Migrant rescue service

Started by Good old, August 07, 2020, 11:55:54 AM

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Quote from: Good old on August 11, 2020, 11:23:19 AM

I was beginning to think it was only me !

One like him on another forum I use.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe

Good old

Quote from: papasmurf on August 11, 2020, 10:59:59 AM
Quote from: Good old on August 11, 2020, 10:52:00 AM
Your still at it. I still think he will give Boris, a good run . Don't you ever get a frigging message.?

I think he is a robot.

I was beginning to think it was only me !


Quote from: Good old on August 11, 2020, 10:52:00 AM
Your still at it. I still think he will give Boris, a good run . Don't you ever get a frigging message.?

I think he is a robot.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on August 11, 2020, 08:07:26 AM
Well i am better off debating with the made up quotes , i will get more feckin sense out of them anyway.

Still you run along. Accuse me of wrecking the thread by merely pointing out labours record on both legal and illegal immigration , and merely asking what new labours current policy is on how to deal with dinghies in the channel.

Starmer is leader of the uk opposition , and under the electoral fraud that is the FPTP stitch up , the only man who is able to replace johnson as prime minister at the next general election , yet all we hear is silence on these issues as it is labours achilles heel.

Its ok for you to start the thread moaning about it with the insinuation through the thread the tories arent dealing with it , and lack of co operation with the eu ( the french etc) is making it happen with your "French have us by the balls quip" , ( stop brexit!  :D) yet you can't tell us how the leader of the opposition , your hero starmer , would deal with it if he were in power.

I think the vast majority already know. :D

The issue is what will anyone be able to do about illegal immigration . NOT LEGAL IMMIGRATION? ,. You want to reduce the situation to another ,tirade  on your part of anti Labour. Starmer , Blair , and even ME. You are so desperate to get your totally lopsided opinions into the thread , YOU even sink so low as to FORGE my identity onto QUOTES , taken straight from your own lopsided imagination .
The fact is the blame for the various issues this particular issue is cursed with ,  are across the board . I referred to one . that wasn't the one you would choose . And the lid comes off the pot of anti-Labour  Slag that you keep close to your side.  The fact is they  all deserve a slice of the cake. Starmer , doesn't escape . Neither does he have the chance right now ,  to find a solution. So in every respect if you can not stick to the actual OP .Where  you struggle to take this is of no interest to me. Carry on attaching my identity to your own opinion.  If that's allowed.
Your biggest mistake Thomas ,is to think that I am actually dedicated to any bodies politics ,  simply because I think Starmer will end up giving Boris, a run for his money  doesn't infer I think he is in possession of every answer to my every need. That's what set you off on your tediously lengthy posts . Else where , now here.  Several  forgeries later  Your still at it. I still think he will give Boris, a good run . Don't you ever get a frigging message.?


Quote from: Thomas on August 11, 2020, 08:07:26 AM
Well i am better off debating with the made up quotes , i will get more feckin sense out of them anyway.

Still you run along. Accuse me of wrecking the thread by merely pointing out labours record on both legal and illegal immigration , and merely asking what new labours current policy is on how to deal with dinghies in the channel.

Starmer is leader of the uk opposition , and under the electoral fraud that is the FPTP stitch up , the only man who is able to replace johnson as prime minister at the next general election , yet all we hear is silence on these issues as it is labours achilles heel.

Its ok for you to start the thread moaning about it with the insinuation through the thread the tories arent dealing with it , and lack of co operation with the eu ( the french etc) is making it happen with your "French have us by the balls quip" , ( stop brexit!  :D) yet you can't tell us how the leader of the opposition , your hero starmer , would deal with it if he were in power.

I think the vast majority already know. :D
Its all a stitch up Thomas, everybody knows that. Even Labours last influx learnt that the hard way.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Well i am better off debating with the made up quotes , i will get more feckin sense out of them anyway.

Still you run along. Accuse me of wrecking the thread by merely pointing out labours record on both legal and illegal immigration , and merely asking what new labours current policy is on how to deal with dinghies in the channel.

Starmer is leader of the uk opposition , and under the electoral fraud that is the FPTP stitch up , the only man who is able to replace johnson as prime minister at the next general election , yet all we hear is silence on these issues as it is labours achilles heel.

Its ok for you to start the thread moaning about it with the insinuation through the thread the tories arent dealing with it , and lack of co operation with the eu ( the french etc) is making it happen with your "French have us by the balls quip" , ( stop brexit!  :D) yet you cant tell us how the leader of the opposition , your hero starmer , would deal with it if he were in power.

I think the vast majority already know. :D

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

 Nothing to quote from. So he makes them up out of thin air. Carry on Thomas , wreck the thread .it was on the way out anyway .


Quote from: patman post on August 10, 2020, 04:53:30 PM
Quote from: Good old on August 10, 2020, 02:52:41 PMWhat their passports say doesn't alter the fact that the French , have to cooperate fully in apprehending these people . The crime is committed on French territory . and if not caught red handed very difficult to prosecute . I wouldn't be surprised if any number are known suspects , here . Suspicion doesn't do though. Actually breaking into their operations in France ,will . But only the French can take the lead in that. I will say Smurf, French policing is far more extensive than here . There is one on most corners . I think they drag their feet on this.
I suggest many have booked and paid for their journeys long before they reach France. Obviously the trafficker-gangs have their minions in France, the countries along the route, and some in the UK, but I suggest many ticket sales are made way down the line.
No doubt there are freelancers preying on the loners and selling places on bought and stolen vessels, but I suggest they're no easier for the police to find than drug dealers, illegal employers and scammers here. What's needed is international cooperation to do what it takes to alleviate this problem. Blaming the French and the EU for the whole debacle won't make that any easier. It's not them that's made the UK so attractive...
I haven't blamed the French or the EU, I said a stern talking too was in order, I mean I guess it is, so no need to be protective before we even start.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Good old on August 10, 2020, 08:05:34 PM

The only way we can stop illegal immigration is by voting in new labour , getting rid of the evil tories , and rejoining the eu and maintaining cooperation.

Stop brexit! 20 weeks till the end of my world
. >:(

I know you are gutted mate , it was the will of the people though. They didnt like FOM or EU membership.

Man up and accept it mate.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Good old on August 10, 2020, 08:05:34 PM

Has he stopped shouting yet. ;D

Not surprised you dont have too much to say on labours terrible immigration record and massive "achilles heel" , or your boss starmers relative silence on the issue and abstaining when he can or going missing on votes , but dont think its going away.

The barrells of gunpowder are getting stacked under starmer quickly and silently.

Starmer hasnt really been tested yet  , but his day is coming.

So you deflect and divert all you want , im sure we will be back on this topic before too long. Another no go area for labour and their supporters , the thorny issue of migration. :D

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Has he stopped shouting yet. ;D


Quote. This study of Labour's immigration record shows that the initial leap in net migration in 1998 from 48,000 to 140,000 was largely due to factors outside the government's control.

Thereafter, however, there was a deliberate policy of loosening immigration controls in almost every sector – a policy that was not declared in any of the three election manifestos. These policies accounted for two thirds of the 3.6 million net foreign migration under Labour. The other third was due to their decision not to impose transition controls on migrants from the new East European members of the EU – the only aspect of their record on immigration for which they have apologised

QuoteThe true motivation for these undeclared policies is not clear. Claims were made at the time of economic benefits through higher productivity and greater innovation but no study has found any significant benefits to GDP per head once the increased population has been taken into account. Less emphasised was the effect of a large supply of cheap labour in holding down wages which was, of course, welcome to the powerful business lobby.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


QuoteOPEN DOOR Sir Keir Starmer vows to reverse Boris Johnson's immigration clampdown and reintroduce free movement


QuoteFree Movement Should Return

Speaking in the run-up to the UK's official departure from the EU on the 31st of January, Starmer stated that he would reintroduce EU freedom of movement were he to become Prime Minister.

In the words of Sir Keir:

'We welcome migrants, we don't scapegoat them. Low wages, poor housing, poor public services, are not the fault of people who come here: they're political failure. So we have to make the case for the benefits of migration; for the benefits of free movement.'

QuoteTaking all three comments into account, it appears that migrants would be better cared for under a Starmer-led government

If starmers labour ever get into power , we may as well hand control of the uk border force over to the migrant smugglers from what i can see. Tony blairs mass uncontrolled migration all over again.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


We were and these are Illegal immigrants, Borchester was off on one. He made me laugh.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Good old on August 10, 2020, 07:33:56 PM

Not at all . How did you get that idea?  I am selective ,I prefer to stick to one subject.

Whats new labours stance under starmer regarding "illegal immigration " , and wider  immigration?

Last month when the government passed its immigration bill , tell me how did labour vote?

Labour support mass migration , voted against the governments bill and called patels new immigration laws as "punitive" , "discrimatory" and "institutionally racist".

QuoteEnd to EU free movement in UK a step closer after MPs pass immigration bill

But Home Secretary (interior minister) Priti Patel inferred that the result of the 2019 general election showed the public backed the government's plans.

"Last year the British people sent a clear message that they wanted to end free movement and our landmark Immigration Bill delivers exactly that," Patel told Parliament.

"Labour voting against this Bill shows that while their leadership may have changed, their determination to deny the will of the people has not."

New labour leadership , same old stance on mass uncontrolled immigration.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!