Split Topic BBC

Started by Thomas, August 06, 2020, 06:07:45 PM

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Quote from: Good old on August 07, 2020, 05:32:43 PM
Quote from: Sheepy on August 07, 2020, 04:05:33 PM
LOL I could say and point out much worse about the BBC, I would say you were being rather kind.

So without going all around the houses. What would you have instead of the BBC, Who would run it, and what would be no go territory for this new world order media outlet?
why would I need anything instead of the BBC? as though there isn't even TV, Radio or media without them.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Good old on August 07, 2020, 05:32:43 PM
Quote from: Sheepy on August 07, 2020, 04:05:33 PM
LOL I could say and point out much worse about the BBC, I would say you were being rather kind.

So without going all around the houses. What would you have instead of the BBC, Who would run it, and what would be no go territory for this new world order media outlet?

Dunno and don't care. Whomever does or does not replace the BBC can say and do what they like. Just as long as I am not expected to pay for it.
Algerie Francais !

Good old

Quote from: Sheepy on August 07, 2020, 04:05:33 PM
LOL I could say and point out much worse about the BBC, I would say you were being rather kind.

So without going all around the houses. What would you have instead of the BBC, Who would run it, and what would be no go territory for this new world order media outlet?


LOL I could say and point out much worse about the BBC, I would say you were being rather kind.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on August 07, 2020, 03:25:55 PM

I was rather enjoying it, putting the BBC up as some kind of saintly media, while ignoring all of the BBC's over the years being caught out time and time again as being a law unto themselves, while saying the Government is a law unto themselves, which of course they are, so it might be called pot and kettle.

Heres an old article written about six years back shwing how BBC scotland was so stuffed full of labour toadies that eventually a guy went on to set up a satiricial website about the bbc called BBC  Scotlandshire.


Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practise to deceive: BBC Scotland and the Labour Party

The Family resides in Glasgow and is presided over by Ken McQuarrie. Ken MacQuarrie's Head of News at BBC Scotland is John, John Boothman. John is married to Susan, Susan is Susan Deacon. Susan is a former Labour MSP and Health Minister at Holyrood.

Ken's Head of Online News is Tom, Tom Connor. Tom and John are said to have offered media training to Labour Party wannabe politicians. Tom's department operates BBC Scotland blogs; infamous for their ban on public comments, unlike any other part of the UK.

Another Tom is Tom McCabe. Tom is a member of the Scottish Labour Party and used to be an MSP. Tom also used to be the partner of Lorraine, Lorraine Davidson. Lorraine's career has swung between the Labour Party and the BBC. She used to be a spin-doctor – with the Labour Party or was it the BBC? Not too sure on that one. Lorraine became a weel-kent voice on BBC Scotland frequently ushered in to air her views on all the big issues of the day. Lorraine is now married to David.

David is David Martin and he's a Labour Party MEP. David Martin is friends with Catriona, Catriona Renton. Catriona loves politics which is good because that's what she covers as a BBC Scotland reporter. Catriona was a Labour councillor in Glasgow with ambitions to become an MSP but sadly didn't get elected in 2003. Catriona is a friendly sort of lady with Facebook chums the likes of Jackie Baillie ( herself a very friendly lady who is also chums with Gary Robertson and Alan Clements hubby of Kirsty Wark ), Yousuf Hamid, Tom Harris, Mike Dailly, Frank McAveety, John Robertson, John Park, Steven Purcell, Dave Watson – is there Labour person Catriona isn't chummy with?

Raymond's brother-in-law is Brian, Brian Wilson (allegedly). Brian used to be a Labour MP, you know the one put in charge of Labour Vote No Campaign in 1979 in the devolution referendum campaign. Brian loves and promotes nuclear power, and why wouldn't he for he was a non-executive director of Amec Nuclear Holdings.  Brian is no stranger to BBC Scotland which likes nothing better than to canvass his views on everything from tweed to nukes.

Then there's Ken or rather was Ken. Ken Macintosh*, like many before and since, has found his career slipped seamlessly between the Labour Party and the BBC. Currently Ken is a Labour MSP with an eye on leadership if only Ed Miliband could remember who he is. Ed Miliband lives in London where lots of Scots migrate to from wee Scotland to enhance their careers, and why not. You'll be familiar with Andrew, Andrew Marr.

Andrew decided his future lay in London. And one day BBC London noticed North Britain was jumping up and down trying to draw attention to itself. Now BBC London was not in the habit of encouraging such self-promotion but decided some canny handling of independence matters was required. It looked around and spotted the lovely Andrew who despite all evidence to the contrary turned out to be Scottish! Andrew, they realised, was the perfect person to embody Scotland; to go out and explore this backwater in the north and enlighten the good people of Britain why it was the whingeing Scots were whingeing. And Andrew obliged because he's that kinda guy. He's also the kinda guy who discovered the Labour Party suited him nicely while a student. And Andrew is married to Jackie.

Jackie is a journalist, oh and broadcaster, which takes her into the BBC quite a lot. Jackie is the daughter of the late Jack Ashley. Jack was a Labour MP which might be why Jackie specialises in the Labour Party, according to Wikipedia, though I'm not sure what that means. And she supported Gordon Brown's government, so it says. Think you might be on your own there Jackie.


A pillar of british social and political institutions?  ;D LMFAO big time.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Borchester on August 07, 2020, 03:21:37 PM
Quote from: Good old on August 07, 2020, 02:02:05 PM
Quote from: cromwell on August 06, 2020, 01:19:41 PM
So whole lot of money wasted and a govt trade advisor involved,still it's on the BBC so must be rubbish.

As the comments have come. What sort of  a mess is this country in when it's government can involve itself in one balls up after another, with the added problem of dubious business arrangements.?  And the fact that an honest message comes via the BBC, is an equal target for abuse for a good many.?

Or what sort of mess is this country in that even when the government involves itself in one mess after another, it is still preferable to the antics of the self absorbed numb nuts of the left?
I was rather enjoying it, putting the BBC up as some kind of saintly media, while ignoring all of the BBC's over the years being caught out time and time again as being a law unto themselves, while saying the Government is a law unto themselves, which of course they are, so it might be called pot and kettle.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!

Good old

Quote from: cromwell on August 06, 2020, 06:37:20 PM
Quote from: Thomas on August 06, 2020, 06:07:45 PM
Quote from: cromwell on August 06, 2020, 01:19:41 PM
still it's on the BBC so must be rubbish.

That sounds like a self pitying whinge cromwell.

I dont think anyones is saying every single thing the bbc write about is a lie , but certainly with the rubbish they have spouted over the years , especially the last ten , their reputation is shot to bits.

Its going to be fun watching them try and justify their licence fee in the coming future with the younger "netflix / you tube " generation.

My two teenagers have never once sat and watched anything on the bbc in their lives , and it seems to be a growng problem for auntie.
Sounds like me saving people the trouble of dismissing it.

Oh dear WW2 again

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Yes but that's so upsetting for them. The demolition of the BBC is another pillar of British social and political interaction that has to be brought down. So that only a vivid picture of their brave new world can reach the public ear . You are such a bloody spoil sport Cromwell.


Quote from: cromwell on August 06, 2020, 06:37:20 PM

Sounds like me saving people the trouble of dismissing it.

Does it?

I think it sounds like a self pitying whinge to be honest.

People can and do dismiss bbc articles when they are talking shite as they often do.

You trying to stave off any criticism of the bbc before anyone has read the article by bleating sarcastically about the bbc being rubbish does

1. nothing to improve their image

2. stop people picking apart one of their articles when warranted.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on August 06, 2020, 06:07:45 PM
Quote from: cromwell on August 06, 2020, 01:19:41 PM
still it's on the BBC so must be rubbish.

That sounds like a self pitying whinge cromwell.

I dont think anyones is saying every single thing the bbc write about is a lie , but certainly with the rubbish they have spouted over the years , especially the last ten , their reputation is shot to bits.

Its going to be fun watching them try and justify their licence fee in the coming future with the younger "netflix / you tube " generation.

My two teenagers have never once sat and watched anything on the bbc in their lives , and it seems to be a growng problem for auntie.
Sounds like me saving people the trouble of dismissing it.

Oh dear WW2 again

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Quote from: cromwell on August 06, 2020, 01:19:41 PM
still it's on the BBC so must be rubbish.

That sounds like a self pitying whinge cromwell.

I dont think anyones is saying every single thing the bbc write about is a lie , but certainly with the rubbish they have spouted over the years , especially the last ten , their reputation is shot to bits.

Its going to be fun watching them try and justify their licence fee in the coming future with the younger "netflix / you tube " generation.

My two teenagers have never once sat and watched anything on the bbc in their lives , and it seems to be a growng problem for auntie.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!