am just putting a realistic  look on it all Thomas, they would only do it to try and bring Brexit down and at some point use it to bring the SNP back under some form of control, because they never believed democracy could be so powerful over them. I don't for a minute see any of them admitting they bit of more than they can chew.

i agree with you theywere quite happy to use the snp remain stance to try and stop brexit. ( while the snp were using them) same with northern ireland.

This backfired though spectacularly when polls came in showing for example majority of english , especially the tory voters were not bothered about the union as westminster thought and were quite happy to ditch scotland and northern ireland to get brexit.

On top of that , while westminster thought the snp were playing to the "british " gallery , they were really only playing to the gallery at home ,and driving support through the roof.

Bottom line is brexit isnt the cause of the break up of the uk , but merely a symptom of its break up , and ourr two countries are headed in different directions.
I will tell how it will go today, Dominic Cummings will be under full attack and the EU will twist the arm of the city of London. Einstein wasn't far wrong.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on August 07, 2020, 08:27:13 AM
Quote from: Good old on August 06, 2020, 08:16:20 PM

Answer 1.  As the only thing new the Tories offer, is Brexit . Then finding anything actually new in any other area has only a remote chance.

At every stage in history , there is an overriding issue that dominates politics. Brexit has been that issue for the last 5 years or so.

As ever , the tories (and the snp) and some of the other parties have grasped the bull by the horns , while labour have been in a complete mess and made a total utter hash of it. Its that simple.
Answer 2. So you think your the one with all the facts . Well what%u2019s new.

Not at all , i learn new things every day , which keeps it interesting. What is certainly a fact is how bad labour are  , how they are an anti english and anti scottish party who do nothing more than peddle fairy stories for the gullible.

QuoteAnswer 3 The Tories have been sneering at the general population for so long it%u2019s become acceptable in certain quarters it would seem.  I try hard to avoid doing it. I have noticed how a lot of brexiteers, equate rejection of their cause as something in the way of a sneer. The imagined sneer seems  to warm their Passion for the cause. Not you of course Thomas.

They have , but so have labour as well ( brexit) .It seems a bit silly  to try and make a political point  regarding other  parties failings when its something your own party is a master of  too.

Calling people little englanders , sneering about nationalism and how you hope the tories have duped them is acceptable do you think?

No wonder you have been out of power so long , you can't diagnose your own extreme failings while everyone around you sees it.
Answer 4 If they are not removed they or a variation of them rule for ever more. That%u2019s obvious.

No it isnt. You havent qualified the timescale anyone was talking about , so it doesnt necessarily equate to being "forevermore". Stop making things up that havent been said.

QuoteAnswer 5 No I am not ,another total underestimation on your part. But another party outside of dictatorship ,will always carry the traits of one or the other  of those prominent right now. Nationalism won%u2019t alter that if it came about . Look at Scotland.

Yes you are.

Im looking at scotland and i dont have a clue what you are talking about , and while labour are well known in the modern years for stealing everyone elses policies so to a degree you do have a feeble point about sometimes parties being similar , you still dont get offering blairite labour with their small c conservatism isnt the way back to power as you will lose your core vote you silly bugger. ( or should i say whats left of it)

QuoteAnswer6 Mostly inferred I agree. Don%u2019t talk crap Thomas, Every parliamentarian which ever party ,including the Scots Nats  And many Libs,and enough Tories to alter the face of that party had a perfect right to interfere with the course of Brexit , and did. It%u2019s another example your denial of the facts . Wrong on all counts . The MPs  were well within their rights . The MPs were of all parties . not just Labour. The result is fact , it will be enacted , that doesn%u2019t mean those that don%u2019t agree with it shut up for ever more.

Dont agree with caveats.

Scotland and northern ireland voted to remain , so the various parties like the snp had every right to stand up for the nation that elected them over brexit. Everyone understood this.

England however ( and wales) voted brexit , they were offered a referendum with the promise it would be enacted one way or the other , then remain politicians representing those nations  , many of whom stood on a party ticket offering to get brexit done in 2017 , did everything in their power to stop brexit happeneing and were punished accordingly.

You lied about honouring the referndum in 2016 , you lied about getting brexit done in 2017 , and were punished for it in 2019 big feckin time.

So if you think you were perfectly within your rights to lie about respecting brexit , then the public were perfectly within their rights to kick you out for it.

If you can't see the public dont like such barefaced  duplicity  , its shows how feckin stupid you really are. Any can't with half a brain could see the growing anger , and especially labours disasterous policy of offering a CU just no THE CU , and some sort of BRINO while denying all the red lines over brexit was laughable while the tories got their act together , tokk hold of brexit by the horns and dumped all the tory dissenters within their ranks.

The political naivety in labour is absolutely breathtaking. Bit like their naivety in scotland in 2014 when the tories gave you a right using to do thier dirty work and you paid the price for it big time. A masterclass by the tories in the art of politics while labour flounder about like children out of their depth.

QuoteThe result is fact , it will be enacted , that doesn%u2019t mean those that don%u2019t agree with it shut up for ever more.

Stop inventing yet more rubbish no one is saying you should shut up about it. I have made the point time and again what you were trying to do to the english people over the last four years isnt in any way shape or form democracy. You implement the result for the winners , then try and overturn it , not before.

QuoteBut you chose to ignore how the game actually works in our ,that is my , maybe not yours, democracy.

Im explaining to you how the game works , while you are too busy trying to re write the rules because democracy went against you.

Thomas, you can stretch this as far as you like , and I%u2019m sure you will. But all you do is go over all the old ground , with huge doses of complete denial. In some important respects your a complete fraud . Take out the ,%u201Dyer buts,%u201Cand all you have  is denial across the board.
When asked about your allegiances. It%u2019s not your problem  >:( you haven%u2019t got one. But when push comes to shove I mix with a some socialists whom I detest , because they are as Scots  as I am. Pigs don%u2019t fly Thomas. Deception appears to .
You made a big thing of what you refer to as the game. The referendum was within the game rules ..expecting the result to not be challenged was not. The game is ruled by democracy as practised in the UK, not by democracy demanded by the all powerful Thomas ,. In my book that makes you suspect. Because the prize here is  breaking trust in the democracy that my nationalism defends and always will. I expect a full denial Thomas, embroidered with a diatribe of anti socialist garbage. I%u2019m planning to leave you to keep Sheepy, in raptures . I have become really tired of winding you up.


Quote from: Thomas on August 07, 2020, 09:17:05 AM
Quote from: Sheepy on August 07, 2020, 09:09:41 AM

I am just putting a realistic  look on it all Thomas, they would only do it to try and bring Brexit down and at some point use it to bring the SNP back under some form of control, because they never believed democracy could be so powerful over them. I don't for a minute see any of them admitting they bit of more than they can chew.

i agree with you theywere quite happy to use the snp remain stance to try and stop brexit. ( while the snp were using them) same with northern ireland.

This backfired though spectacularly when polls came in showing for example majority of english , especially the tory voters were not bothered about the union as westminster thought and were quite happy to ditch scotland and northern ireland to get brexit.

On top of that , while westminster thought the snp were playing to the "british " gallery , they were really only playing to the gallery at home ,and driving support through the roof.

Bottom line is brexit isnt the cause of the break up of the uk , but merely a symptom of its break up , and ourr two countries are headed in different directions.
Well not so much different, but both trying to reach out for a better future for those future generations who don't stand a chance under present regimes.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on August 07, 2020, 09:09:41 AM

I am just putting a realistic  look on it all Thomas, they would only do it to try and bring Brexit down and at some point use it to bring the SNP back under some form of control, because they never believed democracy could be so powerful over them. I don't for a minute see any of them admitting they bit of more than they can chew.

i agree with you theywere quite happy to use the snp remain stance to try and stop brexit. ( while the snp were using them) same with northern ireland.

This backfired though spectacularly when polls came in showing for example majority of english , especially the tory voters were not bothered about the union as westminster thought and were quite happy to ditch scotland and northern ireland to get brexit.

On top of that , while westminster thought the snp were playing to the "british " gallery , they were really only playing to the gallery at home ,and driving support through the roof.

Bottom line is brexit isnt the cause of the break up of the uk , but merely a symptom of its break up , and ourr two countries are headed in different directions.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on August 07, 2020, 09:02:32 AM
Quote from: Sheepy on August 07, 2020, 08:56:38 AM
Anybody could see after the loss of the last Scottish indie referendum for the SNP, the blame would lie squarely with the English and deciding to be anti-Brexit was the easy option, although realistically being pro-EU is no real help for the average Scot. But then it isn't really about that, it is about the  break up of union. While for the last four years the media and the city of London and Parliament guided by the civil service have happily openly encouraged the SNP's anti Brexit stance as a beating stick, now they have created their very own monster they have no control over, who obviously think they can reign them in at a point of their choosing, I very much doubt it.

You need to distinguish between blaming the english and blaming westminster sheep.

The english arent my enemy. My enemy is the british in scotland , and westminster.

Cast your mind back to 2014 , and take hold of the fact cameron brown milliband etc etc promised us to remain in the eu we had to remiain in the uk.

That was the main plank in the pro uk argument.

A greater amount of scots 62% wanted to remain in the eu than remain in the uk 55% , and it pissed scottish people off big time just as the lies westminster told pissed the english off big time post 2016.

We are where we are though, and we have the two main constituent nations of the uk wanting massivley different things. You might not agree , but something has to give one way or the other.
I am just putting a realistic  look on it all Thomas, they would only do it to try and bring Brexit down and at some point use it to bring the SNP back under some form of control, because they never believed democracy could be so powerful over them. I don't for a minute see any of them admitting they bit off more than they can chew.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on August 07, 2020, 08:56:38 AM
Anybody could see after the loss of the last Scottish indie referendum for the SNP, the blame would lie squarely with the English and deciding to be anti-Brexit was the easy option, although realistically being pro-EU is no real help for the average Scot. But then it isn't really about that, it is about the  break up of union. While for the last four years the media and the city of London and Parliament guided by the civil service have happily openly encouraged the SNP's anti Brexit stance as a beating stick, now they have created their very own monster they have no control over, who obviously think they can reign them in at a point of their choosing, I very much doubt it.

You need to distinguish between blaming the english and blaming westminster sheep.

The english arent my enemy. My enemy is the british in scotland , and westminster.

Cast your mind back to 2014 , and take hold of the fact cameron brown milliband etc etc promised us to remain in the eu we had to remiain in the uk.

That was the main plank in the pro uk argument.

A greater amount of scots 62% wanted to remain in the eu than remain in the uk 55% , and it pissed scottish people off big time just as the lies westminster told pissed the english off big time post 2016.

We are where we are though, and we have the two main constituent nations of the uk wanting massivley different things. You might not agree , but something has to give one way or the other.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Anybody could see after the loss of the last Scottish indie referendum for the SNP, the blame would lie squarely with the English and deciding to be anti-Brexit was the easy option, although realistically being pro-EU is no real help for the average Scot. But then it isn't really about that, it is about the  break up of union. While for the last four years the media and the city of London and Parliament guided by the civil service have happily openly encouraged the SNP's anti Brexit stance as a beating stick, now they have created their very own monster they have no control over, who obviously think they can rein them in at a point of their choosing, I very much doubt it.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Good old on August 06, 2020, 08:50:36 PM

Answer1  There you go interfere with the context again. Millions of Tories voted in the referendum against Brexit , almost to a man they  voted Tory at the election.

7/10 tory constituencies voted leave in 2016 . If the 3/10 wanted to stop brexit and were such avid remainers as you keep bleating , then they had their chance to join a remain alliance to stop the uk leaving , but didnt.

Not once , but  in 2017 , 2019 , and even in the euro elections of 2019 remain couldnt get a majority. Stop hinting constantly at the mythical remain silent majority that hasnt existed now in the last five years , including the referendum itself. You had multiple chances and votes to overturn brexit , and failed every feckin time , with or without these mythical massive amounts of tory remain voters.

Sour grapes and clutching at straws from what i can see.

QuoteAnswer 2 "Same as YOU implement the winner of a referendum." Who the hell is YOU then?

Democracy! The people and their political representatives! Its not feckin diffcult except to a bitter and twisted blairite remainer who has a massive dose of sour feckin grapes.

QuoteAnswer3 Well that's the problem isn't it. You have denied all allegiances . Because SNP are very obviously a socialist leaning outfit . And low and behold you ain't a frigging socialist  or so you have wanted us to believe. LoL

Its not my problem , it appears to be a massive problem for you.

You spent the earlier part of the thread accusing me of having allegiance to scotland and scottish nationalism , then say i denied all allegiances ( what you mean is im not showing allegiance to what you want me to) and here you go again bleating about socialism and waffling on as you lose ground in the debate.

The SNP and the wider yes movement are not socialists. Some are  , but in general they are a wide mix of scottish society from all political shapes who want scottish indy. As i said earlier , people like you can't deal with the anything outside your two party comfort zone. As soon as something like scottish indy or brexit comes along , labour go all to bits as they can't get to bleat in their comfort zone about the nhs or offering "socialism" fairy tales to the gullible.

QuoteAnswer 4 And that's another of your problems .It was never the case that the referendum had to be implemented without delay

I never ever said the referendum had to be implemeted without any delay. Stop telling fibs and making things up in desperation.

Everyone knew of the two year article 50 process , and were happy to accept that. The anger of the electorate grew when cants like starmer et al kept trying to obfusticate and delay if not stop brexit in parliament and the can kept being kicked down the road , till what should have been a two year process will have ended up being a 4 half year process all because of anti democrats like the labour leader and his cronies who disrespected the will of the english people.

QuoteIf you had ever had a full grasp of our democratic practises no referendum result could ever over ride the rights of parliament.

Yet more rubbish and made up arguments. No one said it did , but on the other hand parliament and those within said they would promise to enact the referendum , and didnt , so siuffered the consequences.

You can bandy all the weasel words you like , and play semantics all day long , but eventually you have to answer to the electorate , and you did , with predictable consequences.

Hard brexit is something that will be laid completely at the door of english remainers and the labour party for all their anti demcoratic shenanigans over the last four years. You pissed the people off and forced themto take a hard line with you antics.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Good old on August 06, 2020, 08:16:20 PM

Answer 1.  As the only thing new the Tories offer, is Brexit . Then finding anything actually new in any other area has only a remote chance.

At every stage in history , there is an overriding issue that dominates politics. Brexit has been that issue for the last 5 years or so.

As ever , the tories (and the snp) and some of the other parties have grasped the bull by the horns , while labour have been in a complete mess and made a total utter hash of it. Its that simple.
Answer 2. So you think your the one with all the facts . Well what's new.

Not at all , i learn new things every day , which keeps it interesting. What is certainly a fact is how bad labour are  , how they are an anti english and anti scottish party who do nothing more than peddle fairy stories for the gullible.

QuoteAnswer 3 The Tories have been sneering at the general population for so long it's become acceptable in certain quarters it would seem.  I try hard to avoid doing it. I have noticed how a lot of brexiteers, equate rejection of their cause as something in the way of a sneer. The imagined sneer seems  to warm their Passion for the cause. Not you of course Thomas.

They have , but so have labour as well ( brexit) .It seems a bit silly  to try and make a political point  regarding other  parties failings when its something your own party is a master of  too.

Calling people little englanders , sneering about nationalism and how you hope the tories have duped them is acceptable do you think?

No wonder you have been out of power so long , you can't diagnose your own extreme failings while everyone around you sees it.
Answer 4 If they are not removed they or a variation of them rule for ever more. That's obvious.

No it isnt. You havent qualified the timescale anyone was talking about , so it doesnt necessarily equate to being "forevermore". Stop making things up that havent been said.

QuoteAnswer 5 No I am not ,another total underestimation on your part. But another party outside of dictatorship ,will always carry the traits of one or the other  of those prominent right now. Nationalism won't alter that if it came about . Look at Scotland.

Yes you are.

Im looking at scotland and i dont have a clue what you are talking about , and while labour are well known in the modern years for stealing everyone elses policies so to a degree you do have a feeble point about sometimes parties being similar , you still dont get offering blairite labour with their small c conservatism isnt the way back to power as you will lose your core vote you silly bugger. ( or should i say whats left of it)

QuoteAnswer6 Mostly inferred I agree. Don't talk crap Thomas, Every parliamentarian which ever party ,including the Scots Nats  And many Libs,and enough Tories to alter the face of that party had a perfect right to interfere with the course of Brexit , and did. It's another example your denial of the facts . Wrong on all counts . The MPs  were well within their rights . The MPs were of all parties . not just Labour. The result is fact , it will be enacted , that doesn't mean those that don't agree with it shut up for ever more.

Dont agree with caveats.

Scotland and northern ireland voted to remain , so the various parties like the snp had every right to stand up for the nation that elected them over brexit. Everyone understood this.

England however ( and wales) voted brexit , they were offered a referendum with the promise it would be enacted one way or the other , then remain politicians representing those nations  , many of whom stood on a party ticket offering to get brexit done in 2017 , did everything in their power to stop brexit happeneing and were punished accordingly.

You lied about honouring the referndum in 2016 , you lied about getting brexit done in 2017 , and were punished for it in 2019 big feckin time.

So if you think you were perfectly within your rights to lie about respecting brexit , then the public were perfectly within their rights to kick you out for it.

If you can't see the public dont like such barefaced  duplicity  , its shows how feckin stupid you really are. Any can't with half a brain could see the growing anger , and especially labours disasterous policy of offering a CU just no THE CU , and some sort of BRINO while denying all the red lines over brexit was laughable while the tories got their act together , tokk hold of brexit by the horns and dumped all the tory dissenters within their ranks.

The political naivety in labour is absolutely breathtaking. Bit like their naivety in scotland in 2014 when the tories gave you a right using to do thier dirty work and you paid the price for it big time. A masterclass by the tories in the art of politics while labour flounder about like children out of their depth.

QuoteThe result is fact , it will be enacted , that doesn't mean those that don't agree with it shut up for ever more.

Stop inventing yet more rubbish no one is saying you should shut up about it. I have made the point time and again what you were trying to do to the english people over the last four years isnt in any way shape or form democracy. You implement the result for the winners , then try and overturn it , not before.

QuoteBut you chose to ignore how the game actually works in our ,that is my , maybe not yours, democracy.

Im explaining to you how the game works , while you are too busy trying to re write the rules because democracy went against you.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!