Met caught out targetting Black drivers..?

Started by patman post, August 18, 2020, 05:46:20 PM

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Quote from: srb7677 on August 23, 2020, 12:47:51 PMFalse assumptions informed by political prejudice again, which appears to be one of your stock in trades. I am actually 100% working class, 55 years old, and deplore the middle class triumphalism so frequently exhibited by Blairites in the past. I am in politics to champion the struggling millions and the working classes.

But by all means continue with your immature little stereotypical assumptions if it makes life easier for you.

Which only demonstrates your inability to read - I said you "sound" like one.

Yes, I know you say you are working class, you've told me before - but don't pretend your "struggle" is for someone elses benefit - the real working class don't want your condescending attitude, we can form our own opinions, thanks

And yes, so long as you continue with immature fantasies about "Labour's struggle" for the working classes that they've betrayed over and over again, then I'll continue with assumptions of my own. Labours only struggle is to hide its contempt for the working class, as epitomised by attitudes like yours


Quote from: Streetwalker on August 23, 2020, 12:51:29 PM

Dismantle capitalism is a losing policy from the left and always will be 
We do not want to dismantle capitalism. We want to dismantle the Thatcherite consensus version of it which is hardly the same thing. I personally aspire to something much more akin to the Nordic model
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: Borchester on August 23, 2020, 12:17:41 PM

Something of a side issue but I can't help but notice that much of this debate has been between srb7677 (whose soul was clearly forged in the fires of socialist purity) on the one hand and Tommy and DD (ex Labour voters) on the other.

The great thing about the left is that it can always make time to piss off  its potential supporters  :)
The thing is that these two represent groupings now implacably opposed to us  who are hardly potential supporters anymore. DD has clearly lurched well to the right since any days when he might have supported Labour whilst our resident angry Scot has been a supporter of independence for Scotland from the very beginning by his own admission. He is clearly utterly disgusted with the Blairite manifestation of Labour yet also confused enough to take their side here in order to attack me and all I stand for. He struggles to see much distinction between Blairites and the true left at times. He is thoroughly wedded to the SNP and abandoned Labour long ago.

When we win it will not be with their support. To lurch far enough to the right to appeal to DD would lose us far more votes than we could possibly gain, for one thing.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: srb7677 on August 23, 2020, 12:06:40 PM
Are you, for example, a racist for being critical of the ideology of socialism? Clearly such a charge would be idiotic

But that is the field where the left are attempting to play the game . The Marxist BLM  movement for instance are attempting to impose their policies on the back of racial discrimination . They are making their ideology about protecting blacks , they the left having failed ,failed and failed again are attempting to make  any opposition to their agenda racist . 

Dismantle capitalism is a losing policy from the left and always will be , invite a few thousand blacks protesting racism along side you though and your on a winner . Defund the police another left wing ideal . The Floyd killing gave the left the perfect opportunity to recruit from the black community and village idiots who thought taking a knee would somehow show support against police brutality and those that don't are ,yes , racist .

The socialists ,Marxist nutters have found a willing comrade in the downtrodden black community and  will use them , play them like an old fiddle in their quest to alienate the right  , the elected right ,from the field of play . 


Quote from: DeppityDawg on August 23, 2020, 12:13:29 PM
You sound like some scutty, immature and privileged middle class student whose about as deep as Peppa Pig

False assumptions informed by political prejudice again, which appears to be one of your stock in trades. I am actually 100% working class, 55 years old, and deplore the middle class triumphalism so frequently exhibited by Blairites in the past. I am in politics to champion the struggling millions and the working classes.

But by all means continue with your immature little stereotypical assumptions if it makes life easier for you.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: Borchester on August 23, 2020, 12:17:41 PMThe great thing about the left is that it can always make time to piss off  its potential supporters 

That's because the Labour party have spent the last 3 decades telling the white working class we are really racist/mysoginistic/homophobic bigots. And in Thomas's case, that he won't even be able to afford a can of Irn Bru without them running Scotlandshire


Quote from: srb7677 on August 23, 2020, 12:06:40 PMSo no, criticism of black politicians is not automatically racist and you are indulging in negative politically motivated partisan assumptions if you think we think so. It depends upon the nature of the criticism and the motivations for it, either of which can be racially motivated. Racists do like getting on the cases of black politicians. This does not mean that all criticism of them is motivated by racism. Black politicians are just as capable of getting it wrong or saying and doing stupid things as any others.

A article typical of the kind of handwringing shite (informed opinion to you no doubt) that middle (class) warriors are destroying support for the party with - an unprovable and unqualified statement like...

Quotetwo mistakes which would have only resulted in a slap on the wrist for a white politician

along with...

Quote...we know that the British media holds a certain apathy towards any politician that deviates from the white, cis-gendered, heterosexual %u2018norm%u2019.

...only makes many of us stick our fingers down our throats. But the reality that the writer goes on to make a statement that shows even your own party aren't safe from this incessant shite - to be fair though, its all of labour and the lefts own making

QuoteWhat surprised us when reading the leaked Labour report, that came out Sunday evening, was that the main perpetrators of these acts of violence towards her were her own colleagues.

In all honesty, you all deserve each other. The way labour are going, they won't have to worry about it soon anyway, because they'll have driven away all the "white, cis-gendered, heterosexual" voters because we're all sick and tired of being blamed for everything, even Dianne Abbotts inability to add up


Quote from: Borchester on August 23, 2020, 12:17:41 PM

Something of a side issue but I can't help but notice that much of this debate has been between srb7677 (whose soul was clearly forged in the fires of socialist purity) on the one hand and Tommy and DD (ex Labour voters) on the other.

The great thing about the left is that it can always make time to piss off  its potential supporters  :)

Whilst to Tories are running out of choices of groups of people to piss off.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: srb7677 on August 23, 2020, 11:52:28 AM
Quote from: DeppityDawg on August 23, 2020, 10:49:37 AM

Meanwhile back in the real world...following the Dawn Butler bullshit...

You tend to lose credibility somewhat when you use such a propagandistic and notoriously unreliable shitrag as the Daily Mail for a source, lol.

As to the police recording footage, do they not do that already? And I am all in favour of it being made public in situations where public accusations against them have been made. The public can then see what happened and judge for themselves.

Something of a side issue but I can't help but notice that much of this debate has been between srb7677 (whose soul was clearly forged in the fires of socialist purity) on the one hand and Tommy and DD (ex Labour voters) on the other.

The great thing about the left is that it can always make time to piss off  its potential supporters  :)
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: DeppityDawg on August 23, 2020, 12:13:29 PM

Clearly, you didn't read the article, there are legal and procedural reasons why the Police often won't release body cam footage meaning officers can't always defend themselves even though the evidence is there

The problem is with the Daily Heil there is so much lies and propaganda in it, any "news" item needs to be verified or not from a reliable source.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: srb7677 on August 23, 2020, 11:52:28 AMYou tend to lose credibility somewhat when you use such a propagandistic and notoriously unreliable shitrag as the Daily Mail for a source, lol.

As to the police recording footage, do they not do that already? And I am all in favour of it being made public in situations where public accusations against them have been made. The public can then see what happened and judge for themselves.

Lose credibility? What, with people like you? I'm f*cking heartbroken. "Propagandistic and notoriously unreliable shitrag"? You sound like some scutty, immature and privileged middle class student whose about as deep as Peppa Pig

Clearly, you didn't read the article, there are legal and procedural reasons why the Police often won't release body cam footage meaning officers can't always defend themselves even though the evidence is there


Quote from: DeppityDawg on August 23, 2020, 11:47:34 AM

Anti-semitism? "ah, no..." say the liberal/left "...what we are saying is 'anti-zionism'...we are against the policies of zionism, not the Jews or their faith..."

Yet when people criticize Dianne Abbott or David Lammy for their 'left wing policies' (or in Abbotts, their inability to add up), then its not about their policies anymore, its 'because they are black'
Zionism is an ideology, not a race or a people. It is not racist to be critical of any aspects of any ideology. Are you, for example, a racist for being critical of the ideology of socialism? Clearly such a charge would be idiotic.

As for criticism of politicians who happen to be black, no that is not inherently racist. Whether or not it is so will depend upon the exact nature of the criticism and the motives behind it, either of which potentially can be motivated by racism.

I myself have criticised Diane Abbot in the past for her hypocrisy in opposing private education then sending her own kid to a private school. That does not make me a racist because in my opinion such a criticism is legitimate. I'd make the same criticism of a white politician doing the same thing. But if for example I had criticised her for being a black person who sent her kid to a private school, that would have been inherently racist.

So no, criticism of black politicians is not automatically racist and you are indulging in negative politically motivated partisan assumptions if you think we think so. It depends upon the nature of the criticism and the motivations for it, either of which can be racially motivated. Racists do like getting on the cases of black politicians. This does not mean that all criticism of them is motivated by racism. Black politicians are just as capable of getting it wrong or saying and doing stupid things as any others.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: srb7677 on August 23, 2020, 11:52:28 AM
You tend to lose credibility somewhat when you use such a propagandistic and notoriously unreliable shitrag as the Daily Mail for a source, lol.

As to the police recording footage, do they not do that already?

You can't even use the DM as toilet paper because the printing ink is carcinogenic.

I don't know if "Bobbycams," are universal, but the Devon and Cornwall police have used them for several years.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: DeppityDawg on August 23, 2020, 10:49:37 AM

Meanwhile back in the real world...following the Dawn Butler bullshit...

You tend to lose credibility somewhat when you use such a propagandistic and notoriously unreliable shitrag as the Daily Mail for a source, lol.

As to the police recording footage, do they not do that already? And I am all in favour of it being made public in situations where public accusations against them have been made. The public can then see what happened and judge for themselves.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: Sheepy on August 23, 2020, 11:06:39 AMDoes that work both ways or is this another one of those political one way streets?

It doesn't work that way unfortunately, Sheepwash

Anti-semitism? "ah, no..." say the liberal/left "...what we are saying is 'anti-zionism'...we are against the policies of zionism, not the Jews or their faith..."

Yet when people criticize Dianne Abbott or David Lammy for their 'left wing policies' (or in Abbotts, their inability to add up), then its not about their policies anymore, its 'because they are black'