Three Black Guys go into a bar....

Started by johnofgwent, August 11, 2020, 07:24:16 AM

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I have a lot of sympathy for the staff at the Pub. Social distancing rules has put staff under a lot more pressure as they now not only have to serve, but also manage social distancing etc with the patrons. On top of this the Same Social distancing means less staff in both the kitchens and front of house.
The staff are therefore being run off their feet.
Yes I can fully understand that staff would simply say "Sorry we are full" rather than say something more detailed that invited a longer conversation/debate, due to the fact they were very busy.

The only thing that matters is that in the same circumstances, a group of three white guys would have turned away and the two black guys accommodated.
The pub apparently is saying yes and it is impossible to prove otherwise.

When it comes to sit down food, most of the pubs and restaurants that I know, are by reservation only with no walk ins allowed.


Quote from: Sheepy on August 13, 2020, 10:24:52 AM
Where you all at now, when a bit of common sense has been injected?

Were still here Sheep's . I guess we have all said our piece on the matter and  our disagreements  have come down to those who can count to three without missing out two and those that cant . I have played golf with some of these people , they get to four and go back to two again and arrive at 5 when it should have been 7 .

Anyway Ive got another theory that them being cyclists the landlord was supporting the local no Cycling when pissed campaign . The local A & E  started it  after having difficulty peeling off lycra cycle suits when they fall off and injure themselves when half cut . 


Where you all at now, when a bit of common sense has been injected?
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Seeing as the three men returned and saw the two men sitting at a large table, this table would have been in view when the three men first entered. I know I would glance round the pub immediately on entry to see if any tables were free. Why did they not question the availability of this table then?
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: cromwell on August 12, 2020, 10:14:38 PM
Quote from: DeppityDawg on August 12, 2020, 08:16:46 PM
How the feck do I post a video?
Wasn't this one was it?

I would say that guy reflects the views of the black fellas that I know and would hope the majority that I dont .

cromwell and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: srb7677 on August 12, 2020, 11:17:36 AM
Quote from: Sheepy on August 11, 2020, 06:19:59 PM

No, what should have been said a socially distanced table is available but for only two of you, By not being said it has created the usual uproar of its all racism.
Exactly! The three black guys were not told that the only table available was a table for two. They were simply told there was no room, a factually incorrect statement, because there was room for two. So when two white guys get let in it looks racist and is bound to look that way. If the pub has a genuine case that the four seater table could only accommodate two for social distancing reasons - assuming this is not an excuse made up after the fact - then explaining that properly could have avoided any appearance of racism. It would also have negated in advance any suspicion that it was an invented excuse produced afterwards.

It seems to me that johnofgwent is pursuing his hobby horse of dismissing any possibility of racism whenever and wherever he can, rather than seeing it as it is.
You the judge and Jury then? How about when the others didn't come back, you say hang on a minute you said there wasn't a table, you had better start explaining.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: DeppityDawg on August 12, 2020, 08:16:46 PM
How the feck do I post a video?
Just post the YouTube link.
Nick has made it work without tags etc.
† The end is nigh †



Quote from: DeppityDawg on August 12, 2020, 06:20:42 PM
Quote from: cromwell on August 12, 2020, 03:39:23 PMThe EDF? well I once saw one of their meter readers and he looked a bit threatening.

Didn't say all was well in the world of the black community (or white for that matter) but what I was saying is racism is still there,you disagree.....that's fine but of course questions need to be asked some answered too.

Do muslims hate hindus and vice versa? yep surely do and asians hating blacks yeah that too,not asking for that to be ignored but the whole does need looking at.

Yes, I did see that and I thought I'll change that...then forgot! Still, we must be careful of racist meter readers eh?  :P

Oh, btw, I don't disagree that racism is there, I just think we need a better dialogue on the subject, instead of liberals sucking air through their teeth every time a new "racist" accusation is made. There are always two sides to a story - for example, concerning Dawn Butlers claim of being "racially profiled" (eg stopped in her car), the Met are now claiming the car she was in had blacked out glass, so they didn't know who the occupants were. The Police Union are saying the body cam footage should be released to show what was actually said - then those viewing it can decide for themselves if it was "racist" or not. But simply letting the liberal/left make these conversations in the Guardian inevitably allows "Britain is a racist country/The Police are institutionally racist" arguments to go unchallenged. The UK is no more (or no less) racist than any other comparable western country - and that's considerably less racist and intolerant than some I've seen. Try going to a Muslim country and see how you feel about intolerance and hate after that

Yes well I see no good reason why body cam footage shouldn't be released and let everyone make their mind up on that,whilst there are professional complainers both sides need airing.

As for going to a muslim country,the Yazidi people in Iraq are testament to that,still we are better than that and should strive to stay that way. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: srb7677 on August 12, 2020, 03:49:46 PMAs to your wider points, yes it is not just whites that can be racist, but that does not provide a free pass to those that are. "It's no big deal cos the other lot are just as bad too" is not morally convincing to me. All racism should be condemned for what it is.

But this does not negate the reality of genuine racism against ethnic minorities which should never be dismissed purely because some of those can be believed to be equally bad. Because that just fuels it on both sides.

I'm not negating the reality of "genuine racism", unless by that phrase you mean that racism is only genuine if its committed by white people, which is bollox. I made some valid criticisms of the way the subject is handled in the UK, and hangovers from Enoch Powells era notwithstanding, the horrendous examples of turning the other cheek or otherwise ignoring 'racism' when is doesn't fit the viewers political narrative

All racism should be condemned for what it is? That's exactly what I'm suggesting, along with a more honest and open discussion around community and cultural issues which sometimes contribute too or exacerbate the problem of race relations. For instance, I'm pretty sure that most town centre, drink related violence which occurs in many of our towns and cities on a weekend, is committed by white people - its a cultural problem we have with drink which needs to be addressed if we really want to tackle the problem of violence and disorder - other ethnicities and cultures need to fecking look at themselves too, and address THEIR cultural taboos, not just fecking WHITE people being made to feel like we or our society are the cause of every single problem - its bullshit

The truth is though, I don't trust liberals or left wingers to do any of that anymore - none of them could be relied upon when some of the most serious racially motivated crimes against these young girls took place, because to do so went against the orthodox narrative, and thats the truth lefty, and you know it. The papers I've mention rarely if ever address any issue critical of ethnic minority or cultural behaviour unless its sticking it up "straight white men". we aren't ever going to have an honest debate about this, as your defensive "genuine racism" comment goes to show. Racism as a subject has become more about political point scoring on all sides, than it is about human behaviour and common decency. And that is a problem for us all

Good old

Quote from: Borchester on August 12, 2020, 01:40:32 PM
Quote from: Good old on August 12, 2020, 01:22:18 PM

This is the kind of situation ripe for controversy . As the thought processes of various people involved can not be known, the truth is not going to be accessible . Why the three fellers couldn't take two separate tables and have a drink Isn't clear.  If it wasn't allowed because of  routine practice. No singles,  then fine, but if single individuals  could be accommodated in most circumstance.  What was the problem? Unless the proprietor didn't make themselves clear. And then it starts all over again.

The real problem is that I doubt much of the white population care overmuch. These days everything is racist. A while back a black  American low life was killed by a white thug and all the right on folk of pretty near everywhere threw up their hands in delight because they were at a bit of a loose end since Geta Humbug ran out of hysteria and pranced through the streets squealing whatever bollocks was currently in fashion. All goods fun but it is getting harder and harder to take the Julie Kontens of this world seriously.

Shakespeare's famous quote wasn't aimed at the accuser, but just as effective to convey doubt, on accuser or accused.
The point being there is always doubt in these cases where apart from the actual accusation ,  there is reason to think an honest mistake has been made.
Maybe we all should take care, I have never met any one of any race or colour that wasn't blessed with prejudice . It's showing it that gets judged .


Quote from: DeppityDawg on August 12, 2020, 06:20:42 PM
Try going to a Muslim country and see how you feel about intolerance and hate after that

High Wycombe is pretty close to that.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: cromwell on August 12, 2020, 09:32:19 AM
OK Thomas so we'll go through it


QuoteYes and I told you the basis for that claim,there's no word games you claimed I used the term majority.....I didn't its that simple

Diversion. Read the thread.!
Already explained there's no reliable source which can back up either side

Diversion!. Read the thread.

QuoteReally? some people refer to others posts from time to time,but increasingly you are like some gig that relies on supporting acts rather than its own performance,state your case without reliance on others all the time.

Diversion!. Again! Read the thread!

No it's the whole truth and we both know that

prove it!

QuoteOn the face of it? not how you portrayed it at the time it was one of your main points of how the English were racist

Prove it!

Again not how you portrayed it and again we both know you didn't apologise for using it at all

Prove it!

QuoteNo I wasn't,I just pointed to similar incidents in Scotland and didn't claim there was no racism

Prove it!

QuoteBut you didn't apologise, ( blah blah blah diversion)

Prove it!

QuoteWell you need to look nearer to home again

Diversion !. Read the thread!.

QuoteI've already stated I'll take the knee to no one,( blah blah feckin blah)

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on August 12, 2020, 03:39:23 PMThe EDF? well I once saw one of their meter readers and he looked a bit threatening.

Didn't say all was well in the world of the black community (or white for that matter) but what I was saying is racism is still there,you disagree.....that's fine but of course questions need to be asked some answered too.

Do muslims hate hindus and vice versa? yep surely do and asians hating blacks yeah that too,not asking for that to be ignored but the whole does need looking at.

Yes, I did see that and I thought I'll change that...then forgot! Still, we must be careful of racist meter readers eh?  :P

Oh, btw, I don't disagree that racism is there, I just think we need a better dialogue on the subject, instead of liberals sucking air through their teeth every time a new "racist" accusation is made. There are always two sides to a story - for example, concerning Dawn Butlers claim of being "racially profiled" (eg stopped in her car), the Met are now claiming the car she was in had blacked out glass, so they didn't know who the occupants were. The Police Union are saying the body cam footage should be released to show what was actually said - then those viewing it can decide for themselves if it was "racist" or not. But simply letting the liberal/left make these conversations in the Guardian inevitably allows "Britain is a racist country/The Police are institutionally racist" arguments to go unchallenged. The UK is no more (or no less) racist than any other comparable western country - and that's considerably less racist and intolerant than some I've seen. Try going to a Muslim country and see how you feel about intolerance and hate after that