Migrant rescue service

Started by Good old, August 07, 2020, 11:55:54 AM

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Quote from: Good old on August 11, 2020, 03:38:22 PM

I wouldn't know Thomas , only recently having come across your brand of trying to turn the simplist of remarks into World War III. With a fusillade of mostly remote to the original subject questions. And then thinking you have the right to to fill hurt because Good old, won't play.

You mean you dont remember me scratty boy? Im crushed.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on August 11, 2020, 03:31:40 PM
A new low has been achieved on this forum....

I wouldn't know Thomas , only recently having come across your brand of trying to turn the simplist of remarks into World War III. With a fusillade of mostly remote to the original subject questions. And then thinking you have the right to to fill hurt because Good old, won't play.


A new low has been achieved on this forum....
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

No sense of humour then? As if I didn't know. 


Quote from: Good old on August 11, 2020, 03:15:07 PM

Don't know what the mix is concerning illegal immigrants . But I hope they know we already have our full share of angry old men. Some before their time.

lol is this another heavily loaded dig about gammon?

Feck me mate , if you keep this up i can see you topping yourself at christmas scratty boy.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Good old on August 11, 2020, 02:14:39 PM

Yes Thomas my politics blows  like a weather vane in the wind. So don't keep trying to paint me as a one trick pony.

You are a one trick blairite pony.

The new labour party you support has been out of power for a decade now  , with the man himself jug ears one of the most despised politicians i can think of in modern history. Unlike thatcher , hated by both left and right.

Outside of the tories are evil and stop brexit , i cant get a straight answer out of you on this or any other political topic unders discussion.

Yet you still dont understand why you are out of power , with no end in sight.

Quote. People that vote for a Nationalist party , that conducts mainly left of centre policy  that could have come straight out  Labour head office  . Have no right to bleat on about , nasty Blairites.

Why not? Who made this rule up?

QuoteIf I don't think your loaded questions are worthy of an answer I don't address them

My loaded questions?

Cast your eye back over the first five posts of yours on this thread !?

I mean look at this .....

Quote from: Good old on August 08, 2020, 04:08:06 PM
In 20 weeks  time Or before .Will we sort this out , properly sorted. Meaning  put an end to the migrants ,and the French, taking the piss out of us by the bucketful. Serious question.

Talk about a heavily loaded sarcastic piss take about brexit. Using the quote tags please quote me who on this forum , or even elsewhere , said brexit in 20 weeks time would sort out illegal immigration?

Serious question?

QuoteI don't know if you have been out of the country for any length of time but this is still a free country


QuoteI make no apology for generally avoiding extremes , and  preferring to  make use of some Tory ethics without worshipping all Tory ethics. Whilst  embracing  some policy more associated with the left, never intending  to turn the country into a fully socialist state

yes mate we know , the very definition of blairist ideology. Tell me , how have you been doing at election time with that mantra of trying to be all things to all men and calling it the centre ground?

QuoteRather like the Scots Nats ,little bit of this a little bit of that.

Your constant admiration of us is touching good old , no really , but you need to start thinking outside the box on your own to win elections. Not copying the tories or snp.

You say you want to be like us , a little bit of this and that , but on the main issues of the day , we forcefully took an anti brexit view , stood on a ticket of stopping brexit , and what about you in labour?

Sat on the fence and tried to sell a little bit of this and that , and your countrymen slaughtered you.

On scottish indy , the snp take a hard line view and stand on indy tickets , and what about labour?

Spent 100 years offering us a little bit of this , a little bit of that , until you were finally dragged kicking and screamin to implement devolution against your political leaders will (blair called the council of europe intervention a "damn nuisance") , sabotaged the 1979 scot devolution referendum ( turned a yes into a no vote) and on the third occassion , did the tories dirty work for them in 2014 , and were slaughtered by us scots afterwards for your little bit of this and that duplicity.

So when you say "rather like the scots nats" , no mate you arent anything like us at all.

...but you keep admiring and pretending you are....

QuoteNow why don't you stop chasing your tail,. Before a few more think you might be a frigging robot

Well im crushed .....no really.  The forums 70 year old village idiot , pappy sumurf , alias lankou , the most ridiculed poster on any site i have ever been on  , called me a name .

Hang on good old till i get a hanky.

Now you were saying about sir keirs position or lack of one on migrants , or do you just want to keep carping on with sarcastic digs about brexit and how we all have to accept migration both legal and illegal , and shut up about it?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Don't know what the mix is concerning illegal immigrants . But I hope they know we already have our full share of angry old men. Some before their time.


Quote from: papasmurf on August 11, 2020, 02:43:51 PM
Quote from: Borchester on August 11, 2020, 02:40:36 PM
, as long as the UK is more prosperous and compliant with the rule of law than the immigrants' homelands,

Prosperous for who, as for compliant with the rules of law, you must be joking.

Prosperous for me and mine. Maybe if you spent less of your time chasing off the holiday makers who want to spent their money in Cornwall and stop fighting for the right of your friends to spent their lives on the dole rather than in paid employment, then you might be better off. But you won't, so you are fucked.

But for many of the rest of us, it ain't a bad country.
Algerie Francais !

Good old

Quote from: Borchester on August 11, 2020, 02:40:36 PM
Quote from: Good old on August 11, 2020, 02:14:39 PM

Now why don't you stop chasing your tail,. Before a few more think you might be a frigging robot

When it comes to immigration the site appears full of robots.

It does not matter what laws are past or barriers erected, as long as the UK is more prosperous and compliant with the rule of law than the immigrants' homelands, then they will come and settle in the UK. Some will go into the grievance business but most will get stuck in, move to Harrow and vote Tory.

It will involve a lot of ups and downs . But you have to be right. It has always been so ,with any immigration legal or otherwise . You get the rough with the smooth. And without promoting any particular book ,if you read US, history  this factor is always there  ,certainly after 1900. Our big problem is we  are not the USA, yet . And really not sure we want to go there.


Quote from: Borchester on August 11, 2020, 02:40:36 PM
, as long as the UK is more prosperous and compliant with the rule of law than the immigrants' homelands,

Prosperous for who, as for compliant with the rules of law, you must be joking.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Good old on August 11, 2020, 02:14:39 PM

Now why don't you stop chasing your tail,. Before a few more think you might be a frigging robot

When it comes to immigration the site appears full of robots.

It does not matter what laws are past or barriers erected, as long as the UK is more prosperous and compliant with the rule of law than the immigrants' homelands, then they will come and settle in the UK. Some will go into the grievance business but most will get stuck in, move to Harrow and vote Tory.
Algerie Francais !

Good old

Yes Thomas my politics blows  like a weather vane in the wind. So don't keep trying to paint me as a one trick pony. That can not think outside the box . People that vote for a Nationalist party , that conducts mainly left of centre policy  that could have come straight out  Labour head office  . Have no right to bleat on about , nasty Blairites.
If I don't think your loaded questions are worthy of an answer I don't address them. I don't know if you have been out of the country for any length of time but this is still a free country.  I make no apology for generally avoiding extremes , and  preferring to  make use of some Tory ethics without worshipping all Tory ethics. Whilst  embracing  some policy more associated with the left, never intending  to turn the country into a fully socialist state .  Rather like the Scots Nats ,little bit of this a little bit of that.
Now why don't you stop chasing your tail,. Before a few more think you might be a frigging robot


Quote from: Good old on August 11, 2020, 10:52:00 AM

The issue is what will anyone be able to do about illegal immigration . NOT LEGAL IMMIGRATION? ,

Stop trying to drive the subject onto legal immigration so you can then dismiss it. The issue is both legal and illegal in the wider sense( brexit was about in part stopping legal freedom of movement) , and i asked you a simple question in between your scoffs about non cooperation ( french having us by the balls...its all brexits fault) what exactly will labour do about illegal immigration????

QuoteYou want to reduce the situation to another ,tirade  on your part of anti Labour. Starmer , Blair , and even ME. You are so desperate to get your totally lopsided opinions into the thread , YOU even sink so low as to FORGE my identity onto QUOTES , taken straight from your own lopsided imagination

i have asked you simple questions on many thread about various subjects , you either fail to answer , go all angry champagne socialist on me , or try and divert along with all the other ususal pathetic tactics of a clown un able to debate.

QuoteThe fact is the blame for the various issues this particular issue is cursed with ,  are across the board

Yes i agree, hence i mentioned some of them. You on the other hand dont want to talk about many issues behind this , but subtlely lay the blame at the current governments feet and insinuate brexit is to blame when we havent even fully left the eu yet.

So all i asked is what is labours position on Stopping illegal immigration and wider immigration in general?

QuoteI referred to one . that wasn't the one you would choose

Humour me...? Which one?

QuoteAnd the lid comes off the pot of anti-Labour  Slag that you keep close to your side.

ok but i think its fair to point out labours history when in government on both illegal and legal migration , and ask the simple question do they have an answer to this current issue in the channel?

You dont want to hear that though do you ?
The fact is they  all deserve a slice of the cake.

Whose " they all"?

I have mentioned many a time i dont believe labour or conservatives can be trusted on the subject with their record over the years.  Both promise much and deliver little onthe subject of migration , especially in my opinion labour.

QuoteNeither does he have the chance right now ,  to find a solution.

Rubbish. The voting public have a right to hear one of the highest ranking politicians in the yookay tell us what he would do if he were in government on this issue. ?

Another dodge .
So in every respect if you can not stick to the actual OP


i am sticking to it , offering a bit of background and history , and asking a civil question which of course i dont expect you to answer.

Outside of "stop brexit!" "evil tories" , "what about the poor " and the "nhs" you dont really have much of a clue do you me old son?

Quote.Where  you struggle to take this is of no interest to me

obviously  as we have seen on many thread on many issues that arent within your restricted feeble comfort zone.

QuoteYour biggest mistake Thomas ,is to think that I am actually dedicated to any bodies politics


Have you met pappysmurf?

He too isnt dedicated to anyones politics except the labour party , but just wants to tell us too how bad the tories are.

At least steve( forum member srb) has my respect for nailing his colours to the mast , unlike you cowardly blairites who slink around the ground denying your politics , and trying to win elections on your one and only policy of "we hate the tories".

Quotesimply because I think Starmer will end up giving Boris, a run for his money

Do you?

Where is he then on this subject......illegal migrants in the channel? Is he going to give boris a run for his money by remaining silent on the big issues? :D

Quotedoesn't infer I think he is in possession of every answer to my every need.

Using the quote tags show me where i have said this?

QuoteDon't you ever get a frigging message.

well its hard to get a message from you when you are so consistently all over the place!

Nationalsim , name of your country , now you even deny what you earlier on anyother thread said to me that you were a blairite labour man...
Your biggest mistake Thomas ,is to think that I am actually dedicated to any bodies politics ,

Your politics and stance on various issues blow like a weather vane in the wind mate.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: papasmurf on August 11, 2020, 10:59:59 AM
Quote from: Good old on August 11, 2020, 10:52:00 AM
Your still at it. I still think he will give Boris, a good run . Don't you ever get a frigging message.?

I think he is a robot.

shut up smurf.

Is that you finally found a friend to talk to on this forum?

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Good old on August 11, 2020, 10:52:00 AM
Quote from: Thomas on August 11, 2020, 08:07:26 AM
Well i am better off debating with the made up quotes , i will get more feckin sense out of them anyway.

Still you run along. Accuse me of wrecking the thread by merely pointing out labours record on both legal and illegal immigration , and merely asking what new labours current policy is on how to deal with dinghies in the channel.

Starmer is leader of the uk opposition , and under the electoral fraud that is the FPTP stitch up , the only man who is able to replace johnson as prime minister at the next general election , yet all we hear is silence on these issues as it is labours achilles heel.

Your biggest mistake Thomas ,is to think that I am actually dedicated to any bodies politics ,  simply because I think Starmer will end up giving Boris, a run for his money 
I very much doubt it, as Starmer has a completely different driven agenda. Which is Blair politically driven.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!